Tag Archives: brain healing

What all disease begins with…

What all disease begins with…

Hey Warriors!  Happy Monday and Happy March!
I hope you enjoyed last month’s talk about molds and fungal infections and the gallbladder!

With all the craziness going on, I want to assure you not to feed into the fear of coronavirus.  Yes, it is a manmade virus, but it is not any more serious than the flu.  Many are recovering with proper care, and those passing are immune suppressed individuals. Also be aware that more individuals die from obesity per year than this.  Like 4X as many people pass. Please be aware that this is no “accident”.  The timing, the delivery, and the “making of vaccinations” is and was always in the plan.  IT has also been speculated that the mania is also overshadowing the invasion of 5G and corrupt political laws being swept under the rug. IT’s meant to distract you.

The  best prevention is always to keep your immune system strong, and the BEST way to do that is to know your weaknesses!  This is why my genetic based nutrition is so effective! 

I see all these people stockpiling on so many things based out of fear.  Our bodies are strong, you’ll miss out on a lot if you live in fear.  AND that is specifically how this plan works is through fear.

Yes, there are other options like high doses of vitamin C, ect. which are also great options, but in reality you will recoup quickly if your body’s immune system is strong.

Which brings me to our topic today.  What all diseases begin with.

This past weekend I was at a genetic seminar, and a guest speaker spoke about some concepts relating the emotional system to biochemical disturbances.  (this means the chemical processes in our body that make it work).

I want to reiterate some of what he was speaking about because I thought it was so simple yet so profound.

The originator of the chiropractic profession DD Palmer, stated that all disease starts with:
Shock, Trauma or Surprise

An unexpected, highly acute, and isolating conflict shock that occurs simultaneously in the psyche, the brain, and on the corresponding organ the “disease” is from.

This is why you hear me state many times when I explain things to go back and see where exactly trauma and shock has happened in your life, even starting with your birth… WHY?

All disease starts in TWO steps:

1. Incubation
2. Healing

Lets start with #1:  INCUBATION.  This is the phase where there is usually no signs OR symptoms. This is the fact that is wrong with typical modern medicine today.
For instance. take chicken pox.  The incubation period is 14-21 days.  This doesn’t mean you’ll get the pox or fever during that time.  You won’t see anything, but that is how long it takes to “show” the infection.
There’s no diagnostic test, you can do all the bloodwork in the world, MRI and it won’t show up. 14-21 days later, you wake up with chicken pox.

Do you know what the incubation time of cancer is? 10 years. 

One of the leading doctors in Germany who cured over 90% of cancer, Dr Hamer stated that : The longer the incubation period, the tougher it is. Mind you, he never used drugs or toxins.

In standardized medicine, signs and symptoms and diagnosis are what run the show.

Going to a specialist to get a diagnosis won’t get you well.  The diagnosis is formulated most of the time so insurance companies will pay.
If I would diagnosis all the time, honestly I would be wrong most of the time.

The Mayo Clinic which is known as a top medical facility has 15 acres worst of diagnostic equipment.
What is the #1 statistic they have?  Diagnose more patient than any other clinic.
#2 static?  They are WRONG 34% of the time.

In my eyes, and many holistic practitioners, what is more important than a “diagnosis” is the reason WHY and how to fix it, not the name of the disease. 

You can treat these things before the incubation period is OVER!  This is called holistic:)  This is BEFORE the symptoms show up.

That brings us to STEP 2.  Healing. 
Modern medicine works a little differently.  They usually wait till a symptom shows up. Cold, fever, rash, pain, tumor… Your doctor does a procedure or medication to stop the symptoms.  the symptoms come about the second part of disease the healing phase.  IN the healing phase, you don’t get any symptoms until it is past incubation. When and if the body says: Ok I’ve recovered from the shock or surprise, now i’d ready to rid the body of toxins.  That is when you throw up, diarrhea, have a fever or rash, or grow a tumor.

Your body is trying to get RID of the bad stuff.

IF you stop the symptoms, you stop the healing.
This can also push the body right back into incubation. The longer that period, the worse it gets.

Get rid of the problem right away, is our plan!
Sometimes this is why when individuals throw up after an initial cranial session, we say GOOD.  You’re getting the toxins out.

There’s ways to also find out if an emotional trigger is what is giving you your health problems today.

Every area in the body above the diaphragm, has a partner relationship below the diaphragm.  Here’s an example:
The nerves that go to the stomach to make it work, come from your middle back.  If you trace those nerves down they go all the way to the right hip. If you have a chronic stomach problem you might have a right hip problem.

What are some other relationships?

Outside of the right thigh- same nerve as the small intestine
Right knee- ileocecal valve
Thigh-ascending colon
Groin- hepatic flexor
Left inner thigh- transverse colon
Left thigh- splenic flexor of colon
Outside of left thigh- descending colon
Left hip- rectum

It’s a map.

What’s even more interesting?  The kidneys are called the little brain. If you put them together, they actually look like a brain!
Whatever the right kidney is doing or not doing the left brain is doing or not doing, and the left kidney is with the right brain.

In order to get past the healing:
You should always work with 5 systems of health:

1. Water. Most important is how much water is getting into your cell.  It’s not about alkaline water but alkalized water.  Well water is the best out there, and for us city folk Kangan water machines to actually hydrate yourself.  Otherwise you are just peeing out the gallons you drink per day.  If it can’t get into your cells your dehydrated.

2. Food. Food allergies are rampant from GMOs and toxins. The average American eats the same 25 foods.  Half of those are not efficient.  This is where genetic nutrition is key to figure this out. If you methylate properly you can digest about anything really.
3. Emotions. So many practitioners leave this out.  1/3 of your health lies in emotions!
4. Cellular Electricity.  Every cell is a rechargeable battery.  They can’t work on a dead battery, just like your cell phone can’t.  This is why treatments like PEMF and light therapy are helpful.
5. Brain.  Every part of your brain attaches itself to a part of the body!!
This is why I always attack this first:) IASIS which is a type of neurofeedback is also helpful to change some of the improper wavelenths in the brain.

I hope this was enlightening and helpful to you!

It might sound very opinionated, and I hope you don’t take it that way.


On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s On Guard Hand Sanitizer!

This is what I use personally every day.
Most hand sanitizers although “state” they don’t have triclosan any longer still may contain trace amounts.  Triclosan is a hormone disruptor.  The Onguard spray uses all natural ingredients and has been shown in studies to decrease 98% surface infections.  It still does have some alcohol in it, so I wouldn’t recommend using all the time, since that will decrease your skin microbiota. Washing your hands thoroughly is the best defense!



That is all for now,
Have a happy and healthy week.
Dr. Hamel

Two Main Nutrients needed for the Brain.

Happy Monday Warriors!

I hope you all have had a wonderful October so far. It’s hard to believe it’s already 3/4 through the month!

Last month we talked about viruses that affect the function of the brain.  If you missed it, make sure you catch up, since viruses seem to be the hot topic this time of year!


This week I wanted to talk with you guys about certain nutrients that are needed for your brain to function at its best.  If you’ve been following me for awhile, you might already know them and if not then WELCOME!  You will learn quite a bit about the brain if you stick around.

Today I want to not only talk about these nutrients, but talk about them in two different ways through Craniopathy Chiropractic and through Genetic Based Nutrition, because those are what I believe are the BEST ways to get these nutrients effectively.

Nutrient #1. OXYGEN. 

The brain uses three times as much oxygen as the muscles of the body do. It requires about 20% of the human bodies oxygen.  We know that oxygen is VITAL of course, but for the brain it allows for growth and healing to occur.  Our blood carries oxygen to the brain and is reliant on sufficient nitric oxide to do so. Oxygen comes from the lungs, in particular the lower part of the lugs that hold the most red blood cells to accept more oxygen.

The BEST way to get the most amount of oxygen is to breathe through your nose and fully expand your diaphragm. This will actually enable you to get that lower part of your lungs so the blood can carry it back up into the brain. 
Oxygen depletion is the #1 thing that I focus on in my practice.  This being because if your brain doesn’t have enough oxygen, you will constantly be chasing what is going on in your body.  Whether pain, infections, or proper nutrition.  It doesn’t matter how much good nutrition tips you get, how much water you drink or how much you exercise, if you aren’t getting oxygen up there… You won’t heal.

Through the cranial system of course!  There is a specific rhythm that the bones of the head go through.  This rhythm is super important for blood to flow in and out of your brain, and oxygen to enter.  When there is tension in this system, this means that this rhythm will be disrupted.  Tension is this system also means a difficult time breathing correctly in and out of the nose.  Some individuals find it hard at all to nasal breath, and when that is the case, there is severe tension within the head impacting the sinuses.  Don’t just go running to the ENT, most of what I find is that the cranial system as A whole is the problem, not the sinuses.
Remember, the only way to access that nitric oxide is to nasal breathe!  Time and time again, patient after patient will leave my office saying OMG I can BREATHE!  It’s amazing how much your mood even changes when you are properly oxygenated. 
This is why children and adults have temper and mood issues when they have sleep apnea or are mouth breathers.  It affects how your brain functions! 

The oxygen level also impacts the health of your lymphatic system in your brain, so if you aren’t properly oxygenated, you can have toxins build up in your brain and cause severe inflammation.  


You can also enhance your oxygen levels by enhancing the nitric oxide cycle through nutrition. Nitric oxide helps vasodilate (meaning expand) blood vessels to allow for more oxygen.  However, for some, their genetic profiles don’t allow nitric oxide to be formulated effectively.  Because of specific mutations and because this pathway is extremely sensitive to radiation and free radical damage, the cycle can get compromised, meaning less oxygen available.  Not having enough nitric oxide can be very damaging neurologically to the body as well.  You see, just like your brain, your nerves also need oxygen.  Without it, they don’t function as well.
Finding out if your nitric oxide cycle is compromised can be found through specific kinesiology genetic testing (which I do).  When we know that this is a player, the customized nutrition will help to overcome this obstacle and allow you to get more oxygen!  Pretty cool right?

Nutrient #2.  Energy (glucose & ATP). 

Energy. The brain utilizes more energy than ANY other organ.  I mean think about all that is has to do right?
The brain and body need actual ENERGY made from within called ATP.  This is needed for every single cell of our body to do what it needs to do.  If we don’t have enough ATP, our brain and body will be depleted.  WE also get energy from another source: glucose.  What’s the big organ for glucose production? The Liver. 
The liver supplies sugar or glucose by turning stored glucose (glycogen) into glucose! It can also make glucose by harvesting amino acids, waste products and fat by products! Another reason to love that liver!

So we must have a robust and healthy liver to actually supply the energy (glucose) needed to our brain. Yet another organ our brain relies upon.  The first if you remember were the lungs.

Body wise, we need make sure the liver is moving... All organs MOVE, and need movement to do what they need to do.  So just like the brain needed to have proper movement for blood flow to happen, the other organs as well need proper flow and mobility.

Through body work!  Working on the nerves that control the liver are key to make sure it knows what to do!  So enhancing the spinal areas related to the liver are key through chiropractic manipulation.  Also doing reflex techniques to get the liver and gallbladder working more affectively through abdominal work is really helpful to get them moving!
Lastly, the liver is a big source of emotional stress, so if this is the case, you must uncover and start to heal from those emotional wounds so that the liver can do what it needs to!  Emotional wounds cause physical problems too!


This is one of the FIRST and biggest impact pathways we focus on first with genetic nutrition.  This being because if you don’t have enough energy, you can’t even begin to work on other genetic factors like MTHFR and others(HUGE mistake made by many who do genetic testing).  Getting your body to make more ATP and to make and enhance your liver and glucose is really impactful!  Many on my genetic protocols will say even after a week that their energy is amazing!  We don’t have to give them extra energy help or adrenal supports, their own bodies make the energy they need!
Any why are they happier?
Because their brain is happier.  It has the energy it needs to do what it needs to!
And, your liver is happier too.  Which means detox pathways, hormones and other systems will work more efficiently!
A couple genetic variants I see when this is really impacted is the NDUFS gene and the ACAT gene mutations.  Take care of those and the rest of the energy pathway will clear and be happy:)

So there you have it folks.  Oxygen and Energy.  If you give your brain these two, it will work for you the way you need it to and in a much HEALTHIER more EFFICIENT way.

Ask Away!

That is all for now.

Dr. Hamel DC.