Cellular Hydration
Did you now that 71% of the earth is water, and our bodies are made of 75% water, 75% is inside our cells.
However, not all water is created equal. We need water that actually goes into the cells of our body. Tap water is full of
contaminants and other chemicals harmful to our body. Bottle water sometimes may seem like the better option, but the production process is highly unregulated and contains harmful chemicals and hormone disruptors leached from the plastic containers. It’s also acidic which affects your bodies pH and electrolyte balance. Not to mention plastic destroys our ecosystem.
Well water for those that have it, is a great option. Why? Because the earth breaks the water into smaller particle size units called the ORP(oxidative reductive potential). That ORP being small (or negative) is key.
If you take a handful of grapes, put in them in a colander and rinse them off with water, does the water go into the grapes?
No. Why?
Because the skin of the grape bounces the water off. So, guess what happens to most of the water that you drink, the same thing happens in your cells. Your cells have a skin on the outside that repels most water, meaning most of the water we drink is peed out. That’s why a urinalysis is not always very effective at diagnosing, because most of the water you are peeing is the same water you drank 20 minutes ago, it’s not exchanging inside the cells. That exchanging process is HUGE for healing. So what’s inside your cells becomes old, stale, stagnant and mold ridden. We start to rot and rust on the inside out even though we are drinking 6 gallons of water per day. If the water you are drinking is not small enough in ORP, the old water is not coming out of your cells and the new water is not coming in. This can really hinder our cellular regeneration. It also really hinders our ability with nutrients to get inside the cell for healing.
Dehydration of just 3% causes: 18% decline in muscular power, 70% increase in “perceived” fatigue, and 12% decrease in reaction time..
It’s not about the PH of the water, you can make PH by adding baking soda to the water. It doesn’t make the water more permeable. The term you are looking for is alkalized not alkaline. Water that is not only high pH, but that is a small enough particle size to actually go into your cells.
So, what’s the best? The most superior alkalized water is Kangan Water.
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