Tag Archives: nutrition

The 4 Pathways of Detox

The 4 pathways of detoxing

Happy Monday everyone, and happy New years eve!  This year flew by! Since the holidays are just about over, it’s time to start the new year talking about detoxing!  Last week I mentioned our 21 day detox group session beginning January 7th!  If you are interested and want more info, we will be placing orders this week!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Detoxifying is really something we should do on a daily basis, since toxins are LITERALLY everywhere.  But it’s a fabulous thing to do at the beginning of the year to start the new fresh, and with a clean slate.  Many people do goal setting and new year’s resolutions.  Many to lose weight or to get healthier.  Well, in order to affectively lose weight you really MUST detox.

Fat LOVES toxins.  So diet and exercise alone cannot make you lose weight if you are toxic, and most of us are.

This is why we are doing the 21 day group cleanse! This comes with a private FB group to help you along the way!

If you missed the live video describing the detox watch here: (click image)

Because we are surrounded on a daily basis, it is important that our pathways of elimination are always working for us!  It’s going to get a little personal today, so put on your seat belts we will be talking about elimination!The legend goes that at one time the most important person in the ancient Chinese emperor’s court was the “royal physician”, who had the very critical task of inspecting the emperor’s morning bowel movement.  Sign me up for that job? …..

The medical doctor’s role was dedicated to creating the emperor’s daily meal plan and itinerary of activities based on his daily inspection.  Regardless of the legend being true, this coincides with the tenants of traditional Chinese medicine that we can observe so much about our health from our OWN bodies. For one, our stool is an important indicator for our overall health.  It’s actually one of the only things we can actually examine to determine where our health is headed.  The signs of congested elimination are literally in front of your eyes every single day.

Truth of the matter is, when your pathways of elimination are congested, your body cannot get rid of toxins such as chemicals that interfere with the production, release, transport, metabolism or elimination of the body’s natural hormones which can occur through air, water, soil, food and consumer products.    Now pile on the issues of mismanaged blood sugar ( a good majority of us) and adrenal fatigue (yup all of us again at some point), which further interferes with your body’s natural ability to clean out it’s own system, and you’ve got a monopoly free pass collect 100 dollars to hormone imbalance.

Your stool isn’t the only way your body gets rid of toxins though.  There are four other pathways that also deal with elimination and they are all interconnected.

1.  Liver and Large Intestine
These are your internal garbage processors, compacting and moving the big stuff such as digested food, toxins, chemicals and hormonal waste every single day!  
The liver’s primary purpose is to convert fat-soluble toxins (most) into water soluble waste through at two step process so that your body can excrete them via sweat, urine and bowel movements.  Hormones are fat soluble because that allows them to stay in the body longer.

Phase 1– the liver breaks them down using nutrients like glutathione, B vitamins, and C vitamins (from the food you eat).  This breakdown causes free radicals which are toxic, and so phase 2 is also vital and needs to happen.

Phase 2- Selenium and amino acids in the liver combine these free radicals and make them harmless and water soluble.

It then enters into the gallbladder, mixes with bile and leaves the body via the large intestine.  The last substance needed is adequate fiber so the large intestine can bind the waste and make sure it leaves quickly.

** Now an important point here, you can’t just supplement with these nutrients and expect the pathways to clear.  These nutrients don’t become bioavailable when you take them as typical supplements, if you eat them as they naturally occur in foods, the body can easily recognize them.  It’s important to consume enough and use whole food supplementation as needed to fill in the gaps and support both phases of detoxification.  If you don’t complete phase 2 because of a lack of nutrients, you’re exposing yourself to a greater degree of toxins.

When you wake up in the morning, have a glass of water and feel the urge to have a bowel movement within about 20 minutes of waking, this is successful elimination in this pathway.  If it’s longer than that, or if you require a cup of coffee to get things rolling your are constipated!. Even if you go later in the day. The reason being is because the liver stops working around 3am in it’s cycle, so by the time you wake up, you have been clearing yesterday’s waste for the past 12 hours.  If you don’t get proper elimination, the toxins and other chemicals work their way back through and become reabsorbed through the bloodstream.  This can lead to menstrual, fertility, libido, and chronic conditions.

2. Skin
Your skin is your largest organ!  That’s why products in your home were so important to be clean.  It has to handle whatever the large intestine and liver are unable to eliminate.  It does so by exerting waste, by sweat. Have you ever noticed when you are stressed or upset, the sweat from your armpits smells foul?  That’s a sign your pathways of elimination are congested and your skin is trying to expel it.
Cystic acne, rosacea, eczema, often are all signs the other systems haven’t been working well!

3. Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a network of organs, nodes ducts, and vessels that produce and transport lymph, a fluid made up of white blood cells.  This system sweeps up metabolic waste, toxins, dead cells, and excess fluid from your organs and deposits them into your bloodstream, which eventually transfers them to the liver and large intestine.  When it’s clogged, the  organs and parts of the body that deposit waste into it become backed up too.

When it works efficiently, your lymphatic system directs white blood cells to germs and other invaders and helps you fight off infections.  When congested, it still attracts these bugs and transports them throughout your body, dumping them into the bloodstream, putting at a greater risk.
You can also experience allergies, high blood pressure, chronic sinusitis and can develop autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus with clogged lymphatics.

4. Kidneys
Just like the liver, the kidneys process toxins all the time and are very sensitive to chronic exposure.  Instead of eliminating through the bowels, it’s elimination is through the urinary system.  An over abundance of chemicals, hormones and low numbers of minerals and electrolytes leading to dehydration puts this organ and relationship out of balance, and can also lead to kidney stones, low back pain and infections.  

So there it is…..
I would also state that our oral health and respiratory system and lungs are also areas that are pretty vulnerable to these toxins.
Oil pulling is a great option here!



Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Grapefruit!
Commonly known for its sour and tangy taste, grapefruit is the rotund, yellow-orange fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. Grapefruit essential oil is derived from the rind of this fruit and is cherished for its many uses and benefits. The aroma of Grapefruit essential oil matches the citrus and fruity flavors of its origin and provides an invigorating and energizing aroma. Diffused Grapefruit oil invokes a sense of clarity, and due to its main chemical component, limonine, can help to uplift mood. With its powerful cleansing properties, Grapefruit oil is valued for its skin care benefits and ability to promote the appearance of clear, healthy-looking skin when applied topically. When used internally, Grapefruit oil can help support a healthy metabolism.*

Grapefruit Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. Teenage years can be rough, and with constant blemishes making their appearance, feelings of self-consciousness can quickly add to already existing frustrations. For a simple way to help your teenager improve the appearance of blemishes, add Grapefruit essential oil to his or her nightly facial routine (avoid sun exposure for up to 12 hours after applying any citrus oil topically).
  2. Are you trying to shed some extra weight or stick to a diet? Use Grapefruit essential oil to help you meet your goals. Add a few drops of Grapefruit oil into a diffuser to help increase motivation.
  3. The fruity and spry flavor of Grapefruit essential oil makes a great addition to a variety of different foods and drinks. To enliven the flavor of your smoothies and also give your body the benefits of Grapefruit oil,* add one to two drops of Grapefruit essential oil to your favorite smoothie. If you are looking for a good way to add a brightness of flavor to your morning, make an Acai Bowl for breakfast and add a drop or two of Grapefruit oil.
  4. Grapefruit is well-known for its ability to support a healthy metabolism.* Support your metabolism at home or on-the-go by adding one to two drops of Grapefruit oil to your water. This essential oil addition to your drinks will also give your water a flavor-filled and vitalizing boost. Take the benefits of Grapefruit oil wherever you go by carrying it in your purse or briefcase and adding it your water at restaurants or at work.
  5. Enjoy a soothing massage with Grapefruit essential oil. For a good pick-me-up after a long day, apply Grapefruit oil and massage in needed areas. The Grapefruit oil will leave behind a light, uplifting fragrance and will also help improve the appearance of blemishes where it is applied. For the areas massaged, avoid UV light for up to 12 hours after applying citrus oils topically.
  6. Improve the relationship with your body by giving it some essential oil care. Rub one to two drops of Grapefruit essential oil on your stomach to help you have a healthy emotional relationship with your body.
  7. Push the tense feelings away with the aromatic and topical benefits of Grapefruit essential oil. If you are feeling tense or down, rub one to two drops of Grapefruit oil onto your neck and shoulders for positive vibes. Grapefruit essential oil will help promote feelings of vitality and will uplift mood.
  8. Make sure to spread the effects of Grapefruit essential oil to your entire body by adding it to your body scrubs and body wash. This essential oil addition will emit an invigorating scent and help smooth the skin.
  9. Often times, reading or studying for long periods of time can cause the mind to wander and lose focus. For those moments when you need a boost to help you study or you are wanting to finish up the last pages of a book, diffuse Grapefruit essential oil. Diffusing Grapefruit oil will help promote a sense of focus while studying or reading.
  10. For a citrus diffuser blend you can’t get enough of, put two drops of Grapefruit, two drops of Juniper Berry, and one drop of Wild Orange in a diffuser. Limonene, the main chemical constituent of both Wild Orange and Grapefruit oils, will produce the uplifting aroma emitted from this citrus blend, while Juniper Berry’s woody scent will create a calming and grounding effect. You will love the stimulating effects of this amazing blend.

Fun Fact
The name “grapefruit” is attributed to the fruits growing in clusters that resemble those of grapes.



 Try this great DETOX SALAD!


  • 2 cups kale
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 2 cups brussels sprouts, roughly chopped
  • 2 cups red cabbage, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup carrots, roughly chopped
  • ½ cup fresh parsley
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 1 to 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds

For the dressing:

  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ cup lemon juice (or juice of two lemons)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • 3 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp. honey (or maple syrup)
  • ¼ tsp. sea salt


  1. Using a food processor, process all the veggies up to the parsley until finely chopped and mix together in a large bowl. This may take a few batches.
  2. Add almonds to the food processor and pulse, until roughly chopped, and mix in with the salad along with the sunflower seeds.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing and drizzle over top of the salad OR place in a jar and use as needed. Enjoy!

How to Emotionally Handle the Holidays. 

Happy Monday everyone!  As we are in FULL swing into Holiday Mode, it’s important to go over some quick tips and a guide to emotionally survive this holiday season. 

We have gone over in the previous week’s about prepping the body.  Prepping the brain and nervous system for all that it is going to handle, prepping through nutrition so you don’t completely de-rail yourself, and lastly we will go over prepping your emotions!

There will be no blog next week as it is Christmas Week, so you all enjoy your family and loved ones and we will be back in action for the first of the year, just in time to do a New Year New You Whole body cleanse (information below).


There are many way to help prepare your emotional system for increased stress loads.  The best thing is to really do that.. prepare. 

Just as we have prepared our body in the previous weeks, we don’t really think to “prepare” for the holidays.

However, for some with increased things to do, gifts to get, family drama, parties, maybe financial stress, it can come as a little stressful time.  You also may neglect yourself through the process as to take care of everyone else. 

Although we can’t control our family or their reactions, we can however control our own and how we “choose” to respond.  We can also “choose” to change our mindset for other stressful situations if we recognize a pattern.

Here are some tips to help you get out of a specific mindset:

1. Be Realistic.  The holidays don’t have to be perfect . As families change and grow, traditions and rituals often change as well. Choose a few to hold on to, and be open to creating new ones. For example, if your adult children can’t come to your house, find new ways to celebrate together, such as sharing pictures, emails or videos.

2. Set aside differences that may be in the family. Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if they don’t live up to all of your expectations. Set aside grievances until a more appropriate time for discussion. And be understanding if others get upset or distressed when something goes awry. Chances are they’re feeling the effects of holiday stress and depression too.

3. Stick to a budget!  Before you go gift and food shopping, decide how much money you can afford to spend. Then stick to your budget. Don’t try to buy happiness with an avalanche of gifts.

