Tag Archives: craniosacral

Orofacial Disorders: The Tongue and Development of the Face

Happy Monday Tribe!

It’s almost September, I can’t believe it!  Today we will be talking a little bit about developmental stages in the face and the tongue, and some disorders that arise from these issues.

The reason that I treat children, and talk about it quite often, is that in my profession, working with the cranial system, that is THE BIGGEST time frame we have to impact changes in the brain.

Of course, you can still make changes as an adult, but the reason for children is that most of the development in the face happens during childhood.

The BIGGEST brain growth happens from age 0-2 years old. 
By Age 2- A mature swallow is well established
By age 3- Adult like swallow has developed
By age 6- 80% of upper and lower jaw growth is complete
By age 7-12 – 90% of the upper and lower jaw growth is complete.


Whenever I’m examining a child, the motion of their head, nervous system, I will always examine the relationship of their palate, and make sure I refer as needed to get the maximum results because of this time line.

This is an example of a high palate that can arise from either birth trauma, thumb sucking, tongue tie, and other orofacial disorders.

A high, narrow palate leads to sinus issues, since the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nasal cavity.
* I’ve had many individuals come to me after having sinus surgery, and some feel no different.  This is because the root of the problem lies in the palate being the cause of the problem because it is the FLOOR of the sinus, not the actual sinus itself.

Guaranteed anyone with sleep apnea like disorder or just oxygen depletion has a high narrow palate.  It’s a given.  And most really really improve with the proper care, not needing uncomfortable CPAP machines.  I’ve done many case studies and spoke about my care, combined with dentists and other individuals.

Many have no idea of their birth trauma, past head traumas, or improperly done orthodontics that have placed them in this pattern.

You HAVE to have craniopathy care to normalize this function of the system, but it is a TEAM effort to get this palate looking this way.
(more on this in a minute).

Another reason for orofacial disorders is something called improper oral rest posture. 

I bet most of you had no idea there’s a proper way to hold your lips and your tongue in your mouth?!  Am I right??!

Well, I was with you about a year ago until I started doing myofunctional therapy, tongue tie work and fixing my narrow palate. 

In reality, there is a proper healthy resting posture and it is SUPER IMPORTANT!

In order to accomplish this:
-Your lips need to be slightly touching
-A freeway space of 2-3mm needs to be in place
-Tip of tongue resting on incisive papilla
-Lateral borders of tongue touching lingual of maxillary molars
-Dorsum of tongue touching palate
-Nasal breathing

Most individuals I see in my practice have what is called a low tongue resting posture.  In reality, the tongue should be up on top of your mouth all the time.  That is what gently expands the upper palate as you grow!  This is why the tongue must always be evaluated when getting orthodontics!

So what is an unhealthy resting posture?!
-Open lip posture
-teeth clenched or abnormally far apart
-mouth breathing
-tongue resting low and forward
-lips straining upon closure
-bunched mentalis muscle

The jaw and the tongue can also drop down too much in people who have

  • enlarged tonsils
  • enlarged adenoids
  • chronic nasal allergies
  • thumb sucking habits
  • prolonged sippy cup usage/ pacifier
Why sippy cup?  Well when you use a sippy cup, it pushes the tongue down continually.  Same with a pacifier.  The tongue needs to lift up! It can lead to tongue thrust, improper swallowing, hinders speech development, so you can actually start cup drinking at age 1!

Here are some visual identifiers in children when they have sucking habits:
-high, narrow palate
-thumb indentation in the mouth
-calluses on their fingers
-infections around the nail bed

Tongue Thrusting is one that we see pretty often in children with cranial problems. 

In tongue thrusting, the tongue protrudes from the front of the side, there is an open bite, possible lisp, incorrect swallow, tongue rests low and forward and possible airway obstruction.

Tongue thrusting is just a part of a bigger issue.  The improper posture of the tongue, lips and jaw.  This is why many dental appliances just don’t work for these conditions.  You have to address the nervous system and brain and then train the tongue and the lips for the correct posture.

This low tongue position causes that upper palate to continually narrow because you need that tongue lifting up!!

