Tag Archives: allergies

Choosing Reversal Over Remission- Effectively Dealing with Allergies

Here’s some statistics:

Roughly 7.8% of people 18 and over have hayfever.
Worldwide allergic rhinitis affects between 10-30% of the population.
Sensitization IgE antibodies to foreign proteins in the environment is present in 40% of the population.
38.7% of food allergic children have a history of severe reactions
30.4% have multiple food allergies
in 2012, 5.6% or 4.1 million children reported food allergies in the past 12 months.

These studies are more than a decade ago… And the numbers continue to rise…

Tis the season.. We’re going to talk about the allergic response, how it happens, what predisposes it, genetic factors and more in this blog so stay tuned:)

Many run to anti-histamines, over the counter or prescribed to help “deal” with allergies.  However, these medications come with risks, and also don’t really get to the root cause.
In fact, OTC allergy medications lead to problems with your liver, by shutting down liver phase 2 detoxification.  This is why you tend to need to take more and more to get relief.  Most of the issues with allergies are in liver methylation problems anyways, so creating more liver problems isn’t the best route.

Key Players is Allergic Responses:
Lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, are a fundamental component of the immune system, and when an immune response becomes dysfunctional, it can create an allergic response.

There are two types of lymphocytes:
– B-lymphocytes
– T-lymphocytes

Both types help guard you body against foreign substances such as invading bacteria, viruses and toxins.  They move freely through and among the tissues of the body, travel through the walls of blood vessels, and move between the various lymph nodes and lymph channels.  Lymphocytes act like traveling customs agents.  They are busy checking the passports of every cell they encounter.  When there’s a cell that seems threatening, they immediately begin to makes plans to attack it.  Because these foreign invaders cause the production of antibodies, they are called antibody generators, or antigens.  After a B cell identifies  an antigen, it will make its way back to a lymph node, change into a plasma cell and produce antibodies specifically engineered to fight that particular threat.  Amazing right?

Five types of antibodies are made: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgM and IgG.  The one responsible for immediate allergic response is IgE.


IgE antibodies are present in everyone in a properly functioning immune system.  In an allergic person’s immune system, the lymphocytes can’t tell that the protein ingested as part of a meal containing shellfish isn’t invading the body.  The B cells of an allergic person- “misinformed” at the genetic level, cause the production of large quantities of IgE, which then releases cells called (mast cells) which release histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes and cytokines, all of which are inflammatory hormones, known as the sensitizing exposure. I should mention this is the western medical view: the body is confused, mistaken, genetically impaired...   Think about it… our ancestors lived outside, without allergies.  A genetic problem with a patient can cause them to believe they have a permanent condition., which means “permanent medication”.  Understanding the function of the organ systems that address various conditions is key to reversing, to the extent possible the disease state, rather than simply suppressing or inducing remission.

What then, causes the inability of the lymphocytes to distinguish invaders from non invaders? Why does the immune system go “marine, kill all”?

As with anything, it can be multifactorial.  But as I said in the comment about our ancestors, its typically our environment (internal)/external) that has changed.

#1. Poor Nutrition/Quality- nutrient deficiencies result in inefficient organ function of the gut, liver and adrenals.  In the gut, the epithelial structure breaks down (leaky gut) allowing allergens to pass through the gut wall, creating an exaggerated response.  In addition, highly processed, genetically modified and inorganic food sources also create gut and liver inflammation.  Glyphosate for example, which is sprayed on all conventional crops, breaks gap junctions in our intestines creating leaky gut.  Genetically modified foods look “foreign” to your body, and can create immune system dysfunction.  Be aware, Gates Foundation farms have already unloaded from their “farms” genetically modified foods (APEEL)..make sure you check labels, because its not labeled as genetically modified..

#2 Liver Methylation – The liver has the job of detoxifying and breaking down and eliminating the histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes and cytokines, all of which are inflammatory.  If the liver is congested (toxins, pathogens, too much processed carbohydrates) with no nutrition to fuel the enzymatic detoxification pathways, then the detoxification is impaired.  That means that excessive brew of chemicals from the mast cells does not get neutralized, staying in the blood stream and tissues, inflaming everything it comes in contact with —> hence the red swollen eyelids and nostrils of the allergic patient.

#3 Adrenals– The adrenals handle the inflammation caused by this normal response to an allergen.  The adrenals produce cortisol typically demonized as a “bad guy biochemical”, but absolutely necessary in the right context, like bringing down inflammation produced by those chemicals the mast cells release.  If the adrenals are taxed from chronic stress or chronic infection load they fail to produce cortisol properly.  Chronic stress or emotional traumas can cause allergic responses to malfunction, we call these, neuro-emotional complexes.  Often times you’ll find an allergy will emerge shortly after a stressful event like abuse, trauma, divorce, neglect, rejection, death in family, etc…

What about allergy meds?  They are prostaglandin antagonists- they prevent prostaglandins( a normal, necessary component of the allergen response) from binding to cells, which means the capillaries aren’t signaled to let in the antibodies to neutralize the allergen, but the inflammation is stopped.  The defense mechanism wasn’t allowed to finish, so the allergy isn’t really resolved, just the inflammation.. Antihistamines are another type- again no resolution to the allergy, because we chemically shut off the kill mechanism.  And cortisone to block inflammation… isn’t that the adrenal’s job?  yes, it is.. unless they are tanked, which they likely are..

