Tag Archives: digestion

The Super Mineral Zinc and Copper Overload in the Body…

The Super Mineral Zinc and Copper Overload in the Body…

Hey Warriors!

We know a lot from nutrition that minerals are SO key for many of our biochemical functions.  Minerals in our body need to be in balance with one another, and the mineral zinc needs to be in a healthy ratio with copper for proper regulation.

We as practitioners often find in our society is that zinc is extremely low, and copper is too high because of improper detoxification mechanisms causing a myriad of symptoms and problems, in adults and children.

What are symptoms of zinc deficiency?

  • decreased appetite, or food tastes different
  • picky eating
  • yeast/fungal/parasitic issues
  • mental health issues- mood swings, difficulty learning/paying attention
  • Sick often, immune deficiencies
  • decreased brain function- cognitive
  • gut issues – low stomach acid
  • if low when mom is pregnant –> higher risk for autism
  • gene expression, protein synthesis, enzymatic reactions decreased, decreased ability to transport heavy metals out of the body
  •  wound healing
  • DNA synthesis
  • Delayed growth and development
  • Hypogonadism skin disorders
  • Anorexia
  • Hair loss
  • Changes in nails
  • Feeling irritable
  • Eye problems
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Poor wound healing
  • Skin rashes or dermatitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Impaired vision

What are signs of high copper?

– Fatigue
– Blood sugar issues
– Digestive problems
-Anxiety, agitation, anger, panic attacks, fear, depression, suicidal tendencies
-hormone imbalances – men (libido and sperm health), women- painful period and excess bleeding, PCOS
-light sensitivity
-increased risk for cervical / uterine cancer ( ONE HUGE PROBLEM WITH COPPER IUD and BIRTH CONTROL they throw off the copper/zinc balance and create copper toxicity in the body)
-Estrogen intolerance
-The onset of depression at puberty
-History of childhood hyperactivity
-Intolerance of birth control pills
-History of postpartum depression
-The onset of depression at menopause
-Sleep disorder
-Skin sensitivity to rough fabrics
-Intolerance to chocolate
-Severe depression after hormone therapy

Copper is all around us, and is a conductor. It attaches to molecules to do what is needed, but if more copper is unbound in its elemental form it can attach to things it shouldn’t.  In other words, it can increase oxidative stress in the body.

Copper is found in the pipes that carry water, and the pots and pans we use, and copper is widely present in plants, with many plant-based foods and crops containing significant amounts of it.  So many people that go gluten and dairy free, then move to nut/seed based products, flours and milks which have loads of copper.

Additionally, women use devices made from copper for birth control that cause sever zinc imbalance.

People can be born with the condition known as copper overload which means they have an inability to effectively eliminate excess copper from their bodies. It’s important to mention though that copper overload is not the same as Wilson’s Disease, which is a rare genetic disorder where copper accumulates in
vital organs and glands.

However, copper overload can have a profound effect on every system in the body, especially the reproductive, nervous, and glandular systems, and it can have a devastating impact on mental health.

There’s another important component… —> methylation.  There can be certain genetic variations such as in the enzyme GAD that make it harder to break down copper in the body. As an example, in pregnancy copper is supposed to flow to the baby, and then dump the excess copper when a woman gives birth.  However with methylation issues the woman might not be able to accomplish this, which can then cause post natal depression.

And Secondly, there are biochemical impairments called a pyrrole disorder that also makes a person deficient in zinc and vitamin B6.  Pyrrole are a bi-product of hemoglobin, which we do not want a bunch floating around because they have an affinity for zinc and B6.  In this disorder the individual can experience anxiety, rage, addictions, awake at night, and wake up with nausea.  Some individuals will get tested for this disorder but the testing shows negative because the pyrrole are hidden when zinc is low.  This is an important note, that when zinc is then increased in the body to test again and see if they are present.  Many get false negative test results. For this condition, stress and sleep is a huge component.  Everyone has pyrroles released when they are stressed, but a pyrrole disorder, the levels don’t go down, and they need zinc and B6 to get it down.  I’ve found this in my methylation testing in many patients especially with high anxiety and digestion issues.



You can take a Zinc taste test, which is an easy way to tell if you are low in zinc. In order to lab test these levels it can be very tricky and complicated as these levels can change from minute to minute.  Additionally a normal blood range your doctor may take is not the same as an optimal range, which is usually a bit higher.  Generally for a child aged 0-10 the level should be over 100.  It’s important to make sure the blood test is plasma sample using trace elements tubes so they won’t be contaminated with metals and to stop taking supplements 24 hours before a test. The ideal copper to zinc ratio is 0.8-1-1.  Another lab test that can help is ceruloplasmin, which transports copper. This should be about 5-15%.