Another cause-  you probably guessed it.  TONGUE TIE. 
This is why a tongue tie evaluation from a professional is really important.

Most utilize it just for feeding issues in infants, but in reality it can affect the entire function of the palate.  Some ties do not need to be removed, and can be helped with just body work from myself, others need removal.  It affects the neck, airway and palate in adults dramatically.

This is the big point here:
A orofacial disorder in a child can result in an adult with obstructive sleep apnea.

I see it all day every day.

Here are some possible sign of a tongue-tie in toddlers:
– Delay in speech
-Gagging a lot of different foods
-unable to handle certain food textures
(also these can be helped and changed dramatically wiht cranial work and cranial nerves)

So, what are your options?!!

1. Come in for evaluation!!  Bring children as early as possible to evaluate their cranial system and tongue.  Just getting a tongue tie revision isn’t just what’s needed.  Trust me.  I get referrals every week from lactation consultants where babies have had their tongue tie removed but still can’t utilize their tongue!  You can to connect it with the brain!

2. Myofunctional therapy.  HUGE, huge to be instructed on that oral rest posture

3. Tongue tie revision.  If you have a tongue tie, you must do the cranial and myofunctional therapy first.  It works so much better this way.  You need to know how to use your tongue and lips first before just removing something.

4. Dentist.  If their is a very narrow palate, then dental co-management is often necessary.  Gentle expansion can happen to widen the palate and prevent these patterns and sinus and sleep apnea issues later in life.

5.  ENT.  Sometimes nasal surgery is needed, but only after all other methods had been addressed.  Often what I see is nasal surgery isn’t needed, but it really depends on the case.

I hope this was helpful!

Have a wonderful week!

Brain Injury… Connecting your Bite to your Brain

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed last week’s topic about head/brain trauma and how it’s found in everyday life, NOT just sports

This week we will be continuing on with topics around brain injury and spend a little time talking this week about the effects that brain trauma can have on an individual’s bite, and vice versa.  Next week we will be talking about how PTSD and emotional disorders are related/caused from head trauma so stay tuned!

So, we know from last week’s talk, that head trauma can come from anywhere, and our first experience in this world is our most important one to look at in regards to body function.

What do I mean by this?  Well, there’s a reason I ask ALL my patients young and old how their birth was.  This is because this is our first instance in our life where we are exposed to some sort of physical trauma.  Birth IS trauma.  Doesn’t matter the type, although more are far more traumatic that others.  But, it IS important to know all that happened.

If you’ve seen a birth or seen a child after a birth, you will notice the shape of their head is pretty misshapen.  Often a cone head or some other similar shape can occur. 
Now, although body is pretty amazing at healing itself, these misshapen bones don’t always go into their correct position.  I like to give the analog of dislocating your elbow for instance.  Will the joint just fall back into place?  No.  It needs to be guided back in.

That is why is it so IMPORTANT to see children right after birth to ensure that these bones and the joints in their spine are in the proper place and grow into the proper place. 

Why is that “proper place” important?  Because it holds the “all important organ” THE BRAIN!.  Since the brain is extremely sensitive to any little change in it’s environment, any slight little pressure on it can cause HUGE effects.  For a child, growth and development, pain, brain function, vision, digestion, hormones, ect… 

Well, what happens if they don’t get Craniopathy care? 
Since I don’t strictly see children in my practice, we as adults unless we’ve had Craniopathy care as an infant, grow into those dysfunctional patterns unfortunately. 

You many not be able to see from the outside these changes, unless dramatic.  But we all to some extent has some cranial dysfunction from birth.

So why is this important to the bite?

Well, the TEETH are just an extension of bone.  That’s all they are.  And we aren’t born with teeth right? The teeth actually extend down and grow in the way they do because of how the bones of the head are moving. If there is improper motion, or narrowing of the palate from birth for example, the teeth will grow into abnormal directions.  This is why individuals get braces

But that brings me to another issue.   If we get braces as a youth or an adult, and try to straighten or fix the bite, without addressing the head first and making sure the motion is balanced, we literally fix the teeth in a dysfunctional pattern.  We straighten the teeth, but don’t fix the headThis is very confusing for the brain.   What happens when the brain is confused?  Well, usually pain or problems in the body.