#4 V@ccin@tions-  These are designed to create an immune response, correct?  Regardless of their effectiveness, as they create immune system changes when utilized they also create immune system malfunctions.  Substances in these concoctions make the immune system react to whatever is traveling with it(remember “marine”).  Nuts, eggs, milk protein, antibiotics, aborted fetal cells and other materials like formaldehyde and aluminum/mercury are also in those jabs.  So while they are trying to create an alert in the immune system of some pathogen, they also create malfunctions in the immune system to tag food proteins and other substances as harmful when they aren’t.  This is a huge reason for rise in peanut allergies.

#5 Toxins and Pathogens- These go back to the gut and liver methylation.  But important to mention what could be clogging up those organs.  Toxins like BPA, household chemicals, mold or mycotoxins, beauty products, radiation from your phone and electronics, glyphosate are some examples of toxins.  Pathogens like liver or intestinal parasites also cause inability to breakdown histamine, which creates more allergic reactions.  Often the liver is so overburdened with toxins and pathogens it can’t handle breaking down food or histamine.  Other infections like those from Lyme disease, or fungal, viral, bacteria in the gut and liver can also create inflammation here.  I’d say my most common culprits that affect histamine breakdown are : Mold and mycotoxins, Intestinal parasites/liver flukes, and Lyme Disease related infections.

#6 Genetic Variations in DAO, HDC, HNMT enzymes also play a part in allergy responses.  Depending if you have a homozygous variation(70% decrease) or heterozygous variation (30% decrease) determines how effective the enzymes are at working optimally here.  However, genetic variants do not mean that the gene is expressing.  Typically, the body is overwhelmed with toxins, pathogens, food and stress, and THEN the genetic variation goes haywire.  This is however helpful information in dealing with histamine overload cases.  Supporting those genetic variations WHILE cleaning out the toxins and pathogens, and changing the diet is the best key.  This helps liver methylation tremendously.

The key is this:  REBUILD the physiology, while providing symptomatic relief as necessary.

Fixing the gut, healing the structural lining, killing any pathogens, and restoring proper pH to the gut restoring a healthy microbiome is typically the FIRST plan of action.

  • Since every person is different with different pathogens and biochemistry it’s hard to give recommendations here.  But for calming down the gut you can use chlorophyll, Vitamin A, which will help the gut-mediated immune function, and is an epithelial healer, okra pepsin to restore mucus layers and then customized herbals to help kill the parasites, fungal, viral or bacteria species depending on whats going on.   Vibrant Labs Gut Zoomer is a great place to start if you aren’t a current patient.  You can purchase your own kit here- https://drrachelhamel.wellproz.com/patient/home.
  • Clean up your diet.  Switch to whole foods: organic, non GMO foods!  I also highly recommend gluten free/grain free diet to help decrease intestinal inflammation.
  • Support the liver-  As I’ve said previously I like to customize liver methylation based on genetic variations and diet, but again if you aren’t a current patient some great liver supports are milk thistle, or standard process Livaplex which helps de-congest the liver at about 6 daily.
  • Adrenals- chronically depleted you’ll want to use dessicated adrenal gland organ support.  You need to feed the adrenals.  Then you can use adaptogenic herbs like ashwanganda or rhemmania to help balance them.
  • Binders- binders help a lot to soak up toxins in the liver and gut. Cellcore has some great binder products to use, or additionally, GI absorb from standard process for more chemical based toxins just in the gut.  Mold is a huge one that lays dormant in the sinuses causing allergic responses that are crazy!
  • Symptomatically- Here are my top three recommendations:
    • Standard process Antronex- assists the liver in detoxification of histamine, and its a natural antihistamine accelerating the clean up process of histamine
    • Standard process Allerplex- This blend facilitates better function of the liver, gut and adrenals from a cellular level.
    • Standard Process Albizia Complex or AllergoCo- modulates the degranulation process, or amount released by the mast cells It can inhibit histamine release by 60%.
  • Lymphatic flow-  I recommend cranial work and lymphatic work to move around stuck fluids.  Also if you can’t breathe through your nose, lymphatic fluid gets backed up, and can cause inflammatory sinus problems.  Balancing your nervous system and airway is super helpful!

I hope this was informational and helpful to you!!   I can tell you personally suffering from hayfever massively as a child and young adult to being able to be outside during high pollen seasons with zero reactions it can happen!.  I had to clear tons of old toxins both physical and emotional, clear parasites, lyme infections, mold and heal my gut, open my airway to take stress off my brain all helped me WIN!

This most vital nutrient deficiency, and how we’ve evolved without it.

This most vital nutrient deficiency, and how we’ve evolved without it.

Hey Warriors.
Happy Monday.  It is Monday right?!  It seems since quarantine the days are blurring together am I right?!I’m going to take a break this week from talking about things related to coronavirus, just because well I’m over it lol. I think from the way the world is going you are all sick of it too!  At least people are starting to wake up to our freedom.
My biggest worry is not this new “virus”. It is the huge impact this fiasco will have on the mindsets of our young people. They are being taught to be at war with germs. They are being taught that they have no control over their health. They are being taught that medications and vaccines are the answer to all diseases. They are being brainwashed and lied to, and that is very sad indeed.  I’ve devoted most of my career to studying microbes and their benefits.

I will say I’ve had a couple of patients who showed up with it, and through testing it is NOT acting like a virus, but a toxin.  If you’ve been with me awhile, I talk about all different ways we get exposed to toxins.
So keep this in mind when thinking about immunity.  It’s not just fighting infections, but actually how our body and cells recover from cellular toxins.


This weekend I went with one of my mentors to help train a dentist on a case.  Most of the great functional dentists and orthodontists if they are doing airway and orthodontia correctly always work with an osteopath, which is awesome!  However, not many know all that us craniopaths do to combine osteopathy with chiropractic.  And luckily, my mentors have been doing this a long time, and have such great knowledge and ways of explaining things.