—>Since minerals can change pretty quickly, this is why i love using kinesiology testing.  The zinc taste test is another great quick tool.

How do we fix it?

Treating copper overload is again individualized.  Many think that a multivitamin (even a super expensive one) will help them, not knowing that you can create high copper and low zinc. Additionally vitamins for hair have a lot of copper in them. It is crucial to proceed cautiously to avoid a sudden release of copper, which may temporarily
worsen depression and anxiety symptoms, known as copper dumping. Symptoms of copper dumping include anxiety, panic, severe mood swings, rage, impulsivity, and occasionally manic behavior.

Dietary changes are often the safest way to begin, as just taking zinc can be the wrong way.  Zinc adds up slowly, while copper dumps quickly. I would recommend working with a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable in this and methylation support. Additionally, it is essential to avoid dietary sources of copper in your diet, as well as copper-containing supplements, and ladies: birth control. Stress-reducing activities, such as exercise and meditation, can also be beneficial, as stress can exacerbate copper overload symptoms.

High copper foods:
Beef liver
Dark chocolate
Sesame seeds
Turnip greens
Chia seeds
almond milk, nut flours

Zinc rich foods:
Whole grains
Some vegetables (Radishes, mushrooms, peas)
Nuts and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, Cashew)

A low copper diet and a customized, advanced nutrient therapy protocol are essential to
healing. We’re all unique, and zinc and copper levels are unique to us all!

I find that zinc/copper ratio is a key component for many of my cases, especially children on the spectrum, digestion problems, autoimmune, and neurologic cases.


That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week!

Skin Reactions, Allergies & A Sick Liver


Happy Monday Everyone!  Last week’s topic was about the Skin and the Brain. It’s always vital for us to make sure our brain:our number one asset to always be addressed first and foremost. If you missed it, make sure you go check in out here:

The Skin/Brain Connection

This week, we will continue talking about the skin and dive a little into allergies and their relationship to a big organ: Your Liver. 

We are hearing and seeing more and more each day of children AND adults with sensitive skin, skin reactions, rashes and allergies, allergies, allergies. 

Why is that? 

Well, if we look to the liver we might get some insight… 

Unfortunately, we are fire hosed with things surrounding us all the time.  We are literally attacked from all angles.  Our environment, polluted food and soil, the products we use, and to top it all off we are asked literally every time we even step foot into a medical facility if we’ve had “a vaccine”.

Frustrating!  No, I’d like to keep my immune system thanks, and keep your agendas away!

Note here: * Vaccines in themselves can also create allergies to form because of the mix of proteins mixed with the chemicals together.  It creates an immune response in your body to attack it.  For instance, many are cultivated in egg or nut, and when mixed with harsh adjuvants such as polysorbate, formaldehyde or aluminum, it makes our immune system go beserck, making it compromised and WHAM, hello allergies.
(Yes, these are actual ingredients in vaccines, always make sure you read their labels!)  They cannot create immunity!  Nothing that injects chemicals in you can ever be for good.

Point is, Toxins are EVERYWHERE.  This is why it is super important to educate about our future generations.  Not only for the topic we are diving into today, but a sick liver can also can cause mood problems, gut dysfunction,  and more.

So what happens with the liver?

Let’s talk about what the liver does for starters and then we can go from there.  The liver is our filter system.  It’s big job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, and direct it to the rest of the body.  Additionally, it detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes medications.  Finally, it is the creator of a substance called bile, which is vital for us to digest the fats we consume, but also to metabolize proteins and carbs.

Additionally, it is a storage center for the fat soluble vitamins and carbs meaning it stores energy, and then delivers it to our body when we need it.

It has quite a few roles right?

What really HAPPENS, with these conditions though is that the liver kind of gets overwhelmed.  Not only does it have to do its roles mentioned above, but also it gets gummed up so to speak with all the toxins we are exposed to.  And because it is a big digestion metabolizer, even it’s role in digesting our foods becomes difficult when it’s pipes are clogged.

How does this relate to the skin? 

I’m so glad you asked!  The skin, our largest organ, is really the expresser of our internal environment.  When the liver, can’t eliminate these toxins well, our skin then has to do it.  Either through the skin or into your gut ( and as we know our gut health is our immune system).

So rashes in general are really signs of how well your liver and gut are functioning.  Rashes, ezcema, psoriasis, dandruff, ect… These organs aren’t working properly.

What really is a “sick liver” though?

Well, when  the liver isn’t working well, which means digestion isn’t working well ( our immune system), we are WAY more susceptible to get infections. 
The more toxins we are exposed to, the more our immune system is down, the more we are susceptible to the bad guys.

The thing additionally about vaccines, is they also bypass our means of our digestive system and immune system and go straight into organs.  Making them weaker and more susceptible.

The Sickness I find consistently in my office that NEVER fails is liver viruses.  This is why we call it a sick liver.  It really is sick, and can’t take on any more than it already is burdened with.  This means more skin reaction, food allergies, and mood problems.

Are you someone or do you know someone with a zillion allergies, or all of a sudden starts becoming allergic to things?  They have a sick liver. 

How do we fix this?  Normal blood testing won’t show a sick liver.  Unless your liver enzymes are high, but usually it goes under the radar.  The only treatment I utilize for effectiveness is craniobiotic technique.  Once we find the suspected virus, our body eliminates it out, then we can do an effective liver cleanse to clean up the toxins and gunk.

What will happen?

Well, you’ll feel better, your skin will get better and you’ll be way less sensitive to things.

Trust me, I used to be one of those million allergies people. 

Nutritional Tips for prepping your body for the Holidays and Travel 

Happy Monday folks!  This month we are talking all about holiday stress, how to deal with it or avoid it, and really how to just prep your body so you don’t have a big crash come January! 

Last week we went over prepping your brain and nervous system by getting regular cranial chiropractic care.   A lot of people just see chiropractors when they are in pain or have an injury, but really we want to practice preventative medicine.  So getting regular care can help overall take the stress down in your body.  So get some maintenance cranial chiro care!!

This week we are moving into some nutritional tips to help you survive the holiday season stress free. 

This is a hard topic.  The holidays can be a time where you are literally surrounded by temptations.  From work parties, to holiday parties to christmas cookies, ect.  Everything is always in moderation, but sometimes you can ruin your whole progress in a year with going crazy all month!  So, just like we need to prep our brain and nervous system, we also need to help prep our gut or (second brain).  


1.  Prep your gut.
With all the bad holiday choices of food, something you can do NOW is prep!
Prepare your digestive system to be more efficient so it can digest quickly all the toxins you will be consuming!

I suggest three different supplements to take to re-acidify the gut so that it can digest things quickly and effectively, and gallbladder support to help break down your food better!  ( If you read on down below about traveling I also recommend this triad as well! )

If we have stagnation within our gut and elimination pattern, you will constantly be reabsorbing what you are trying to get out, which includes toxins.

2. Food Prep.

One thing you can do is also to prep your own food! There are so many keto and paleo friendly food choices out there that taste the same or better than traditional holiday sweets and carbs.

Here is a great resource for many different holiday recipes.


3.  Portion Control.  Try and keep your portions small.  Believe it or not if you can eat smaller meals more frequently, you will do a lot better than eating ginormous meals all holiday season.
TIP: If you eat a little too much, grab some Doterra DigestZen to help soothe and break down your food a little easier.

4.  Liver Support.     During the holidays you will probably end up consuming a few beverages as well, which puts a stress on your liver. Thinking ahead and supporting your liver with milk thistle will make it handle the alcohol stress way better and you will bounce back easier.

Which brings me to my next point.


Maybe people will experience with diets that they DO end up losing weight for a certain period of time.  But generally what happens is that individual can no longer take such restrictions, falls off and ends up gaining it back quickly.  This is the time of year where new years resolutions will come up as well, so it’s important to prep your mind for what’s ahead.

A lot of people need to really make a lifestyle change.  It’s not about dieting.  And one HUGE factor many don’t address is toxins.  If you have ANY plans to lose weight, then you need to detoxify your body FIRST.  FAT holds on to toxins so it will make losing weight impossible when you are loaded with them.  I always do a 21 day purification program at the beginning of every year to start the year right with a clean body!

This is the MOST effective cleanse and purification of the entire body that I’ve found in my practice.  Time and time again, story after story it proves to be effective.  What i’ve found is most generally lose about 5-10 pounds over 21 days, and continue after with creating a new lifestyle of eating.

I will be doing a group cleanse in January that will have a private facebook group as well as videos and tips for you to be successful!  Getting toxins out and then making better lifestyle decisions will put you on such a greater path than dieting.  Trust me!  We will start this group cleanse on January 7th, so if you are interested please let me know and we will get the cleanse to you beforehand!

This is a fun group challenge.  So, invite your loved ones and friends to join you.  I guarantee you won’t regret it with how great you will feel!

5. Probiotics.  Not the pill kind.  Pill probiotics don’t actually re-populate the bacteria.  I will say that again.  In research, it’s shown that probiotics (the pill kind) don’t actually repopulate the gut.  But, they DO create an immune response, which is good.  Taking probiotics in a pill is transitory, meaning they go right through your gut.  A better way to help support those bacteria is to actually feed the good ones you got!  Increase your fiber, eat fermented foods with lactic acid (which they eat)!  This will strengthen the gut, and your immune system!


If you are one of the lucky ones that get to travel somewhere tropical for the holidays, I also have some tips to help prep you!!  

1. Skin!

In the winter we don’t see as much sun (Well some of us!).  Back in the 1940s there was documentation that calcium is needed by the skin and needs a fatty acid to shuttle it.
When there is sufficient calcium in the skin, the skin can withstand the stress of the sun, and not get damaged i.e. sunburn!!

So if you want that nice tan, and to not burn and damage the skin you need a GOOD source of calcium and a fatty acid to take with you!

The ones I like are whole food sources.  You CANNOT just use any calcium.  Most on the market are INSOLUBLE and are Toxic!

You have use calcium lactate and cataplex F!

Calcium lactate is the form of calcium that the body prefers in the bloodstream.  It is extremely bioavailable.  it converts only once in the stomach, and once this happens it’s in a form that the body can pick up and use.  But you always want to take it on an empty stomach!!

You also want to take a fatty acid to shuttle it to the skin!!  Cataplex F or flax seed works really well for this.

Take a dosage in between meals 8-10 calcium lactate and 5 cataplex F, every 4 hours you are in the sun!  

Calcium is water soluble, so you can’t overdo it, you will be using it up while you are in the sun.  So you have to keep replenishing it.  You literally won’t burn!!  

*These are products you can only get through my care.

2.  Digestive Support.  These are ones you should always take with you!

You hear of people always getting sick in Mexico, or some island so always make sure you have Hydrochloric acid, it’s your best protector against food poisoning.

Digest forte, zypan and AF betafood.  Are three digestive supports I HIGHYL recommend and take every meal I eat while traveling.

3.  Alcohol. When you’re in the sun you aren’t as hungry, but the third thing to bring is liver support.  You might have an alcoholic beverage right?
But your liver will take a hit when you do that!  Take some milk thistle to protect the liver.

Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s DigestZEN.

This one is wonderful to have on the go, in case you overeat, feel bloated, diarrhea, constipation, nausea.  IT will HELP and does!  It will sooth the stomach and intestines and take the discomfrt away naturally.

DigestZen Uses and Benefits

  1. If you are looking for a healthy and natural way to assist your digestive system, the DigestZen essential oil blend is an ideal option.* DigestZen contains a blend of essential oils that will naturally aid the body in the digestion of food.* To easily obtain these digestion benefits, add one drop of DigestZen oil to 4 fluid ounces of liquid, and drink.*
  2. The unpredictability and discomfort of occasional stomach upsets can often put a damper on the day. When issues like these arise, apply one to two drops of DigestZen to the desired areas of your skin. DigestZen will also work to soothe occasional stomach upset when taken internally, and can get you feeling ready to take on the day again.*
  3. Bloating and gas can make your stomach feel tight and full, often leaving you feeling sluggish and unappealing. If you’re experiencing these difficulties, use DigestZen oil.* DigestZen will help reduce bloating and gas so that you can feel your best at any time of the day.*
  4. Does flying or driving long distances make you a little nervous? Next time you’re planning on traveling for an extended period of time, rub DigestZen oil on your stomach before you take your trip. The sweet, minty smell of DigestZen will provide a calming aroma. You can also add a few drops of DigestZen to water and take it internally to keep stomach jitters at bay.*
  5. Holidays, vacations, birthdays, and family get-togethers often have something in common: food. And lots of it. Make sure to have DigestZen on hand for these occasions. The DigestZen essential oil blend can be used during these events to promote digestion when eating heavier meals.*
  6. Whether trying the cuisines of Italy or enjoying the tastes of India, introducing foreign food to the body has the potential to disrupt the stomach’s normal digestion. When you are traveling or exploring new foods, use DigestZen to soothe occasional stomach upset and to promote healthy digestion.*
  7. For a simple way to incorporate DigestZen into your regular routine, add DigestZen to your water or tea. This will help your body maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.*
  8. The DigestZen essential oil blend can ease feelings of queasiness.* If you’re experiencing queasiness, take DigestZen to dismiss these feelings.*
  9. One of the most relaxing ways to use DigestZen oil is by applying it to the stomach and massaging. An abdominal massage will bring soothing comfort to your stomach and the aroma will provide you with calming feelings. DigestZen can also be applied to a child’s stomach for soothing comfort. Before using DigestZen for a massage, combine it with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to help increase the DigestZen oil distribution and minimize any skin sensitivity.


