Tag Archives: bluetooth

Buyer beware…..5G is here on your devices.

Buyer beware…..5G is here on your devices.

Hey Warriors!

Some of you reading the title of this blog may be thinking “I thought 5G was already on phones”.  Since, 2019 it has been displayed on your phone devices “5G”, however there’s REAL 5G, and there is 5G without the fast mm EMF wave. The 5G you’ve been seeing on your devices till now is 5G evolution, not 5G mm waves. This wave antennae is now in smartphones.

Just to keep you up to date on what antennae’s are utilized so far: all Smartphones Have WiFi antennae, Bluetooth and Cell signal Antenna. Each antenna exposes you to a different frequency on the Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum.
The mm wave antennae now exposes individuals with a different level of wavelength, which is higher than any of those other antennae! These mm waves sit at between 24GHz and 100GHz.  In comparison,  3G and 4G cell signals use 800 to 1800 GHz, Bluetooth operates in the 2.4Ghz frequency and WiFi uses 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz.

There’s lots of other examples of devices on that EMF spectrum, for instance, getting an x-ray is a different amount of radiation than your wifi, and will affect our bodies differently.


How do you know if your device has the antennae?

  • Go to the Specs or Specifications Section of the Product Page of Your Phone
  • Look for the Connectivity Band or RF or Cellular detail
  • If you see mmWave listed, than it contains a 5G millimeter wave antenna
  • If you see Bands n257, n258, n259, n260, n261,n262 it has a millmeter wave antenna

Current smart devices are made with them and once the 5G Antenna is in the phone, the software will control if the antenna is sending or receiving the new high frequency EMF. To get these high frequencies to work efficiently it also calls for MORE technology. “These high frequency 5G signals carry lots of data, but don’t go very far and instead of going through walls like cell signals do, they tend to bounce off of buildings.
So the great people that work in telecom have added even more tech to the technology to try and get it to work better. That means massive MIMO and Beam forming apparatus will be added to the environment to help it along.  Again, what man thought adding more machines and more toxins to our environment would be a good idea?”

Here is a list of current 5G phones:

  • Galaxy S21 Ultra
  • Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
  • Google Pixel 5a
  • Galaxy A32 5G
  • One Plus Pro
  • LG V50 Thinq 5G
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 5G
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 10 5G
  • Moto 56 Mod
  • Sony Xperia Pro
  • Iphone 13

How to protect yourself:

It doesn’t seem at this point this technology although far more potent and dangerous will be going away.  So, we must take all precautions to protect against it wherever we go.  I highly recommend EMF pro for help to decrease its power through products you can wear on your body and put on your devices.  Additionally, distance is your friend.  Never keep your phones or any electronic devices on your body, and especially your children’s body.  Smart watches, headphones and bluetooth devices also add to more radiation, so less is key here. I would also recommend that you make sure your methylation is working appropriately to help detox the radiation out of the body.  Some nutraceuticals are phosphatidylcholine, carbon c60 and gingko.

Keep in mind EMF is already in our other technology with 3 and 4G, with loads of research studies showing its harm.  You’ll want to take even more precaution now with higher than ever frequencies and more antennas being put up in many neighborhoods.

There are ways apparently to disable the 5G on some of these devices, but I wouldn’t recommend getting a new smart device.  I think we are going to see many health implications of radiation poisoning from the addition of more tech into our environment.



That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Recharging Your Cells… They Can’t Work On A Dead Battery

Recharging Your Cells… They Can’t Work On A Dead Battery

Hey Warriors!

It’s yet again another week, and it was definitely a hot one this week, whew.  Been praying for those fires all around California, here’s to hoping the heat wave goes down quickly!

This week we are going to be talking briefly about recharging our cells.  If you remember a couple of months ago, I talked about always working with 5 systems of health. #4 in that system is cellular electricity. #1 is Brain #2 Water #3 Food and #5 Emotional.

These 5 systems are what I focus on in my practice.  Cellular Electricity is kind of a hard concept to grasp, because most don’t think of their bodies as electrical needing to be recharged. 
You’ve probably heard of the phrase “needed to recharge”, when you are stressed out and need a break.  Or maybe when you haven’t gotten enough rest. 
It’s easy to conceptualize that when our bodies are worn out or tired that they need a reboot. 

It shouldn’t be a stretch than to understand that our bodies and cells need recharging.  Every cell in us is a rechargeable battery.  They can’t work on a dead battery, just like your phone can’t.

You see, if your cells are “dead” so to speak, then they can’t communicate with one another very well.  They also can’t do their normal functions or detoxify and create new.  
That means just like a battery starts to die, that the signal starts to weaken and dampen. 

I should also mention, our bodies and cells are also bombarded with other frequencies, like high EMF’s every single day.  It’s hard to even escape it, as more and more 5G towers are being installed and homes, schools and work areas are LOADED with technology.  These frequencies as we know can really interfere with that cell signaling and additionally deplete our batteries causing miscommunication and dirty cells.  

One thing I always recommend is even though we can’t escape it, is to decrease your exposure as much as you can.  Turn wifi and other electronics off at night.  Don’t utilize bluetooth, and get protective gear like those from defendershield or EMF solutions to help combat that frequency. 


Since we are electric, just like a battery we have to use electricity or frequencies to help recharge. 

For those that have the funds, there are BIG technology devices that you can sit in front of and change the frequencies you need.  Those are called a RASHA device or a BIOCHARGER. These are definitely not for the average Joe though, being that they are extremely expensive. 

Here are some other options:

One of the best ways is to use something called PEMF, or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.  This machine creates an alternating electrical current, which is used to generate specific Pulsating Electromagnetic Fields, which is helping to restore / stimulate the body’s own regeneration processes. A PEMF device creates bursts (pulses) of low-level electromagnetic waves to heal damaged tissue and bone and to relieve injury-related pain. 

There are over 2,000 medical studies that evaluate the effect of PEMF on the body —
studies ranging from Arthritis, Cell Regeneration, Circulation, Skin Wound healing, and pain. 
Dr OZ in 2011, cited PEMF therapy machines as one of the most important breakthroughs in pain management that he’s ever discovered.

PEMF therapy devices use a computer or control unit to administer precise natural pulsating magnetic fields to the body (with specific frequencies and intensities) through various applicators such as a full body mat, localized pad applicators and pinpointed probe, pen, or “Xtal” (spot-applicators).

When I was going through Lyme Disease, I utilized PEMF mats and tubes to help my adrenal glands, as they were constantly tanked.  The mats and tubes you will actually feel a pulsing going through your body and it can be quite intense.  Although these tubes and mats are significantly lower in cost than the big guys I mentioned above, they still are a little spendy if you are wanting to do this treatment all the time, which most of us should do.  Unless you buy your own mats or tubes, which would definitely be cost efficient. 

The XTAL or spot applicators, are not quite as strong as the mats and tubes, but have been shown to be still beneficial.  
This last week, I met with an inventor who himself after seeing HUGE results with PEMF and pain, started researching how to make his own to be able to utilize every day. 

Here comes the device called MannaVibes .  Mannavibes claim to fame is that they’ve turned this technology into an affordable app on your smartphone with miniaturized electronics integrated into an elegant wearable gemstone, the Xtal. 
I know, as you might have guessed I asked him tons of questions about going through a phone, since I try to avoid this at all costs.  And I don’t want to put a stone connected to my phone on my body.  However, you CAN put your phone on airplane mode, AND utilize a cord that connects to your phone so that the gemstone can be on your body and the phone away from you. 

The stone applicator contains electronics configured to work as an emitter just like a mat or tube would.  I should also mention that this type of frequency is very different than frequencies from wifi and data.  Those are typically VERY high frequencies, whereas PEMF is pulsed low level which does something very different in the body.

Pretty amazing right?!  I love this concept because not only is it super affordable, but something one can utilize every day.  It could also get someone out of a pain crisis, to allow for more therapies to be utilized.  I have been using it for the past few days on the cell energy and sleep frequencies.  I’m really loving it!

It also makes sense you can travel with it and recharge your batteries after going through a tin can (airplane) and all the EMF’s in an airport.  Just simply do a quick 15 minutes recharge through the connector.   Way easier to bring than a huge tube or PEMF mat.  

I’ve very excited to have partnered with this company, to give you all a further discount when purchasing for yourself! 
You can click this link to get $10 off, and to also read more from the website if you like. 


In order to amplify the current or electricity, our cells do need to be fully hydrated.  Those electrolytes help amplify and make connections flow.  Nerves and signals need oxygen and need hydration.  This is why it is important to keep your cells hydrated to also recharge them.  When you hydrate you also detox old dying debris from the inside.  So just as the frequencies are detoxing the cells, the hydration also in a sense flushes them out.   As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, there really is no comparison in Kangan water’s ability to penetrate the cell.  Regular water can’t do that.  Check out the flyer below to sign up for the next class to learn more about this!

That is all for now! Let me know if you get one, and your results!


This week we are talking about Rose OIl.  Rose oil is known to have the highest Hz at 320. By raising the body’s vibration, its able to combat the EMF’s more.

Rosa damascena, more commonly known as the Damask rose, is a small shrub with thorny stems. Originally from the Syrian capital Damascus, it is highly sought after for its many therapeutic properties. Before the sun crests the horizon in Bulgaria, workers can be found in fields harvesting the delicate bloom of the Rosa damascena. The labor-intensive production process has a very low yield; takes more than 10,000 freshly picked rose blossoms to produce only one 5mL bottle of Rose essential oil. Because the petals are so delicate, the distillation process must happen the same day that the flower is harvested. From this labor comes an essential oil known for its sweet floral aroma, beautiful and romantic. Diffuse Rose oil to uplift your spirits; the blooming floral fragrance brings about feelings of love, care, and comfort. Apply topically in daily skin care routines. Rose oil helps balance moisture levels in skin, reduce the appearance of skin imperfections, and promote a healthy-looking and even skin tone.

That is all for now,
Have a happy and healthy week!
Dr Hamel