Okay okay.. the “case” is myself. haha.  I have struggled with airway and TMJ/neck issues for my entire life and it has been a long road to recovery.  However, what I’m finding is about 80% of my practice suffers with the exact same thing, and no 1 case is the same.
Although I have recovered significantly, there’s still some improvement that can be made in my case, and so working with other professionals is key to finding the right appliance, or orthodontic device to achieve the results we desire.

As an adult, fixing some of these issues, which I will explain in a minute is a long road, and frankly most adults are not willing to take the journey.  I get it.  It’s easy to just do things here and there or get a CPAP to cope with symptoms.  This is why it is CRITICAL and so NEEDED to educate about care for infants.  So much of what we chase as adults could have been fixed easily as a child.

However, I am determined to get more oxygen and to get more sound sleep without surgery or devices. Why?!
Well you might have guessed by now that the most vital nutrient deficiency is oxygen. 

There’s an extremely common pattern I see in about 80% of my patients, and this is oxygen deficiency. 
Testing patient after patient, the same pattern will come up.  So i’m going to give you some descriptions of this so that you can better decipher what is going on in your body and see it in those around you. 
Because of oxygen deficiency, we’ve basically evolved into certain postures that are “common” but not normal. 

Looking at the Body. 
First of all just looking at how a person stands in gravity will give us some big clues.
For instance these images below (which are not mine) show a great example of typical postures we see with airway issues. 

Take a look at how the head is positioned.  The ear should be directly in line with the shoulder, however, the ear in this case is quite forward in relationship to where her shoulder is.  Look at the back, rounding in her shoulders and upper back which usually creates mid back problems, and the lower back tends to bend or tilt more forward   This is the “classic” airway posture.  Leaning forward to get more oxygen when the airway is constricted.  You see SOOO many people with this. Yes technology has created forward head issues as well, but this is really a neurological issue for people with airway issues.  They actually feel uncomfortable sitting up straight and maintaining it because it cuts off their oxygen. So the brain will say, nope let’s put them back into that position.


If we look at a front view of a person with airway issues, this is what you will see. (again not my image)

This is a classic forward hand posture.  The arms and hands should be more aligned with the side of the body.  What happens with this person is that if you stand behind them and just give a little push behind them pushing forward, they won’t be able to resist against it. That person is always unstable.
What will then happen is all of the back muscles will tighten to keep them from falling forward all the time. So you’ll keep finding tight shoulders, tight hands, tight neck, tight back, everything behind them will try to counterbalance if the system is working properly (Usually Younger, healthier individuals). Older individuals don’t adapt well anymore, so they end up going more and more and more forward and have more health complications.

What we can do for these cases, is we can test and see if the bite and airway is the primary issue for these people by putting a little tongue depressor and having them bite on it.  If you try and push that person again and they stand their ground, this is where we need to refer and work with a functional dentist/orthodontist to help stabilize the bite and jaw.  If it doesn’t change, or maybe improves a little it is a mixed pattern of bite and airway issues.

These individuals with airway issues don’t stand in gravity well.  They will start to sway back and forth, or will feel like they can’t hold their weight, so they will look for a wall or something to lean on constantly.   Or they will start to get really fidgeting because they can’t hold their weight, and they know if they can’t hold their weight they will crash and fall.  

Why isn’t this person standing in gravity well?
If we take a person into the side thats tight, we call it side bending, this simulates where you are stepping sideways.  Every time that person steps sideways the body loses its ability to communicate and can’t get any messaging down, so they will recruit all the upper body muscles to help keep them upright.  This is why you will continuously see tight patterns and muscles.   Makes sense?!  It’s not that the person or muscle is weak, it’s that the body is trying to protect that area.

Generally, lying down these patients will feel much more comfortable, taking all that gravity away.  Except even lying, the person still has some tight muscles. Why? the person will hold that pattern because the brain says we “better hold that pattern because the body is unstable. “

What I find, is that when I treat the body and take away the cranial and body patterns, the person will feel amazing!  However, it won’t hold.  As soon as that person bite chews and swallows it will re-tighten, or they aren’t getting enough oxygen, the body will go right back into that pattern.
This is why we NEED great and amazing functional dentists, ENT and orthodontists to help us!  When we combine the structure with the mechanics, it is life changing for individuals. Remember that teeth are just an extension of bone, so we have to get the cranial mechanics working as they are changing the bite and teeth to make the ENTIRE body balanced.  That side bending I was just mentioning starts all the way in the head, so as they balance the bite and expand the palate (usually), we have to make sure those compensatory patterns are not keeping it in the improper pattern.   Basically, we have to retrain the brain, and keep balancing as they are changing the structure.

So what is it that the dentist, orthodontists, myofunctional therapists and ENT needs to do to fix the airway issues?
Well, thats not an easy answer because every person is different.  Some individuals have tongue ties and aren’t swallowing properly.  Some have enlarged tonsils and adenoids, others (most common) have a very narrow upper palate which causes narrowing of the sinuses and facial structure.  All of this most commonly is due to how we are born, or what traumas we’ve had physically to our head and body. 
Again,  Why treating children early on is key to reverse it!
AS we grow into these dysfunctional patterns it’s a lot harder and takes more time to basically UNDO what our body has done to compensate.  It’s not impossible, but it is definitely a longer route.

NOT ALL DENTISTS/ORTHODONTISTS know this !!!  IN reality, very very few are properly trained in airway and body mechanics. Also, most chiropractors have ZERO clue of this.  They just keep treating neck and back complaints 2-3 times a week forever.  NOT fixing the problem!

