Tag Archives: sleep apnea

Sinus Pressure, Headaches and Puffy Eyes oh MY!

Happy Monday Everyone. It seems like EVERYONE is getting sick or has been this winter. There is definitely some big super bugs going around.  If you read my blog last time, you know that the 5G radiation we are around is definitely a huge contributor to this.  Another I think is that it’s literally in our environment.  You can read more about that in the link below about the corona virus.


Often with infections it can cause backing up of our lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is your drainage system. Lymph nodes for instance, function as filters, trapping viruses, bacteria and other causes of illnesses before they can infect other parts of your body. It’s extremely important and I think second most important system in our body after the nervous system for function. This is often why you hear of detoxing, detoxing, detoxing.

In order for us to properly get rid of infections, as well as to prevent them, we must have our lymphatic system FLOWING continuously. But what make it move?  Our movement.  This system relies on our body movement and organ movement.  If we aren’t physically moving, or if our organs aren’t moving (because the lymphatic system goes through every part of our body and organs) this system won’t be working well.  Almost every chronic disease has a lymphatic issue. 

Most people think of the lymphatic system as just lymph nodes or your tonsils… In fact, the lymphatic system is HUGE. It’s a network of nodes, vessels and organs which drains lymph from the tissues into the blood. There’s even lymphatic tissue in our small intestine called Peyer’s Patches.

So, since this system depends on movement, it’s pretty important that movement in the body is balanced.

Let’s go back to the head for a second.

(Not my image). Picture of the lymph system in the head and neck.

THERE IS A LOT going on in the head and neck right?!!
It’s definitely more than just tonsils.  This interweb actually continues through your ENTIRE body as well, all around your organs.  The most lymph nodes are actually in our abdomen, so that’s another area I focus on a lot for this system.

Puffy eyes and swelling in the face is usually a sign that this system is congested.  But again, this system can’t flow effectively unless movement happens.  If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know that the Cranial System (Head) moves every breathe that we take. Sometimes these joints in the head though are not moving well.  That means this fluid will back up, like a pump backing up, which causes pressure changes. Additionally, our brain has it’s own unique lymphatic system as well that drains into this lymph system, so we must address it first!

This can often cause individuals to get sinus pressure, congestion, increase in actually getting infections, headaches and allergies. The key is to get this system moving, but in order to do it effectively, we have to make sure the cranial system is moving!  If you just do things like lymphatic massage or dry brushing, which are helpful, but often stagnation will return because the cranial system has not been balanced.  You see in the above picture how much nodes and vessels are close to the jaw joint as well.  This can cause pressure changes in the ear and eustachian tube, which can also affect hearing/balance.

Swelling in any of this system often will have a system effect.  I’ve had individuals with liver stagnation feel a release in their head and sinuses when we started normalizing the lymphatic movement in their liver.

Another point here is oxygen.  With swelling and stagnation in the lymphatic system, there often will be a depletion in oxygen.  Congestion means less nasal breathing and inflammation in the sinuses and respiratory systemThis provides an OPTIMAL environment for infections to live in.  Most infections that we get are what are called anaerobic meaning (hate oxygen).  So naturally when there is an environment with less oxygen, they will move in..

We have to get the cranial system open FIRST, and get oxygen flowing.  Sometimes there is actual structural issues like narrowing of the sinuses and deviated septum for instance.  This definitely also has to be addressed or you will find you or your children constantly fighting infections.  Again, a lack of oxygen will harbor infections. Many individuals with many teeth infections also have airway issues. Of course diet and hygiene come into play, but many individuals that always have continual teeth infections you will find have airway issues, tongue tie and difficulty nasal breathing.

So…. Long story short.  We have to change that pressure system.
First and foremost:

1. Get Craniopathy Care regularly to make sure the FLOW can happen for this fluid. This could often also result in co-managing with a functional dentist to help change that structure.  Remember your nervous system controls your immune system!  If you clench your teeth, you will constantly have congested lymph in your head and neck!
2. Keep your body moving.  Regular exercise and infrared Saunas are great ways to continually take care of your lymph.
3. Eat a low inflammation diet. Get rid of inflammatory foods, like sugars and processed foods/grains.  These cause inflammation in this system.
4. Clear that liver and gut.  Since most of the lymphatic system resides in the gut, it must be important right?  Stop eating toxic foods, or come in for a genetic nutrition session to help clear your detox organs. We can also evaluate and give you immune system support to help keep you protected.
5. Kill the Infections.  CRANIOBIOTIC TECHNIQUE is what I use most in my office to help your immune system kill infections.  Most in the head and neck I find are mold infections because of lack of oxygen.
6. Decrease EMF exposure.  I’ve found that EMF’s are really clogging the liver and lymphatic system.  Go back to my last blog for tips on this matter, get RID of airbuds and bluetooth headphones near your head!
6. Dry Brushing.
7. Lymphatic Massage. 


For those of you you have been terrified about the corona virus, I got an Infection Vile to check for this infection using CranioBiotic Technique. But just so you know, I would check out this article about its origin.  You won’t find it on the mainstream news.



This week I’m giving you a recipe for a great sinus opener!!

This one can get your eyes watering so be careful!  Super Tip, I use this while flying.  I just ask the flight attendant for a cup of hot water and while on the plane, put a drop of each in and it clears the air and keeps the bugs away!

That is all for now
Have a Happy and Healthy Week.
Dr. Hamel

Orofacial Disorders: The Tongue and Development of the Face

Happy Monday Tribe!

It’s almost September, I can’t believe it!  Today we will be talking a little bit about developmental stages in the face and the tongue, and some disorders that arise from these issues.

The reason that I treat children, and talk about it quite often, is that in my profession, working with the cranial system, that is THE BIGGEST time frame we have to impact changes in the brain.

Of course, you can still make changes as an adult, but the reason for children is that most of the development in the face happens during childhood.

The BIGGEST brain growth happens from age 0-2 years old. 
By Age 2- A mature swallow is well established
By age 3- Adult like swallow has developed
By age 6- 80% of upper and lower jaw growth is complete
By age 7-12 – 90% of the upper and lower jaw growth is complete.


Whenever I’m examining a child, the motion of their head, nervous system, I will always examine the relationship of their palate, and make sure I refer as needed to get the maximum results because of this time line.

This is an example of a high palate that can arise from either birth trauma, thumb sucking, tongue tie, and other orofacial disorders.

A high, narrow palate leads to sinus issues, since the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nasal cavity.
* I’ve had many individuals come to me after having sinus surgery, and some feel no different.  This is because the root of the problem lies in the palate being the cause of the problem because it is the FLOOR of the sinus, not the actual sinus itself.

Guaranteed anyone with sleep apnea like disorder or just oxygen depletion has a high narrow palate.  It’s a given.  And most really really improve with the proper care, not needing uncomfortable CPAP machines.  I’ve done many case studies and spoke about my care, combined with dentists and other individuals.

Many have no idea of their birth trauma, past head traumas, or improperly done orthodontics that have placed them in this pattern.

You HAVE to have craniopathy care to normalize this function of the system, but it is a TEAM effort to get this palate looking this way.
(more on this in a minute).

Another reason for orofacial disorders is something called improper oral rest posture. 

I bet most of you had no idea there’s a proper way to hold your lips and your tongue in your mouth?!  Am I right??!

Well, I was with you about a year ago until I started doing myofunctional therapy, tongue tie work and fixing my narrow palate. 

In reality, there is a proper healthy resting posture and it is SUPER IMPORTANT!

In order to accomplish this:
-Your lips need to be slightly touching
-A freeway space of 2-3mm needs to be in place
-Tip of tongue resting on incisive papilla
-Lateral borders of tongue touching lingual of maxillary molars
-Dorsum of tongue touching palate
-Nasal breathing

Most individuals I see in my practice have what is called a low tongue resting posture.  In reality, the tongue should be up on top of your mouth all the time.  That is what gently expands the upper palate as you grow!  This is why the tongue must always be evaluated when getting orthodontics!

So what is an unhealthy resting posture?!
-Open lip posture
-teeth clenched or abnormally far apart
-mouth breathing
-tongue resting low and forward
-lips straining upon closure
-bunched mentalis muscle

The jaw and the tongue can also drop down too much in people who have

  • enlarged tonsils
  • enlarged adenoids
  • chronic nasal allergies
  • thumb sucking habits
  • prolonged sippy cup usage/ pacifier
Why sippy cup?  Well when you use a sippy cup, it pushes the tongue down continually.  Same with a pacifier.  The tongue needs to lift up! It can lead to tongue thrust, improper swallowing, hinders speech development, so you can actually start cup drinking at age 1!

Here are some visual identifiers in children when they have sucking habits:
-high, narrow palate
-thumb indentation in the mouth
-calluses on their fingers
-infections around the nail bed

Tongue Thrusting is one that we see pretty often in children with cranial problems. 

In tongue thrusting, the tongue protrudes from the front of the side, there is an open bite, possible lisp, incorrect swallow, tongue rests low and forward and possible airway obstruction.

Tongue thrusting is just a part of a bigger issue.  The improper posture of the tongue, lips and jaw.  This is why many dental appliances just don’t work for these conditions.  You have to address the nervous system and brain and then train the tongue and the lips for the correct posture.

This low tongue position causes that upper palate to continually narrow because you need that tongue lifting up!!

Another cause-  you probably guessed it.  TONGUE TIE. 
This is why a tongue tie evaluation from a professional is really important.

Most utilize it just for feeding issues in infants, but in reality it can affect the entire function of the palate.  Some ties do not need to be removed, and can be helped with just body work from myself, others need removal.  It affects the neck, airway and palate in adults dramatically.

This is the big point here:
A orofacial disorder in a child can result in an adult with obstructive sleep apnea.

I see it all day every day.

Here are some possible sign of a tongue-tie in toddlers:
– Delay in speech
-Gagging a lot of different foods
-unable to handle certain food textures
(also these can be helped and changed dramatically wiht cranial work and cranial nerves)

So, what are your options?!!

1. Come in for evaluation!!  Bring children as early as possible to evaluate their cranial system and tongue.  Just getting a tongue tie revision isn’t just what’s needed.  Trust me.  I get referrals every week from lactation consultants where babies have had their tongue tie removed but still can’t utilize their tongue!  You can to connect it with the brain!

2. Myofunctional therapy.  HUGE, huge to be instructed on that oral rest posture

3. Tongue tie revision.  If you have a tongue tie, you must do the cranial and myofunctional therapy first.  It works so much better this way.  You need to know how to use your tongue and lips first before just removing something.

4. Dentist.  If their is a very narrow palate, then dental co-management is often necessary.  Gentle expansion can happen to widen the palate and prevent these patterns and sinus and sleep apnea issues later in life.

5.  ENT.  Sometimes nasal surgery is needed, but only after all other methods had been addressed.  Often what I see is nasal surgery isn’t needed, but it really depends on the case.

I hope this was helpful!

Have a wonderful week!

Sleep Apnea in Children, it’s on the rise…. and what to do about it.

We now know that sleep apnea is a serious condition.  There are different forms: central and obstructive, but each can put a tremendous stress on your cardiovascular system, because of inadequate oxygen.  In obstructive, the airway is blocked, which reduces or completely stops the airflow.  In central, the brain doesn’t send the signals needed to breathe.

Decreasing the chance for developing sleep apnea is very real and can be accomplished with proper screening and treatment in children.

Signs of airway constriction in children include:

  • wetting the bed
  • toss and turn at night
  • act hyperactive
  • clench or grind teeth at night
  • have dark circles under the eyes
  • snore
  • have night terrors
It’s important to know this because a lot of “symptoms” in children are considered to be normal “growing symptoms”, but in reality they aren’t normal.  Just like growing pains aren’t normal, it is a sign of cranial tension.

What is the cause of sleep apnea in children??

Obviously, there is some form of airway constriction, but what causes this to happen?

According to a TMJ and Sleep expert, they believe that the increase in sleep apnea in children is because of two reasons:

1. Babies not breastfeeding, and not breastfeeding for long enough periods of time.

2. Introducing soy based infant formulas which cause inflammation in the sinuses and change their shape.


So let me elaborate on these two points and include some thoughts of my own.

  • Breastfeeding for babies is really vital and has so many benefits not just nutritionally.  What is amazing regarding this is that the mother’s nipples actually have receptors and sense when the baby needs something and provides it.  Isn’t that pretty cool?  It is also a huge source of immune support, and where babies start building their immune system.
    • When it comes to sleep apnea, we know this is an airway and cranial problem.  Without breastfeeding, the baby misses out on natural development of the cranial system.  Bottles ARE NOT the same and do not provide the same stimulation  an infant needs.
    • A lot of children are bottle fed because of breastfeeding difficulties.  Yes, breastfeeding is actually really difficult, and a lot actually depends on the baby.  Which can be challenging because then moms think they are inadequate. Because birth is so traumatic for both involved, that is where I come in.  Cranial care and screening infants can be extremely helpful for breastfeeding.   So don’t dispair!
      • It is through this I am able to screen for cranial problems, look for tongue and lip ties, screen for allergies, tonsils and neck problems.  All of these can be life changing for breastfeeding and allow mother and baby to connect.
      • There is a lot of controversy about how long an infant should actually breastfeed, and I believe cranially that less than one year is inadequate for cranial molding.
    • So, breastfeeding stimulates cranial movement and growth, so without, the child is more likely to develop sleep apnea.
    • If you have breastfeeding problems, don’t jump to a bottle! Give this care a shot, it could be life changing for your little one.  Lactation consultants can also be extremely important and I work with quite a few.
  • Soy protein.
    • We know that soy for everyone can be a real inflammatory food.  Non GMO organic soy in small amounts can be good for adults, but too much of a good thing is NOT good.  About two ounces a day is adequate.  Most people go wayyyy overboard and have soy in their coffee and soy in there lunch and tofu for dinner, ect.  Soybean oil is also in most every packaged food, so be aware.
    • For growing babies, they need the nutrients in breast milk, and soy is NOT and does not have the essential nutrients the infant needs.  It’s also very high in estrogen and causes a lot of infants to get sinus problems and airway inflammation.
    • Although cow’s milk isn’t a good alternative because the casein amount is about ten times what a human baby needs (it is meant to grow a baby cow).  If there are extreme breastfeeding challenges where the mom is not producing enough (which can be helped as well), or things just aren’t working I recommend making your own infant formula which I can give to you if need be.
  • Birth trauma
    • This ties in with the breastfeeding, but birth trauma effects the cranial bones and creates what are called cranial faults.  This means the sinuses and airways don’t develop properly.  Getting craniopathy after birth is extremely important.  Also if the tongue can’t reach the top of the palate, this will also cause breathing, speech and feeding difficulties.
  • The health of the mom.  
    • I believe the health of the mom is huge as well.  What are they eating? Injecting? How’s their stress level?  Are they getting regularly adjusted and ensuring there is adequate pelvic inlet space and movement.  Are they sitting a lot?  This will cause the pelvis to be out of alignment very easily which causes more painful and difficult births.
  • The Birth.
    • A lot of birth interventions are unnecessarily made, when in reality the realm of a birth has a normal variation for all.  Women are too easily rushed into having babies on a hospitals or doctors schedule rather than intuitively knowing their bodies and what they are capable of.  Of course, interventions are needed , WHEN they are needed, but they are way too often just considered a “norm”, when they can actually do harm.
      • For instance, inducing a child although sometimes needed, causes the infants head to slam into the moms pelvis in abnormal ways than it would with ease naturally.  This can cause huge cranial problems.
      • Epidural’s have side effects for moms and infants.  A lot of women have numerous side effects they don’t tell you about, and although you don’t feel contractions, your baby does, which can put it under distress when natural endorphins aren’t released (they don’t’ get released with epidurals).  The endorphins are what ease the mom and baby through labor.  Without, the baby feels everything, and often more ptocin is used when the baby is in distress which can cause more distress, and then ultimately “emergency C sections”, which they could have potentially caused with the interventions.
      • I believe proper birth positions can change dramatically the birth.  Laying on your back goes against gravity, so why lay or your back the entire labor?  Get up, move, squat…. go with gravity instead of against which usually leads to the next point….
      • Don’t get me started on episiotomies, I see far too many women with trauma and pelvic floor problems because of this unnecessary cut for some women.
I hope this was enlightening to you this week, as I learned a lot from some brilliant minds in the functional dentistry realm, midwifery care and other natural birth professionals. I think the most important factor here is we have to protect the baby, and children’s sleep apnea is on the rise. And the amazing thing is WE CAN GROW THEM OUT OF IT!.

Why make them suffer as adults, when with craniopathy and possible co-mangement, children can grow and develop normally without worry of carrying it into adulthood.

So, please..

Share, tweet, snap…. whatever you need to… Get this out!  Children after all are the future.  


On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Breathe Products.

This is a combination of oils, that works wonders for opening up the air passageways, and detoxifying the air.doTERRA Breathe is a remarkable blend of essential oils including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, Ravintsara, and Ravensara. doTERRA Breathe maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of seasonal threats. doTERRA Breathe can be applied topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet, or diffused at nighttime to calm the senses and promote a restful sleep.


  • Diffuse, inhale directly from palms, or rub on chest or feet when seasonal and environmental threats are high.
  • Use when outdoors to minimize the effects of seasonal threats.
  • Diffuse at bedtime for a restful environment.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity. See additional precautions below.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.