Fungus and the Gallbladder…

Happy Monday Everyone. We are continuing on for the rest of the month about infections!  If you missed earlier in the month, I talked about sinus infections, sinus headaches and puffy eyes, don’t worry, head on over to my website to catch it under the “blog” tab.


Fungus AMONG us. Yeah.  You’ll probably hear mold infections, mold toxins, mycotoxins again and again.  That’s because fungal infections are pretty rampant. Why?  Well, we gotta start at the beginning to get that answer. 

In a perfect environment within the body, we are born with flora (good bacteria) in our digestive tract. The body lays seven layers of acidophilus and other good bacteria with the help of colostrum (found in breastmilk) to coat and protect the lining of the intestinal tracts from parasites, bad bacteria and funguses. This protective coating prevents fungus and parasites from leaking through the intestinal lining and infecting the bloodstream.

Unfortunately, we are bombarded with wide spectrum antibiotics, which destroys the good flora. I’m sure if you’ve been around here you’ve heard me talk about antibiotics extensively. This exposure can even happen before we are born!

Many women that take antibiotics during pregnancy will, in turn, give her unborn baby a dose of antibiotics as well through the amniotic wall. Also, in some cases, antibiotics are introduced into a newborn’s bloodstream through the mother’s breast milk, which is a common occurrence with babies born through cesareans.

Many young children suffer from frequent ear infections (which is a cranial and lymph problem!) and are given antibiotics for treatment.

Throughout life, we are given antibiotics as a way of dealing with sickness. Whenever antibiotics are used, it destroys all seven layers of acidophilus and the other good flora and creates leaky Gut Syndrome(other things cause leaky gut as well). This is when the fungus eats its way through the intestinal lining and enters the bloodstream.

This is one way Leaky Gut Occurs and Allergies:
On its way through, the fungus leaves little pinholes behind, which allows proteins, carbohydrates and fats that have not yet been fully digested to enter the bloodstream. The immune system reacts and builds antibodies and enzymes to destroy what the body considers to be foreign objects and pathogens.
Let’s use broccoli as an example. Broccoli is good for you. Your body needs the necessary amino acids that it produces. When your body breaks down the broccoli into an amino acid, it still carries a broccoli signature. Because you have been prone to antibiotics, have fungus and have leaky gut syndrome, when the broccoli amino acids enters the bloodstream, the body believes that it is a foreign invader and creates antibodies to destroy it. It is no longer getting the good amino acid it needs to run effectively. We call this an auto-immune problem or a food allergy.

Antibiotic use disrupts normal digestion. This causes an overgrowth in fungus in the digestive tract, which kills good digestive flora leaving the intestinal wall exposed. This allows fungus to eat its way through the intestinal lining and get into the bloodstream. This, in turn, disrupts the immune system and contributes to autoimmune problems. These problems manifest itself in forms of food allergies and a malabsorption of nutrients.

At this point, the fungi proliferate throughout the whole system creating a cascade of different reactions, first of which is a craving for carbohydrates. The brain is a carbohydrate fiend. It utilizes 50-80% of all the carbohydrates we ingest. Fungus also loves to feed off carbohydrates and trace minerals. The problem is that the fungus eats the carbohydrates in our bloodstream making the brain crave carbohydrates.

Food manufacturers love to take advantage of this carbohydrate craving by enticing you. Just think about it, if you go into a grocery store, all you see are cakes, chocolates, cookies and candies. I see you girl scout cookies!!!
When you eat these sugar loaded carbohydrates, your insulin spikes, “insulin is the number one cause of aging and the number two cause of brain damage.” Hence the saying, “the less you eat, the longer you live” because you do not spike insulin.
When your insulin spikes, you end up storing the carbohydrates along with the fats and proteins. Now, you have put yourself in the position of unwanted weight gain.

The fungus that has proliferated the body also effects the brain. The fungus gives off a bowel movement, which is an offshoot of ethanol. This overpowers the immune system, entering the brain and disrupts neurotransmission for short term memory, causing mutation and malfunctions in the brain. This is one of the symptoms of a fungal infection.

WOAH okay, sorry that was a lot but that’s just how we can first get exposed to mold!  Different types of mold can also be in homes and foundations, bathrooms, and many other areas.  When we constantly breathe it in, it’s also a problem and produces similar effects in the body. A big spot I find is in the turbinates of the sinuses, they LOVE to hide here and give sinus and allergy issues. CRANIAL TO THE RESCUE.

Additionally, there are what are called mycotoxins that are toxins from mold in food. More and more crops are being infected and it’s pretty common now to find. Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and food.   A majority of mycotoxin exposures are through food ingestion or airborne exposure.  It causes a big histamine reaction in the body, and over time can cause a person to become very hypersensitive to so many foods and environmental agents. 

We’ve seen mold affect the gut AND the brain AND the immune system. 
But what about the gallbladder?

Let’s look deeper…..

Gallbladder removal is one of the most common operations in the United States.  Most are due to gall stones which are backed up bile. Some I have seen can be from a spasmed gallbladder from a shock or stress to the body. However, fungal infections are another cause:

The gallbladder’s main function is to store bile. Bile is a breakdown of red blood cells that have been crushed in the spleen. The spleen removes the necessary minerals and the red blood cells are processed and reutilized in the body. These minerals are processed back through the liver where they are bound to used cholesterol-forming bile acid.
This bile is supposed to be stored in the gallbladder for later use and excreted during heavy meals to help us digest fats. When the gallbladder is backed up, it doesn’t excrete the proper bile to digest fatty foods.

Because the fungus clogs up the gallbladder, it causes the bile acid to bleed into the pancreas. This causes the pancreas to create excrete insulin, which is a major cause of aging and also brain damage. Too much insulin in the blood causes hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia includes shakiness, pounding heart, crankiness and hunger headaches. Excessive insulin also makes your body store glucose, fats and proteins that you really don’t need. The pancreas is responsible for making enzymes that are crucial for digestion and for making chemicals necessary for proper body function.

“Because of the fungus, the bile acids damage the pancreas and destroys its ability to seek out cancerous cells and provide insulin, which slowly turns the body diabetic. When the gallbladder gets clogged up with fungus and the bile starts to back up into the liver through the liver ducts, eventually damaging the liver, which is the primary organ that produces chemicals in the body.” Because bile is no longer digesting fats, it cannot be turned into good cholesterol in the liver. This poses a major problem as all our hormones are made from cholesterol, so hormone issues will begin. Most individuals get the gallbladder removed at this point, which doesn’t fix the issue and eventually symptoms return or get worse.

The fact that fungal infections deprives our body of proper hormone balance causes a cascade effect which affects every aspect of our lives. Fungal infections cause multiple malfunctions throughout the body which results in sickness, cancer and an overall depressed sense of well being.  If your body isn’t happy and healthy, your relationships will not be either.

SO that’s it FOLKS.  Fungal infections are extremely common and hugely depend on the health of our gut, and oxygenation of our body.  Fungus hates oxygen.

Another cause of constant fungal infections is also heavy metal exposure.  If you’ve been battling chronic fungal infections, you probably also have a heavy metal issue that needs to get addressed.

Suspect you may have fungus issues?

Let’s talk.
Fungus can be tricky, but there are options. First you have to decrease your exposure.  We then look into building the body up a little through genetic based nutrition, especially the vitamin D and metabolic pathway.  Then we can start to attack the metals and fungus.  The attacking part looks different for different people, whether nutritional or other methods. Don’t just go trying to kill fungus without first having support!  You could feel REALLY bad .

Hope this was helpful.

Keep trekkin warriors!

Dr. Hamel