If we take if a step further into the importance of oxygen you KNOW that oxygen is vital.  WE have to have it for anything to keep us working.  So many individuals don’t even know they have sleep/airway issues, but have a lack of energy, or sinus issues, or digestion issues.  We always must start with structure and oxygen.  It’s the key to life!

Additionally, many with this COVID crisis aren’t doing well on ventilators (helping them to breathe), but others are doing great with just pure oxygen being given! You need oxygen for regeneration!

Here are some key factors to look at with airway cases and to ask yourself.

1. Chronic Neck or Back Pain
2. Tightness in the chest or arms
3. Frequent headaches
4. Of course, sleep apnea
5. Daytime drowsiness
6. Constant Allergies
7. Constant Mouth Infections/Immune System Issues
8. Swaying and Fidgety while standing
9. Always leaning to one side.
10. Clenching/Grinding TMJ
11. Mouth Breathing
12. Acid Reflux
13. Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
14. One side of the body feels more dominant, tighter.
*** why not both?  Well, if both sides are tight (weak), then you wouldn’t be able to walk.
15. Constantly need body work, or doesn’t hold.  Say “i always hold my stress here”

1. Not sleeping through the night
2. Allergies
3. Colic/reflux
4. Breastfeeding issues
5. Sleep issues
6. Attention Issues
7. Mood dys regulation
8. not hitting milestone

9. Aggressive

10. Mouth Breathing

These are just some warning signs.
The older you are, the more a person in reality doesn’t want to go through he entire process of undoing what has been done.  It is a longer process, but it IS worth it.   Keeping your body and oxygen flowing as much as possible is so key to vitality in life.We don’t just want to live, we want to THRIVE!

April Allergies… Avoiding an Allergic Meltdown.

April Allergies…. Surviving Allergy Season

Happy Monday Everyone!

It finally feels like it’s getting close to summer after this weekend!  So much rain!  With so much rain means lots of things in bloom, pollen and grass.

How do you survive?!

Well believe it or not, I used to suffer from extreme hayfever and allergies every single year.  I couldn’t go outside much, be around grass, or really have any fun!

Fast forward about 5 years, and minus the occasional sneeze, I can be outside with absolutely no problems!  HOW did I achieve this MAGIC?!

Well, it’s no magic, you just need to understand a few things about the airway and sinus system to play the allergy game.

Most of the time the sinuses or internally is already inflamed in some way that creating a heightened response.  Here are some areas to look for inflammation:

1.  The joints within the head.  
A lot of people will say they have a “sinus headache” or “sinus pain”, when in reality the joints of the head aren’t moving properly and are inflamed.  what does that mean?
That means that their will be a lack of oxygen to the brain, no proper drainage in the sinuses, and a PERFECT environment for pathogens to live in. 
*Pathogens LOVE no oxygen.  They thrive in it.  So when things aren’t moving, and oxygen is less, they thrive.   Craniopathy care will help correct this.

2. Narrow Sinuses.  This goes along with the cranial system, but if you have narrow sinuses, your oxygen level won’t be as great.  Craniopathy care can help, but in reality you may need further work like myofunctional therapy or nasal surgery.  

3.  Infections.  Mold in particular is realllyyyyy common to have chronically in the sinuses.  This creates chronic inflammation, which means when dust and pollen come your way you will most likely react. Craniobiotic Technique, a technique I use in my office can really help to clear out those infections quickly and give relief. 

4. LIVER.  The liver is a big one for allergies.  Food and Airborne.  Most of the allergy supplements out there contain some liver support in them, you just don’t know it!  Thats because when the liver is congested, it will make you more reactive to allergens.  Doing a liver detoxification can really help clear this up. 

5.  Gut health.  Keeping that gut healthy will be a sure way to help with allergies.  That’s because the inflammation levels will be down.  If you have leaky gut, you will absolutely have more severe allergies. Thats because the food for instance will go straight into the bloodstream where antibodies will be activated.  For airborne allergies, there is more overall inflammation and we all know by now about the gut/brain axis, so it will affect that circuit. The Stomach must also be looked at.  Improper protein digestion and you’ll have way more food allergies.

6.  Actual Allergy Desensitization.  You can also desensitize your body from certain allergens.  Usually it’s just an improper brain response.  Craniobiotic Technique in my office can also be used to desensitize airborne allergens. 

Instead of running to Claritin, Zyrtec or those anti-histamines… READ THIS:

Studies in mice have shown that antihistamines promote the growth of malignant tumors. Scientists at the University of Manitoba believe that the consumption of various medications, including antihistamines and antidepressants, may increase the risk for cancer.

In February, 1994, the Department of Health and Human Services noted an increase in the incidence of cancer in the United States. Scientists at the University of Manitoba believe that the consumption of various medications, including antihistamines and antidepressants, may increase the risk for cancer and may be part of the reason for the increase.

They have demonstrated that drugs like Elavil, Claritin, Hismanal, Atarax, Unisom, Prozac, NyQuil and Reactine have all created tumors in animal studies. Some antihistamines behave like the drug DPPE, which has been linked to enhancing tumor growth by binding to histamine receptors, which interferes with enzymes designed to detoxify and remove poisons from the body. This will also interfere with the system that regulates cell growth. The drugs do not necessarily cause cancer, but can enhance the growth of cancer.

Antihistamines block your P-450 cytochrome which is involved with the bodies phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification process. If you block your livers detoxification process you shut down the immune system.There are other drugs that also block this pathway: antibiotics, steroids, NSAID’s, pain medications, antacids, and some antidepressants. If you have a “sick” liver meaning it’s plugged or infected, you will have allergic reactions very easily.

