Tag Archives: food chart

Nutritional Habits of Healthy Children, Nutrients at Different Ages

Happy Monday!  I hope you all have been enjoying this month’s topic on children’s health.  If you missed last week’s Facebook live video I went over the top 4 foods that are a big no no for children.  If you missed that topic you can watch the replay here:

As we shift for the second half of this month, we are talking more about nutrition in children.  We have gone over the importance of Craniopathy chiropractic care in children, and nutrition is another huge topic, but we will highlight the main points here.

What do our children need to feel healthy and happy?

  • Water
  • Digestion
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Play
  • Sleep
These I believe are the top factors that need to be looked at for healthy and happy children.  
1. Water-  Is he/she getting enough water?  So many children drink so much juice, milk and sports drinks and are severely dehydrated.
2. Is the child getting daily exercise?  What activities could be recommended besides organized sports?
3. What is the child eating?  (topic today)
4. Is the child getting adequate rest?  How many hours and what is the quality?  Is the sleep schedule consistent?
5. What kind of stress is this child managing?  What can produce stress reduction for this child?  Is this child allowed time to relax and have fun?

First and foremost, it matters WHAT our children eat!
Numerous studies have shown how our diet can affect:

  • mood
  • energy
  • clarity of thought
  • behavior
  • healthy weight
  • overall health and vitality

The quality of the food is also extremely important.  Non-gmo, organic foods or growing your own foods is SO important!  Otherwise you aren’t eating real food, and are ingesting loads of toxins.  There are however different needs children have at different ages.

As I’ve mentioned before the BIGGEST age in brain growth in development is the age of 2 years and younger.  So, it will be no surprise to you that nutrition for this growth is extremely important.

2 years and younger:

Children during this age, should of course be breastfeeding if possible.  It is through breastfeeding that the child will develop immunity, and get adequate nutrients from mother’s milk.  If there are issues with breastfeeding, this can be helped with craniopathy and nutrition for both mom and baby.  I do understand women are in the working world and breastfeeding that long may not be feasible.  So, here are the key percentages of nutrients children need at this age.

Children can’t digest protein until they have molars, so protein at this age is less than that of older ages.
The majority of their nutrition should be healthy fats 40%.  The brain is made of fat, and needs a good amount for that huge amount of brain growth.  Carbs are second coming in also at 40%  I will explain in a minute what type of carbs because it’s “complex carbohydrates” that they need.  And lastly protein at 20%

2-5 Years Old:

The percentage starts to change slightly through this stage, fats move down to 30%, protein increases slightly to 25%, and carbs increases to 45%.

School Aged and Older:

The fats are around 20-25%, protein 25-30% and 50% Carbs.

What are complex carbohydrates??

  • Complex carbohydrates are nutrient dense but light in calories.  Refined foods and sweet will have just to opposite composition.  Try to limit those to occasional treats.
  • Complex carbohydrates should consist primarily of vegetables and fruits at a 2:1 ratio.
  • Organic fruits and vegetables when possible!
  • Whole grains should be organic and limited to no more than 2 servings per day
  • Understand that the percent of carbohydrates recommended in the guidelines is referring to quantity of food, not calories.


  • Adequate protein is essential for children for growth and repair of cells, nerves, muscles and bones.
  • Relatively subtle effects of protein deficiency are now recognized, especially on the immune system and gastrointestinal mucosa
  • A child with aversion to protein should be tested for mineral imbalance and food intolerances, their bodies will pull them in a certain direction.
  • Quality protein from natural sources is best and animal proteins contain the highest amount per serving.