  • Ginger Rhizome/Root
  • Peppermint Plant
  • Caraway Seed
  • Coriander Seed
  • Anise Seed
  • Tarragon Plant
  • Fennel Seed



Stress it’s what’s for dinner.   What is STRESSING out your digestion?

Happy Monday Everyone!  This month has been topics all about digestion.. Have you enjoyed it?  We’ve gone over the gut/brain axis, stomach dysfunction, diet, infections,  toxins, the gallbladder and much more!  Well, what’s left you say?

Well, we would miss a part of the picture if we didn’t look at the emotional systems effect in our digestion.  As well as another “stressor” that inhibits digestion.

All of the healing arts’ schools recognize the importance of emotions in health, and health care practitioners (regardless if they are body-oriented or mind-oriented), deal – expertly or not – with patients’ emotions and realize the consequences of aberrant emotional stress.

In chiropractic, we are taught that “subluxations” or areas within the spine or cranial system that aren’t moving correctly create nervous system dysfunction.  We are taught these subluxations are caused by either: Thoughts, Trauma or Toxins.

We all know that stress can affect us in many ways.  Make us tired, worn out, body pains, hair fall out, hormones disrupted.  But what about digestion?

Well.. Have you ever heard of the phrase I got “butterflies in my stomach” when I was nervous?

I’m sure we all have at some point.

That is because the emotion of anxiety, is held in the stomach.

“Emotions are based on minute proteins in the body called Information Substances (IS). These IS are comprised of neuropeptides, hormones and other specialized information molecules that permeate the entire body, including our DNA.

This dynamic has been scientifically validated in research. Chiropractors know first hand about physiology influencing emotion via many examples of PMS sufferers. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 2,000 years has embraced a mind/body model. It is only in the west that man (via Descartes) semantically split the organism into a mind and a body. This philosophical construct held up for nearly 300 years before being discarded (at least in most neuroscientific circles) in the 1980s.”

There is also the principle of emotions correlating with what are called meridians in the body. This is a 1,500 to 4,000-year-old principle. It is an acupuncture theory, known as the Five Element Law that has been clinically validated for over 1,500 years, linking specific emotions to specific meridians. An example is the link between ‘Anger’ and the Liver meridian.

So, we know there’s a connection between emotions and different organs, but what causes dysfunction in these systems?
We know that stress in itself isn’t always BAD.  It is vital for us to have healthy levels of stress to survive. Humans are conditioned — sometimes by one event (this is termed a one-time trial). While conditioning is normal under most situations, so is the physiological counterpart of the fading away or elimination of a conditioned response (called ‘extinction’).
Simply, sometimes normal extinction does not take place, and chronic abnormal dysfunction starts to occur.You see, we talked about the mind/gut connection on our first topic.  We talked about how the GUT actually has the MOST serotonin production in our body.  So we know we have to heal our gut to heal our mind.  But emotional stress when chronic over time, can also shut down our digestion. 

For instance, chronic stress starts to alkalize our stomach acid, which means more bugs get through our stomach, and more digestion problems.  Also food won’t be properly broken down, so inflammation in the digestive tract can also occur.

In an unhealthy organism,  emotions can cause psychosomatic and somatopsychic problems. This is not a ‘mental’ condition, but rather a whole mind/body relational problem.

So emotional stress is REAL, and can cause REAL dysfunction.  Sometimes we don’t always know what we are stressed or blocked about, and other times we do.  