Natural Solutions….

Here are some natural solution to help get you relief quickly.
1. Use X-Clear Nasal Spray.  This natural spray consists of xylitol, grapefruit extract and saline which helps fight infections in the nasal passageway, and open the airways a little.

2.  Arginex or Allerplex by standard process.  These are supplements I love to use for allergies.  They both have support for the LIVER.  That’s why they work so well!

3. D-Hist by OrthoMolecular.  This is a natural form of an antihistamine.  It helps decrease that histamine reaction that happens when exposed to allergens.

4. DoTerra Triease .Each softgel contains equal parts of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils, known for their ability to maintain clear breathing and a healthy immune response when combined together. Used by both veteran and novice essential oil users, this well-known blend is frequently mixed together for its respiratory health benefits. (You can purchase on my website, or PM me to get wholesale cost).


Think twice before running to those antihistamine drugs!

Till Next TIME!

ALSO GUYS!!! PLease Please join us on the 15th, to fight to dismantle the SB 276!!

California, the time is now! Senator Pan has introduced the bill we have all been expecting. SB276, a bill to restrict vaccine medical exemptions in California, has gone live and Assemblything Lorena G is the first coauthor.

What the bill does:

1. All medical exemptions must be approved by the State Public Health Officer (or approved designee).

2. All medical exemptions must be based on CDC contraindications only. These are VERY narrow – basically anaphylaxis.

3. All medical exemption requests must be submitted on a standardized form created by the California Dept of Public Health (CDPH).

4. All medical exemption requests will be tracked in a database managed by the CDPH. This will include personal and sensitive medical information about your children.

5. Any medical exemption written PRIOR to SB276 will also need to be approved by the CDPH and included in their database, by July 1, 2020. If the grandfathered medical exemption is deemed “fraudulent,” it will be invalidated.

We are going to be under the gun on this one due to legislative deadlines, it has the potential to move fast. We must take action en masse. > Do these things today:
1. Call the Senate Rules Committee (916) 651-4120 and politely ask that SB276 is double referred to the Senate Health Committee and the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee.

2. Call the following Senators (we will be calling several a day so that we can hit them all fairly quickly). Urge them to NOT coauthor SB276 and to vote NO when/if if comes before them for a vote.

Senator Toni Atkins (916) 651-4039 Senator Scott Wilk (916) 651-4021 Senator Pat Bates (916) 651-4036 Senator Bill Monning (916) 651-4017 Senator Richard Roth (916) 651-4031 Senator Maria Durazo (916) 651-4024 Senator Connie Leyva (916) 651-4020 Sen Shannon Grove (916) 651-4016

Sample Script: “Hi, I’m calling to urge Senator __________ to NOT coauthor SB276, a bill to severely restrict medical exemptions. Furthermore, I would ask that the Senator vote NO should SB276 come before him/her for a vote. SB277 was passed because of a broad medical exemption that was left to a doctor’s discretion. There is no crisis demanding such an authoritarian law in California. Thank you for your time.”

3. You have two legislators – a Senator and an Assemblyperson. Call them both. Ask for a meeting with the legislator (not a staffer) in the next few weeks in their district office to discuss SB276. Ask if they have any townhalls or coffee talks on the calendar in the near future. Let us know what you find out!

4. Start talking to people: friends, family, doctors, nurses. Let them know what Pan is up to with this bill. Invite them to join Parents United 4 Kids.

That is all for now.


Wishing you a happy and healthy week!


All About the F word… Fertility That is..

Happy Monday Everyone!  I hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend, and are surviving the heat! Whew!

This month will be all about Fertility, facts about fertility, myths, tips, natural options and success stories through chiropractic and nutritional care.

Sorry men, this month might not pertain to you, but….. If you know someone going through fertility issues, is planning to have a family, or you are planning to have a family one day, I HIGHLY suggest you still keep these emails or share them to those in need, as fertility involves BOTH individuals.

Lets start with some facts:

  • In the US, we rank 61 in the world for maternal health.  You are better off giving birth in Iraq, than in the US….  It seems for most health conditions the US is far behind, even though our “healthcare” is the highest costing.
  • 1 in 6 couples struggle with infertility!
  •  “infertility” is usually the inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected sex, or 6 months after the age of 35
  • 40% of infertility is based on a “medical issue” with the women, 30% the man, and 20% both man and woman, 10% they just “don’t know”
  •  If women are “infertile”, then IVF is usually the route. The average cost of a medication-only cycle is $1,182, while the cost of one cycle of IVF is about $24,373. IVF with donor eggs cost even more, averaging $38,015. When looking at the cost of “successful” fertility treatments, the number grew higher. The average cost of successful medication-only treatment was $5,894 and $61,377 for IVF. Again, the cost of successful donor egg IVF was even higher, at $72,642. Women who chose cycle-based treatment received an average of 3.6 treatments!!!
  • The success rate of IVF? Live birth IVF success rate for women under 35 who start an IVF cycle is 40 percent. However, women over age 42 have a 4 percent success rate.
  •  In the US, it is “normal” to not have a period, it’s normal to NOT ovulate.  This we know is NOT true.
  • A healthy cycle which on average is about 28 days with about 50 mls of blood loss. No cramps, lots of clotting, acne, mood swings, these aren’t “normal”!
  • The normal amount of blood to lose per cycle is 50 mls, that’s it.  (regular tampons hold 5 mls, supers about 10mls).  Any more than that, there’s possible anemia.    A normal, regular cycle is a healthy woman!
  •  It’s also ‘normal” in the US for girls to start their period between 6 to 8 years old! WHAT?!  Yes… it keeps getting younger and younger because of hormones
  •  It takes about 120 days for eggs to mature.  This means if you’ve had a really “whacky” period, look back three months from that period.  Is it diet, or stress? it reflects three months ago.( This is also GOOD NEWS)  You should be able to see changes in cycle, hormones and fertility within this 120 days when you add in natural interventions:)
  • IVF, IUI and fertility drugs don’t address fertility issues which are often due to nutritional deficiencies, stress, toxins, nervous system involvement, ect…..
  • Lab work only looks at what is happening in that exact moment.  Thats why blood work isn’t a good measure for hormones. There are some other markers that are acceptable to look at in the blood, but for hormones, this testing is very poor.  The majority of hormones are in our tissues.

