Tag Archives: cancer

Buyer beware…..5G is here on your devices.

Buyer beware…..5G is here on your devices.

Hey Warriors!

Some of you reading the title of this blog may be thinking “I thought 5G was already on phones”.  Since, 2019 it has been displayed on your phone devices “5G”, however there’s REAL 5G, and there is 5G without the fast mm EMF wave. The 5G you’ve been seeing on your devices till now is 5G evolution, not 5G mm waves. This wave antennae is now in smartphones.

Just to keep you up to date on what antennae’s are utilized so far: all Smartphones Have WiFi antennae, Bluetooth and Cell signal Antenna. Each antenna exposes you to a different frequency on the Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum.
The mm wave antennae now exposes individuals with a different level of wavelength, which is higher than any of those other antennae! These mm waves sit at between 24GHz and 100GHz.  In comparison,  3G and 4G cell signals use 800 to 1800 GHz, Bluetooth operates in the 2.4Ghz frequency and WiFi uses 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz.

There’s lots of other examples of devices on that EMF spectrum, for instance, getting an x-ray is a different amount of radiation than your wifi, and will affect our bodies differently.


How do you know if your device has the antennae?

  • Go to the Specs or Specifications Section of the Product Page of Your Phone
  • Look for the Connectivity Band or RF or Cellular detail
  • If you see mmWave listed, than it contains a 5G millimeter wave antenna
  • If you see Bands n257, n258, n259, n260, n261,n262 it has a millmeter wave antenna

Current smart devices are made with them and once the 5G Antenna is in the phone, the software will control if the antenna is sending or receiving the new high frequency EMF. To get these high frequencies to work efficiently it also calls for MORE technology. “These high frequency 5G signals carry lots of data, but don’t go very far and instead of going through walls like cell signals do, they tend to bounce off of buildings.
So the great people that work in telecom have added even more tech to the technology to try and get it to work better. That means massive MIMO and Beam forming apparatus will be added to the environment to help it along.  Again, what man thought adding more machines and more toxins to our environment would be a good idea?”

Here is a list of current 5G phones:

  • Galaxy S21 Ultra
  • Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
  • Google Pixel 5a
  • Galaxy A32 5G
  • One Plus Pro
  • LG V50 Thinq 5G
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 5G
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 10 5G
  • Moto 56 Mod
  • Sony Xperia Pro
  • Iphone 13

How to protect yourself:

It doesn’t seem at this point this technology although far more potent and dangerous will be going away.  So, we must take all precautions to protect against it wherever we go.  I highly recommend EMF pro for help to decrease its power through products you can wear on your body and put on your devices.  Additionally, distance is your friend.  Never keep your phones or any electronic devices on your body, and especially your children’s body.  Smart watches, headphones and bluetooth devices also add to more radiation, so less is key here. I would also recommend that you make sure your methylation is working appropriately to help detox the radiation out of the body.  Some nutraceuticals are phosphatidylcholine, carbon c60 and gingko.

Keep in mind EMF is already in our other technology with 3 and 4G, with loads of research studies showing its harm.  You’ll want to take even more precaution now with higher than ever frequencies and more antennas being put up in many neighborhoods.

There are ways apparently to disable the 5G on some of these devices, but I wouldn’t recommend getting a new smart device.  I think we are going to see many health implications of radiation poisoning from the addition of more tech into our environment.



That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

A Genetic Variant Associated with Cancer and the Warburg Effect

A Genetic Variant Associated with Cancer and the Warburg Effect

Hey Warriors.
Happy Fathers Day, (Late) to all you dads reading this!! I hope you truly know how important it is to have fathers in the picture!! I hope you got spoiled and loved yesterday!
First of all I wanted to say thank you for all the replies from last month’s blog about racism and trauma
As we continue on, I hope the conversation continues.


This week we are switching years a little bit from brain talk and talking a little about nutrition.  As many of you know I switched a few years ago to doing solely genetic based nutrition. Why?  Because something was missing in my practice.  Hormone protocols, and detoxification protocols, and gut protocols got some people well but others plateaued, myself included. The world of genetics in itself is fairly new medicine, and we are literally learning more every single week it seems.  I like to look at genetics this way.  We are born with certain genes, but the way those genes actually work or express themselves can be changed. We know they can be changed even through our thoughts and environment.  So one way we look at helping is through nutrition.