I like using NET (neuro emotional technique) in my office to narrow down what that stressor might be that might be affecting the body function. It uses neuro-mechanisms of manual muscle testing (the type of muscle testing used is akin to, but not the same as, Applied Kinesiology as developed by George Goodheart), emotions, acupuncture meridian system, reflex points, principles of traditional physiology (such as conditioning), case history taking and chiropractic adjustments to the spine.

From my experience, all the coping mechanisms for stress in the world don’t compare to the power that NET can help a patient overcome. 99% of our thoughts are subconscious, so knowing what those are through this technique is so helpful to narrow down. But, here are some other tips:

  • Essential oils are always great tools to use when feelings of stress arise, or to protect against stressful environments.  I only recommend high quality for this effect like those from DoTerra which have been thoroughly researched.
  • Some use exercise as a stress relief, which is great, just don’t overdue it!  Meaning don’t make it a stress, but use it as a health tool.  You don’t need to work out super hardcore three hours a day.  Trust me.
  • Stabilizing your diet with higher fats and lower carbs and normalizing hormones will make stress responses easier.  Usually when we are stressed we either don’t eat or eat the WRONG things for our body.  Simplify your life by not buying things that will tempt you, and meal plan for the week to take the stress out of it.  Sometimes getting meal prep services are OKAY and needed.
  • Get out in nature
  • Let go of things that don’t serve you.
  • Try to focus on one thing at a time.  Multitasking doesn’t work, and can make things more stressful.  The most successful people out there focus on one big thing at a time.

Other digestion Stressors.

Last month we talked about EMF’s or electromagnetic frequencies.
Here is a recap:

“EMF’s stand for Electromagnetic Frequencies.  EMF’s describe the energy that is coming out from an electromagnetic source. “Electromagnetic radiation can be beneficial, harmless or extremely dangerous to humans, depending on the source, level of radiation, and duration of exposure.There are both natural and man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation. The sun, for instance, is an intense source of natural radiation that can have both positive and negative effects on living things. The sun also produces both visible and invisible electromagnetic streams.Ultraviolet rays from the sun are invisible and cause sunburn and skin cancer if overexposure occurs.
A rainbow, however, is a visible and harmless part of the electromagnetic effect caused by the sun, as human eyes detect the visible wavelengths of light as different colors.”

Man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation include X-rays, Radio waves and microwaves.

“The power contained in electromagnetic radiation can be both helpful and destructive to humans. Overexposure to radiation, whether in an acute dose or a slow, continual intake, can quickly lead to illness and even a painful death. However, as electromagnetic radiation is also a natural part of the human environment, exposure to some radiation is unavoidable.

Every year there are more cell phone towers, Wi-Fi networks, “Smart” meters, and solar panel inverters. Soon California will mandate all new homes must have solar power, which means more EMF. Beyond this, there are millions of 5G antennas coming to your region, as part of the most powerful wireless network ever built.”

Mobile phone radiation.

Mobile phone radiation refers to radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves that is emitted from mobile phones. This type of radiation takes the form of radio waves that are near the microwave range. When we think of harmful radiation, things like X-rays or gamma rays usually come to mind, but these types of radiation are different from cell phone radiation. These are ionizing radiations and exposure to these are very harmful. Since cell phone radiation is non-ionizing, it is generally seen as being harmless in the short term.However long term exposure to this radiation also is proved to be very dangerous. Profound research has been made worldwide and it has been concluded by many that long term exposure to mobile phone radiation can lead to many chronic diseases like cancer.”

EMFs also have a big role in our digestion:
 Microbiome Disruption– Just as all cells—including those in our body, are electrical, the organisms in our microbiome are electrical, too. There is evidence to show that our microbiome is harmed by EMF.

These hidden dangers are becoming more and more of a problem more individuals.  Because we are getting sicker because of the frequencies allowing our systems to be dys-regulated and thus, infections enter.

Limit your exposure as much as possible!  More tips included here:

EMF’s, the hidden adrenal suppressors… and tips for exercise for adrenal fatigue.