So, now that we know some facts, and we know that IVF and fertility drugs don’t actually address the actual issues, what causes infertility and how do we change it naturally?

Well how come it doesn’t address the issues?

Fertility drugs and treatments main focus is on creating more eggs.  Giving more and more hormones to produce more eggs.  The problem is almost all infertility problems are due to an inhabitable environment.  And fertility treatments cannot address this issue.

As I always tell my patients, if you are having trouble conceiving, there is always a reason!  Your body knows that the environment is not healthy to be able to grow and sustain a healthy baby.
So, what do we do??

We CREATE a healthy environment!  … Unless their is anatomical problems with infertility in the uterus or fallopian tubes. I can’t do much for this…. But this is rare in comparison to hormonal issues.

What disrupts the environment??

  • Most women that have fertility issues most likely had menstrual issues to begin with.  Things like cramping, mood swings, irregular periods, acne, heavy bleeding… ect.  These are not “normal” womanly symptoms.  In fact, you should not really have many symptoms with a normal cycle other than minor fluctuations.  But, we have accepted that all these are normal, and to use things to just mask the symptoms. It is also normal to have fluctuations in your period until the age of 25 when it fully matures.  So teens going on birth control for symptoms are really damaging the signal processes and ability to conceive later on, when there are natural options to help with the fluctuations that wont harm your fertility.
  • Birth control has created a HUGE problem for fertility.  The pill hides problems that we don’t want to deal with.  And when you take hormones, the actual organs that were producing the hormones go on vacation, because they no longer have to produce them.  The longer you’re on birth control the harder it will be to conceive. ( more on this subject in a subsequent blog)
  • Hormones are everywhere.  Not only birth control but food, plastic, even store receipts.  This causes imbalance over time.
  • Sleep imbalances.  Yes sleep and uninterrupted restful sleep.  This is how our body heals and replenishes.
  • Toxins are also everywhere which creates an unhealthy environment.  That’s why it’s important to check toxin levels, heavy metals, teeth health.
  • Stress causes so many hormone imbalances within the adrenal and thyroid.
  • We are all iodine deficient which causes thyroid dysfunction.
  • Allergies are now so common and create inflammation within the entire body.  Inflammation = not good environment.
  • THE NERVES that get to the hormone producing organs…. are they functioning well?  if not, there wont be strong signals to the organs.  (chiropractic and Cranial )  Hormones are signaled from the BRAIN.  I’ve had hormone issues correct just from proper cranial work.

Over the next month we will be going over topics from these points on how to increase your fertility through chiropractic care, nutrition, stress/emotional and exercise.

I will also be going over my 120 fertility program.  This not only works for fertility but also other hormone dys-regulation problems, post partum and other conditions.  That’s because you can change and get new cells and eggs in 120 days, and you can change hormone and environments in 120 days ( some might take longer depending on levels of toxins, ect.)

In 120 Days care includes:

1. Craniopathy Chiropractic care
2. 21 Day Detox program ( all about environment!)
3. prenatal vitamin ( whole food only)
4. omegas, fish oils ( whole food only)
5. Proper Sleep
6. Exercise
7. Acupuncture
8. Vitamin D
9. Proper hydration
10. immune support
11. iodine
12. adrenal support
13.  healthy mindset

If you do decide to do IVF, this protocol can also enhance it’s success, because again we are changing the environment.  Which would mean the eggs would harvest better.

More to come on this topic!

See you next week!


ON the spotligth this week is DoTerra’s Clary sage.
Clary Sage Oil Product Description
Enriched with the organic chemical linalyl acetate, Clary Sage is known as one of the most relaxing, soothing, and balancing essential oils when used aromatically and internally. This herbaceous oil can be used for a variety of purposes both externally and internally. In the Middle Ages, Clary Sage was used for its benefits to the skin and has continued to be popular for its topical benefits. When applied topically, Clary Sage oil calms and soothes the skin. Clary Sage oil can also be applied to promote healthy-looking hair and scalp. If used aromatically, Clary Sage oil promotes feelings of relaxation in preparation for a restful night’s sleep.

