
The Spleen- Master of our Immune System

Hey warriors.  Hope you are all making the best of this season of being home.  It’s definitely a weird season to say the least. If you’ve been following along my social media, i’ve been trying to bring real truth of what’s happening, and just hoping the hype will decrease and we can get back to our economy!

Needless to say, this season and all season we should always try and keep our immune system strong as much as we can! We really are surrounded all the time from different infections, and now with the increase in radiation from 5G and so many chemtrails, our best bet is to boost our immune system as much as possible.

Even though we are talking about the spleen today (it’s an organ), what’s also important to mention is that no system and no organ act alone.  So, even though we will focus on the spleen I’m going to add in information of other systems that can be affected as well.

Mantak Chia says ” unless an organ problem is truly serious, it will usually show up first within a muscle”
How true! This could build up for many years, soreness or buildup in muscles, tightness protection or guarding with an organ with underlying inflammation, then the body recruits the muscular system to tighten up and protect you.  Usually we treat this as a muscle problem when it is an organ problem.

The spleen is on the left hand side of our rib cage, next the the stomach and pancreas.
The spleen does many many things and is the largest organ in our lymphatic system (our sewage system/detoxification system).
-It also filters the blood removing old dead red blood cells from the body
-It creates White blood cells, very important for removing infections (ALL INFECTIONS)
Lymphocytes and macrophages to fight infections all the time (currently fighting                 infections right  now you probably don’t know that you have).
-saves iron so it can be used by other red blood cells (does this by removing dead ones).       A lot of  people have iron deficiency, and instead of taking supplementation, it could be         because of a spleen issue not working well.
part of the vagal splenic pathway (cranial nerve 10), puts you into relaxation so that           you can heal, decreases cytokines (inflammatory markers) in the entire body.
sympathetic vagus nerve connection, which is helpful for people that have                               fibromyalgia and chronic  fatigue.  You can get someone into parasympathetic (calm)             just  by working with the spleen!

Most people have GI issues from stress and toxic load which creates leaky gut. The spleen is a big part of the lymphatic system and when it can’t keep up with all the excess stress and toxins we are under it starts to tighten and has dysfunction…

Here are some signs of possible spleen and stomach issues:

  • recurrent candida infections tied to low stomach acid (could be genetic!) and low spleen function.  Chronic UTI’s are common here (most UTI can be from fungal, which antibiotics will make it worse).
  • allergies from making antibodies to fight underlying antigens (TH2 immune system response) Puffy and Bloated.
  • high blood pressure from too many old RBC’s and not enough WBC’s makes for thicker viscosity and harder to move.  (hard time delivering oxygen to the tissues)
  • decreased range of motion in the shoulder, neck, hip and thoracic spine- WHAT? YES.
  • oblique muscle dysfunction– usually both work together
  • tiredness, fatigue, lethargy, poor oxygenation from too many old red blood cells
  • indigestion
  • poor lymphatic drainage– gain a lot of excess body fat, you become more toxic
  • Swollen tongue, with teeth ridges on the sides (can also be from tiny mouth) scalloping
  • lines, ridges and marks on outside corners of your eyes
  • jaundice from increased bilirubin
  • chronic tightness/aching from left side ribcage
  • easy bruising/bleeding
  • overload of the liver because of insufficient spleen, more toxins because the liver is already sluggish
The lymphatic system is our soldiers of defense. Lymph nodes trap viruses, bacteria, toxins, cancer cells and metabolic waste.
(not my image)

If all those above are not able to get out of your body, it stays in your body, and makes your musculoskeletal system more vulnerable because now you are in a state of chronic inflammation, which will manifest as pain.  It will also settle in the area where you’ve had a problem for a long time.  Inflammation always goes to your weakest link. 

When oxygen is available for every unit of fatty acids(lymphatic system/spleen shuttles them) through our energy cycle in our body, we create 38 molecules of ATP, without oxygen we make 2.   ATP=ENERGY.  If you’ve been following me awhile I talk about energy ALOT, it’s so important.  Not only do we want to look at genetics of how your energy pathway is working, but also look at organ motion.

If you want all your toxin strategies in your body to work, you want to take care of the center which is the blood/lymph.  Which organ plays to most part in this?  Spleen. 
You can live without your spleen, but all the surrounding organs and systems have to work about 10X harder to make up for not having one.

Anytime you move, your organs SHOULD move as well.  The organs in general are pretty jammed packed into the abdominal cavity, but are really reliant on the diaphragm moving.

(not my image)

So, one of the first things you can do for your spleen and organs is to get efficient at diaphragmatic breathing, which is used the most through nasal breathing. It helps pain everywhere because all the organs are getting movement! They like that:)

Check out this video for proper diaphragm breathing.



The spleen attaches to your diaphragm, large intestine, pancreas and left kidney. If we move the spleen we can affect all these organs.  They all move together.  But look up again at the location of all those organs we are talking about under the rib cage.  IF those organs don’t move, guess what else won’t move effectively?  The middle back (or thoracic spine) and your hips with rotation.  Most people have a problem with rotation that I see, because of the tension in the abdominal cavity.

(not my image)

All these planes of motion, even just bending down touching toes, those organs have to glide meaning lifting and lowering for you to do that!  If you can’t, maybe it’s that those organs aren’t moving well, or the blood flow into your muscles isn’t adequate because of not enough oxygen?  We know that sitting definitely causes tight muscles, causing lack of blood flow and oxygen, but these are other options.

Since the spleen is on the left side of the body, and it is restricted it can actually cause restriction on the entire side of the body!. There’s something called fascial lines that all these systems connect together (see below). I’ve seen organ restriction causing left sided neck/shoulder pain, or left hip pain/weakness. Usually the Oblique muscles are weak.

(not my image)

You have to think in bigger terms here.  The body when it compensates definitely doesn’t always makes “sense” to us.  Why are you treating here, when I have pain here?  Is a common question.
You have to get out of your head making “sense”.  All these connections make your body compensate however it wants in that weakest link!

If someone comes in with some of those symptoms listed above, we look at possible spleen involvement.  You can have injuries on the inside (organs) and outside.

Of course we would deal with the actual sites and make sure they are good, but we want to actually start to reset the spleen as well. 

1. The first I mentioned is that diaphragmatic breathing
2. Go to your big toe on each side, on the corner nail bed and rub with a finger- 30 seconds to a minute
3. Underneath the armpits, about halfway down your arm (to find the spot), there’s another spleen point, you will want to rub that. It can be extremely tender here, a lot of lymph is there! 30 seconds to a minute
4. Put your fingers underneath your left ribcage and scoop your hand down about 5 times toward the opposite hip (you’ll need someone to help you).
5. Pump the spleen, I will have to help you with this one, but it’s a vibration that gets the spleen moving.
6. NASAL BREATHING!  If you can’t nasal breathe, you need to, LET’S talk. You will probably need cranial care!! When you breathe through your nose, you breathe through your diaphragm, and into the lower part of your lungs (create platelets).  You need nitric oxide to vasodilate your blood vessels, less stress on your heart and more oxygen for you! It’s important!
7. If the spleen is a constant issue for someone, we need to look into genetic factors, detoxification issues and hidden pathogens.  Movement helps tremendously, but other things clog it up as well, so we must also look at the entirety of the picture.   GOOD NEWS as well!  I’m able to do virtual online genetic testing sessions!!  I created a youtube video about how that process works, so you can take a look here:

That is all for now.

Have a happy and healthy week!
Dr. Hamel


Terrible sickness this winter that wasn’t the flu? Possible Corona already happened? Coverups?

Hey Warriors.  I bet you’re about as sick of hearing about the coronavirus as I am about talking about it LOL.
This has been a strange past couple of weeks I will admit, It’s hard not to get caught up in all the media, fear and disappointments.I hope you all caught my blog two weeks ago, when I talked about what all disease begins with.  It really does explain how infections and diseases begin and work, so I encourage you to take a look if you missed it.

This week I’m going to talk about some research involving the corona virus, what the science is proving, what the media isn’t telling, and why this shutdown is being based on some pretty flawed science. 

First of all.
I’ve had a LOT of patients come to me this past couple weeks, and mention to me that they believe they already had the coronavirus. This past November/December so many, myself included got very very sick.  Many doctors said this past winter’s “flu season”, wasn’t the flu.  Many went to their doctors and got tested for the flu, but it came back negative.  I myself even stated, that it was a very weird virus going around, and heard from many other doctors they didn’t know what it was but it wasn’t the “normal”.  In December, I had a fever for 4 days straight, cough and fatigue.  All the same symptoms of current COVID19.  I stayed home until I was better and healed. (about 1.5 weeks).

It seems likely this has already swept through many people and they have come out the other side fine and with actual immunity. The coughs are definitely worse this winter and are lasting longer (those that don’t use natural options), but I believe it is quite possible that something went around, not the flu that is possible coronavirus has been here the whole time.  We will never know how many people are positive for it, and have the antibodies for it because they are not symptomatic.

They say about 14,000 people travel between the US and CHINA every day.
It also seems quite possible as so many people were traveling around that time, during the holidays and what not that it spread. How could it not have spread?  


I also want to discus an article that just came out from the Chief Scientific Advisor in the UK (all he does is study infections) Sir Patrick Vallance said about perhaps letting the country catch the virus, and quarantining the people who are at risk:
“Let the elderly quarantine (self quarantine), let people go to school and work and hope that our society gains about 60% coverage to protect the country and protect the risk groups in the end creating herd immunity: preventing an annual crisis.
He states this because slowly exposing over time:
We don’t want everyone to get it in a short period of time and overwhelm the health care services.
Overwhelming the hospitals currently is the panic from very sick people, just having a cold but want to be tested for coronavirus. 
If you have cold symptoms JUST STAY HOME.  That is what is overwhelming, the inappropriate use.

This article unfortunately got a TON of backlash, the idea of “herd immunity.”  The UK does not vaccinate for chicken pox, which is why they probably don’t have the shingles issue we do in the US.

So many backlash people are saying “herd immunity” is a scientific concept.  Choosing when and where they get to use this, all of a sudden herd immunity doesn’t matter now, when the vaccine laws use all this taking people’s rights away, Senator Pan being a huge component.

The chief advisor is not mentioning anything about a vaccination. He stated: “If you clamp down too hard, and suppress this too hard, when you release it, it could bounce back at the wrong time.  It’s a MILD illness, bringing immunity and reducing the transmission is key.”

It’s eye catching, to cancel these big gatherings, but it’s not stopping the transmission.  You’re more likely to get it in smaller circumstances.  It’s not actually having a big effect on transmission.
He said the most important is self quarantine of the elderly.”


Everybody is now seeing the number of cases going up, but remember they JUST started testing.  It doesn’t mean it’s spreading, it means we just are knowing now.  I think it’s already been going around the past few months.
Checking the immunity in certain populations to collect data to know to what degree the government needs to shut things down, rather than just shut down everything everywhere seems like a better plan.

Let’s talk about China’s Data:
China’s data: only about 3% of the population(areas exposed) got it ( WENT TO SEEK TREATMENT).  Out of that 3% only 2% died from it and only .2%  between the ages of (0-50) died from it!  This means probably a lot of people caught it, and NEVER got symptoms. I’m sure we will learn more as this goes forward.

Saying this for the US that millions will get it or die, is just mathematically wrong.
Currently, 90% of the people they are testing for coronavirus are negative as well (THIS IS THE HUGE HOSPITAL OVERBURDEN). They are only testing people expected to be exposed.  It is not spreading like wildfire. 

The chief advisor also stated:
You can’t outrun this.  It might not be there in a peak, but it is going to be here.  The length of time we spend in a shutdown, will lessen the peak in the hospitals, but when we all come out of hiding, we will still be faced with the virus. THIS IS WHAT THE CHIEF HEALTH OFFICER IS SAYING, saying you can’t stop it.
Multiple resources have said THERE is NO way to escape it or CONTAIN it. Corona Virus is a COLD virus.  Which means it could be a seasonal virus, and so shutting down each year is NOT an option.

In Italy, a couple of years ago in MILAN (has the highest number of chinese immigrants), the hospitals with the influenza virus were completely over run. They had to call doctors and nurses to come over and help them.  This is BEFORE the corona virus.  Hospitals get overrun with respiratory viruses every year, this is not new, so instead of shutdowns, maybe we should invest on equipping our hospitals better, or maybe even better: educating the masses on actual immunity! 

Data from china is also showing It’s not airborne the way people think, it is showing it has to be close contact respiratory drops.  Everybody is worried it lives on surfaces for days,  and disinfecting everything.  The studies from china are showing that over an hour it decreases the strength of the virus on a surface.

HERE are some numbers from Italy:

The average age of men with Covid-19 who died in Italy: 80.5.
The average age of women with Covid-19 who died in Italy: 83.6

Also huge smoker population in Italy and China.

Rate of death in Italy for people 0-49 years old: 0.002 or (0.2%, two-tenths of one percent). – SOURCE (CNN)

And remember mortality rate is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of cases — however, cases include only those who were tested NOT everyone in the general population who experienced the illness.

***So for the 0-49 age bracket, the overwhelming majority of our economic working force, 0.2% is the worst-case scenario for the worst hit country.***

While any deaths are tragic, is it right to shut down the entire economy with the hundreds of subsequent problems (many of them permanent) that will cause for hundreds of millions of Americans when 99.8% of people under 50 WON’T die? 

Also, I’d like to compare our current every year numbers of just influenza. Respiratory viruses kill tens of thousands of Americans EVERY YEAR and no one says to stay home to save the elderly population. Not a single person took part in ‘social distancing’ — people regularly went out in the world sick. You can’t pick and choose when you approach society and the health of its members ethically. This is NO different than all the other years your sickness could have been accidentally passed in public to someone in the “risk category” group which caused complications and maybe even their death. But everyone went about their lives then because no one talked about it.
This being said, I believe the reason why is because there is something bigger going on here. 

If you caught my facebook live last week I talked about the HUGE impact of 5G in Wuhan China, and in the Washington hospital where the individuals died.  Currently right now, as we are quarantined, 5G is being put up in neighborhoods, schools and facilities.  Several people have shown pictures of it going up in certain neighborhoods, although I cannot say this in mine.

3 and 4G have been shown to create HUGE immune system problems, with radiation causing cancer, opening of the blood brain barrier, leaky gut, killing of birds and insects near towers and more.

I think this “virus” is such a HUGE topic because it’s meant to hide what is really happening. 

You have to see the bigger pictures here. 

If you didn’t get it this year, you may get it next year, with mutating strands.
For all those holding onto hope of the vaccine, we know from the “flu vaccine” it doesn’t and hasn’t been successful at eliminating the flu, with having the HIGHEST flu vaccination records. The flu vaccine barely works, the real statistical research only showing a possible 5% chance for decreasing. NO thanks. People don’t have a lot of confidence in the flu shot, and I don’t blame them.

This scientist is saying the only option is that our population gets it, and we increase the immunity to deal with it. 
We SHOULD be educating the masses how to create immunity!  NOT HIDING.
This is why I STAND firm in remaining open.  SO many of my colleagues have closed thinking they are helping the greater good.  I believe they are running from FEAR, or really think they are doing good. IN reality this is going to come no matter what, so we need to be prepared, and help people’s immune systems adjust as best as possible.  THAT is what education is.

Which is why the media and others have thrived off of Fear. 

Have you heard Dr. Newson or any of the media talk about how to actually boost your immune system to fight this?!!
There is not someone out there spending anytime talking about the boosting immune system.
Most hospitals also don’t use what in the research has shown to kill this which is HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C.
Wash your hands and stay at home is there advise.. WHAT?!  Shouldn’t that be common sense?
People expose each other all the time to viruses and infections.  We are fighting things all the time.

This should be encouraging.
A brand new report from CNN, published in the journal of pediatrics, looked at 730 confirmed cases of COVD 19 of children in china, and said out of all those cases, more than 90% were asymptomatic or mild symptoms of the illness.  We don’t have to fear the lives of children.
Why are we closing schools?!
Again I believe something bigger going on.
I would check out this video of what’s happening at schools:–eVU8

Most of the cases in China as well had other co-morbitidies, which compromised their immune systems.  And ALSO the 5G exposure. 

Adult data from china: majority only suffer mild symptoms, then recover.  -Ivana Contosova CNN.
No NEW local infections have occurred.  Meaning this just needs to run its course.
We’re using China to show you that there will be a point that the virus will come down.

YES, this is a harsh MAN MADE virus (Shown from India) with DNA in it.  Yes you will need more support to clear it, but YES there are other infections out there all the time!  We can’t fear this one virus, that many of us have probably already been exposed to.

Instead we need to believe in the power of our bodies to heal, remember to stay home when not feeling good, and be educated how to fight infections when we get them.

I think if we do this, we can really save our economy which is the MAJOR problem here.

“If this government-ordered shutdown continues for much more than another week or two, the human cost of job losses and bankruptcies will exceed what most Americans imagine.

Federal and state officials need to start adjusting their anti-virus strategy now to avoid an economic recession that will dwarf the harm from 2008-2009.

Yet the costs of this national shutdown are growing by the hour, and we don’t mean federal spending. We mean a tsunami of economic destruction that will cause tens of millions to lose their jobs as commerce and production simply cease. Many large companies can withstand a few weeks without revenue but that isn’t true of millions of small and mid-sized companies!

Even cash-rich businesses operate on a thin margin and can bleed through reserves in a month. First they will lay off employees and then out of necessity they will shut down. Another month like this week and the layoffs will be measured in millions of people.

The deadweight loss in production will be profound and take years to rebuild.

Some in the media who don’t understand American business say that China managed a comparable shock to its economy and is now beginning to emerge on the other side. Why can’t the U.S. do it too? This ignores that the Chinese state owns an enormous stake in that economy and chose to absorb the losses. In the U.S. those losses will be borne by private owners and workers who rely on a functioning private economy. They have no state balance sheet to fall back on.

The politicians in Washington are telling Americans, as they always do, that they are riding to the rescue by writing checks to individuals and offering loans to business. But there is no amount of money that can make up for losses of the magnitude we are facing if this extends for several more weeks. After the first $1 trillion this month, will we have to spend another $1 trillion in April, and another in June?

By the time Treasury’s small-business lending program runs through the bureaucratic hoops—complete with ordering owners that they can’t lay off anyone as a price for getting the loan—millions of businesses will be bankrupt and tens of millions will be jobless.

But no society can safeguard public health for long at the cost of its overall economic health. Even America’s resources to fight a viral plague aren’t limitless—and they will become more limited by the day as individuals lose jobs, businesses close, and American prosperity gives way to poverty. America urgently needs a pandemic strategy that is more economically and socially sustainable than the current national lockdown.”

-The Editorial Board.

Here are MY TIPS:

-Genetic based nutrition has been so helpful here boosting up your VITAMIN D pathway.  This pathway is crucial for creating actual antibodies.  This is how we create true immunity.

Boosting up your vitamin C also has been shown in the research to help fight this viruses, as well as boosting your mitochondria and energy pathways.

I like Argentyn Silver or Silvercillin which has been shown to kill many harsh infections.  My patients get a free shot of this with a treatment:)

I recommend getting a good overall picture of your immune system though, that’s why I love doing functional nutrition.

And of course,

Most take advil and other things to lower a fever, which actually prolongs the healing phase and causes a blockage in heat shock proteins.

2. KEEP UP with chiropractic.  This has been shown in so much research to help stimulate and keep the immune system strong and robust.  Your nervous system controls your immune system. You can’t adjust yourself unfortunately ( I WISH I COULD).

3. Exercise.  Get out in the sun and keep your body moving.  This staying inside thing is such nonsense.  GO MOVE.  WE need our lymphatic system constantly moving to help us detox. The longer the lymphatics are obstructed, the more different antibodies you make until you become allergic to almost everything. Chronic lymph problems is immune system problems!

4. Sleep.  Make sure you are getting good sleep.  If you aren’t, let’s talk.

5. Hydration.  Keeping your cells hydrated is so important.  Kangan alkalized water is the best hydrating water for your body as it actually gets into our cells.  For more info let me know.

6. Stay away from electronics and take as many safe measures to decrease EMF exposure. WE need to continue to fight 5G, and support Children’s Health Defense for lawsuits against it.

From Robert F Kennedy Jr:

“Elon Musk’s SpaceX to roll out 1 million ground antenna for Big Telecom’s Starlink internet project. To avoid public scrutiny, the FCC issued its decision on a Friday afternoon, coterminous with a noisy presidential press conference on a different topic, at the height of the Coronavirus Panic.

In a science fiction nightmare right out of Terminator,Starlink will mesh these antennae to network of some 50,000 satellites,12,000 of which already have FCC approval. SpaceX will provide high-speed internet to the globe while saturating every corner of God’s creation with deadly radiation.
The FCC license details that each ground antenna is 19 inches across. “It looks like a UFO on a stick,” gushes manchild Musk,of his sprouting forests of lethal ground antenna
Musk’s company has sent 360 of Starlink’s diabolical low altitude satellites aloft in the past year & is launching 60 new ones every two weeks. “It’s very important that you don’t need a specialist to install.”says Musk”The goal is for … just two instructions and they can be done in either order: Point at sky, plug in.”Musk’s ground antennae assure that no one will be able to hide from Big Telecom. Musk,promises that his land based array will allow Starlink to blanket the 3% “hardest to reach customers” in rural areas. SpaceX intends Starlink to provide high-speed connection for any users, with latency below 20 milliseconds. Thousands of studies conclusively show that Radio-Frequencies and Microwave based technologies such as Wi-Fi cause deadly harms to humans,birds ,insects including bees and all animals and plants.
CHDs lawsuit against FCC attacks the legality of the government’s permit for all the ground and satellite antennas. We need $200,000 more for the FCC suit and we hope to raise $1,000,000 to finance a pipeline of new litigation.” Consider donating here:

I will be carrying EMF bracelets in my office soon.  And like the company RAYONEX from Germany for at home protection.

6. Keep having Faith.  No matter if this was engineered or the corruptness that is being hidden, continue to have faith and stand in your truth. No matter even what you see with this economy, choose to shut out what needs to be shut out and trust in what God says. Use this time to get a RESET.  Purge what needs to be purged, and detox your soul.  I’m seeing that so much this week with patients is such a huge spiritual warfare happening.  God always uses evil for good.  We can’t put our trust in man, but having faith is our greatest tool to be able to relieve people’s fear with trust in God. He favors his children, and will never leave us in lack. If we continue to put our faith in fear, we will reap just that. IF our eye is on the economy, virus, circumstances, you’ll come to a place of negative.  God’s power flows through faith.  Don’t speak out of hopelessness and be careful to not speak the language of the world. Speak love, hope and faith!

Like I said I believe I and many of patients have already come down with this. It’s not to fear it.

Continue to support your small businesses if possible, and if you need help with your elderly parents and family members please reach out.  We can send them nutritional support and really truly keep them healthy.

Praying and hoping this lockdown ends quickly for us all.


What all disease begins with…

What all disease begins with…

Hey Warriors!  Happy Monday and Happy March!
I hope you enjoyed last month’s talk about molds and fungal infections and the gallbladder!

With all the craziness going on, I want to assure you not to feed into the fear of coronavirus.  Yes, it is a manmade virus, but it is not any more serious than the flu.  Many are recovering with proper care, and those passing are immune suppressed individuals. Also be aware that more individuals die from obesity per year than this.  Like 4X as many people pass. Please be aware that this is no “accident”.  The timing, the delivery, and the “making of vaccinations” is and was always in the plan.  IT has also been speculated that the mania is also overshadowing the invasion of 5G and corrupt political laws being swept under the rug. IT’s meant to distract you.

The  best prevention is always to keep your immune system strong, and the BEST way to do that is to know your weaknesses!  This is why my genetic based nutrition is so effective! 

I see all these people stockpiling on so many things based out of fear.  Our bodies are strong, you’ll miss out on a lot if you live in fear.  AND that is specifically how this plan works is through fear.

Yes, there are other options like high doses of vitamin C, ect. which are also great options, but in reality you will recoup quickly if your body’s immune system is strong.

Which brings me to our topic today.  What all diseases begin with.

This past weekend I was at a genetic seminar, and a guest speaker spoke about some concepts relating the emotional system to biochemical disturbances.  (this means the chemical processes in our body that make it work).

I want to reiterate some of what he was speaking about because I thought it was so simple yet so profound.

The originator of the chiropractic profession DD Palmer, stated that all disease starts with:
Shock, Trauma or Surprise

An unexpected, highly acute, and isolating conflict shock that occurs simultaneously in the psyche, the brain, and on the corresponding organ the “disease” is from.

This is why you hear me state many times when I explain things to go back and see where exactly trauma and shock has happened in your life, even starting with your birth… WHY?

All disease starts in TWO steps:

1. Incubation
2. Healing

Lets start with #1:  INCUBATION.  This is the phase where there is usually no signs OR symptoms. This is the fact that is wrong with typical modern medicine today.
For instance. take chicken pox.  The incubation period is 14-21 days.  This doesn’t mean you’ll get the pox or fever during that time.  You won’t see anything, but that is how long it takes to “show” the infection.
There’s no diagnostic test, you can do all the bloodwork in the world, MRI and it won’t show up. 14-21 days later, you wake up with chicken pox.

Do you know what the incubation time of cancer is? 10 years. 

One of the leading doctors in Germany who cured over 90% of cancer, Dr Hamer stated that : The longer the incubation period, the tougher it is. Mind you, he never used drugs or toxins.

In standardized medicine, signs and symptoms and diagnosis are what run the show.

Going to a specialist to get a diagnosis won’t get you well.  The diagnosis is formulated most of the time so insurance companies will pay.
If I would diagnosis all the time, honestly I would be wrong most of the time.

The Mayo Clinic which is known as a top medical facility has 15 acres worst of diagnostic equipment.
What is the #1 statistic they have?  Diagnose more patient than any other clinic.
#2 static?  They are WRONG 34% of the time.

In my eyes, and many holistic practitioners, what is more important than a “diagnosis” is the reason WHY and how to fix it, not the name of the disease. 

You can treat these things before the incubation period is OVER!  This is called holistic:)  This is BEFORE the symptoms show up.

That brings us to STEP 2.  Healing. 
Modern medicine works a little differently.  They usually wait till a symptom shows up. Cold, fever, rash, pain, tumor… Your doctor does a procedure or medication to stop the symptoms.  the symptoms come about the second part of disease the healing phase.  IN the healing phase, you don’t get any symptoms until it is past incubation. When and if the body says: Ok I’ve recovered from the shock or surprise, now i’d ready to rid the body of toxins.  That is when you throw up, diarrhea, have a fever or rash, or grow a tumor.

Your body is trying to get RID of the bad stuff.

IF you stop the symptoms, you stop the healing.
This can also push the body right back into incubation. The longer that period, the worse it gets.

Get rid of the problem right away, is our plan!
Sometimes this is why when individuals throw up after an initial cranial session, we say GOOD.  You’re getting the toxins out.

There’s ways to also find out if an emotional trigger is what is giving you your health problems today.

Every area in the body above the diaphragm, has a partner relationship below the diaphragm.  Here’s an example:
The nerves that go to the stomach to make it work, come from your middle back.  If you trace those nerves down they go all the way to the right hip. If you have a chronic stomach problem you might have a right hip problem.

What are some other relationships?

Outside of the right thigh- same nerve as the small intestine
Right knee- ileocecal valve
Thigh-ascending colon
Groin- hepatic flexor
Left inner thigh- transverse colon
Left thigh- splenic flexor of colon
Outside of left thigh- descending colon
Left hip- rectum

It’s a map.

What’s even more interesting?  The kidneys are called the little brain. If you put them together, they actually look like a brain!
Whatever the right kidney is doing or not doing the left brain is doing or not doing, and the left kidney is with the right brain.

In order to get past the healing:
You should always work with 5 systems of health:

1. Water. Most important is how much water is getting into your cell.  It’s not about alkaline water but alkalized water.  Well water is the best out there, and for us city folk Kangan water machines to actually hydrate yourself.  Otherwise you are just peeing out the gallons you drink per day.  If it can’t get into your cells your dehydrated.

2. Food. Food allergies are rampant from GMOs and toxins. The average American eats the same 25 foods.  Half of those are not efficient.  This is where genetic nutrition is key to figure this out. If you methylate properly you can digest about anything really.
3. Emotions. So many practitioners leave this out.  1/3 of your health lies in emotions!
4. Cellular Electricity.  Every cell is a rechargeable battery.  They can’t work on a dead battery, just like your cell phone can’t.  This is why treatments like PEMF and light therapy are helpful.
5. Brain.  Every part of your brain attaches itself to a part of the body!!
This is why I always attack this first:) IASIS which is a type of neurofeedback is also helpful to change some of the improper wavelenths in the brain.

I hope this was enlightening and helpful to you!

It might sound very opinionated, and I hope you don’t take it that way.


On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s On Guard Hand Sanitizer!

This is what I use personally every day.
Most hand sanitizers although “state” they don’t have triclosan any longer still may contain trace amounts.  Triclosan is a hormone disruptor.  The Onguard spray uses all natural ingredients and has been shown in studies to decrease 98% surface infections.  It still does have some alcohol in it, so I wouldn’t recommend using all the time, since that will decrease your skin microbiota. Washing your hands thoroughly is the best defense!


That is all for now,
Have a happy and healthy week.
Dr. Hamel

Fungus and the Gallbladder…

Happy Monday Everyone. We are continuing on for the rest of the month about infections!  If you missed earlier in the month, I talked about sinus infections, sinus headaches and puffy eyes, don’t worry, head on over to my website to catch it under the “blog” tab.


Fungus AMONG us. Yeah.  You’ll probably hear mold infections, mold toxins, mycotoxins again and again.  That’s because fungal infections are pretty rampant. Why?  Well, we gotta start at the beginning to get that answer. 

In a perfect environment within the body, we are born with flora (good bacteria) in our digestive tract. The body lays seven layers of acidophilus and other good bacteria with the help of colostrum (found in breastmilk) to coat and protect the lining of the intestinal tracts from parasites, bad bacteria and funguses. This protective coating prevents fungus and parasites from leaking through the intestinal lining and infecting the bloodstream.

Unfortunately, we are bombarded with wide spectrum antibiotics, which destroys the good flora. I’m sure if you’ve been around here you’ve heard me talk about antibiotics extensively. This exposure can even happen before we are born!

Many women that take antibiotics during pregnancy will, in turn, give her unborn baby a dose of antibiotics as well through the amniotic wall. Also, in some cases, antibiotics are introduced into a newborn’s bloodstream through the mother’s breast milk, which is a common occurrence with babies born through cesareans.

Many young children suffer from frequent ear infections (which is a cranial and lymph problem!) and are given antibiotics for treatment.

Throughout life, we are given antibiotics as a way of dealing with sickness. Whenever antibiotics are used, it destroys all seven layers of acidophilus and the other good flora and creates leaky Gut Syndrome(other things cause leaky gut as well). This is when the fungus eats its way through the intestinal lining and enters the bloodstream.

This is one way Leaky Gut Occurs and Allergies:
On its way through, the fungus leaves little pinholes behind, which allows proteins, carbohydrates and fats that have not yet been fully digested to enter the bloodstream. The immune system reacts and builds antibodies and enzymes to destroy what the body considers to be foreign objects and pathogens.
Let’s use broccoli as an example. Broccoli is good for you. Your body needs the necessary amino acids that it produces. When your body breaks down the broccoli into an amino acid, it still carries a broccoli signature. Because you have been prone to antibiotics, have fungus and have leaky gut syndrome, when the broccoli amino acids enters the bloodstream, the body believes that it is a foreign invader and creates antibodies to destroy it. It is no longer getting the good amino acid it needs to run effectively. We call this an auto-immune problem or a food allergy.