So, for this first point.  The teeth position or our “bite”, is HUGE.  A lot of individuals bite in the front of their teeth, which creates huge problems for symmetry in the body.  If they’ve had braces, it doesn’t mean that their bite is necessary balanced.  I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen that had braces and have terrible bites and thus terrible symptoms.  But the important thing to note here is that you NEED to balance the head to the bite.  

If there is any sort of shift in the bones of the head through any form of brain injury: birth, concussion, whiplash, ect., the bite will follow.  

This is why many individuals begin “clenching” after a brain injury.  It’s a sign of cranial stress!.  They also will most likely later on down the line start getting TMJ symptoms. If you just put a night guard on, you aren’t fixing any problems if you don’t address the head. Some mouth guards and appliances can actually make things worse, because they are just trying to focus on the teeth and the TMJ, without looking at all to the other bones of the head.  

Let’s give an example to make this a little clearer. 

Say I’m driving along, and I get rear ended and end up with whiplash, and hit my head on the back of the car seat. 

This trauma causes the brain to hit the bones of the end, and the tissue inside the head to torque, thus causing the bones of the head to shift.  Because of the shifting, certain muscles start tightening causing my right jaw joint to tighten up.  Because the right side is tighter, I start chewing more on the left side (subconsciously).  Chewing just on the left side then causes a pattern of tissue tightness down the whole left side of my body into the neck and down to the legs.  See the connection?

Now, if I think I just have TMJ, disregard the whole brain injury, then most likely I will get put in an appliance because I clench my teeth (sign of brain trauma).  Well the appliance will protect my teeth from the clenching, but will it actually fix anything?  Nope.  Some appliances are better than others, but they ALWAYS work best when the head dysfunction is addressed FIRST. 

make sense? 

Clenching and grinding in children is also a sign of head stress.  Most likely from birth trauma or another brain injury.  

Get them in.  We can change their outcome. 
Waiting it out with these things is not wise.  
Their brains depends on it. 

So to catch up. 

  • Head injuries causes the teeth to grow in an improper way.
  • Head injuries after the teeth have grown in also change bite position because of shifting the system and muscles tightening.  
  • This improper bite then causes further stress back up into the head and body because it’s not balanced. 

Back and forth it can go. 

BUT, there’s answers!

Fix the dysfunction….. Then work with the bite as needed from some functional dentists ( I know several), and you can get brain freedom and a balanced bite.

And mom’s.  Get your kids in after birth!  We can avoid problems later in life caused by these traumas.

Oil of the WEEK.

The oil of the week this week is DDR PRIME!
DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of essential oils that supports healthy cellular integrity.* Great for the brain!! Protective against oxidative stress, Clove, Thyme, Litsea, and Wild Orange are prominent components of DDR Prime and provide powerful antioxidants. The Cellular Complex blend also includes essential oils from Frankincense, Lemongrass, Summer Savory, and Niaouli, which help support a healthy immune response.* In addition, DDR Prime is calming to the nervous system.* Soothe the body and the mind by taking a drop internally or combine with a carrier oil and massage into the skin. Supportive to the health of the brain and nervous system, use DDR Prime as daily overall wellness support.*


  • Add 1–2 drops to citrus drinks, teas, or water and consume daily to protect the body and cells from oxidative stress.*
  • Combine with a carrier oil for a soothing topical massage.
  • Add DDR Prime to your daily supplement routine to support brain and nervous system health.*
  • When needed most or as a daily boost, take 1-2 drops of DDR Prime to promote a healthy immune response.*



That is all for now.



have a happy and healthy week!


Dr. Hamel





Digestion… It Starts in the Brain.

Happy Labor Day everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed last month’s topics all around the adrenal glands. This month we will be diving into digestion, stomach dysfunction that is most likely underlying the digestive problems, and pathogens.