Clary Sage Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. Hairdryers, flat irons, crimpers, and curling irons can all make your hair look glamourous, but for how long?  With frequent use of a heated styling tool, hair strands can begin to break and split, making hair look damaged and unhealthy. Keep your hair looking radiant with this do-it-yourself Heat Protectant Spray infused with Clary Sage oil and Geranium oil. Clary Sage is known for its ability to promote healthy-looking hair and is a perfect essential oil to keep your strands looking stronger, longer!
  2. During your menstrual cycle, bring relief to your abdomen by using Clary Sage essential oil. Simply apply Clary Sage to the needed area of your abdomen and rub for a soothing massage. The natural chemical components of Clary Sage oil are among the most soothing and calming compounds, making Clary Sage an ideal oil for a soothing abdominal massage during the menstruating time frame.  
  3. After a long day of working, running around with the kids, or studying for an exam, treat yourself to a soothing bath with Clary Sage and Lavender. This bath with essential oils will not only excite your smelling senses, it will also work to relieve stress. With both Clary Sage and Lavender containing linalyl acetate, these two oils are some of the most powerful soothing, relaxing, and calming oils available.
  4. Do you ever feel like you’re breathing in toxic chemicals when you use hairspray? Try this homemade Herbal Hairspray with essential oils, and avoid the thick, overpowering feeling of store bought hairspray. Using Clary Sage, GeraniumLavenderPeppermint, and Rosemary essential oils, this effective spray will hold your hair in place while reducing unwanted chemicals and enhancing your hair’s natural beauty.
  5. Why linger in stress mode when you can easily experience the relaxing and calming aromatic benefits of Clary Sage essential oil. For those off days, apply one to two drops of Clary Sage to the bottom of your feet or to your pulse points. Because Clary Sage has a powerful soothing aroma, applying the oil to these areas will promote feelings of balance and relaxation.
  6. Want to experience soft and silky hair without buying deep hair conditioning products or getting expensive conditioning treatments? Try making your own quality All-Natural Deep Hair Conditioner with this DIY recipe. You can choose a selection of your favorite essential oils to add to this recipe; however, we highly recommend using specific essential oils for hair use, especially Clary Sage due to its natural ability to promote healthy-looking hair. With this homemade conditioner, your locks will look, feel, and smell radiant.
  7. All too often, people get ready for bed, exhausted, ready to sleep the moment their head hits their pillow only to find that their mind wants to stay awake. Their heads suddenly fill with to do lists, activities of the day, or maybe even philosophical questions about the universe that cause them to stay awake or toss and turn all night. Sound familiar? Don’t let your thoughts eat into crucial sleeping time. Instead, relax your mind and body by using Clary Sage oil aromatically. Apply one to two drops of Clary Sage oil to your pillow to create a relaxing environment for a restful night’s sleep.
  8. Enhance your shampoo and conditioner with the addition of Clary Sage. For healthy-looking hair, add three to four drops of Clary Sage essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner. This herbal addition will leave your hair smelling naturally fresh and will help provide benefits that will leave your hair looking strong and beautiful.
  9. Combine the best of citrus and herbs with this uplifting diffuser blend. Add two drops of Clary Sage, two drops of Grapefruit, and 4 drops of Lime essential oils to your diffuser and experience a bright and sweet aroma. The strong citrus scent of Lime will promote feelings of balance and energy while helping lift the mood, while Grapefruit will provide a clarifying effect to the mind. The subtle hints of Clary Sage essential oil will aid in soothing and relaxing. Together, these essential oils provide a mood-boosting aroma that will relax and balance the mind and body.
  10. Clary Sage oil contains linalyl acetate, which is a powerful chemical component that contributes greatly to the oil’s relaxing, balancing, and soothing properties when used aromatically and internally. Try experimenting with Clary Sage to see how this relaxing and balancing oil can best meet your individual and family needs.

Plant Description
Clary Sage is a biennial or perennial herb that is fast growing. In the first year of growth, the base of the plant produces medium-green, course leaves. In its second year of growth, the Clary Sage plant yields flowers from stalks with upright spikes. These flowers are either violet or white in color. Clary Sage essential oil is extracted from the flower. The Clary Sage plant grows best in full sun and well-drained soil.1

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Nutritional Habits of Healthy Children, Nutrients at Different Ages

Happy Monday!  I hope you all have been enjoying this month’s topic on children’s health.  If you missed last week’s Facebook live video I went over the top 4 foods that are a big no no for children.  If you missed that topic you can watch the replay here:

As we shift for the second half of this month, we are talking more about nutrition in children.  We have gone over the importance of Craniopathy chiropractic care in children, and nutrition is another huge topic, but we will highlight the main points here.

What do our children need to feel healthy and happy?

  • Water
  • Digestion
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Play
  • Sleep
These I believe are the top factors that need to be looked at for healthy and happy children.  
1. Water-  Is he/she getting enough water?  So many children drink so much juice, milk and sports drinks and are severely dehydrated.
2. Is the child getting daily exercise?  What activities could be recommended besides organized sports?
3. What is the child eating?  (topic today)
4. Is the child getting adequate rest?  How many hours and what is the quality?  Is the sleep schedule consistent?
5. What kind of stress is this child managing?  What can produce stress reduction for this child?  Is this child allowed time to relax and have fun?

First and foremost, it matters WHAT our children eat!
Numerous studies have shown how our diet can affect:

  • mood
  • energy
  • clarity of thought
  • behavior
  • healthy weight
  • overall health and vitality

The quality of the food is also extremely important.  Non-gmo, organic foods or growing your own foods is SO important!  Otherwise you aren’t eating real food, and are ingesting loads of toxins.  There are however different needs children have at different ages.

As I’ve mentioned before the BIGGEST age in brain growth in development is the age of 2 years and younger.  So, it will be no surprise to you that nutrition for this growth is extremely important.

2 years and younger:

Children during this age, should of course be breastfeeding if possible.  It is through breastfeeding that the child will develop immunity, and get adequate nutrients from mother’s milk.  If there are issues with breastfeeding, this can be helped with craniopathy and nutrition for both mom and baby.  I do understand women are in the working world and breastfeeding that long may not be feasible.  So, here are the key percentages of nutrients children need at this age.

