Tag Archives: mold

Sinus Pressure, Headaches and Puffy Eyes oh MY!

Happy Monday Everyone. It seems like EVERYONE is getting sick or has been this winter. There is definitely some big super bugs going around.  If you read my blog last time, you know that the 5G radiation we are around is definitely a huge contributor to this.  Another I think is that it’s literally in our environment.  You can read more about that in the link below about the corona virus.


Often with infections it can cause backing up of our lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is your drainage system. Lymph nodes for instance, function as filters, trapping viruses, bacteria and other causes of illnesses before they can infect other parts of your body. It’s extremely important and I think second most important system in our body after the nervous system for function. This is often why you hear of detoxing, detoxing, detoxing.

In order for us to properly get rid of infections, as well as to prevent them, we must have our lymphatic system FLOWING continuously. But what make it move?  Our movement.  This system relies on our body movement and organ movement.  If we aren’t physically moving, or if our organs aren’t moving (because the lymphatic system goes through every part of our body and organs) this system won’t be working well.  Almost every chronic disease has a lymphatic issue. 

Most people think of the lymphatic system as just lymph nodes or your tonsils… In fact, the lymphatic system is HUGE. It’s a network of nodes, vessels and organs which drains lymph from the tissues into the blood. There’s even lymphatic tissue in our small intestine called Peyer’s Patches.

So, since this system depends on movement, it’s pretty important that movement in the body is balanced.

Let’s go back to the head for a second.

(Not my image). Picture of the lymph system in the head and neck.

THERE IS A LOT going on in the head and neck right?!!
It’s definitely more than just tonsils.  This interweb actually continues through your ENTIRE body as well, all around your organs.  The most lymph nodes are actually in our abdomen, so that’s another area I focus on a lot for this system.

Puffy eyes and swelling in the face is usually a sign that this system is congested.  But again, this system can’t flow effectively unless movement happens.  If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know that the Cranial System (Head) moves every breathe that we take. Sometimes these joints in the head though are not moving well.  That means this fluid will back up, like a pump backing up, which causes pressure changes. Additionally, our brain has it’s own unique lymphatic system as well that drains into this lymph system, so we must address it first!

This can often cause individuals to get sinus pressure, congestion, increase in actually getting infections, headaches and allergies. The key is to get this system moving, but in order to do it effectively, we have to make sure the cranial system is moving!  If you just do things like lymphatic massage or dry brushing, which are helpful, but often stagnation will return because the cranial system has not been balanced.  You see in the above picture how much nodes and vessels are close to the jaw joint as well.  This can cause pressure changes in the ear and eustachian tube, which can also affect hearing/balance.

Swelling in any of this system often will have a system effect.  I’ve had individuals with liver stagnation feel a release in their head and sinuses when we started normalizing the lymphatic movement in their liver.

Another point here is oxygen.  With swelling and stagnation in the lymphatic system, there often will be a depletion in oxygen.  Congestion means less nasal breathing and inflammation in the sinuses and respiratory systemThis provides an OPTIMAL environment for infections to live in.  Most infections that we get are what are called anaerobic meaning (hate oxygen).  So naturally when there is an environment with less oxygen, they will move in..

We have to get the cranial system open FIRST, and get oxygen flowing.  Sometimes there is actual structural issues like narrowing of the sinuses and deviated septum for instance.  This definitely also has to be addressed or you will find you or your children constantly fighting infections.  Again, a lack of oxygen will harbor infections. Many individuals with many teeth infections also have airway issues. Of course diet and hygiene come into play, but many individuals that always have continual teeth infections you will find have airway issues, tongue tie and difficulty nasal breathing.

So…. Long story short.  We have to change that pressure system.
First and foremost:

1. Get Craniopathy Care regularly to make sure the FLOW can happen for this fluid. This could often also result in co-managing with a functional dentist to help change that structure.  Remember your nervous system controls your immune system!  If you clench your teeth, you will constantly have congested lymph in your head and neck!
2. Keep your body moving.  Regular exercise and infrared Saunas are great ways to continually take care of your lymph.
3. Eat a low inflammation diet. Get rid of inflammatory foods, like sugars and processed foods/grains.  These cause inflammation in this system.
4. Clear that liver and gut.  Since most of the lymphatic system resides in the gut, it must be important right?  Stop eating toxic foods, or come in for a genetic nutrition session to help clear your detox organs. We can also evaluate and give you immune system support to help keep you protected.
5. Kill the Infections.  CRANIOBIOTIC TECHNIQUE is what I use most in my office to help your immune system kill infections.  Most in the head and neck I find are mold infections because of lack of oxygen.
6. Decrease EMF exposure.  I’ve found that EMF’s are really clogging the liver and lymphatic system.  Go back to my last blog for tips on this matter, get RID of airbuds and bluetooth headphones near your head!
6. Dry Brushing.
7. Lymphatic Massage. 


For those of you you have been terrified about the corona virus, I got an Infection Vile to check for this infection using CranioBiotic Technique. But just so you know, I would check out this article about its origin.  You won’t find it on the mainstream news.



This week I’m giving you a recipe for a great sinus opener!!

This one can get your eyes watering so be careful!  Super Tip, I use this while flying.  I just ask the flight attendant for a cup of hot water and while on the plane, put a drop of each in and it clears the air and keeps the bugs away!

That is all for now
Have a Happy and Healthy Week.
Dr. Hamel

The dangers of mycotoxins and what to do about them!

The dangers of mycotoxins and what to do about them!

Happy Monday Tribe!

Sorry I didn’t give you guys a health tip last week!  I have been BUSY! I wanted to let you know that I will be cutting down on my blogs so that I can reach my deadline and finish writing my book!

I’m thinking either one every other week or once a month.  I will let you know as soon as I know!!


Back to this week’s topic. Myocotoxins.

What are mycotoxins and why do we care in the health field?!
Mycotoxins are toxic compounds that are naturally produced by certain types of molds. Molds that can produce mycotoxins grow on numerous foods such as cereals, dried fruits, nuts and spices. Mold growth can occur either before harvest or after harvest, during storage, on/in the food itself often under warm, damp and humid conditions. Most mycotoxins are chemically stable and survive food processing.
Several hundred different mycotoxins have been identified, but the most commonly observed mycotoxins that present a concern to human health and livestock include aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin, fumonisins, zearalenone and nivalenol/deoxynivalenol. Mycotoxins appear in the food chain as a result of mold infection of crops both before and after harvest. Exposure to mycotoxins can happen either directly by eating infected food or indirectly from animals that are fed contaminated feed, in particular from milk.

Mycotoxins are capable of causing mycotoxicosis (disease and death) in humans and animals.  These toxins cause disturbance in the gut, particularly in the intestinal epithelial.  However, research exists to show that the gut microbiota is capable of eliminating mycotoxin from the host naturally, provided that the host is healthy with a balanced gut microbiota.

It has been estimated that 25% of the world’s crops such as nuts, cereals and rice are contaminated by mold and fungal growth (WHO).  The exposure is mostly by ingestion. Some people are more susceptible to getting mycotoxicosis than others, and this is due the the pharmocogenetic variability where gene mutations such as CYP 450 could increase or decrease the metabolic activity of getting rid of them.
It tends to still be ignored by the medical field though unfortunately.

Mycotoxins can induce diverse and powerful toxic effects in that some are carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, estrogenic, hemorrhagic, immunotoxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, dermatoxic and neurotoxic.
They are finding that the ever changing climate changes (warming) are having increases in contamination.  

What happens to the gut?!

Some mycotoxins have been found to exert their detrimental effects in the GI tract by altering the normal intestinal functions such as barrier function and nutrient absorption.  
And as we know, the occurrence of disease has often been linked to dysbiosis of the gut! EVERY autoimmune disease has a gut dysbiosis cause.  We also know through research that the mycotoxins also are capable of altering the microbial balance of the intestine further causing oxidative stress.

Usually mycotoxicosis results from a high dosage of mycotoxin contamination, and involves regulation of DNA methylation and alteration of gene expression. 
Gut microbes varies from person to person, so different reactions toward mycotoxins are observed.

So how do we treat it?!!

I’m So glad you asked!!

I treat it two different ways.

1. Clear the mycotoxins through craniobiotic technique.  When I find the mold aspergillus in an individual through CBT, mycotoxins can also be present.  Alerting the brain of the mycotoxins can allow them to clear it out.

2. Methylation Genetic work!  Work on the genetic variations that are making people react to the mycotoxins in the first place!   Fixing that gut microbiotia always involves methylation support!

Be aware of molds!! They are silent killers and wreak havok on the immune system.  They are found in foods as mentioned here, but also in homes, bathrooms, garages, basements, ect.   Don’t leave mold!  It a serious health threat.


That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel


If your interested in attending an essential oils class either virtually through zoom or in person let her know.

She will be teaching various classes soon in her PB office, but can do weekend virtual EO classes.

Email her!

April Allergies… Avoiding an Allergic Meltdown.

April Allergies…. Surviving Allergy Season

Happy Monday Everyone!

It finally feels like it’s getting close to summer after this weekend!  So much rain!  With so much rain means lots of things in bloom, pollen and grass.

How do you survive?!

Well believe it or not, I used to suffer from extreme hayfever and allergies every single year.  I couldn’t go outside much, be around grass, or really have any fun!

Fast forward about 5 years, and minus the occasional sneeze, I can be outside with absolutely no problems!  HOW did I achieve this MAGIC?!

Well, it’s no magic, you just need to understand a few things about the airway and sinus system to play the allergy game.

Most of the time the sinuses or internally is already inflamed in some way that creating a heightened response.  Here are some areas to look for inflammation:

1.  The joints within the head.  
A lot of people will say they have a “sinus headache” or “sinus pain”, when in reality the joints of the head aren’t moving properly and are inflamed.  what does that mean?
That means that their will be a lack of oxygen to the brain, no proper drainage in the sinuses, and a PERFECT environment for pathogens to live in. 
*Pathogens LOVE no oxygen.  They thrive in it.  So when things aren’t moving, and oxygen is less, they thrive.   Craniopathy care will help correct this.

2. Narrow Sinuses.  This goes along with the cranial system, but if you have narrow sinuses, your oxygen level won’t be as great.  Craniopathy care can help, but in reality you may need further work like myofunctional therapy or nasal surgery.  

3.  Infections.  Mold in particular is realllyyyyy common to have chronically in the sinuses.  This creates chronic inflammation, which means when dust and pollen come your way you will most likely react. Craniobiotic Technique, a technique I use in my office can really help to clear out those infections quickly and give relief. 

4. LIVER.  The liver is a big one for allergies.  Food and Airborne.  Most of the allergy supplements out there contain some liver support in them, you just don’t know it!  Thats because when the liver is congested, it will make you more reactive to allergens.  Doing a liver detoxification can really help clear this up. 

5.  Gut health.  Keeping that gut healthy will be a sure way to help with allergies.  That’s because the inflammation levels will be down.  If you have leaky gut, you will absolutely have more severe allergies. Thats because the food for instance will go straight into the bloodstream where antibodies will be activated.  For airborne allergies, there is more overall inflammation and we all know by now about the gut/brain axis, so it will affect that circuit. The Stomach must also be looked at.  Improper protein digestion and you’ll have way more food allergies.

6.  Actual Allergy Desensitization.  You can also desensitize your body from certain allergens.  Usually it’s just an improper brain response.  Craniobiotic Technique in my office can also be used to desensitize airborne allergens. 

Instead of running to Claritin, Zyrtec or those anti-histamines… READ THIS:

Studies in mice have shown that antihistamines promote the growth of malignant tumors. Scientists at the University of Manitoba believe that the consumption of various medications, including antihistamines and antidepressants, may increase the risk for cancer.

In February, 1994, the Department of Health and Human Services noted an increase in the incidence of cancer in the United States. Scientists at the University of Manitoba believe that the consumption of various medications, including antihistamines and antidepressants, may increase the risk for cancer and may be part of the reason for the increase.

They have demonstrated that drugs like Elavil, Claritin, Hismanal, Atarax, Unisom, Prozac, NyQuil and Reactine have all created tumors in animal studies. Some antihistamines behave like the drug DPPE, which has been linked to enhancing tumor growth by binding to histamine receptors, which interferes with enzymes designed to detoxify and remove poisons from the body. This will also interfere with the system that regulates cell growth. The drugs do not necessarily cause cancer, but can enhance the growth of cancer.

Antihistamines block your P-450 cytochrome which is involved with the bodies phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification process. If you block your livers detoxification process you shut down the immune system.There are other drugs that also block this pathway: antibiotics, steroids, NSAID’s, pain medications, antacids, and some antidepressants. If you have a “sick” liver meaning it’s plugged or infected, you will have allergic reactions very easily.

Natural Solutions….

Here are some natural solution to help get you relief quickly.
1. Use X-Clear Nasal Spray.  This natural spray consists of xylitol, grapefruit extract and saline which helps fight infections in the nasal passageway, and open the airways a little.

2.  Arginex or Allerplex by standard process.  These are supplements I love to use for allergies.  They both have support for the LIVER.  That’s why they work so well!

3. D-Hist by OrthoMolecular.  This is a natural form of an antihistamine.  It helps decrease that histamine reaction that happens when exposed to allergens.

4. DoTerra Triease .Each softgel contains equal parts of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils, known for their ability to maintain clear breathing and a healthy immune response when combined together. Used by both veteran and novice essential oil users, this well-known blend is frequently mixed together for its respiratory health benefits. (You can purchase on my website, or PM me to get wholesale cost).


Think twice before running to those antihistamine drugs!

Till Next TIME!

ALSO GUYS!!! PLease Please join us on the 15th, to fight to dismantle the SB 276!!

California, the time is now! Senator Pan has introduced the bill we have all been expecting. SB276, a bill to restrict vaccine medical exemptions in California, has gone live and Assemblything Lorena G is the first coauthor.

What the bill does:

1. All medical exemptions must be approved by the State Public Health Officer (or approved designee).

2. All medical exemptions must be based on CDC contraindications only. These are VERY narrow – basically anaphylaxis.

3. All medical exemption requests must be submitted on a standardized form created by the California Dept of Public Health (CDPH).

4. All medical exemption requests will be tracked in a database managed by the CDPH. This will include personal and sensitive medical information about your children.

5. Any medical exemption written PRIOR to SB276 will also need to be approved by the CDPH and included in their database, by July 1, 2020. If the grandfathered medical exemption is deemed “fraudulent,” it will be invalidated.

We are going to be under the gun on this one due to legislative deadlines, it has the potential to move fast. We must take action en masse. > Do these things today:
1. Call the Senate Rules Committee (916) 651-4120 and politely ask that SB276 is double referred to the Senate Health Committee and the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee.

2. Call the following Senators (we will be calling several a day so that we can hit them all fairly quickly). Urge them to NOT coauthor SB276 and to vote NO when/if if comes before them for a vote.

Senator Toni Atkins (916) 651-4039 Senator Scott Wilk (916) 651-4021 Senator Pat Bates (916) 651-4036 Senator Bill Monning (916) 651-4017 Senator Richard Roth (916) 651-4031 Senator Maria Durazo (916) 651-4024 Senator Connie Leyva (916) 651-4020 Sen Shannon Grove (916) 651-4016

Sample Script: “Hi, I’m calling to urge Senator __________ to NOT coauthor SB276, a bill to severely restrict medical exemptions. Furthermore, I would ask that the Senator vote NO should SB276 come before him/her for a vote. SB277 was passed because of a broad medical exemption that was left to a doctor’s discretion. There is no crisis demanding such an authoritarian law in California. Thank you for your time.”

3. You have two legislators – a Senator and an Assemblyperson. Call them both. Ask for a meeting with the legislator (not a staffer) in the next few weeks in their district office to discuss SB276. Ask if they have any townhalls or coffee talks on the calendar in the near future. Let us know what you find out!

4. Start talking to people: friends, family, doctors, nurses. Let them know what Pan is up to with this bill. Invite them to join Parents United 4 Kids.

That is all for now.


Wishing you a happy and healthy week!