Nuts, including almonds, cashews, and walnuts contain zinc, a mineral that plays a big role in modulating the way the brain and body respond to stress. They’re also a good source of stress-busting magnesium!  (Dark chocolate >72% is also high in magnesium, you’re welcome)

  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • 2 cups organic basil Leaves tightly packed ( Or 1 drop of Doterra Basil EO).
  • 1 cup organic cashews (soaked overnight or at least 4 hours, and drained)*
  • 1/4 tsp. Himalayan salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice OR 1 drop Doterra lemon EO
  • 1/3 cup Olive Oil (or more, depending on the consistency you want)


  1. Put garlic in Vitamix or food processor and pulse until chopped.
  2. Next add basil, and pulse again until it is broken down into small pieces.
  3. Add cashews, lemon and salt/pepper, and process on low (1-2 on a Vitamix) so that the cashews are broken into tiny pieces, but still maintain a little texture. If using cashews that haven’t been soaked, you may want to process on a higher level to get a creamier consistency.
  4. Finally, with the motor running, drizzle in the olive oil until completely combined.
  5. Spoon into an airtight container.
  6. Can be used on pasta, as a dip, or in salad.

* You can add raw parmesan cheese as well if you want.  1/4 C.

Culprits of Digestion Dysfunction…

Happy Monday Everyone!  Two weeks ago we went over the first thing to look at with digestion issues which is the gut/brain axis and cranial tension. Last week, we went over the second thing we have to address in digestion issues which is the stomach and gut acidity.  That is, of course with a well balanced organic grain and dairy free diet.  🙂

Another source of digestion disturbance is gallbladder dysfunction.  We have many different digestion organs within our body, and no one organ is not needed.  We have seen over the years gallbladders being take out like candy.  “You don’t need this organ”.  Well, ACTUALLY you need every organ!  All the gallbladder in particular has SO many digestion roles.

Gallstones can be safely handled WITHOUT SURGERY? There are over 700,000 cholecystectomies done in the U.S. each year, costing over $6.5 billion, making it the largest digestive problem. 

A huge job is fat emulsification and absorption which is so VITAL!.  We know we need good fats, and we need a lot of it.  Was most commonly happens is the bile which the gallbladder makes to emulsify the fats gets thick, or backs up and causes gall stones.
How does this happen?

Well, one reason I see in my office all the time is that the gallbladder is spasmed.  It’s usually a stress/gut type reaction.  When this spasm happens, the ducts back up, and stones can begin to form over time.  It’s like a sympathetic response. ( we will go over next week the particulars in stress and its role in digestion disorders).

When this reflex is relaxed, usually the organ can regain it’s function and normalize.  Other individuals have thick bile and need help supplementation wise to help liquify it and detoxify the body.  Thick bile usually happens because of toxins and improper nutritional intake of food nutrients.

You see, when you get the gallbladder out, that doesn’t solve the problems.  What I see in my office is it makes things WORSE.  Sure, you might feel better in the acute stage, because gallstones and gallbladder back up is painful.  But what happens is, the nerves that innervate the organ are all still there.  The nerve pathways and signaling are also still present.

So, the dysfunctional pattern doesn’t stop.  You also don’t have a way to properly digest your fats.  What does this mean?

Well, for mostly all of my patients who have had this removed they are chronically constipated.  Sometimes going 1 to 2 times a week!
As you’ve read previously last week, going to the bathroom at least 2 times a day is healthy and SO important.  If you aren’t, they you are sooo toxic.

Others have chronic diarrhea.

But, your MD’s wont tell you that you need supplementation for the rest of your life because this organ has been removed.  But the reality is, you do.  Since fat is so important, we absolutely need to be able to use it!

Other problems with gallbladder removal:
-sphincter of odi dysfunction: (small intestine valve) which can lead to pancreatitis
-pancreatic cancer
-dyspepsia (stomach acid problems)
-common bile duct stones
-Postcholecystectomy Syndrome
-hormonal problems (menopausal women and cycling)
-Low back pain, hip pain.
**  I have seen numerous patients in my office that have had either hip or low back pain resolve once the gallbladder function is renewed and the colon is properly eliminated.

If you’ve had out your gallbladder, get help!  You need supplementation to get the nutrients you need.  If you have gallbladder symptoms and haven’t had it removed DON’T!  It will cause more problems than keeping it.  Work with a natural health care provider like myself and figure out why it is dysfunctional in the first place.  It’s not eating a low fat diet people.  Its all the bad carbs, sugars, processed foods, stress.

Other Culprits of Digestion Dysfunction:

Usually from poor diet, toxins, gut/brain axis dysfunction, antibiotics or low acidity levels, we then get little critters that LOVE to disrupt our digestion even more!

Let me say this.  ALL AUTOIMMUNE disorders start with gut dysfunction!  Let me say that again ALL AUTOIMMUNE disorders start with gut dysfunction!  Fix the digestion, heal the autoimmunity.  But, you have to know what is causing the dysfunction and that’s usually the hardest part nowadays with all I’ve mentioned above that can go wrong.

Probably the worst thing that’s happening with leaky gut is the effect on the brain and the autoimmune conditions it’s causing.

One big big problem we have now is yeast and fungal infections that are rampant.  A huge part because of all the antibiotics we and our parents have taken over the years.  Our good bacteria just aren’t affluent enough.  And of course our processed, carb laiden american diets don’t feed good bacteria by any means.

Not all yeast is bad, of course we need some yeast in our body.  But when things overgrow too much, then we have problems.

It can start even in infancy.  Heard of cradle cap?  This is a clear sign of biotin deficiency and a sign the baby has a yeast infection.

You see, the babies LOVE what their mother ate.  If mom ate like crap during pregnancy and had yeast problems baby will too.

Progesterone, estrogen and glucose go up in pregnancy as well, which feed yeast and makes infections grow.

Thursh is also really common in infants now which is an overgrowth of yeast.

OTC yeast prescriptions don’t work either to clear out yeast overgrowth.  You need to work with a natural health care provider because it can be a tricky thing.  Also, just cutting carbs forever won’t do the trick either.  But a HUGE leaky gut and digestion problem culprit is overgrowth of yeast.

** clinical note here.  Chronic yeast infections can also be protective if you have a lot of heavy metals, bacteria and toxins in your body.  Yeast will overgrow to help so the toxins don’t get into your blood.  Chronic yeast problems?? You need to clear out metals and toxins.

Other culprits.
Epstein Barr Virus is found in 95% of people.  In fact, individuals diagnosed with MS show a 98% positivity in EBV.

Crohns Disease is a chronic mycobacterium infection.

Protozoa is so common for many digestion problem dysfunctions, and also a lot of mood/attention disorders and brain dysfunction I find in many patients.

H. Pylori is so common in small intestine and stomach dysfunction.

I could go on, but pathogens are HUGE for digestion disruption.  But you can’t JUST kill bugs.  For some that is enough to normalize digestion.  Others, what I mentioned above has to take place first.  Also, if you aren’t going to the bathroom, then killing pathogens and clearing metals will be bad bad bad.  Have to get things going first so you can SAFELY eliminate them.

What about food allergies??

Yes, they happen and do exist.  But most “allergies” are not TRUE allergies.  It is because the body is inflamed.  Usually liver/gallbladder issues cause allergies to arise.  I see this all the time.  While working on digestion you will have to eliminate certain things, but if you are allergic to a lot of foods, you need to clean up the inflammation in the digestive organs.  Usually bugs, nervous system stress and toxins.

Blood allergy testing can be helpful for some to check if theres a major allergen to eliminate, but I don’t always recommend this unless needed.

Last but not least this week….

Huge digestion disruptors are also TOXINSSSS.  Heavy metals and toxins in our environment.  They are literally everywhere.  So we can’t be naive and not do daily things to help detoxify our body.  Almost everyone these days needs heavy metal clearing.  Between vaccines, beauty products, seafood contamination, water supply, fillings, and such it gets into us one way or another or through the womb.

You must address toxins if you want full digestion normalcy.

Next week we will go over stress and its role in digestion as well as how EMF’s cause digestion dysfunction.

Catch you then!


ON the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s  Grapefruit.  Grapefruit has many different uses from immune support, gallbladder support, decreasing mucus, increasing metabolism, antioxidant support and much more

DR Hamel will be at the GLOBAL DoTERRA convention this weekend!  Stay tuned on her facebook or instagram for updates!

Beets, Beets!  These are powerhouse veggies for gallbladder support!

Cholagogue-Rich Foods

“Cholagogue-rich foods support healthy gallbladder function and bile flow. The main cholagogues are:

  • Apples
  • Artichoke
  • Bitter Greens
  • Celery
  • Cinnamon
  • Fennel
  • Fenugreek
  • Ginger
  • Tumeric

Beet SmoothiesA blend of beet, celery and apple juice with cinnamon with breakfast daily is a great way to boost bile flow and support healthy gallbladder function.

Raw or Cooked Beets

Yes, beets again. Beets are important foods for the liver and function of the gallbladder. They can be raw, cooked, or grated into a salad. Studies show beets are rich in antioxidants that protect the liver and boost the production of beneficial liver enzymes, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione.

Beets have also been shown to attach to the bile and escort it, with all the gobbled-up (Pac-Man’d) toxins in tow, to the toilet. ”