Children can’t digest protein until they have molars, so protein at this age is less than that of older ages.
The majority of their nutrition should be healthy fats 40%.  The brain is made of fat, and needs a good amount for that huge amount of brain growth.  Carbs are second coming in also at 40%  I will explain in a minute what type of carbs because it’s “complex carbohydrates” that they need.  And lastly protein at 20%

2-5 Years Old:

The percentage starts to change slightly through this stage, fats move down to 30%, protein increases slightly to 25%, and carbs increases to 45%.

School Aged and Older:

The fats are around 20-25%, protein 25-30% and 50% Carbs.

What are complex carbohydrates??

  • Complex carbohydrates are nutrient dense but light in calories.  Refined foods and sweet will have just to opposite composition.  Try to limit those to occasional treats.
  • Complex carbohydrates should consist primarily of vegetables and fruits at a 2:1 ratio.
  • Organic fruits and vegetables when possible!
  • Whole grains should be organic and limited to no more than 2 servings per day
  • Understand that the percent of carbohydrates recommended in the guidelines is referring to quantity of food, not calories.


  • Adequate protein is essential for children for growth and repair of cells, nerves, muscles and bones.
  • Relatively subtle effects of protein deficiency are now recognized, especially on the immune system and gastrointestinal mucosa
  • A child with aversion to protein should be tested for mineral imbalance and food intolerances, their bodies will pull them in a certain direction.
  • Quality protein from natural sources is best and animal proteins contain the highest amount per serving.

  • Fats are the main dietary energy source for infants.
  • Fats provide essential fatty acids necessary for brain development
  • They are needed for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and for myelination of the central nervous system.
  • They can be stored easily without much every cost which is important for infants.
  • Good sources are: avocados, eggs, nuts, olives, fish.
    • Introducing a variety of foods slowly helps the immune system
  • All trans fats should be avoided
  • Breast milk
    • It is considered a superior source of fat for infants because of its normal array of fats in its composition ALA, GLA, AA and DHA
    • It is important for a nursing mother to keep her diet high in healthy fats
    • Parent essential fatty acids and DHA need is especially high for the infant since it cannot efficiently make this fatty acid for rapid brain growth.
What is happening to our youth when it comes to weight management??

Why is their an increase in Type II Diabetes in children?  Now up to 46% of cases are children.
Why has the weight problem in children more than tripled in the past 30 years??
In 2012, more than 1/3 of children and adolescents were overweight or obese!


  • Parental Influence
    • Family food preferences
    • Eating patterns
    • Daily activities and habits
  • Portion size and food choices
    • increased portion sizes in restaurants and fast food establishments
    • increased intake of sugary drinks, refined flour and other high processed foods
    • increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup that has replaced sugar in almost all processed food and drinks, hunger is barely satisfied.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
    • increased screen time
    • reduced opportunities for physical play
  • Increase in toxins
    • typical american diet
    • gmo, non organic food
    • vaccines
    • amalgum fillings
    • digestion bugs
ACID stopping medications, the number one selling drug initially meant for adults, are being prescribed at an alarming rate for our children.  Children don’t really produce adequate stomach acid until they get molars, because they then need it for protein digestion!
These drugs:
– Induce a state of low acid which creates progressive malabsorption and malnutrition!
Mineral and protein digestion requires strong acid production in the stomach.


  • quality nutritious foods
  • adequate enzyme production
  • proper pH balance in the stomach and intestines
  • presence of healthy bacteria
  • relaxed state of mind
  • healthy adrenal function
    • HEALTHY Teeth and Gums!  (You would not believe how many “healthy” people who eat right, exercise, do everything but still struggle because of hidden dental infections and metal fillings)
    • Healthy Teeth and a Healthy Gut is our immune system!
Common causes of impaired digestion:

  • Dehydration, low fiber, food intolerances
  • Birth Trauma, nerve compression to the vagal nerve and intestinal nerve areas
  • Not breastfed
  • C-section
  • Carbonated beverages with meals- neutralized the digestive enzymes
  • reduced pancreatic enzymes
  • antibiotic use
  • acid stopping medication
  • adrenal insufficiency
  • hidden gut parasites, bacteria, viruses or mold
How do you know if your child is having digestive symptoms?  Other than the obvious ones….
  • Indigestion/upset stomach/ “belly aches”
  • Constipation/diarrhea
  • reflux
  • fatigue
  • eczema/psoriasis
  • food cravings/food intolerances and/or allergies
  • weight loss/gain
Two facts:

1. Stomach pain is the MOST common reason for children to visit their primary care physician, according to the CDC
2. Gastroenteritis is the most common cause of abdominal pain in children and can be caused by viruses or bacterial agents.

I hope this was helpful to you this week.  I know it’s a lot of information, so you might have to go through it a few times.  Next week we will go into a few other nutrition related topics for children.  Share this with those who have kiddos as children are our future!!


On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Digest Zen Roller ball!  The rollerball products are awesome for children because they are already diluted, so no worries for the safety or skin irritation for children!

DōTERRA DigestZen Touch is the perfect oil to have on hand at home, work, or when traveling. The calming aroma of DigestZen essential oil blend is combined with Fractionated Coconut Oil in DigestZen Touch for gentle topical application. The essential oils of Anise, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway, Coriander, Tarragon, and Fennel are known for their ability to ease the effects of motion sickness and stomach upset when inhaled or applied topically. dōTERRA DigestZen Touch is perfect for those who want the benefits of DigestZen essential oil in a diluted version for gentle or sensitive skin.


  • Take on a road trip to ease the effects of motion sickness.
  • Apply to the stomach or bottoms of feet after eating a large meal.
  • Have on hand when flying or traveling.
  • Use for food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation