Leaky Brain.. It’s a THING!
Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed last blogs topic all about fasting. It’s such a great simple tool to help your body heal and reset.
This week we are going over Leaky Brain!
So let’s dive in.
First off,
What is leaky Brain?
I’m sure by now, a lot of you know or have heard of Leaky Gut, in which there’s a protective barrier between the gut and the blood. It’s the same thing with the brain, it’s got a protective barrier protecting it from the surroundings and it’s really an even tighter pack then what the barrier from the gut to the blood is because we want to keep bad stuff out of the brain like toxins, infections and harmful immune cells and keep good stuff going into the brain like glucose, ketones and fat soluble nutrients. Leaky brain in essence is a breakdown or a breach of the blood brain barrier.
Our bodies and our brains are constantly being bombarded with these toxins, environmental or bio toxins or even thought toxins that it breaks down the barrier and now it’s easier for these substances to get in. They get in there and they stay in, and sometimes it’s hard to get rid of them.
Think about it this way. Think of a shoe when you tie up the laces it should be nice and tight. The only things that can get in are maybe water. The more that the laces loosen, the more pebbles and stones and sand can get in and now the pebble in your shoe doesn’t feel very good, and creates inflammation.
Normally the brain can repair itself but because of this breakdown of the blood brain barrier this leaky brain, now things are constantly getting in causing more brain inflammation and not allowing your brain to actually heal.
How common is leaky brain? And maybe someone with a chronic illness?
90% of the chronic disorders, degeneration diseases including chronic illness is lifestyle related. Our lifestyle leads to the leaky brain, but we have to take a step back and address the whole body not just the brain but the gut ,the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system because that all leads up to the brain and gives nutrition to the brain. It’s a relatively new phenomenon or concept just like leaky gut was 10 or 15 years ago but it is very common.
If you have leaky gut does that mean you have leaky brain??
It might take a little bit longer to get the leaky brain than the leaky gut because it doesn’t actually start in the gut. If you allow the toxins whether it’s biotoxin infections, parasites, bacteria or mold into your system into the blood it makes its way up into the brain and starts attacking that barrier and getting through. The majority 85-90% again I’m turning out these numbers just because if chronic illness or degeneration including Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, MS key neurodegenerative diseases are preventable which I believe they are and are due to more lifestyle, I would say 85-90% if you have leaky gut you’re going to have leaky brain.
What are some common Symptoms that someone would know that they have leaky brain?
Memory, brain fog or emotional side effects like anxiety, depression are warning signs if you are talking about just brain issues or brain symptoms. Systemic issues you could get allergies .it could be headaches and migraines, I know that’s what I suffered from with leaky brain. You could be constipated you could have bladder infections all signs of poor gut health leading to poor immune system health. Sometimes the brain fog or anxiety might not be the first symptom it might say you know that’s been there for awhile who knows months years decades, you better address that now or else it’s going to progress even into these things where it’s even more degeneration where your body is trying to protect itself from this inflammation like dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer..
Is there actual tears in the barrier, or just more permeability?
It’s both but I would say it’s more of the middle one where it’s at increased permeability with toxins and infections like parasites can break it down to where tears happen.
What causes it?
There are three things that cause this to happen.
1. Deficiencies in Oxygen. This can be deficiencies in micronutrients because of toxin load, but in this point specifically I mean due to head trauma or posture issues.
Think about all the the stresses we put on our spine by sitting too much, by using our cell phones or smartphones or computers getting in a slumped posture, injuries that we’ve had, it leads to deficiencies in the nervous system flow with the brain getting that information down to the cells of the body. The cells relaying that information back up so that in and of itself causes leaky brain. It causes a breach of the blood brain barrier not able to utilize the nutrients because the spine is in such horrible shape in that position they are not getting oxygen. If you slumped down in your chair as you’re reading this and try to take a deep breath in and then maybe you sit up straight or straighter and you take a deep breath, you’re going to notice how much easier it is to take that breath in getting more oxygen sitting up. Research also shows the forward head position causes a change in the neck curve, which causes de-myelination of the neuronal sheath (another word is MS). Brain injuries definitely cause depletion of oxygen to your brain, which means not giving the brain the environment to heal.
2. Toxicities and deficiencies.
Biotoxins, mold, viruses, parasites, bacteria. When people hear bacteria they might think well I don’t have the flu, I’m not sick or I don’t feel that way because you think of bacteria as a cold or virus as the flu and that’s not the case. It could present itself like migraines, low energy, brain fog. That’s more the biotoxins and then we can go into the environmental side of it like the glyphosate, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals. The brain LOVES different types of heavy metals like Mercury, lead, tin, aluminum. They get caught in the brain, and if you think about yourselves like a a bucket and we fill them up with these toxicities, there’s not any room for nutrients and micronutrients like anti-oxidants, enzymes, vitamins or minerals to help make these reactions go to help give you the energy that you need to help you recover from the chronic illness.
That leads to deficiencies.