This week we will be starting with the gut/brain connection, and how brain inflammation can CAUSE digestion problems.  For the following weeks we will go into specifics about digestion talking about stomach acid, it’s role in many gut dysfunctional patterns, alkaline water and digestion, stress and digestion and pathogens.

Lets dive in……

Have you ever heard of the Gut/Brain Connection?

(not my image)

The gut is actually called the “second brain”, some scientists are giving it a name called the enteric nervous system.  This system has more than 100 nerve cells from the esophagus to the rectum!

Unlike the brain which has MANY different functions in our body, the gut nervous system has one main function: DIGESTION.

From swallowing, to the release of enzymes and stomach acid that break down food, to blood flow circulation that helps with nutrient absorption to elimination…

And what’s really important is that it communicates with the master regulator the Brain and vice versa.

“The ENS may trigger big emotional shifts experienced by people coping with irritable bowel syndrome and functional bowel problems such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, pain and stomach upset. For decades, researchers and doctors thought that anxiety and depression contributed to these problems. But our studies and others show that it may also be the other way around. Researchers are finding evidence that irritation in the gastrointestinal system may send signals to the central nervous system (CNS) that trigger mood changes.

“Approximately 90 percent of the body’s serotonin is located in your gut. Serotonin helps regulate mood, sleep, and learning and can influence your happiness and self=esteem. Serotonin also plays a critical role in digestion by helping to secrete enzymes that help you digest food.”These new findings may explain why a higher-than-normal percentage of people with IBS and functional bowel problems develop depression and anxiety. That’s important, because up to 30 to 40 percent of the population has functional bowel problems at some point.”

So, from this research we know that the gut function can cause brain problems, but what about the reverse direction?  How does brain inflammation problems affect the digestive tract?

I’m SO glad you asked.

The brain or central nervous system(CNS), controls digestion as well.  For instance, the vagus nerve which exits through the back of the skull bones, is a part of our parasympathetic nervous system which controls REST and DIGESTION.

Improper functioning of this nerve will impair digestion.

Another part of the brain called the hypothalamus, controls secretion of gastric juices, thirst, appetite and weight control, and balances body fluids (among other functions).

This gland is located within one of the cranial bones called the sphenoid.
Disruption in the movement of this bone and you will have digestion problems stemming mainly into the stomach, which is HUGE for the beginning stages of digestion.  Inhibit the stomach acid, and you got a laundry list of problems. 

These are just two examples of how brain inflammation coming from cranial tension can affect digestion.

There can also be dysfunction within the peripheral nervous system into your spine which can inhibit digestion as well….

For instance, your mid back area controls the stomach function, while the low back controls the function of your intestinal tract…

(not my image)

I can’t tell you how many patients i’ve seen that had so much cranial tension either as a baby from birth, car accidents/whiplash, hitting their head, concussions, clenching/grinding their teeth that also had digestion problems as a result. 

Or low back/Sacral issues that result in constipation and improper mobility within the intestines.

This is why I ALWAYS start with craniopathy chiropractic care in my office for every nutrition patient.  If you have brain/nervous system inflammation, it doesn’t matter how well you eat or how many supplements you take, it’s not going to matter.

Heal the brain, and you most likely will heal a good portion of the digestion issues.
Once that is healed you can see the underlying nutritional deficiencies and stress problems that may be at play..


ON the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s  Digest ZEN.DigestZen Product Description
With so many digestive health benefits, DigestZen quickly received the nickname of the “tummy tamer” blend. DigestZen is infused with Ginger, Fennel, Coriander, Tarragon, Anise, Caraway, and Peppermint essential oils, which combine together to help ease occasional stomach discomfort, maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, and aid in digestion.* This powerful blend can be used aromatically, topically, and internally, and is great for at-home or on-the-go use. For those prone to motion sickness, DigestZen can also be used to diminish feelings of queasiness and occasional stomach upset.* DigestZen provides a safe and natural way to assist in digestive health whenever you may need it.*

Where to Buy DigestZen
DigestZen is one of doTERRA’s most popular essential oil blends due to its profound effect on easing occasional stomach discomforts.* To purchase a bottle of DigestZen, visit the DigestZen Digestive Blend product page. Like all of doTERRA’s blends, DigestZen is made up of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils. CPTG® essential oils are oils that have gone through the CPTG protocol, which contains a series of strict tests that assess each batch of oil’s purity and potency. If the essential oils pass these tests, then they are potent, high quality, and pure essential oils that can be used as single essential oils, in essential oil blends, or in essential oil products. When you purchase from doTERRA, you can feel confident that the oils you receive are high-quality and effective oils that are ready to meet you and your family’s needs.

