Tag Archives: juicing

The 4 Pathways of Detox

The 4 pathways of detoxing

Happy Monday everyone, and happy New years eve!  This year flew by! Since the holidays are just about over, it’s time to start the new year talking about detoxing!  Last week I mentioned our 21 day detox group session beginning January 7th!  If you are interested and want more info, we will be placing orders this week!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Detoxifying is really something we should do on a daily basis, since toxins are LITERALLY everywhere.  But it’s a fabulous thing to do at the beginning of the year to start the new fresh, and with a clean slate.  Many people do goal setting and new year’s resolutions.  Many to lose weight or to get healthier.  Well, in order to affectively lose weight you really MUST detox.

Fat LOVES toxins.  So diet and exercise alone cannot make you lose weight if you are toxic, and most of us are.

This is why we are doing the 21 day group cleanse! This comes with a private FB group to help you along the way!

If you missed the live video describing the detox watch here: (click image)

Because we are surrounded on a daily basis, it is important that our pathways of elimination are always working for us!  It’s going to get a little personal today, so put on your seat belts we will be talking about elimination!The legend goes that at one time the most important person in the ancient Chinese emperor’s court was the “royal physician”, who had the very critical task of inspecting the emperor’s morning bowel movement.  Sign me up for that job? …..

The medical doctor’s role was dedicated to creating the emperor’s daily meal plan and itinerary of activities based on his daily inspection.  Regardless of the legend being true, this coincides with the tenants of traditional Chinese medicine that we can observe so much about our health from our OWN bodies. For one, our stool is an important indicator for our overall health.  It’s actually one of the only things we can actually examine to determine where our health is headed.  The signs of congested elimination are literally in front of your eyes every single day.

Truth of the matter is, when your pathways of elimination are congested, your body cannot get rid of toxins such as chemicals that interfere with the production, release, transport, metabolism or elimination of the body’s natural hormones which can occur through air, water, soil, food and consumer products.    Now pile on the issues of mismanaged blood sugar ( a good majority of us) and adrenal fatigue (yup all of us again at some point), which further interferes with your body’s natural ability to clean out it’s own system, and you’ve got a monopoly free pass collect 100 dollars to hormone imbalance.

Your stool isn’t the only way your body gets rid of toxins though.  There are four other pathways that also deal with elimination and they are all interconnected.

1.  Liver and Large Intestine
These are your internal garbage processors, compacting and moving the big stuff such as digested food, toxins, chemicals and hormonal waste every single day!  
The liver’s primary purpose is to convert fat-soluble toxins (most) into water soluble waste through at two step process so that your body can excrete them via sweat, urine and bowel movements.  Hormones are fat soluble because that allows them to stay in the body longer.

Phase 1– the liver breaks them down using nutrients like glutathione, B vitamins, and C vitamins (from the food you eat).  This breakdown causes free radicals which are toxic, and so phase 2 is also vital and needs to happen.

Phase 2- Selenium and amino acids in the liver combine these free radicals and make them harmless and water soluble.

It then enters into the gallbladder, mixes with bile and leaves the body via the large intestine.  The last substance needed is adequate fiber so the large intestine can bind the waste and make sure it leaves quickly.

** Now an important point here, you can’t just supplement with these nutrients and expect the pathways to clear.  These nutrients don’t become bioavailable when you take them as typical supplements, if you eat them as they naturally occur in foods, the body can easily recognize them.  It’s important to consume enough and use whole food supplementation as needed to fill in the gaps and support both phases of detoxification.  If you don’t complete phase 2 because of a lack of nutrients, you’re exposing yourself to a greater degree of toxins.

When you wake up in the morning, have a glass of water and feel the urge to have a bowel movement within about 20 minutes of waking, this is successful elimination in this pathway.  If it’s longer than that, or if you require a cup of coffee to get things rolling your are constipated!. Even if you go later in the day. The reason being is because the liver stops working around 3am in it’s cycle, so by the time you wake up, you have been clearing yesterday’s waste for the past 12 hours.  If you don’t get proper elimination, the toxins and other chemicals work their way back through and become reabsorbed through the bloodstream.  This can lead to menstrual, fertility, libido, and chronic conditions.

2. Skin
Your skin is your largest organ!  That’s why products in your home were so important to be clean.  It has to handle whatever the large intestine and liver are unable to eliminate.  It does so by exerting waste, by sweat. Have you ever noticed when you are stressed or upset, the sweat from your armpits smells foul?  That’s a sign your pathways of elimination are congested and your skin is trying to expel it.
Cystic acne, rosacea, eczema, often are all signs the other systems haven’t been working well!

3. Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a network of organs, nodes ducts, and vessels that produce and transport lymph, a fluid made up of white blood cells.  This system sweeps up metabolic waste, toxins, dead cells, and excess fluid from your organs and deposits them into your bloodstream, which eventually transfers them to the liver and large intestine.  When it’s clogged, the  organs and parts of the body that deposit waste into it become backed up too.

When it works efficiently, your lymphatic system directs white blood cells to germs and other invaders and helps you fight off infections.  When congested, it still attracts these bugs and transports them throughout your body, dumping them into the bloodstream, putting at a greater risk.
You can also experience allergies, high blood pressure, chronic sinusitis and can develop autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus with clogged lymphatics.

4. Kidneys
Just like the liver, the kidneys process toxins all the time and are very sensitive to chronic exposure.  Instead of eliminating through the bowels, it’s elimination is through the urinary system.  An over abundance of chemicals, hormones and low numbers of minerals and electrolytes leading to dehydration puts this organ and relationship out of balance, and can also lead to kidney stones, low back pain and infections.  

So there it is…..
I would also state that our oral health and respiratory system and lungs are also areas that are pretty vulnerable to these toxins.
Oil pulling is a great option here!



Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Grapefruit!
Commonly known for its sour and tangy taste, grapefruit is the rotund, yellow-orange fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. Grapefruit essential oil is derived from the rind of this fruit and is cherished for its many uses and benefits. The aroma of Grapefruit essential oil matches the citrus and fruity flavors of its origin and provides an invigorating and energizing aroma. Diffused Grapefruit oil invokes a sense of clarity, and due to its main chemical component, limonine, can help to uplift mood. With its powerful cleansing properties, Grapefruit oil is valued for its skin care benefits and ability to promote the appearance of clear, healthy-looking skin when applied topically. When used internally, Grapefruit oil can help support a healthy metabolism.*

Grapefruit Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. Teenage years can be rough, and with constant blemishes making their appearance, feelings of self-consciousness can quickly add to already existing frustrations. For a simple way to help your teenager improve the appearance of blemishes, add Grapefruit essential oil to his or her nightly facial routine (avoid sun exposure for up to 12 hours after applying any citrus oil topically).
  2. Are you trying to shed some extra weight or stick to a diet? Use Grapefruit essential oil to help you meet your goals. Add a few drops of Grapefruit oil into a diffuser to help increase motivation.
  3. The fruity and spry flavor of Grapefruit essential oil makes a great addition to a variety of different foods and drinks. To enliven the flavor of your smoothies and also give your body the benefits of Grapefruit oil,* add one to two drops of Grapefruit essential oil to your favorite smoothie. If you are looking for a good way to add a brightness of flavor to your morning, make an Acai Bowl for breakfast and add a drop or two of Grapefruit oil.
  4. Grapefruit is well-known for its ability to support a healthy metabolism.* Support your metabolism at home or on-the-go by adding one to two drops of Grapefruit oil to your water. This essential oil addition to your drinks will also give your water a flavor-filled and vitalizing boost. Take the benefits of Grapefruit oil wherever you go by carrying it in your purse or briefcase and adding it your water at restaurants or at work.
  5. Enjoy a soothing massage with Grapefruit essential oil. For a good pick-me-up after a long day, apply Grapefruit oil and massage in needed areas. The Grapefruit oil will leave behind a light, uplifting fragrance and will also help improve the appearance of blemishes where it is applied. For the areas massaged, avoid UV light for up to 12 hours after applying citrus oils topically.
  6. Improve the relationship with your body by giving it some essential oil care. Rub one to two drops of Grapefruit essential oil on your stomach to help you have a healthy emotional relationship with your body.
  7. Push the tense feelings away with the aromatic and topical benefits of Grapefruit essential oil. If you are feeling tense or down, rub one to two drops of Grapefruit oil onto your neck and shoulders for positive vibes. Grapefruit essential oil will help promote feelings of vitality and will uplift mood.
  8. Make sure to spread the effects of Grapefruit essential oil to your entire body by adding it to your body scrubs and body wash. This essential oil addition will emit an invigorating scent and help smooth the skin.
  9. Often times, reading or studying for long periods of time can cause the mind to wander and lose focus. For those moments when you need a boost to help you study or you are wanting to finish up the last pages of a book, diffuse Grapefruit essential oil. Diffusing Grapefruit oil will help promote a sense of focus while studying or reading.
  10. For a citrus diffuser blend you can’t get enough of, put two drops of Grapefruit, two drops of Juniper Berry, and one drop of Wild Orange in a diffuser. Limonene, the main chemical constituent of both Wild Orange and Grapefruit oils, will produce the uplifting aroma emitted from this citrus blend, while Juniper Berry’s woody scent will create a calming and grounding effect. You will love the stimulating effects of this amazing blend.

Fun Fact
The name “grapefruit” is attributed to the fruits growing in clusters that resemble those of grapes.



 Try this great DETOX SALAD!


  • 2 cups kale
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 2 cups brussels sprouts, roughly chopped
  • 2 cups red cabbage, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup carrots, roughly chopped
  • ½ cup fresh parsley
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 1 to 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds

For the dressing:

  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ cup lemon juice (or juice of two lemons)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • 3 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp. honey (or maple syrup)
  • ¼ tsp. sea salt


  1. Using a food processor, process all the veggies up to the parsley until finely chopped and mix together in a large bowl. This may take a few batches.
  2. Add almonds to the food processor and pulse, until roughly chopped, and mix in with the salad along with the sunflower seeds.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing and drizzle over top of the salad OR place in a jar and use as needed. Enjoy!