85,000 chemicals are registered in the US and none of them really have been tested for safety or tested how they interact, I mean the numbers are quite staggering. Radioactive elements I see being a big toxin like EMF’s causing brain issues and leaky brain especially because it breaks down the blood brain barrier. Yes 5G and wifi are huge for leaky brain! Get away from that technology people!
Even at a young age these toxins are being introduced into our kids’ bodies, through food, air and injections that it’s even more important nowadays to make your body stronger to deal with the toxins and to be able to manage and get rid of them. What happens when we can’t get rid of them leads to more deficiencies in our our nutrients.
Infections like parasites, mold and Lyme Disease are big ones I find in the brain quite commonly. These eat away at the layer and cause brain permeation.
Did you know last week was a FULL MOON? This is a time that parasites come out! It’s great to do parasite cleanses during the full moon to eliminate them. A lot of people will say they don’t feel good around the time of the full moon, and if they are filled with parasites, this is when they really activate. Parasites are nocturnal, and have life cycles that go along with the full moon, so they are up reproducing in your bloodstream at night. This means more anxiety, depression or insomnia. You of course want to make sure you are on my genetic protocol to make sure your drainage pathways are open before eliminating parasites, but you will want to do a parasite cleanse if this is your case. I love using my craniobiotic technique to kill parasites, but this mix is good to have on hand for each full moon if you aren’t near me!! Use the code here to order the full moon kit: cellcorebiosciences.com/products/full-moon-kit
REMEMBER, the brain is made of 75% water. In order to properly flush those toxins out, you need to be hydrated and get hydration into the cell! that’s where our kangan water comes in!
3. Mindset. There is so much research on mindset. I don’t like categorizing one is more important than the other, but we can’t ever out eat or out nutritional a bad mindset because we’re always going to revert back to our baseline. We might have the best strategy, we might have the best nutrition and detox program but unless our mind is ready for it and I don’t mean: “alright believe to achieve” or say these affirmations, if we don’t believe in our subconscious are unconscious, and if we’re constantly saying things consciously those affirmations that our unconscious doesn’t believe it’s it’s never gonna breakthrough. It might have short-term success but it’s all about reprogramming that fixed mindset into a growth mindset.
Mindset is the foundation with which we build our nutrition, we build our fitness, we build our sleeping we build everything because what that is whatever we focus on. Whatever mindset goes to whatever our subconscious believes to be true.
This is a toxic mindset: things are never going to get better, I’m never gonna get over this, I’m always gonna end up in this position, I’m never going to have the life that I want. It’s a lot of never and always. If you want to think about the non serving thoughts and we want to be happy with who we are but if these thoughts are leading us towards non serving behaviors and actions and habits than that is what is limiting us in getting better.
If you’re struggling with chronic illness with Lyme disease for instance, if we automatically think, I’ve tried everything and then you quit, you just haven’t found the right thing yet and it’s a process that we go through it’s not just a simple thing of OK I’m going to think positive today and then tomorrow everything is going to be better. 5 minutes a day count your wins.
If you don’t have the energy and you don’t feel like walking, go outside and walk into your driveway and back. That is a win! Keep counting that as a win until the next win. That retrains your mindset.
How do I fix it?
When we talk about leaky brain, that means decreasing inflammation throughout the body, making sure our cells are working, and all our organs like the kidneys, liver, and bowels.
I always address the cranial system first to make sure oxygen can get into the brain more effectively. If you can’t get oxygen to the BRAIN, then forget about nutrition.
My #2 is making sure hydration is dealt in. If we can’t get your cells hydrated, it’s really hard to get nutrients in your cells. I believe every patient should have Kangan water
#3 Mindset and Emotional Healing. It’s hard to do much else if your subconscious is blocking healing. We must deal with some of these roots before progressing.
#3 getting the detoxification and methylation pathways working. We need to start rebuilding the body by healing and feeding organs and pathways and then cleaning out toxins gradually. Don’t go and do heavy metal clearing or big infection protocols when you first need to rebuild.
#4 Clear Infections. Once your methylation is working properly, your organs will be dumping out chemicals, toxins, metals and BUGS. Sometimes you need a little further help getting these critters out, but most the time the other toxins will release on their own.
#5 Load up with phyto nutrient rich foods, fermented foods and pre and probiotic rich foods.
#6 Get Moving. Moving increase BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor). More High intensity interval training increases this the most, but any movement will do. Just Keep moving! This moves your lymphatic system which is needed to get rid of inflammation!
This week we are talking about Rose Oil.
Rose oil is one of the highest vibrancy oils that we have. What do I mean? Well when we talk about radioactive toxins like EMF’s we need high vibrancy to combat them. Rose oil is great to add into your routine to help fight free radical damage from EMF’s.
It’s also a warm and loving oil. This oil has turned to one of my favorites because of its such rich and vibrant smell. It’s also wonderful for the skin with antiaging properties.
Make sure this is in your home!