DigestZen Uses and Benefits

  1. If you are looking for a healthy and natural way to assist your digestive system, the DigestZen essential oil blend is an ideal option.* DigestZen contains a blend of essential oils that will naturally aid the body in the digestion of food.* To easily obtain these digestion benefits, add one drop of DigestZen oil to 4 fluid ounces of liquid, and drink.*
  2. The unpredictability and discomfort of occasional stomach upsets can often put a damper on the day. When issues like these arise, apply one to two drops of DigestZen to the desired areas of your skin. DigestZen will also work to soothe occasional stomach upset when taken internally, and can get you feeling ready to take on the day again.*
  3. Bloating and gas can make your stomach feel tight and full, often leaving you feeling sluggish and unappealing. If you’re experiencing these difficulties, use DigestZen oil.* DigestZen will help reduce bloating and gas so that you can feel your best at any time of the day.*
  4. Does flying or driving long distances make you a little nervous? Next time you’re planning on traveling for an extended period of time, rub DigestZen oil on your stomach before you take your trip. The sweet, minty smell of DigestZen will provide a calming aroma. You can also add a few drops of DigestZen to water and take it internally to keep stomach jitters at bay.*
  5. Holidays, vacations, birthdays, and family get-togethers often have something in common: food. And lots of it. Make sure to have DigestZen on hand for these occasions. The DigestZen essential oil blend can be used during these events to promote digestion when eating heavier meals.*
  6. Whether trying the cuisines of Italy or enjoying the tastes of India, introducing foreign food to the body has the potential to disrupt the stomach’s normal digestion. When you are traveling or exploring new foods, use DigestZen to soothe occasional stomach upset and to promote healthy digestion.*
  7. For a simple way to incorporate DigestZen into your regular routine, add DigestZen to your water or tea. This will help your body maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.*
  8. The DigestZen essential oil blend can ease feelings of queasiness.* If you’re experiencing queasiness, take DigestZen to dismiss these feelings.*
  9. One of the most relaxing ways to use DigestZen oil is by applying it to the stomach and massaging. An abdominal massage will bring soothing comfort to your stomach and the aroma will provide you with calming feelings. DigestZen can also be applied to a child’s stomach for soothing comfort. Before using DigestZen for a massage, combine it with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to help increase the DigestZen oil distribution and minimize any skin sensitivity.

DigestZen Products
The digestive and stomach soothing capabilities of DigestZen have made it one of the most popular essential oil blends. Today, the many benefits and uses of the DigestZen essential oil blend have expanded with doTERRA’s DigestZen Product line. This line of products contains a series of dietary supplements that assist the body with digestion, cleansing and filtering functions, metabolism, and more.*

DigestZen® Softgels: These dietary supplements encapsulate the DigestZen essential oil blend in small vegetarian softgels that are easy to consume. The DigestZen softgels provide all of the same stomach-soothing and digestive benefits as DigestZen and can be consumed daily or as needed.*

DigestTab®: These chewable tablets are designed for individuals with sensitive stomachs. DigestTab combines calcium carbonate and the DigestZen oil blend into one supplement that can be taken to provide relief from occasional stomach upset, indigestion, and heartburn.*

DigestZen TerraZyme®:A proprietary blend of whole-food enzymes, DigestZen, and supporting cofactors, DigestZen TerraZyme is a dietary supplement that helps strengthen the body’s production of enzymes, promote healthy digestion, and support metabolism of enzyme-deficient, processed foods. *

GX Assist®: Used as the first step in an essential oil digestive maintenance program, GX Assist uses CPTG essential oils and caprylic acid to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract before the use of PB Assist + (the next step of the maintenance program).* The combination of ingredients in GX Assist provides an unfriendly environment for potential digestive threats.*

PB Assist®+: The second step in the digestive maintenance program, PB Assist+ is a formula of pre-biotic fiber and probiotic microorganisms in a double-layer, time-release vegetable capsule.* This supplement encourages friendly bacterial growth, supports an optimal metabolism, promotes healthy function of the digestive and immune systems, and maintains a healthy intestinal microflora balance.*

Cleanse & Renew: This system includes a bottle of GX Assist and PB Assist +. The combination of these unique supplements will work together to cleanse the body and promote positive bacterial growth.*

Zendocrine® Detoxification Complex: A proprietary blend of whole-food extracts in a patented enzyme delivery system, the Zendocrine Detoxification Complex supports healthy cleansing and filtering functions of the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin.*


  • Ginger Rhizome/Root
  • Peppermint Plant
  • Caraway Seed
  • Coriander Seed
  • Anise Seed
  • Tarragon Plant
  • Fennel Seed

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


Recipe of the week:

Homemade Bone Broth

Bone broth should be a staple food in any kitchen. Full of nutrients and wonderful minerals, bone broth contains a plethora of healing properties!


1 whole free-range chicken OR 2-3 pounds grass-fed or free-range bones (beef knuckle bones, marrow bones, meaty bones, chicken or turkey necks or carcass bones, breastbones, or any leftover bones)

2-4 chicken feet (optional)

Chicken gizzards (optional)

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (organic, unfiltered such as Bragg’s brand)

Celtic Sea Salt to taste (don’t worry about over-salting your broth – this is highly unlikely if using unrefined salt. You will likely need to use 1-2 teaspoons in a 5 quart crockpot full of bones and water)

1 large onion, coarsely chopped

2 large organic carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped

3 organic celery stalks, coarsely chopped

4 quarts filtered water

1 bunch organic parsley



Fill a large stockpot or large crockpot with filtered water.

Add vinegar and all vegetables except parsley.

Add the bones OR the whole chicken.

Bring to a boil and remove any scum that floats to the surface.

Reduce heat to low and allow to simmer.

If cooking a whole chicken, the meat should be fully cooked after about 2 hours. Remove the chicken from the pot, separate the meat from the bones and return all bones to the pot of stock. Chicken can be used for other cooking purposes.

If cooking bones only, allow to continue simmering for about 24 hours.

Add the fresh parsley about 10 minutes before removing the stock from the heat.

Allow to cool slightly and remove bones from the broth with a slotted spoon.

Strain the rest through a strainer to remove any bone fragments.

Store in the refrigerator.

Reheat as desired for a delicious cup of healing bone broth.

Digestion Issues in Children on the Rise, What is happening?

Happy Monday!  I hope you are all enjoying this month’s topic of chiropractic, nutrition and children.  After this week, I will diverging more from the chiropractic portion and moving more towards the nutrition aspect. 

I am returning this week, from a chiropractic research conference, where I had a poster and presentation this year (see the bottom for pictures).  I will tell you, there is a huge need for more research for cranial care, but one thing is certain that there is more and more research happening for its use in pregnancy, post partum and children.

It seems more and more children are having more and more digestion issues.  Why is this?
Well, of course this isn’t an “easy” answer or a quick fix, as it can be multiple different factors. This is a “blog” so as you know this is my professional opinion, I believe that the increase in digestion issues is caused by three main factors.

1. The increase in vaccinations.  Food proteins are added among other things, which causes abnormal immune responses, which can then lead to food allergies, and gut imbalances.  Wonder why no peanuts are allowed in schools anymore, that’s because so many are allergic to so many foods because of this increase.

2. The sources of our food.  Genetically modified foods we cannot digest, sprayed with herbicides and pesticides that break down our intestinal wall, and allow bugs and proteins to seep through.  Our soil is nutrient deficient, so most are nutrient and mineral deficient. Non organic GMO foods can cause problems in children and adults as well, and dairy (cow’s milk) has often too much casein that children cannot properly digest.  A decrease in infants breastfeeding, and an increase in children being fed soy based formulas is also a huge cause of digestive disruption in children.

3. Nervous system dysfunction and Sympathetic overload. This is mainly structural problems caused from birth.
 For the sake of this blog, we will mainly focus on the structural causes of digestive issues.  

1 What’s big in this category is the involvement in the nervous system.  As previously mentioned before            in last week’s blog is birth is traumatic on the head and nervous system.  Because it is traumatic on                the head and nervous system, what can usually happen and cause digestion problems in infants and           children is compression on a nerve called the vagus nerve (shown in green).

The vagus nerve starts its origin within the head, and exits through the base of the skull.

What does the vagus nerve do??

It is one of the 12 cranial nerves we have that exit the skull. The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that emanate from the brain. It transmits information to or from the surface of the brain to tissues and organs elsewhere in the body. This nerve has many functions, but the 4 main functions are:

  • Sensory: From the throat, heart, lungs, and abdomen.
  • Special sensory: Provides taste sensation behind the tongue.
  • Motor: Provides movement functions for the muscles in the neck responsible for swallowing and speech.
  • Parasympathetic: Responsible for the digestive tract, respiration, and heart rate functioning.

The parasympathetic side, which the vagus nerve is heavily involved in, decreases alertness, blood pressure, and heart rate, and helps with calmness, relaxation, and digestion. As a result, the vagus nerve also helps with defecation, urination, and sexual arousal.

Other vagus nerve effects include:

  • Communication between the brain and the gut: The vagus nerve delivers information from the gut to the brain.
  • Relaxation with deep breathing: The vagus nerve communicates with the diaphragm. With deep breaths, a person feels more relaxed.
  • Decreasing inflammation: The vagus nerve sends an anti-inflammatory signal to other parts of the body.
  • Lowering the heart rate and blood pressure: If the vagus nerve is overactive, it can lead to the heart being unable to pump enough blood around the body. In some cases, excessive vagus nerve activity can cause loss of consciousness and organ damage.
  • Fear management: The vagus nerve sends information from the gut to the brain, which is linked to dealing with stress, anxiety and fear – hence the saying, “gut feeling.” These signals help a person to recover from stressful and scary situations.
Because we are focusing on digestion, some big points here.  Vagal dysfunction whether increased or decreased CAN and does can digestion problems.  
  • Difficulty swallowing is one, which when you are dealing with a child or an infant swallowing it can have huge problems.  Also can lead to problems with the tongue and palate which can change the way the palate grows and develops.
  • Delayed gastric emptying- nausea, heart burn, stomach pains, spasms in the stomach, weight loss
  • B12 deficiency.  The vagus nerve stimulates parietal cells in the stomach to secrete acid and intrinsic factor. This factor is needed to absorb vitamin B12.
  • irritable bowel syndrome.  Dys-regulation of the nervous system plays a role in the development of IBS.

How to normalize the nerve function?

-There are many ways to stimulate the vagus nerve, however the BEST and only way in children I have found (and adults), is taking the compression of the nerve away at its source.  THE HEAD.  Craniopathy chiropractic care.  Taking direct pressure can cause symptoms to improve almost instantly in children.

2.  Structural causes can also stem from dysfunction within the palate, which can further cause digestion problems.  Birth trauma can cause changes in the palate, or dysfinction in the tongue.  And of course genetic problems such as tongue and lip tie can cause digestion difficulties and speech and developmental problems for some if severe.  These dysfunctions also made breastfeeding difficult and for some infants impossible.  Get them checked for cranial care before stopping breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding is huge for much development.

I hope this was all beneficial to you this week, and for those with children, know children or expecting children, please keep my care in mind.  There are not many individuals that do what I do, and the need is BIG.  Having proper digestion is key to actually absorbing nutrients which help children and adults alike.  If that child is nutrient deficient it can cause big problems later on.