Antibiotic use disrupts normal digestion. This causes an overgrowth in fungus in the digestive tract, which kills good digestive flora leaving the intestinal wall exposed. This allows fungus to eat its way through the intestinal lining and get into the bloodstream. This, in turn, disrupts the immune system and contributes to autoimmune problems. These problems manifest itself in forms of food allergies and a malabsorption of nutrients.

At this point, the fungi proliferate throughout the whole system creating a cascade of different reactions, first of which is a craving for carbohydrates. The brain is a carbohydrate fiend. It utilizes 50-80% of all the carbohydrates we ingest. Fungus also loves to feed off carbohydrates and trace minerals. The problem is that the fungus eats the carbohydrates in our bloodstream making the brain crave carbohydrates.

Food manufacturers love to take advantage of this carbohydrate craving by enticing you. Just think about it, if you go into a grocery store, all you see are cakes, chocolates, cookies and candies. I see you girl scout cookies!!!
When you eat these sugar loaded carbohydrates, your insulin spikes, “insulin is the number one cause of aging and the number two cause of brain damage.” Hence the saying, “the less you eat, the longer you live” because you do not spike insulin.
When your insulin spikes, you end up storing the carbohydrates along with the fats and proteins. Now, you have put yourself in the position of unwanted weight gain.

The fungus that has proliferated the body also effects the brain. The fungus gives off a bowel movement, which is an offshoot of ethanol. This overpowers the immune system, entering the brain and disrupts neurotransmission for short term memory, causing mutation and malfunctions in the brain. This is one of the symptoms of a fungal infection.

WOAH okay, sorry that was a lot but that’s just how we can first get exposed to mold!  Different types of mold can also be in homes and foundations, bathrooms, and many other areas.  When we constantly breathe it in, it’s also a problem and produces similar effects in the body. A big spot I find is in the turbinates of the sinuses, they LOVE to hide here and give sinus and allergy issues. CRANIAL TO THE RESCUE.

Additionally, there are what are called mycotoxins that are toxins from mold in food. More and more crops are being infected and it’s pretty common now to find. Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and food.   A majority of mycotoxin exposures are through food ingestion or airborne exposure.  It causes a big histamine reaction in the body, and over time can cause a person to become very hypersensitive to so many foods and environmental agents. 

We’ve seen mold affect the gut AND the brain AND the immune system. 
But what about the gallbladder?

Let’s look deeper…..

Gallbladder removal is one of the most common operations in the United States.  Most are due to gall stones which are backed up bile. Some I have seen can be from a spasmed gallbladder from a shock or stress to the body. However, fungal infections are another cause:

The gallbladder’s main function is to store bile. Bile is a breakdown of red blood cells that have been crushed in the spleen. The spleen removes the necessary minerals and the red blood cells are processed and reutilized in the body. These minerals are processed back through the liver where they are bound to used cholesterol-forming bile acid.
This bile is supposed to be stored in the gallbladder for later use and excreted during heavy meals to help us digest fats. When the gallbladder is backed up, it doesn’t excrete the proper bile to digest fatty foods.

Because the fungus clogs up the gallbladder, it causes the bile acid to bleed into the pancreas. This causes the pancreas to create excrete insulin, which is a major cause of aging and also brain damage. Too much insulin in the blood causes hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia includes shakiness, pounding heart, crankiness and hunger headaches. Excessive insulin also makes your body store glucose, fats and proteins that you really don’t need. The pancreas is responsible for making enzymes that are crucial for digestion and for making chemicals necessary for proper body function.

“Because of the fungus, the bile acids damage the pancreas and destroys its ability to seek out cancerous cells and provide insulin, which slowly turns the body diabetic. When the gallbladder gets clogged up with fungus and the bile starts to back up into the liver through the liver ducts, eventually damaging the liver, which is the primary organ that produces chemicals in the body.” Because bile is no longer digesting fats, it cannot be turned into good cholesterol in the liver. This poses a major problem as all our hormones are made from cholesterol, so hormone issues will begin. Most individuals get the gallbladder removed at this point, which doesn’t fix the issue and eventually symptoms return or get worse.

The fact that fungal infections deprives our body of proper hormone balance causes a cascade effect which affects every aspect of our lives. Fungal infections cause multiple malfunctions throughout the body which results in sickness, cancer and an overall depressed sense of well being.  If your body isn’t happy and healthy, your relationships will not be either.

SO that’s it FOLKS.  Fungal infections are extremely common and hugely depend on the health of our gut, and oxygenation of our body.  Fungus hates oxygen.

Another cause of constant fungal infections is also heavy metal exposure.  If you’ve been battling chronic fungal infections, you probably also have a heavy metal issue that needs to get addressed.

Suspect you may have fungus issues?

Let’s talk.
Fungus can be tricky, but there are options. First you have to decrease your exposure.  We then look into building the body up a little through genetic based nutrition, especially the vitamin D and metabolic pathway.  Then we can start to attack the metals and fungus.  The attacking part looks different for different people, whether nutritional or other methods. Don’t just go trying to kill fungus without first having support!  You could feel REALLY bad .

Hope this was helpful.

Keep trekkin warriors!

Dr. Hamel

Sinus Pressure, Headaches and Puffy Eyes oh MY!

Happy Monday Everyone. It seems like EVERYONE is getting sick or has been this winter. There is definitely some big super bugs going around.  If you read my blog last time, you know that the 5G radiation we are around is definitely a huge contributor to this.  Another I think is that it’s literally in our environment.  You can read more about that in the link below about the corona virus.


Often with infections it can cause backing up of our lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is your drainage system. Lymph nodes for instance, function as filters, trapping viruses, bacteria and other causes of illnesses before they can infect other parts of your body. It’s extremely important and I think second most important system in our body after the nervous system for function. This is often why you hear of detoxing, detoxing, detoxing.

In order for us to properly get rid of infections, as well as to prevent them, we must have our lymphatic system FLOWING continuously. But what make it move?  Our movement.  This system relies on our body movement and organ movement.  If we aren’t physically moving, or if our organs aren’t moving (because the lymphatic system goes through every part of our body and organs) this system won’t be working well.  Almost every chronic disease has a lymphatic issue. 

Most people think of the lymphatic system as just lymph nodes or your tonsils… In fact, the lymphatic system is HUGE. It’s a network of nodes, vessels and organs which drains lymph from the tissues into the blood. There’s even lymphatic tissue in our small intestine called Peyer’s Patches.

So, since this system depends on movement, it’s pretty important that movement in the body is balanced.

Let’s go back to the head for a second.

(Not my image). Picture of the lymph system in the head and neck.

THERE IS A LOT going on in the head and neck right?!!
It’s definitely more than just tonsils.  This interweb actually continues through your ENTIRE body as well, all around your organs.  The most lymph nodes are actually in our abdomen, so that’s another area I focus on a lot for this system.

Puffy eyes and swelling in the face is usually a sign that this system is congested.  But again, this system can’t flow effectively unless movement happens.  If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know that the Cranial System (Head) moves every breathe that we take. Sometimes these joints in the head though are not moving well.  That means this fluid will back up, like a pump backing up, which causes pressure changes. Additionally, our brain has it’s own unique lymphatic system as well that drains into this lymph system, so we must address it first!

This can often cause individuals to get sinus pressure, congestion, increase in actually getting infections, headaches and allergies. The key is to get this system moving, but in order to do it effectively, we have to make sure the cranial system is moving!  If you just do things like lymphatic massage or dry brushing, which are helpful, but often stagnation will return because the cranial system has not been balanced.  You see in the above picture how much nodes and vessels are close to the jaw joint as well.  This can cause pressure changes in the ear and eustachian tube, which can also affect hearing/balance.

Swelling in any of this system often will have a system effect.  I’ve had individuals with liver stagnation feel a release in their head and sinuses when we started normalizing the lymphatic movement in their liver.

Another point here is oxygen.  With swelling and stagnation in the lymphatic system, there often will be a depletion in oxygen.  Congestion means less nasal breathing and inflammation in the sinuses and respiratory systemThis provides an OPTIMAL environment for infections to live in.  Most infections that we get are what are called anaerobic meaning (hate oxygen).  So naturally when there is an environment with less oxygen, they will move in..

We have to get the cranial system open FIRST, and get oxygen flowing.  Sometimes there is actual structural issues like narrowing of the sinuses and deviated septum for instance.  This definitely also has to be addressed or you will find you or your children constantly fighting infections.  Again, a lack of oxygen will harbor infections. Many individuals with many teeth infections also have airway issues. Of course diet and hygiene come into play, but many individuals that always have continual teeth infections you will find have airway issues, tongue tie and difficulty nasal breathing.

So…. Long story short.  We have to change that pressure system.
First and foremost:

1. Get Craniopathy Care regularly to make sure the FLOW can happen for this fluid. This could often also result in co-managing with a functional dentist to help change that structure.  Remember your nervous system controls your immune system!  If you clench your teeth, you will constantly have congested lymph in your head and neck!
2. Keep your body moving.  Regular exercise and infrared Saunas are great ways to continually take care of your lymph.
3. Eat a low inflammation diet. Get rid of inflammatory foods, like sugars and processed foods/grains.  These cause inflammation in this system.
4. Clear that liver and gut.  Since most of the lymphatic system resides in the gut, it must be important right?  Stop eating toxic foods, or come in for a genetic nutrition session to help clear your detox organs. We can also evaluate and give you immune system support to help keep you protected.
5. Kill the Infections.  CRANIOBIOTIC TECHNIQUE is what I use most in my office to help your immune system kill infections.  Most in the head and neck I find are mold infections because of lack of oxygen.
6. Decrease EMF exposure.  I’ve found that EMF’s are really clogging the liver and lymphatic system.  Go back to my last blog for tips on this matter, get RID of airbuds and bluetooth headphones near your head!
6. Dry Brushing.
7. Lymphatic Massage. 


For those of you you have been terrified about the corona virus, I got an Infection Vile to check for this infection using CranioBiotic Technique. But just so you know, I would check out this article about its origin.  You won’t find it on the mainstream news.


This week I’m giving you a recipe for a great sinus opener!!

This one can get your eyes watering so be careful!  Super Tip, I use this while flying.  I just ask the flight attendant for a cup of hot water and while on the plane, put a drop of each in and it clears the air and keeps the bugs away!

That is all for now
Have a Happy and Healthy Week.
Dr. Hamel