Try these alternatives:

  • Donate to a charity in someone’s name.
  • Give homemade gifts.
  • Start a family gift exchange.

4. Plan ahead. Set aside specific days for shopping, baking, visiting friends and other activities. Plan your menus and then make your shopping list. That’ll help prevent last-minute scrambling to buy forgotten ingredients. And make sure to line up help for party prep and cleanup.  Goal setting is HUGE!!

Don’t try to make HUGE yearly goals or set new goals to try to get done in December.  Set your goals for earlier in the year to celebrate during the holidays!

5. Learn to say no. Saying yes when you should say no can leave you feeling resentful and overwhelmed. Friends and colleagues will understand if you can’t participate in every project or activity. If it’s not possible to say no when your boss asks you to work overtime, try to remove something else from your agenda to make up for the lost time.

6. Take A Breather.. Spending just 15 minutes alone, without distractions, may refresh you enough to handle everything you need to do. Find something that reduces stress by clearing your mind, slowing your breathing and restoring inner calm.

  1. Some options may include:
    • Taking a walk at night and stargazing.
    • Listening to soothing music.
    • Getting a massage or CHIRO!
    • Reading a book.

7.  Neuro Emotional Technique.  Come in and get some NET if you know things are going to be stressful and you already are feeling it!  Let’s change that mindset so you can go into your holiday with ease! This Technique is extremely successful for stress reduction.

8.  Essential Oils.  Essential Oils by DoTerra are amazing to diffuse in your home to help with emotional overwhelm, to carry with you or to take as a daily supplement to help calm the system.  Frankincense is a great oil for emotional stability as well as Balance and Melissa for anxiety.  I also like diffusing On Guard to protect against negative energies:)

9. Herbs.  I love using specific herbals to help if you know you are going to be in a stressful situation.  These will help you not go off track and handle the stress with ease once your stress organs are supported.  Some of my favorites are withania complex and adrenal complex by mediherb.

That’s all for this week!  Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for such a wonderful first year in San Diego!  I am truly blessed by all of you.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Frankincense.  Frankincense is also FREE with any $200 purchase this month!  Don’t miss out on this amazing oil!.
Frankincense Oil Product Description
Known as the king of essential oils, Frankincense has a variety of notable uses and benefits. This powerful essential oil is revered for its ability to beautify and rejuvenate skin when applied topically, and to promote cellular health and immunity and produce a healthy inflammatory response when taken internally,* among other benefits. With all of its many uses, there is no question as to why Frankincense was highly esteemed by ancient civilizations and used for the most sacred of practices. For some religions, Frankincense is correlated with one of the most prized possessions of ancient biblical times, as it was considered valuable enough to be given as a gift to Christ after his birth. Frankincense was also used during religious ceremonies for salves for soothing skin and perfume. The perfume or aroma that Frankincense emits promotes feelings of satisfaction, peace, relaxation, and overall wellness, which explains its unique value in ancient times. Just as in its treasured past, Frankincense oil is highly valued in the doTERRA community and continues to be one of the most popular essential oils.

Where to Buy Frankincense Oil
To buy a pure bottle of Frankincense, visit the Frankincense oil product page.

doTERRA’s mission is to provide high-quality essential oils that are pure and free of harmful contaminants. With doTERRA’s strict method of essential oil testing and CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality protocol, you can walk away confident knowing that the oils you purchase from doTERRA are potent and pure, bringing you maximum health benefits.

Frankincense Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. Add Frankincense’s incredible aroma to any room in your house by making this DIY Room Spray with Frankincense oil. Start by getting an empty glass spray bottle and putting in 15 drops of Frankincense, 15 drops of Grapefruit, and 30 drops of Douglas Fir. Top off the rest of the bottle with water. You now have the most amazing room spray! Just spritz this spray on carpet, furniture, or in the air of any room you desire. When using this homemade spray, you will be able to bask in the rich fragrance of doTERRA Frankincense essential oil, and experience its relaxing and peaceful benefits.
  2. Razor bumps can be irritating and can turn your morning shave into a daylong frustration. Even though shaving may be essential, razor bumps are not. Provide relief to your skin with this do-it-yourself Razor Relief Serum enhanced with Frankincense essential oil. Frankincense is one of the best oils to help skin feel and look rejuvenated. By using this serum infused with Frankincense oil, the chemical properties of the oil will aid in reducing appearances of skin imperfections and the serum will benefit the irritated skin by soothing the sensitive razor bumps for an all-day appearance and feel your skin will love.
  3. What better way to start your day than with the relaxing fragrance of Frankincense essential oil? Whether you are a yoga enthusiast or a morning meditator, diffusing Frankincense oil during these experiences will aid you in focusing your intention for the day. The fragrances of Frankincense essential oil will also help bring added satisfaction, peace, relaxation, and even feelings of overall wellness to your morning routine. With its strong aromatic properties, Frankincense oil is essential in giving a positive and focused lift to the rest of your day.
  4. One of Frankincense’s most powerful benefits is its ability to promote health, specifically cellular function.* Try taking Frankincense oil internally by adding one to two drops in a Veggie capsule. This natural supplement will help support healthy cellular function.* In fact, doTERRA has found Frankincense to be so beneficial in supporting cellular function that doTERRA uses it in their highest selling supplements—the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack. Try this DIY supplement and experience the cellular benefits you may be in need of.*
  5. Are your hands experiencing dryness from the winter air? Do you want to improve the look of your scaly hands? Frankincense can help! Whenever your hands are feeling or looking unmoisturized or marred by harsh weather, add a couple drops of Frankincense oil to the moisturizer of your choice to help hydrate and rejuvenate the skin. The scent of Frankincense essential oil combined with your moisturizer will add a warm, spicy, and clean scent to your skin. You’ll want to take this lotion with you wherever you go!

    When using Frankincense essential oil to revive the look and feel of your hands, don’t forget your fingernails. Whenever traveling somewhere dry, apply Frankincense oil to maintain healthy looking fingernails. Simply place a drop of oil on your nail and rub it around the cuticles and edges of your fingernails. This will leave your nails looking healthy and strong even in the driest locations.

  6. Feeling stressed? It just so happens that Frankincense essential oil has a solution for that. The chemical components of Frankincense result in an extremely powerful aroma that can help to dispel negative feelings—like stress. If you are feeling like the pressures of life are weighing down your mood, apply Frankincense to the bottom of your feet. The soothing sensation and aroma will promote feelings of relaxation and a balanced mood.

    If you are looking for more ways to enhance your mood through essential oils, make sure to check out doTERRA’s Make Over Your Mood blogpost. This insightful post shows which essential oils and diffuser blends are best used to promote favorable feelings. It also gives more tips on how to boost your mood naturally.  Don’t let outside pressures get you down, use your essential oils to get you feeling upright and ready to take on the day ahead of you.

  7. There is so much fun to be had outdoors! From running around in the grass, to biking a dirt path, to planting some seasonal flowers, your hands and feet are constantly active, helping you make the best out of your outdoor adventures. But at the end of the day, feet and hands can get tired from all of that activity. Treat your hands and feet with a Frankincense oil massage that will have them feeling and looking rejuvenated for another active day outside. Add a couple drops of Frankincense to your feet and hands and massage the oil into your skin. This massage will give you a soothing and warming effect that your hands and feet won’t want to miss out on.
  8. Try this amazing “Star in the East” diffuser blend and fill your home with a warm and peaceful aroma. To create this blend, add 1 drop of Frankincense oil, 1 drop of Sandalwood oil, and 2 drops of Grapefruit oil to your diffuser for the perfect diffuser blend.  The “Star in the East” blend works great for encouraging relaxation and uplifting mood.
  9. Enjoy a facial rejuvenation day with this DIY Clay Facial Mask infused with Frankincense essential oil. With a simple combination of bentonite clay, cider vinegar, and essential oils, your face will feel nourished and fresh. Because Frankincense oil contains properties that help revitalize and beautify the skin, this homemade clay mask with Frankincense essential oil will prove ideal for facial care. For best results, apply this mask to your skin once a week and enjoy that continual fresh facial glow.
  10. With so many benefits and uses, Frankincense essential oil has rightfully earned its title as the “king” of all essential oils. It’s beautifying, aromatic, and health-promoting* properties are extremely powerful and can easily improve an everyday lifestyle. For anyone seeking a helpful essential oil tip, always remember, if in doubt, use Frankincense.



The best way to beat stress and calm down is by eating a good source of FAT!.

Why not spruce up an old holiday favorite and make it healthy!?
Typical eggnog has A TON of sugar in it!



  1. Whisk egg yolks and sweetener together in a large bowl.
  2. In a saucepan on medium heat, add in the coconut milk, spices, and vanilla extract. Bring to a boil and then remove from heat and gradually add the hot coconut milk in small amounts to the egg mixture.
  3. Then pour everything back into the saucepan and let it reach 160 F (70 C). Let cool for a bit.
  4. Pour the liquid through a sieve into a jug and store in the fridge overnight before serving.




That is all for now,


Wishing you a happy and healthy week.


Dr Hamel

Nutritional Tips for prepping your body for the Holidays and Travel 

Happy Monday folks!  This month we are talking all about holiday stress, how to deal with it or avoid it, and really how to just prep your body so you don’t have a big crash come January! 

Last week we went over prepping your brain and nervous system by getting regular cranial chiropractic care.   A lot of people just see chiropractors when they are in pain or have an injury, but really we want to practice preventative medicine.  So getting regular care can help overall take the stress down in your body.  So get some maintenance cranial chiro care!!

This week we are moving into some nutritional tips to help you survive the holiday season stress free. 

This is a hard topic.  The holidays can be a time where you are literally surrounded by temptations.  From work parties, to holiday parties to christmas cookies, ect.  Everything is always in moderation, but sometimes you can ruin your whole progress in a year with going crazy all month!  So, just like we need to prep our brain and nervous system, we also need to help prep our gut or (second brain).  


1.  Prep your gut.
With all the bad holiday choices of food, something you can do NOW is prep!
Prepare your digestive system to be more efficient so it can digest quickly all the toxins you will be consuming!

I suggest three different supplements to take to re-acidify the gut so that it can digest things quickly and effectively, and gallbladder support to help break down your food better!  ( If you read on down below about traveling I also recommend this triad as well! )

If we have stagnation within our gut and elimination pattern, you will constantly be reabsorbing what you are trying to get out, which includes toxins.

2. Food Prep.

One thing you can do is also to prep your own food! There are so many keto and paleo friendly food choices out there that taste the same or better than traditional holiday sweets and carbs.

Here is a great resource for many different holiday recipes.


3.  Portion Control.  Try and keep your portions small.  Believe it or not if you can eat smaller meals more frequently, you will do a lot better than eating ginormous meals all holiday season.
TIP: If you eat a little too much, grab some Doterra DigestZen to help soothe and break down your food a little easier.

4.  Liver Support.     During the holidays you will probably end up consuming a few beverages as well, which puts a stress on your liver. Thinking ahead and supporting your liver with milk thistle will make it handle the alcohol stress way better and you will bounce back easier.

Which brings me to my next point.


Maybe people will experience with diets that they DO end up losing weight for a certain period of time.  But generally what happens is that individual can no longer take such restrictions, falls off and ends up gaining it back quickly.  This is the time of year where new years resolutions will come up as well, so it’s important to prep your mind for what’s ahead.

A lot of people need to really make a lifestyle change.  It’s not about dieting.  And one HUGE factor many don’t address is toxins.  If you have ANY plans to lose weight, then you need to detoxify your body FIRST.  FAT holds on to toxins so it will make losing weight impossible when you are loaded with them.  I always do a 21 day purification program at the beginning of every year to start the year right with a clean body!

This is the MOST effective cleanse and purification of the entire body that I’ve found in my practice.  Time and time again, story after story it proves to be effective.  What i’ve found is most generally lose about 5-10 pounds over 21 days, and continue after with creating a new lifestyle of eating.

I will be doing a group cleanse in January that will have a private facebook group as well as videos and tips for you to be successful!  Getting toxins out and then making better lifestyle decisions will put you on such a greater path than dieting.  Trust me!  We will start this group cleanse on January 7th, so if you are interested please let me know and we will get the cleanse to you beforehand!

This is a fun group challenge.  So, invite your loved ones and friends to join you.  I guarantee you won’t regret it with how great you will feel!

5. Probiotics.  Not the pill kind.  Pill probiotics don’t actually re-populate the bacteria.  I will say that again.  In research, it’s shown that probiotics (the pill kind) don’t actually repopulate the gut.  But, they DO create an immune response, which is good.  Taking probiotics in a pill is transitory, meaning they go right through your gut.  A better way to help support those bacteria is to actually feed the good ones you got!  Increase your fiber, eat fermented foods with lactic acid (which they eat)!  This will strengthen the gut, and your immune system!


If you are one of the lucky ones that get to travel somewhere tropical for the holidays, I also have some tips to help prep you!!  

1. Skin!

In the winter we don’t see as much sun (Well some of us!).  Back in the 1940s there was documentation that calcium is needed by the skin and needs a fatty acid to shuttle it.
When there is sufficient calcium in the skin, the skin can withstand the stress of the sun, and not get damaged i.e. sunburn!!

So if you want that nice tan, and to not burn and damage the skin you need a GOOD source of calcium and a fatty acid to take with you!

The ones I like are whole food sources.  You CANNOT just use any calcium.  Most on the market are INSOLUBLE and are Toxic!

You have use calcium lactate and cataplex F!

Calcium lactate is the form of calcium that the body prefers in the bloodstream.  It is extremely bioavailable.  it converts only once in the stomach, and once this happens it’s in a form that the body can pick up and use.  But you always want to take it on an empty stomach!!

You also want to take a fatty acid to shuttle it to the skin!!  Cataplex F or flax seed works really well for this.

Take a dosage in between meals 8-10 calcium lactate and 5 cataplex F, every 4 hours you are in the sun!  

Calcium is water soluble, so you can’t overdo it, you will be using it up while you are in the sun.  So you have to keep replenishing it.  You literally won’t burn!!  

*These are products you can only get through my care.

2.  Digestive Support.  These are ones you should always take with you!

You hear of people always getting sick in Mexico, or some island so always make sure you have Hydrochloric acid, it’s your best protector against food poisoning.

Digest forte, zypan and AF betafood.  Are three digestive supports I HIGHYL recommend and take every meal I eat while traveling.

3.  Alcohol. When you’re in the sun you aren’t as hungry, but the third thing to bring is liver support.  You might have an alcoholic beverage right?
But your liver will take a hit when you do that!  Take some milk thistle to protect the liver.

Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s DigestZEN.

This one is wonderful to have on the go, in case you overeat, feel bloated, diarrhea, constipation, nausea.  IT will HELP and does!  It will sooth the stomach and intestines and take the discomfrt away naturally.

DigestZen Uses and Benefits

  1. If you are looking for a healthy and natural way to assist your digestive system, the DigestZen essential oil blend is an ideal option.* DigestZen contains a blend of essential oils that will naturally aid the body in the digestion of food.* To easily obtain these digestion benefits, add one drop of DigestZen oil to 4 fluid ounces of liquid, and drink.*
  2. The unpredictability and discomfort of occasional stomach upsets can often put a damper on the day. When issues like these arise, apply one to two drops of DigestZen to the desired areas of your skin. DigestZen will also work to soothe occasional stomach upset when taken internally, and can get you feeling ready to take on the day again.*
  3. Bloating and gas can make your stomach feel tight and full, often leaving you feeling sluggish and unappealing. If you’re experiencing these difficulties, use DigestZen oil.* DigestZen will help reduce bloating and gas so that you can feel your best at any time of the day.*
  4. Does flying or driving long distances make you a little nervous? Next time you’re planning on traveling for an extended period of time, rub DigestZen oil on your stomach before you take your trip. The sweet, minty smell of DigestZen will provide a calming aroma. You can also add a few drops of DigestZen to water and take it internally to keep stomach jitters at bay.*
  5. Holidays, vacations, birthdays, and family get-togethers often have something in common: food. And lots of it. Make sure to have DigestZen on hand for these occasions. The DigestZen essential oil blend can be used during these events to promote digestion when eating heavier meals.*
  6. Whether trying the cuisines of Italy or enjoying the tastes of India, introducing foreign food to the body has the potential to disrupt the stomach’s normal digestion. When you are traveling or exploring new foods, use DigestZen to soothe occasional stomach upset and to promote healthy digestion.*
  7. For a simple way to incorporate DigestZen into your regular routine, add DigestZen to your water or tea. This will help your body maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.*
  8. The DigestZen essential oil blend can ease feelings of queasiness.* If you’re experiencing queasiness, take DigestZen to dismiss these feelings.*
  9. One of the most relaxing ways to use DigestZen oil is by applying it to the stomach and massaging. An abdominal massage will bring soothing comfort to your stomach and the aroma will provide you with calming feelings. DigestZen can also be applied to a child’s stomach for soothing comfort. Before using DigestZen for a massage, combine it with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to help increase the DigestZen oil distribution and minimize any skin sensitivity.


  • Ginger Rhizome/Root
  • Peppermint Plant
  • Caraway Seed
  • Coriander Seed
  • Anise Seed
  • Tarragon Plant
  • Fennel Seed



Auto-Immunity & Emotional Traumas

Auto-Immunity and Emotional Traumas

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone!

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved ones, and that you truly reflect on what you are Thankful for! This week’s topic will go along nicely with the holiday season, as sometimes the holidays can be stressful in the emotional sense.  Whether having lost someone and being without them, or maybe your family just stresses you out.

The past two weeks we’ve gone over brain inflammation and autoimmunity and the gut’s role in autoimmunity.  This week will be about the third layer emotions.

Did you know there is immense research in the field of emotional triggers causing physical problems?


What most don’t know is that:

Our current emotional health is usually set by things that have happened in our childhood.  When we are young the brain is still developing, so things that happen the body remembers, it gets stored and the epigenetic changes sets us up for triggers later on in our life.

In the 1990s, the CDC and kaiser permante did a study looking over 17,500 adults.  60% of the adults in the study had at least 1 of the 10 triggers for adverse childhood experiences(ACE).

ACE= childhood trauma, unresolved emotions, divorce, bullying, abuse, neglect, ect.  These manifest into an illness and can be intergenerational.  
80% had more than 1.  If the person had 4 or more ACE they had an increase in cancer, pulmonary problems, suicidal, alzheimers, ect.   They did a follow up study in 2009 and found that  in this pole of 16,000 adults, you needed only 2 ACE’s to get a 70% increased risk of all the TH1 dominant autoimmune conditions, TH2 dominant conditions had an 80% increase with only 2 ACE’s.  If you are a women that had ACE’s you had an extreme risk higher for autoimmunity.

Most doctors, soley rely on biochemistry and physical concerns for conditions, and will overlook the emotional part, or tell you to just de-stress.

People with chronic conditions that have done many things and are versed in nutrition, ect…
*It’s usually not because people lack education about what to do about their health, they have emotional trauma, and these things are all distractions.

For example, from research we know:

If you have normal cholesterol, normal weight, don’t smoke or drink, but you have 7 ACE’s, you have 350% more likely to have heart disease than someone with no ACE’s. 

The biochemistry of stress:

In a young growing brain when stress occurs and its something they can’t process at the time..  Maybe it’s a low level stress or a shock that happened.  One of the things that can happen is the idea of limbic kindling. (Limbic is the the emotional part of our brain)  A low level stress, kindles the brain to over respond and reduce the threshold required to respond to external stresses.

The amygdala and neurons in the brain are being hardwired from an early age how to react to stress. With chronic stress pumping out hormones, the epigenetic changes means certain genes that shut off the stress response will be silenced because of chronic stress.  It also means when no stress is present, the brain still kindles and can still be reacting even with no stress there.

This means that at eve a young age, they can have inflammatory cytokines released and thresholds being produced, which marinates inflammation.  Early life stress also changes the gut bacteria and can lead to leaky gut (autoimmunity).  Without holistic intervention, those gut changes can be permanent.

Also through research, we know that the brain gets inflammation as well. There are little cells called microglia, and in the face of chronic stress these cells can go crazy and prune healthy neurons in the hippocampus, which can lead to depression/anxiety/alzheimers link.

**Epigenetic studies also have shown that epigenetic changes occur across a whole genome with those with increased ACE’s.

What’s also interesting in research, there are also intergenerational traumas.  These are traumas that are passed down through generations.  You might be the first person that has the awareness to deal with it in your line.  Your doing work for your whole lineage!  So be compassionate towards yourself, and don’t feel like you’ve failed.

How does the time frame work with emotional trauma and as far as healing from it?

– If someone is in a chronic state with an autoimmune disease, you can intervene to change and retrain the brain to build new neurons.  Neurolinguistic programming is awesome for this.

– To get epigenetic change it does take some time.  1-2 years is a time frame for a recovery from a chronic condition had for 10-20 years.

– With unresolved trauma it’s usually unconscious beliefs like: we don’t deserve health, or not worthy of it, which will manifest in the physical body.

– When I work with individuals it can be a lot quicker than that time frame.  Usually a few months in my office, or if I refer for more care. But, it does take time to shift patterns.

How do we overcome these ACE’s?

1.  The first is just exploring this part.  You can actually get an ACE score, and maybe consider that emotional trauma can be a part of your not healing.  Recognition is KEY.

Find that here:

2. Journalling can help a lot to work through it, as well as through prayer or meditation, whichever you practice.  Often times realizing it’s the problem is the most important part.

3. I use NET or neuro emotional technique in my practice which helps get the physical responses gone that are being caused from emotional traumas. Working that subconscious part of the brain. This has been vital in my practice for individuals really healing from chronic conditions. If I feel the patient needs more help in this part, then I refer which leads me to number 4.

4. Neurolinguistic Programming or counseling.  I find NLP way more helpful for my patients than just counseling alone for clearing things quickly, and I refer often for this if needed. Talking is HUGE, and in all the research as far as getting awareness and resolving trauma. NLP is a pattern interrupt.  It is a re-route of your thoughts and behaviors.

5. Diet and Lifestyle (mentioned previously in last weeks blog). Clean up the diet, breathing, exercise, ect.

6. Essential Oils.  I LOVE using essential oils in combination with NET in my practice to help detoxify bad emotions out of the body.  Certain ones definitely help us process and deal naturally with improperly internalized ACEs.  They work synergistically with our body unlike a medication for emotional instability.

7. In my experience, one of the most important things is looking at your relationships and cultural impact.  If you resolve your own emotional trauma, you raise the resonance of your body.  25 years of research from the heart map institute showed that our heart has a electromagnetic field, and they found a 75% correlation between this field and emotions. If you’re around people who live in an emotionally traumatized state, your body will become stuck into theirs too.

You have to rid of negative people and environments if possible.  Get with a support group if possible.  Culturally, even in the medical system, it can be traumatizing when they say that you are making it up, or just tell you to de-stress.  It can be very traumatizing when you have a major illness and are told this.

I am a prime example of that happening in my health journey.

Be aware, you don’t have to get angry at people or the system, but be able to get positivity that you need to thrive.

What’s really an important take away as well is an integrated approach.  Cleaning up the diet, getting cranial care and emotional healing.  That will overall balance the scale of your healing rather than relying on one at a time and not seeing results so switching to another one. Thats why sometimes even working with functional medicine practitioners, they don’t always look at each area, or aren’t in it long enough.  You have to look at the body as a SYSTEM.

With all of that!! It’s important to make time for yourself to deal with stress and deal with it in a healthy way.  This blog is important in the sense though that we sometimes have subconscious thoughts and processes and strongholds on our lives that we don’t even know about.  We just say it’s the “way i am” or “runs in my family”.  These are self sabotaging thoughts and can hinder your healing.  Follow these steps and help to clear the emotional toxins out!


ON the spotlight this week is Lavender.  Lavender has been shown in research to react like Diazepam, an anti anxiety medication.

This oil is amazing for overall just calming down the body.  When feeling anxious or upset, put one drop in the palm of your hand and inhale for 10 seconds.  Wait 30 seconds and you will feel calm immediately!!

I used to hate the smell of lavender, but not with Doterra’s lavender.  it is so pure and smooth smelling I LOVE it.

IT’s BOGO week this week, if you want to stay up to date with EO news, follow Dr. Hamel’s private FB page!!


ALSO THE NEW HOLIDAY ITEMS ARE HERE!!! THEY SMELL AMAZING AND THE ON guard CHOCOLATE bark OMG!  IT’s BOGO week this week, if you want to stay up to date with EO news, follow Dr. Hamel’s private FB page!!

If don’t have an account or are interested let me know!

The holidays are tricky for those of us on diets – including myself. Let’s be honest, its totally frustrating because we just want to eat “normal” stuff, right?

Try making these recipes which are great stand ins for the original classics. Many of these recipes are BETTER than the original.

How great would it be to head into the holidays without feeling guilty and be able to satisfy those cravings?? Let’s do it together!  Check out these fantastic recipes and let me know how you like them!

Here is a whole list of healthy Thanksgiving recipes:

38 Keto Thanksgiving Recipes! Low Carb Food So Delicious You’ll Never Miss the Carbs

But I will feature one here:

Low Carb and Sugar Free Pumpkin cheesecake bars!!






  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Combine all the crust ingredients in a food processor and pulse until the pecans are a fine crumb texture. Don’t over process or you’ll end up with pecan butter!
  2. Line a 9×6-inch baking dish with parchment paper, letting two sides spill over for easy removal. Press the crust into the dish, making one even layer. Bake for 12 minutes, then let cool.
  3. Meanwhile, using an electric hand mixer, beat the cream cheese and heavy cream until fully combined and even throughout. Then, add in the pumpkin puree, vanilla extract and liquid stevia and combine.
  4. Add in the erythritol, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon and a pinch of salt and combine.
  5. Next, add in one egg at a time, incorporating each before adding another.
  6. Once the crust has cooled a bit, pour the pumpkin cheesecake batter into the baking dish. Reduce the heat in the oven to 325°F and bake for 25-30 minutes. The middle of the pumpkin cheesecake should be a bit wobbly after baking. Refrigerate for 6 hours or, ideally, overnight.
  7. To make the frosting, combine all the frosting ingredients and beat with an electric hand mixer until light and fluffy.
  8. Frost the top of the cheesecake bars or add a dollop to each one after slicing. Enjoy!

That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel

Auto-Immunity and the GUT. A special Thanks to All of our Veterans Today!

I just wanted to start this week and say a special THANK you to all our veterans out there.  Since today is veterans day, we truly thank you for your services and the sacrifices you have made.  We see you, and we appreciate you.


Last week we went over Autoimmunity starting in the brain.  How the intricacy of the brain and the immune system work hand in hand. If you missed last week check it out, some pretty cool research on the subject was discussed.

Autoimmunity now affects 50 million Americans, whereas Alzheimers is now included (also called type 3 diabetes because of sugar in the brain). 5.4 million Americans alone has Alzheimer’s, but the entire body is affected and you really have to have a holistic approach when dealing with autoimmunity.  We know that the gut in particular influences the entire body.

Where does Auto-Immunity Begin?

  • It can form in utero and at birth, depending on the health of the mother (their diet and gut), if the child was c-section or if vaccines were administered
  • Antibiotics (whether from pharmaceutical use) or from FOOD sources
  • Brain dys-regulation (last week’s topic)
  • Heavy metals and chemicals
  • Infections
  • Food sources
There is new understandings of the gut being formed every single year.  It is not only just probiotics that are essential for proper gut function, but a new therapeutic model that is needed to address it’s complexity.

Most of us know by now that gut health=immune health.  The gut is where a good majority if not all of our bacteria in our body resides.  70-80% of our immunity lies within the digestive system.  So, it makes sense that improper digestion can lead to a compromised immune system.

In fact, our first line of defense is our stomach acid which we’ve talked about previously helps create a barrier for invaders by killing whatever comes in the path and can’t stand acidity. In a recent study done with Stanford University, it was shown that the risk of heart attack in people routinely taking acid-blocking drugs increase 14% and the risk of dying DOUBLED. 

Our intestines are inside our body, so we often don’t think of them forming a protective barrier between our bloodstream and the external world, but thats exactly what it does.

So, not only is it protective but as mentioned a moment ago it is home to all the good bacteria within our body called the microbiome.  Given the intimate interplay between gut microbiota and the immune system, it is not surprising that some members of the gut microbiota have been linked to autoimmune diseases. Significant attention has been focused on the role of gut microbiota in GI-related autoimmune diseases.
However, recent studies have also unraveled the effects of gut microbiota in extraintestinal diseases.

“studies that show how changing in a single microbial species and/or global commensal communities can alter the outcome of autoimmune diseases by tipping the balance between a pathological or protective immune response”

There’s also such thing as the gut/brain axis.  So gut health will equal brain health and vice versa.  Since 90% of the serotonin in our body is synthesized in the gut it’s also so closely connected to one another.


So, now that we know digestion is a big player in autoimmunity, what causes the disruption, and how do we fix it?

I’m SO GLAD you asked! 😉

Anything that causes a disruption in that gut microbiome is going to be a huge player in the immune system going haywire. 

Microbiome Disruptors

1.  A big one we know is antibiotics.  The overuse over the years and disregard for it’s systemic effect has led to many gut issues.  Antibiotics wipe out all the bad (yes) but also commensal good bacteria, leaving our immune system compromised.  Antibiotics are also rampant in our meat in factory farms.  Antibiotics fatten the animals, so they get more money off of them.  But we literally ingest those antibiotics, so it’s important to eat grass fed meat if you eat meat.  Antibiotics are also found in vaccines.

2. Chemicals/Metals.  It turns out that many chemicals can transgress the blood-brain barrier and these chemicals that mediate inflammation can do so.  Heavy metals also cause a huge immune system requirement all the time, so they constantly deplete the immune system.  Where are these materials found?
The better question is where AREN’T they found.  Anything non organic and GMO is loaded with chemicals.  Cleaning products, beauty products, birth control… all chemicals.  The worse being injected straight in and bypasses our immune system going directly into the blood and brain (vaccines).  The adjuvants in vaccines like aluminum, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, mercury, antibiotics, aborted fetal tissue are put in vaccines to create a greater immune response but come at a cost to us, causing a negative autoimmune response.

Mercury in amalgam fillings must be addressed and removed safely.  It’s rampant in many farmed fish as well as canned fish.  Chlorine is found in most of our water, coating us in the shower every time we take one.  It’s really just everywhere, meaning we need to make sure we do the best to control our own environments. 

3. Infections.  Infections in the gut and mouth are the two main culprits for microbiome imbalance. ANY autoimmune condition has hidden infections.  I talk about this constantly.  Like IBS/IBD usually being caused from ameoba and protozoal infections and crohns having mycoplasma infections visible.  MS from epstein barr virus, and hashimotos from EBV, protozoal, yeast and H. Pylori. 

Mold is also a pretty big one.  Toxic mold inhalation is very commonly seen in my practice.  The dried spore coatings causes autoimmune disorders and the immune system itself can also attack mold within the brain.

The problem is increased intestinal permeability=a leaky gut.  A leaky gut interrupts the body’s immune system to regulate itself, and puts the body in constant attack mode.

4. Food.  Already talked about antibiotics in food and chemicals in food.  But also a big huge autoimmune food is gluten.  Gluten is foreign to our bodies.  It de-stabilizes the gut lining.  Anyone with autoimmunity should AVOID gluten. When we get rid of gluten, we are reducing inflammation that has a huge role to play in terms of balancing the immune system. Gluten causes an immune reaction called molecular mimicry, which triggers autoimmunity and causes the body to attack itself.

5.  Stress.  More on this topic next week.
6.  EMF’s.  More next week.

What do we do??

Well, first of all as with anyone in this phase is dealing with the diet.  What are you eating and most importantly where are you getting it from?  Taking out all the exogenous exposures like cleaning supplies, beauty products, ect.  Eliminate gluten.  Don’t just move to all the “gluten free” options.  Those can be just as bad with a TON of dead carbs.  Switch to whole organic foods. 

Do a gut reconditioning protocol with your natural doctor like myself and heal the leaky gut.

This includes clearing out hidden pathogens, and restoring the upper and lower digestion systems. 

Decrease EMF usage and decrease stress.

Don’t vaccinate.  It’s a money ploy and a nasty one.  More and more research is coming out daily how harmful these are to our immune system.  It’s the adjuvants in them, not the diseases themselves that are the problems.

For kids: Create healthy microbiota, mitochondrial support as needed like coQ10, glutathione, and don’t vaccinate or really stagger them and give support every time.

Adults:  Also work on not only replenishing the good bacteria but also replenishing the soil as to where the bacteria live.  Consuming good prebiotics in your food like Jimaca, dandelion greens, garlic, onions, chicory and artichokes are like giving fertilizer to your good bacteria .  

If you’ve ever been on antibiotics you MUST also replenish the good bacteria.  Fermented foods, kefir, key organisms like: lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus plantarum, bifidobacterium longum and lactobacillus rhamnosus are a must.  

Colon hydrotherapy and coffee enemas are a must.  This is my go-to for getting stubborn infections in the gut out, as well as detoxing the body.  It’s just a must in our toxic world.  If you aren’t going number 2 at least twice per day, you are constipated and toxic!

When your digestion is working at its best, your immune system will too.  Then autoimmunity will have no way to form!


ON the spotlight this week is Cinnamon!! Who doesn’t love cinnamon especially this time of year!!

Cinnamon essential oil has been used as an anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic for many years. It is very therapeutic and if used in the right dilution, can be an effective essential oil for acne, chronic pain and inflammation. Combine Cinnamon and Clove Bud at 0.6% dilution in your favorite carrier oil to help with chronic pain. Cinnamon Leaf is also a great oil to ease the symptoms of cold and flu. Diffuse in the air to help combat a sickness.


If don’t have an account or are interested let me know!




Since garlic and artichokes are great pre-biotics to help our good bacteria grow, try out this combo to get the best of both worlds!

Garlic & Artichoke Hummus {AIP}


14 oz / 396 g quarted artichokes in brine OR 8.5 oz / 140 g thawed, drained frozen artichoke hearts (see notes)
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup / 60 ml olive or avocado oil
2 tbsp / 30 ml fresh lemon juice
DRAIN: Carefully drain the artichoke quarters, pressing down on them firmly to get rid of as much liquid as possible – this will stop the hummus from being watery instead of creamy. Smash the garlic clove with the back of a knife and peel off & discard the skin.
CHOP: Add the drained artichoke hearts and peeled garlic to a mini food processor or similar and pulse until they are roughly chopped. Scrape down the sides.
BLEND: Add the avocado oil and lemon juice, then process until the hummus is thoroughly combined and creamy. This is a perfect dip, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil just before serving!
If you want to purchase artichoke hearts without corn derived citric acid as a preservative, Trader Joe’s has bags of citric acid free frozen artichoke hearts.

Did you make this recipe?
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