The more genetic “variants” we call them there are in a certain pathway, the more that person might have trouble either creating or destroying something.  As the world is not only getting more toxic emotionally, but has been getting physically toxic for years and years, we have to find new ways to help our bodies overcome such constant bombardment, even from the air we breathe.  You’ve heard it before, we live in a toxic soup.  From our air, water, food sources, EMF’s, cleaners to body care.  

This is generally why we are seeing more and more health issues, an overload of toxins, the inability of our bodies to handle it, and inability to create new cells.
What happens when we can’t eliminate and regenerate leads to chronic conditions. 

In the western medical world we are taught to fear the C word.  Even though doctors and researchers have already found cures, and have been using treatments for years saving individuals lives.  I distinctly remember a teacher in my graduate studies who was one of the smartest medical doctors and microbiologist I had ever met.  He told me, Rachel we already know the cures to cancer.  He had served on some of the most prestigious cancer facilities in northern california.  But why was that not broadcasted?  He said he was not allowed to tell, and as we all know that industry makes billions every year.
I have never said nor will I ever that I treat cancer, because I don’t.  I help the body regain balance.  We all in fact have cancer cells.  Yes you have them now.  The way we deal with them and regenerate is what leads to it progressing.  What he eat, how we think, our surroundings, and what we inject in us.  The typical western route is either radiation or chemotherapy.  And although I support all my patients decisions, I don’t believe injections or taking toxic chemicals is the answer.  How can it be “good” to ingest chemicals? Again, I support all decisions, but remember this is a billion dollar industry.

Let’s talk a little bit about what is called the Warburg Effect. 

If you didn’t know, cancer cells LIVE and feed off glucose.  That is why a huge thing to cut down for most individuals is their sugar intake to starve it.  Cancer is defined by uncontrollable cell growth and division, so cancer cells need the building blocks and energy to make new cells much faster than healthy cells do. They rely heavily on the glucose and rapidly convert it to pyruvate via a process called glycolysis.  The Warburg effect is just that.  Cancer cells exhibit glucose fermentation even when enough oxygen is available to properly utilize.
In 2012, scientists wanted to know what the link was, so research commenced.  

When we look at genetic variants, we are looking specifically at something called enzymes. Enzymes either speed up a reaction or slow it down.  If the enzyme isn’t working properly, that means that the next step in our body making or utilizing something won’t happen. 

In particular, the scientists looked at a specific enzyme called citrate synthesis(CS). 
Here is a snip of my genetic chart (#3) to just show you where it is.  This enzyme comes in the ENERGY production (ATP) and utilization pathway.

In the study, they silenced or blocked this enzyme and the results are quite important.  The most important was that blocking this enzyme greatly increased (10 times!) migration and proliferation of cancer cells. They also found that inhibiting this enzyme accelerated tumor malignancy.  This is why: CS inhibition causes severe defects in mitochondrial respiration (thats how our energy cells breathe) and switches it to glucose uptake and up-regulates glycolytic metabolism.  You’ve heard me talk over and over again about the importance of oxygen, well here the cells needs oxygen as well and to utilize it. Since the mitochondria cells carry ATP our energy source, this means that ATP too was greatly decreased. Defects in mitochondria may promote tumor malignancy, forcing the cell to revert to the more primitive route of energy production through glycolysis.

Of course theres a lot more that is said in this study, and I will give the link if you choose to read it all, but this one enzyme is pretty huge increasing the risk for cancer. Since the body works as a unit it also blocks things further down the line that need to function as well.  One is cholesterol breakdown for hormone regulation and the electron transport chain which in the end creates that ATP (Energy).  I’m sure looking at that Kreb’s Cycle can bring back some high school chemistry days.  A lot goes into it, but that CITRATE up top is the key to get it started.  If we don’t have ATP we can’t regenerate new cells.  That means cancer cells can start to take over.  ATP can modulate the cell growth and bioenergetic metabolism of tumor cells, at least in part, through suppression of AMPK/p38 MAPK and ERK1 signaling and glycolytic enzyme expression and activation of p53 function ( sorry a lot of chemistry here, but just means more ATP less cancer cells).

So, if someone has a genetic variant in this enzymes ability to function, that can cause some pretty huge complications wouldn’t you think?  This is definitely a different way of looking at cancer.

What if we could optimize this enzymes function for those that have a compromised pathway?  With this enzyme working better, and energy production with oxygen utilization working more effectively it makes sense to think that will modulate proper cell growth and death.

This is the beauty of looking at specific chemical reactions in the body.  Testing for this gene can be a big find for anyone not only for treatment but also for prevention.  How many individuals have issues with cholesterol usually being too high, or gallbladder or weight/hormone issues?  That comes in here too.

Once knowing this, finding the night nutrient to help that enzyme properly work is the key.

When we get the body working better it heals.  Again we are looking at the body as a whole picture.  We need to look at toxin intake, diet and environment of course, but we can also help that person’s body function better, resulting in less availability of improper cell growth.

If you haven’t done my genetic nutrition yet, I suggest you do!  It’s been a big game changer for many.  It can take some time to figure out the perfect combo as we are learning more every month about genes, but already to success stories are flowing.

Look at how the body is functioning, not necessarily the “diagnosis”.  There you will find the answers. 



This week we are talking about Frankincense.

Frankincense might not just reduce inflammation. It may also attack cancer cells directly.

This, say some researchers. could benefit people with leukemia and other types of cancer.

One of the challenges of cancer treatment is that, unlike bacteria or viruses, cancer cells are not foreign invaders. Instead, cancer occurs when the body’s cells grow out of control, attacking healthy tissue.

This process makes it difficult to fight cancer without also killing healthy cells. In fact, most cancer treatments do kill healthy cells.

Chemotherapy for example, kills many healthy cells as it fights cancer. This is why people often lose their hair, experience nausea, and become more vulnerable to infection during chemotherapy.

Some evidence suggests that frankincense might target cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

A laboratory study of bladder cancer, published in 2009, looked at how frankincense affected cultures of normal and cancerous bladder cells. The oil targeted cancerous cells, but it did not destroy healthy cells.

In 2015, further lab research found similar effects in breast cancer. The investigators found that frankincense could kill breast cancer cells and disrupt the growth of future cancer cells.

In 2016, scientist describing the properties of frankincense noted that it contains substances that have anti-tumor properties. These could prevent cancer cells from growing and lead to controlled cell death, or apoptosis.

These are early results, but they offer hope that substances that occur in frankincense might one day fight some forms of cancer without the potentially life-threatening effects of chemotherapy.

That is all for now.
have a happy and healthy week!
Dr. Hamel

How 5G is affecting our brains!! Protect your Family!

Happy Monday Tribe!
I hope you all got the chance to read last week’s blog on how exercise impacts your memory!

This week we will be diving into a super important topic, as you know being a healthcare disruptor it is always my duty to reveal the corruption and truth. 
WE live in TECH world.  It’s inescapable (unless your a mountainman).  Technology is a wonderful thing and also harmful if used incorrectly.  It brings us closer together, allows for innovation, and makes our lives easier.  But the health implications are ever growing and NOT being told to the public. 

I watched a seminar series this weekend about 5G, and an amazing scientist started spurting out research about the harms of EMF (electro magnetic frequencies).  We know that EMF’s which are emitted from cell phones, computers, WIFI, smart meters, bluetooth, airport scanners, microwaves, electrical wiring, dimming switches,  ect. are harmful to us. 

Children in particular are at THE MOST risk for damage.  That is why pregnant women, babies and children should never be around cell phones, i pads, ect.  Always on airplane mode.  These frequencies actually damage DNA and for children this is detrimental to their growth and development. According to research, children under 16 should NOT be allowed to use cell phones. However, the billions of users today are young and small and have NO idea how to protect themselves from microwave radiation.

Here’s the skinny (411):

How do we know that wireless radiation is unsafe?
We have studies in humans and animals.  Unfortunately with this technology, we’ve introduced the technology, and THEN after asked the question is it safe.  NO testing was done prior.

Old tests were done on the “thermal” (heat) effects of radiation. Which was based on super old science, using a 6 foot tall something male and over 220 pounds at 20 cm away.  They still go by this, although EMF’s have been linked to biological harm through peer review studies. The array of phenomena seems to be only limited to whether or not we’ve studied it.  Every time they’ve look for an effect, it’s been there.  Bees, trees, flowers.

  • In 2000, the British government had a top community of scientists that stated that no one should use a cell phone under the age of 16, because of a young thin skull.  The US ignored that research and decided in 1996, no research was needed in this area.
The problem is:
It’s not the power of the radiation, but the pulse.  A cell phone signal is complex, it has a frequency and power.  Even though it can been weak in power, abnormal pulse radiation over thousands a minutes has an effect.
  • The brain cells of rats when exposed to weak pulse of cell phones had damage to their DNA. This research after found was then hidden, and the government went to town to make sure that the public would not know about it. You can read the book “Disconnect” for more info.
  • Now we have results from the national toxicology program, studies not just showing DNA damage, but the largest study ever done (30 Milllion dollars) with the technology of the highest caliber, found clear evidence of rare tumors of the nerve inside the heart and glioma (brain cancer).  Also salivary gland tumors and thyroid.
NOTE****Lebron James had a salivary gland tumor on the side where he used his phone all the time.  He got a big sponsorship deal with samsung, and he hasn’t admitted any problem with EMF radiation.  I don’t think that he’s aware of the connection.

  • Human studies have shown the same rare cancers. Acoustic neuroma (near the ear, HELLO cell phones).  This study was subject to a triple peer review (never been done before).  They were astonished when they got the results that showed clear evidence of cancer, and multiple cancers of different organs, some damage to the heart.  The heart is quite close to the surface of the skin.  That normally would be a slam dunk in science, but the national toxicology program is supposed to tell the FDA what to do about it.  They didn’t like the results, so they said it wasn’t “relevant”.  The CDC asks the industry to write their website, and many of the FCC work for Verizon for the cell phone telecommunication industry and regularly have moved back forth between the industry and agency.  It is NOT a protector of health and safety.

Let’s talk about chronic diseases:

-Neurological, autoimmune, autism are all increasing at a huge rate.  What does science tell us that wireless plays in this?

Chronic illness has multiple causes, nutrition ect.  Our life is increasingly electrified.  The role of EMF’s for autism, autoimmune, thyroid or chronic pain cannot be fully evaluated because nobody is asking the question. If you get rid of toxins, you give children a chance to grow and develop. EMF’s are included as a toxin.  But often at risk kids are given devices to help “calm” them down, when in reality it’s harming their future.


Overview of studies of 5G:

1. Standford- 5g consists of a combination of 3g and 4g in order for it to work.  So you have to have a series of antennae within a few yards apart.  The modulation of the signal is what we are most worried about .  It’s moving extremely fast, and alters the function of our nerves and cells. It interferes with the way calcium moves in and out of the cell wall.
The mm waves are absorbed in the skin, but it turns out the sweat ducts are located there, and they can work as an antennae, and can transmit exposure from the skin internally!  It can accelerate the growth of bacteria by suppressing good things to thrive, because the cells don’t communicate as well with one another. 

2.  People who live within 30 mm of a 3g antenna, in the blood of those closest showed elevated evidence of damage in DNA in the micronucleus.  Precursor to cancer!

3. More than a thousand different insects are also compromised.  5g wave interferes with cryptochrome in insects (inborn GPS).  Allows them to navigate.  Low intensity mm waves can cause the cryptochrome to create free radicals.

4. Another study showing what happens to microbes in soil in india.  Microbes in soil are critical to agriculture.  They showed that the microbes with the towers around were damaged as well.  Also people living closer to antenna have biochemical measures in their blood which predict more likely to get cancer (evidence of damage), than in others that live further way.

These mm waves weakens membranes.  And this means any toxic exposure can be more deeply taken into the body as a results of the EMF.

What are we doing to our children with this exposure?
We know that insects show changes in their behavior over time with exposure, so it makes sense the effect of us.

Singapore is NOT introducing it at all.  In order to work well, they need several dozen antennas on the phone. You don’t need 5G for voice calls, its so that the refrigerator can talk to your phone ( or things of this matter).  Recognize what we have is that we think that since technology can do something we want to try it.  Although there’s things we SHOULD not do.

Many other countries KNOW the harms and won’t allow this.  Chinese cities are the most dense in the world.  How do they get their signals?  They are WIRED!  The priority for those countries is for military and medical research purposes for technology.

In the 1950s and 1960s the tobacco industry had to see so many people die and have harmful effects in order to prove its harm.  Do we need to show now that children who use devices have more harmful effects to get the public to wake up?!  It seems as if it’s going that way.
It’s not that technology is evil.  We need to teach them about wired connections.
Wired is actually faster, and MORE secure.

At schools, children do not LEARN well if they are on a computer all day long.  More and more silicon valley people are sending their children to schools without computers, because they know this.  More and more parents are understanding to limit their use.
Don’t feel guilty!  We just want safer usage, and education about what technology can do and what it’s not allowed to use.

Let me state this :
WE ARE ELECTRICAL BEING!  Our heart beating, nervous system firing.  We have an internal electrical system.  The fact of saying that outside electrical impulses would have ZERO affect on how we function, makes ZERO sense.  It’s true for plants, birds.  And US!  The potential for harm is quite great.

-get rid of wireless keyboards, mice, earphones
-smart meters removed
– get a wired landline for your phone
-turn wifi off
-turn phone off or on airplane mode when not using it
-never keep in on the body
-don’t even give a phone to a child unless on airplane move
-get EMF protectors (i like aulterra or hedrom)
-ipads belong on tables (tablets) – they are testing 20 cm away form a adult male body of 220lb guy, NEVER ON THE BODIES OF YOUNG CHILDREN!
-if the signal is weak, radiation is higher. radiation goes onto you when its on your body.

Be EDUCATED crew.  I’ve been testing EMFs with my genetic profiles now to help the body be more enhances nutritionally, as it damages our cell walls.  The fact of the matter is, less is more. Protect your families and yourself.

More resources: https://ehtrust.org/about/dr-devra-davis/


ON the spotlight this week is Do Terra Rosemary.  A favorite of mine to use to help protect against EMFs

Though it is famous for its applications in the culinary world, rosemary has uses that reach far beyond cook books or holiday meals. Rosemary oil is a versatile essential oil that proves useful in everyday life for things like promoting healthy-looking hair, creating a relaxing massage, cooking healthy meals, and more. It even supports healthy digestion.* Learn more about Rosemary oil and discover the diverse uses for this herbaceous, energizing doTERRA product.

Rosemary Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. The chemical makeup of Rosemary oil gives it renewing properties that can be both energizing and settling—particularly when you diffuse the oil. When you need to study for a big test, memorize your slides for a presentation at work, or just need to finish a project, diffusing Rosemary oil can be helpful. In the essential oil diffuser of your choice, consider diffusing Rosemary oil while studying to help maintain concentration. As the renewing, green aroma of Rosemary oil wafts through the room, you’ll be able to focus on the task at hand.
  2. Possibly the most common application for the rosemary plant is in cooking. Fortunately, Rosemary oil can be used as a substitute in your favorite rosemary-infused dishes. If you have a favorite recipe that calls for rosemary, you can easily add one to two drops of Rosemary oil to meats or traditional entrees in order to add flavor or to support healthy digestion.* Looking for a hearty Rosemary oil recipe? Try this Balsamic Rosemary Marinade to add instant flavor and excitement to any weeknight meal or backyard barbeque. Speaking of summer festivities, these Italian Summer Skewers with Rosemary Balsamic Reduction are the perfect sweet and savory addition to any outdoor get-together. Using mozzarella, salami, cantaloupe, brown sugar, and Rosemary oil, these skewers will be a hot item at your next summer bash.
  3. Rosemary oil can be taken internally to help reduce occasional fatigue and nervous tension.* You can add a few drops of Rosemary oil to a glass of water or to a doTERRA Veggie Capsule. Rosemary oil can also be taken internally if you are striving to support healthy internal organ function.*
  4. Trying to relax? Let the renewing properties of Rosemary oil soothe your body and soul at the end of a long day by creating a relaxing essential oil bath. Adding essential oils to a warm bath can promote a calming, relaxing environment that allows you to take a break—both mentally and physically. Combine Rosemary, Frankincense, and Epsom salt into your bath for a rejuvenating experience when you are in need of a little “me” time.
  5. Like many other essential oils, Rosemary oil can be helpful for promoting full, healthy-looking hair. When you want to promote an abundant-looking head of hair, consider using Rosemary oil when giving yourself a stimulating scalp massage. To improve the scalp massage even further, combine Melaleuca and Rosemary oil together. Whether you are styling or grooming your lovely locks, it is always a good idea to use Rosemary oil for hair.
  6. Looking for more delicious Rosemary oil recipes? You can quickly turn traditional mashed potatoes into a flavor-filled side dish with a little help from doTERRA Rosemary oil. Whether you are a prepping for a holiday meal, or just want some comfort food, these Rosemary Mashed Potatoes will leave both your tastebuds and your tummy happy.
  7. Because of its rejuvenating scent and renewing properties, Rosemary oil is often used for massage. Consider combining Rosemary oil with a carrier oil like doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and applying it during massage. To create a soothing massage experience, you can also blend Rosemary oil with Wintergreen to cool and relax the skin. When you want a relaxing massage, mix Lavender with Rosemary oil for stress reduction.


That is all for now,


have a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel

Sunlight, Cancer & Vitamin D

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed last month’s topics around post partum care!  All this month we will be focusing on topics all about summertime health, including guest speakers and more!

Last year I wrote a blog on sunlight, cancer and vitamin D.  I thought it pertinent to resend the blog since many still need to see it!  Hawaii did also just outlaw sunscreen on its beaches… why?? Read on…

For some of us, we have been trained to believe that sunlight causes cancer.  Correct?  Who has told us this?  The sunscreen industry, your dermatologists or by the cancer industry.  Maybe it’s not really true….. You may think that I am crazy, but what if I told you that sunlight actually prevents skin cancer, and other types of cancer as well?  Well, it’s true.  Sunlight alone does not cause skin cancer.

For example, office workers have a greater melanoma risk than farmers, construction workers and even lifeguards! Based on population studies, melanoma rates are higher in Minnesota than Arizona, as well as higher in Norway than in the south of France.

Another fact: Melanoma often occurs in dark places shielded from the sun, including the soles of the feet, the genitals, inside the nose and mouth, and under the fingernails.

Why?  We’ve all been told that myth for so long that most of us believe it.  If you lay out in the sun like this,

then the UV rays from the sun penetrates our skin and cause cancer.  That’s only a one variable equation. One thing: sunlight exposure causes one effect: skin cancer.  What if it was actually more complex than that?  What if it was the interaction of the sunlight and your skin health?  Or, getting more specific, the level of antioxidants in your skin when you are exposed to the sunlight?  Well, as it turns out, with most anything, it really is a two variable. If you look back in history you can see why this is..

Take a look at this image.  You can say that this woman looks a little red.

Do you know where the term “red neck” actually comes from? The term red neck came from the south of the United States during the colonial period when the southerners experienced extreme nutritional deficiencies. Specifically, the B vitamins because they didn’t know how to treat their corn to extract the B vitamins.  As a result when they got exposed to sunlight they got “burned”.  They got burned because a result of two variables: 1. sunlight exposure 2. nutritional deficiencies resulting from their inability to treat food before they ate it.
So the term redneck comes from the simple truth that sunlight combined with nutritional deficiencies can cause sunburn.  What that means, is that if you are out sunbathing and you don’t have good nutrition, you CAN get sunburned which is bad for your heath.  Sunburn is bad, can’t deny that. However, the way to avoid sunburn is not to slather on toxic sunscreen.  Rather, the way to avoid sunburn is to increase your nutritional intake so you have more antioxidants in your skin so you won’t get the burn and you won’t get the increased risk for skin cancer. In fact, you will have a decreased risk of skin cancer.

If you are darker in pigmentation you block the UV rays naturally.  It’s almost like having your own built in sunscreen.  This causes vitamin D deficiencies if you don’t spend enough time in the sun.  Why?  Because the UV rays are what go into your skin and activate your skins manufacturing of Vitamin D.  If you are darker skin you’re going to need MORE vitamin D exposure in comparison to fair skin because of this barrier. The difference?  I might need around 20 mins of sun exposure a day in comparison with say an African American which would need around two hours a day to get the same amount of vitamin D. Why are African American’s suffering more serious cancers?  This is one of the big answers.  The sunlight is not getting to them because of the pigment of their skin, which makes them vitamin D deficient.  Of course the cancer industry won’t tell you this!

What about pale skin?  If you or you know someone that has pale skin, you can know right away they are vitamin D deficient unless they are taking a lot of supplementation to compensate.  A tan person is a healthy person……..

In cultures where tan skin is not preferred like in some asian cultures where they want porcelain skin, where they carry an umbrella or shade their entire body from the sun.  These are the women who are first to get breast cancer.

If you didn’t know vitamin D decreases the risk of 4 out of 5 cancer types! There is a 78% reduction in cancers just from more vitamin D in your body.  

RECAP: Sunlight exposure alone does not cause skin cancer.  Sunlight in combination with nutritional deficiencies can cause sun burn, which can cause skin cancer.  However, sunlight in combination with good nutrition can prevent cancer because it allows you to create Vitamin D.


Do you notice in the winter months is usually when people are getting sick?  Colds, flu.  Why?  Because they are vitamin D deficient.  In the summer, more people are outside! Most tumors actually grow in the winter months.  Vitamin D has many other qualities as well including kidney health, bone density, diabetes, mental health ect.  Without vitamin D you can’t absorb calcium, so if you have weak bones, doesn’t matter how much calcium you take, you aren’t making them stronger.  Sunlight is great Medicine!!!  It is the light of life.  There would be no life on this planet without it.  It’s like saying air is bad for you.  It is lack of sunlight that causes degenerative disease in our country today.   Don’t live in darkness!

Sharing the light on sunscreen: 

Sunscreen keeps you in darkness.  It blocks the Vitamin D production in your skin which helps you fight skin cancer!  It contains chemicals that themselves may cause cancer.  So the more you put this on, the higher your risk of cancer can get.  Photocarcinogenic ingredients like the vitamin A derivatives retinol and retinal palmitate turn toxic when exposed to sunlight – causing a 21 percent increase in the development and spread of cancerous skin tumors and lesions.  This is not the same as vitamin A found in food and supplements that are essential for good health.  Vitamin A additives are different. Sunscreen also blocks a pigment called melanin, which is your body’s innate protection against burning via tanning. Regular sunscreen use has another liability: You’re more likely to burn on the days you forgo sunscreen.

The idea that sunscreen prevents cancer is a myth.   It’s a myth promoted by a profit-seeking tag-team effort between the cancer industry and the sunscreen industry. Did your doctor mention studies showing that people who spend a greater percentage of their time outdoors have the lowest risk of melanoma?


What to use instead?  Use nutrition! So you have a built in internal sunscreen!  A diet rich in antioxidants, vegetables, fruits and whole foods.

-Blue green algae
-Vegetables- Greens
-Juicing or what I like better Blending
-Fatty fish, Fish oils

You can also use specific oils for sun shielding such as :
-Raspberry seed oil (SPF 30-50)
-Shea butter (SPF 20)
-Coconut OIl (SPF 4-10)
-Macadamia Oil (SPF 6)
-Jojoba Oil (SPF 4)
-Avocado Oil (SFP 4)

-Also Beauty Counter makes a great natural deodorant- which you can purchase here:

I’m not saying go out in the sun for 8 hours if you have pale skin and fry yourself to a crisp.  You gotta use some common sense on this.  Start taking antioxidants for 30 days.  Then go out in the sun for a reasonable amount of time and see what happens.  That may be 20 minutes before you notice some burn.  You then may work up to two hours.  I was out in the sun for 2+ hours today not using sunscreen and didn’t burn at all.

Get out safely in the sun with good nutrition and prevent cancer, be healthy, get stronger bones, boost your immune system and energy.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common.  I see it in the office all the time, and can complicate cases of chronic pains.  Symptoms can include but are not limited to :
-muscle/joint pain and weakness
-bone pain
-tiredness or fatigue

Taking vitamin D supplementation is not perfect either.  It depends on your gut health and ability to absorb it, so consult with your natural doctor or myself on which is safe to use.!

I hope this newsletter proved helpful for you this week!  Please share this information with others so they can be informed and cure their own cancers!




Sun exposure is good, but too much of it can cause irritation. Next time you deal with discomfort from too much sun, try this after-sun soothing spray with essential oils.

1 cup aloe vera juice
¼ cup doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil
1 teaspoon vitamin E
8 drops Lavender oil
8 drops Melaleuca oil
8 drops Peppermint oil

Note: You can find aloe vera juice at your local health food store.


  1. Combine all ingredients in glass spray bottle.
  2. Shake to combine.