  • Fats are the main dietary energy source for infants.
  • Fats provide essential fatty acids necessary for brain development
  • They are needed for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and for myelination of the central nervous system.
  • They can be stored easily without much every cost which is important for infants.
  • Good sources are: avocados, eggs, nuts, olives, fish.
    • Introducing a variety of foods slowly helps the immune system
  • All trans fats should be avoided
  • Breast milk
    • It is considered a superior source of fat for infants because of its normal array of fats in its composition ALA, GLA, AA and DHA
    • It is important for a nursing mother to keep her diet high in healthy fats
    • Parent essential fatty acids and DHA need is especially high for the infant since it cannot efficiently make this fatty acid for rapid brain growth.
What is happening to our youth when it comes to weight management??

Why is their an increase in Type II Diabetes in children?  Now up to 46% of cases are children.
Why has the weight problem in children more than tripled in the past 30 years??
In 2012, more than 1/3 of children and adolescents were overweight or obese!


  • Parental Influence
    • Family food preferences
    • Eating patterns
    • Daily activities and habits
  • Portion size and food choices
    • increased portion sizes in restaurants and fast food establishments
    • increased intake of sugary drinks, refined flour and other high processed foods
    • increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup that has replaced sugar in almost all processed food and drinks, hunger is barely satisfied.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
    • increased screen time
    • reduced opportunities for physical play
  • Increase in toxins
    • typical american diet
    • gmo, non organic food
    • vaccines
    • amalgum fillings
    • digestion bugs
ACID stopping medications, the number one selling drug initially meant for adults, are being prescribed at an alarming rate for our children.  Children don’t really produce adequate stomach acid until they get molars, because they then need it for protein digestion!
These drugs:
– Induce a state of low acid which creates progressive malabsorption and malnutrition!
Mineral and protein digestion requires strong acid production in the stomach.


  • quality nutritious foods
  • adequate enzyme production
  • proper pH balance in the stomach and intestines
  • presence of healthy bacteria
  • relaxed state of mind
  • healthy adrenal function
    • HEALTHY Teeth and Gums!  (You would not believe how many “healthy” people who eat right, exercise, do everything but still struggle because of hidden dental infections and metal fillings)
    • Healthy Teeth and a Healthy Gut is our immune system!
Common causes of impaired digestion:

  • Dehydration, low fiber, food intolerances
  • Birth Trauma, nerve compression to the vagal nerve and intestinal nerve areas
  • Not breastfed
  • C-section
  • Carbonated beverages with meals- neutralized the digestive enzymes
  • reduced pancreatic enzymes
  • antibiotic use
  • acid stopping medication
  • adrenal insufficiency
  • hidden gut parasites, bacteria, viruses or mold
How do you know if your child is having digestive symptoms?  Other than the obvious ones….
  • Indigestion/upset stomach/ “belly aches”
  • Constipation/diarrhea
  • reflux
  • fatigue
  • eczema/psoriasis
  • food cravings/food intolerances and/or allergies
  • weight loss/gain
Two facts:

1. Stomach pain is the MOST common reason for children to visit their primary care physician, according to the CDC
2. Gastroenteritis is the most common cause of abdominal pain in children and can be caused by viruses or bacterial agents.

I hope this was helpful to you this week.  I know it’s a lot of information, so you might have to go through it a few times.  Next week we will go into a few other nutrition related topics for children.  Share this with those who have kiddos as children are our future!!


On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Digest Zen Roller ball!  The rollerball products are awesome for children because they are already diluted, so no worries for the safety or skin irritation for children!

DōTERRA DigestZen Touch is the perfect oil to have on hand at home, work, or when traveling. The calming aroma of DigestZen essential oil blend is combined with Fractionated Coconut Oil in DigestZen Touch for gentle topical application. The essential oils of Anise, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway, Coriander, Tarragon, and Fennel are known for their ability to ease the effects of motion sickness and stomach upset when inhaled or applied topically. dōTERRA DigestZen Touch is perfect for those who want the benefits of DigestZen essential oil in a diluted version for gentle or sensitive skin.


  • Take on a road trip to ease the effects of motion sickness.
  • Apply to the stomach or bottoms of feet after eating a large meal.
  • Have on hand when flying or traveling.
  • Use for food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation