Tag Archives: brain health

Brain Injury… Connecting your Bite to your Brain

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed last week’s topic about head/brain trauma and how it’s found in everyday life, NOT just sports

This week we will be continuing on with topics around brain injury and spend a little time talking this week about the effects that brain trauma can have on an individual’s bite, and vice versa.  Next week we will be talking about how PTSD and emotional disorders are related/caused from head trauma so stay tuned!

So, we know from last week’s talk, that head trauma can come from anywhere, and our first experience in this world is our most important one to look at in regards to body function.

What do I mean by this?  Well, there’s a reason I ask ALL my patients young and old how their birth was.  This is because this is our first instance in our life where we are exposed to some sort of physical trauma.  Birth IS trauma.  Doesn’t matter the type, although more are far more traumatic that others.  But, it IS important to know all that happened.

If you’ve seen a birth or seen a child after a birth, you will notice the shape of their head is pretty misshapen.  Often a cone head or some other similar shape can occur. 
Now, although body is pretty amazing at healing itself, these misshapen bones don’t always go into their correct position.  I like to give the analog of dislocating your elbow for instance.  Will the joint just fall back into place?  No.  It needs to be guided back in.

That is why is it so IMPORTANT to see children right after birth to ensure that these bones and the joints in their spine are in the proper place and grow into the proper place. 

Why is that “proper place” important?  Because it holds the “all important organ” THE BRAIN!.  Since the brain is extremely sensitive to any little change in it’s environment, any slight little pressure on it can cause HUGE effects.  For a child, growth and development, pain, brain function, vision, digestion, hormones, ect… 

Well, what happens if they don’t get Craniopathy care? 
Since I don’t strictly see children in my practice, we as adults unless we’ve had Craniopathy care as an infant, grow into those dysfunctional patterns unfortunately. 

You many not be able to see from the outside these changes, unless dramatic.  But we all to some extent has some cranial dysfunction from birth.

So why is this important to the bite?

Well, the TEETH are just an extension of bone.  That’s all they are.  And we aren’t born with teeth right? The teeth actually extend down and grow in the way they do because of how the bones of the head are moving. If there is improper motion, or narrowing of the palate from birth for example, the teeth will grow into abnormal directions.  This is why individuals get braces

But that brings me to another issue.   If we get braces as a youth or an adult, and try to straighten or fix the bite, without addressing the head first and making sure the motion is balanced, we literally fix the teeth in a dysfunctional pattern.  We straighten the teeth, but don’t fix the headThis is very confusing for the brain.   What happens when the brain is confused?  Well, usually pain or problems in the body.

So, for this first point.  The teeth position or our “bite”, is HUGE.  A lot of individuals bite in the front of their teeth, which creates huge problems for symmetry in the body.  If they’ve had braces, it doesn’t mean that their bite is necessary balanced.  I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen that had braces and have terrible bites and thus terrible symptoms.  But the important thing to note here is that you NEED to balance the head to the bite.  

If there is any sort of shift in the bones of the head through any form of brain injury: birth, concussion, whiplash, ect., the bite will follow.  

This is why many individuals begin “clenching” after a brain injury.  It’s a sign of cranial stress!.  They also will most likely later on down the line start getting TMJ symptoms. If you just put a night guard on, you aren’t fixing any problems if you don’t address the head. Some mouth guards and appliances can actually make things worse, because they are just trying to focus on the teeth and the TMJ, without looking at all to the other bones of the head.  

Let’s give an example to make this a little clearer. 

Say I’m driving along, and I get rear ended and end up with whiplash, and hit my head on the back of the car seat. 

This trauma causes the brain to hit the bones of the end, and the tissue inside the head to torque, thus causing the bones of the head to shift.  Because of the shifting, certain muscles start tightening causing my right jaw joint to tighten up.  Because the right side is tighter, I start chewing more on the left side (subconsciously).  Chewing just on the left side then causes a pattern of tissue tightness down the whole left side of my body into the neck and down to the legs.  See the connection?

Now, if I think I just have TMJ, disregard the whole brain injury, then most likely I will get put in an appliance because I clench my teeth (sign of brain trauma).  Well the appliance will protect my teeth from the clenching, but will it actually fix anything?  Nope.  Some appliances are better than others, but they ALWAYS work best when the head dysfunction is addressed FIRST. 

make sense? 

Clenching and grinding in children is also a sign of head stress.  Most likely from birth trauma or another brain injury.  

Get them in.  We can change their outcome. 
Waiting it out with these things is not wise.  
Their brains depends on it. 

So to catch up. 

  • Head injuries causes the teeth to grow in an improper way.
  • Head injuries after the teeth have grown in also change bite position because of shifting the system and muscles tightening.  
  • This improper bite then causes further stress back up into the head and body because it’s not balanced. 

Back and forth it can go. 

BUT, there’s answers!

Fix the dysfunction….. Then work with the bite as needed from some functional dentists ( I know several), and you can get brain freedom and a balanced bite.

And mom’s.  Get your kids in after birth!  We can avoid problems later in life caused by these traumas.

Oil of the WEEK.

The oil of the week this week is DDR PRIME!
DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of essential oils that supports healthy cellular integrity.* Great for the brain!! Protective against oxidative stress, Clove, Thyme, Litsea, and Wild Orange are prominent components of DDR Prime and provide powerful antioxidants. The Cellular Complex blend also includes essential oils from Frankincense, Lemongrass, Summer Savory, and Niaouli, which help support a healthy immune response.* In addition, DDR Prime is calming to the nervous system.* Soothe the body and the mind by taking a drop internally or combine with a carrier oil and massage into the skin. Supportive to the health of the brain and nervous system, use DDR Prime as daily overall wellness support.*


  • Add 1–2 drops to citrus drinks, teas, or water and consume daily to protect the body and cells from oxidative stress.*
  • Combine with a carrier oil for a soothing topical massage.
  • Add DDR Prime to your daily supplement routine to support brain and nervous system health.*
  • When needed most or as a daily boost, take 1-2 drops of DDR Prime to promote a healthy immune response.*



That is all for now.



have a happy and healthy week!


Dr. Hamel





Brain Trauma… It’s not JUST Sports

Happy Monday Everyone! Can you believe it’s March already?!  With a new month comes new topics!

I had the privilege this weekend of attending a GALA for a non profit about concussion and head trauma called the Mary Seau Foundation.  Hearing testimony after testimony of head trauma cases being left to basically just deteriorate, it was hard to listen to as a provider, knowing the care I possess,  could have changed the outcome.

But, it is truly organizations like this and education that can change the paradigm in many health conditions. 

Being the brain advocate that I am, and being the awesome people you are for reading this, please share these facts and the word, especially for our youth.


With brain/injury and trauma, there is a big misconception, that you have to be playing football, or in a major sport or even just hit your head to have a concussion or brain injury.  Many individuals I ask in my practice, usually shrug off an old concussion, hitting their head or previous car accident, as “not a major head trauma”.  Even further, birth in itself is a brain injury… think about it!  So, many symptoms we chase as adults arise from this time.

In reality, any blow to the head, whether it be a straight blow, a jolting of head movement, or just hitting your head on a bar at the playground is all form of trauma to the brain.  You see, the brain needs a veryyyyy balanced environment to be able to follow through with all the daily functions it has to do.  If that environment is not perfect, then symptoms and non optimal function precludes.

This is not just me speaking either…. Many research exists that what is called “mild traumatic brain injury”, occurs in everyday life, not just NFL. 

But first, let’s define a mild traumatic brain injury…..

The name is deceiving, because although labeled “mild” because the actual head is not cracked open, it in no way produces “mild symptoms”.  In fact, it can be debilitating for many individuals just having a mild whiplash injury from a car accident.

But, if we just look at sports, there are 1.6-3.8 million sports related concussions, 50% of those being unreported, with the incident rate increasing and 20% who lost consciousness did not see a physician or anyone for care. 

Who is the most prone?!


Ages 14-18 account for 50% of sports related concussions.  
-girls soccer
-boys soccer
-girls basketball
-cheer (the most traumatic head injuries)

Girls are more susceptible than boys because of weaker neck musculature.

And what’s the WORST?  That youth is 3.5X more likely to get another if they have a history of one.  

A study was done with pop warner football, and found that for a team of 22 players that played for 6 games, and five practices, there were 480 head impacts, players had an average of 3.7 head impacts per game and 1.5 impacts per practice.  While 11 known concussions happened.  Study here:

Scary right?  Many neurologists say that youth sports like this is literally child abuse, because their brains are still forming and the trauma can be irreversible.
We know that sports are great for team support, building character, ect.  But we ask you take a second look at what it is actually doing to children’s brains with this kind of impact.  

But again..

It’s not just sports.

A car accident for instance, where you might just have your head go back and forth a bit… You might get a little sore, but not big deal?
Well the brain is like a jello like substances, and a wave of energy goes through that is rocking back and forth.  It’s a spongy material that changes with energy passing through it.

So, even though the brain moves, the nerve cells will break when the brain hits the wall of the bones of the head.  The skull normally protects the brain, but when you get a coil and recoil, the skull now becomes a problem, and the brain hits it. 

This causes breaking to happen within the neurons of the brain.  It’s actual damage to those electrical pathways.
What happens when theirs damage?

Well, it depends on the extent, but for visual purposes I will use an anecdote that I heard this past weekend.  When you are using your cell phone and you go to an area with bad reception, it’s hard to really understand that person, they may cut in and out, ect.

The same can happen with the brain, when all the connections are not working great, that brain signal is not going to work effectively.  Which then LONG TERM, causes areas of the brain to really not function well at all.


The point here is to say, that no matter how MILD an impact may be to your head, it can have HUGE effects, especially in those of a growing brain. 

Symptoms associated with this disruption include:

– headache
-balances problems
-loss of consciousness
-post traumatic amnesia
-difficulty concentrating
-memory problems
-emotional lability
-difficulty sleeping
-sleeping more or less than usual

Any of all of these can be active.  Mood is a huge one that can change through head injuries. (More on this topic next week as we compare PTSD and brain injuries)

So, I encourage you.  Ask yourself this:

Have you ever hit your head, maybe remember when you were little and did?  Had a traumatic birth as a child with head compression? Do you even know anything about your birth?  ASK!

Bumped your head on something?
Rattled your head back and forth a bit too quickly?

Do you clench your teeth?  (a sign of head trauma)?

If you answered yes, or if your child has then they have a form of brain injury!  Some are mild and can resolve, but to what extent we don’t know.  The research is just not there.

So I would say, don’t take any blow or non blow to the head LIGHTLY!  If you feel even a little off, come get craniopathy care!  This is why I’m a HUGE advocate for treating babies and children.  The sooner we can take that pressure off the brain the better.  Changing future outcomes, changing future lives…




The oil of the week this week is Frankincense.

Frankincense has been shown in research to help heal and negate the effects from brain injury.   This is because it is such a POWERFUL anti-inflammatory.  Take a drop on your tongue every 20 minutes after a head injury to help decrease the effects.

It is also great for any inflammatory condition, autoimmune and pain syndrome.


The Skin/Brain Connection

The Skin/Brain Connection

Happy Monday everyone!  Hope you all had a great Superbowl weekend!  As most of you know my niche so to speak is really about healing the brain in many difference forms.  This week,  we dive into the relationship between the skin and the brain.

Our skin (our biggest organ), yes it is an organ, can give us a lot of information as to how our brain is functioning.

The skin changes at different rates according to

-environmental factors

Skin mirrors the first sign of aging, usually because of hormonal decline.  Skin can become, dry, pale in color, fine lines and wrinkles.  The brain is also affected by the decline in hormones as well.  Cognitive decline, can also be attributed to hormone deficiency.  This doesn’t mean jumping to hormone replacement therapy, as you know I’m not a huge fan of this, as it can lead to other symptoms and problems long term. I always for natural options that work with the body chemistry.
When you balance your hormones, you also balance your skin and your brain.

Why Do Skin & the Brain Age in Similar Ways?

“There is a biological reason that skin and brain age in similar ways. In early embryo, both skin cells and brain cells develop from the same kind of embryonic tissue (ectoderm). It is not feasible to do a brain biopsy to assess aging of brain tissue, but a skin biopsy is simple. Researchers are finding that skin cells can provide an experimental model for aging research on the brain.

Perhaps not surprisingly, considering the brain-skin link, what is good for the brain is also great for the skin. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed fish oil is beneficial for the brain and the skin. It appears to help limit the damage of radiation from the sun, give skin a younger appearance and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

This is good news because it means that you possess the power to change your brain! There are many ways to become sick, but there is a clear path to wellness and it’s simpler than you think.

By improving your brain health you can improve your skin!

The key is to figure out what is inflaming your brain.  Is it the fascial tension (read below) starting all the way in your brain from cranial misalignment? Is it hormone imbalance?  It is toxicities from our environment, food, injections?  Is it hidden infections?  What are the fires burning that are depleting and causing your brain to be inflamed?

That is my job to figure out..

Another important thing to mention about the skin.
Is the topic of fascia….

Every muscle and structure in your body is enveloped and joined by an interconnected tissue network. This tissue is called fascia.  

“Simply put, fascia is the body’s connective tissue. It is a head to toe, inside to out, all-encompassing and interwoven system of fibrous connective tissue found throughout the body. Your fascia provides a framework that helps support and protect individual muscle groups, organs, and the entire body as a unit.

For those of you who are visual learners, you can imagine your skin is like the rind of an orange. So, if your skin is the outer layer of the orange peel, the thicker, white, fibrous layer that lies almost immediately beneath the peel would be your fascia. Just as that thicker layer completely surrounds the inside of the orange, the same holds true to your fascia. We all have a layer of fascia directly beneath the skin that completely envelopes the body, giving another protective barrier between the skin and the deeper soft tissue.

The vitality and strength of your fascia is key to good health and synergy throughout each system of your body. ” How this affects the skin is when there are bunches of this tissue that have formed because of usually improper postures or injuries, this tissue affects how the skin looks.  That’s why there can be dimples, or creases, ect.  The health of the fascia depends on proper movements, hydration, movement of the joints(chiropractic) and nutrition.

“So much pain, tightness, and discomfort is unnecessarily caused by distorted fascia. Distortions in fascia can pull, torque, and compress the body into misalignment. Studies show that fascial tension in one structure – such as the knee – can cause tension or issues in adjacent structures, such as the hip or ankle. Some common conditions you may have heard of like Plantar Fasciitis, IT Band Syndrome, and frozen shoulder are all attributed to distortions in your fascia.”

“The condition of our skin can be affected by the state of our fascia. Not many people understand the impact of blood and fascia, and how it relates to the quality of our skin. Elastin and Collagen are two proteins which are essential to maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Nutrients are carried through the blood to the skin, and when the fascia is distorted, it limits the supply of these proteins. This can cause a decrease in cell turnover, which is responsible for the natural, healthy glow we all strive to maintain.”

It baffles me that we try to treat our skin from the outside, when it’s what’s going on inside that determines health of the skin.

This fascial tissue starts up in the head, and surrounds the brain.  That is why you MUST start with cranial care to relieve head tension and fascial pull.  

I’ve seen fascial structures change before my eyes just with one session of craniopathy care.  But it really is effecting and changing the ENTIRE fascial system down to your feet since it is all connected.



If you have skin or scar tissue or injuries, you can break up this fascia over time, which will also improve your skin health.  Be aware, it’s painful and takes time, and you will detox, but it does work.  As long as you work on improving your movements and all the other factors mentioned.

Remember there’s fascia all the way in the skull surrounding your brain!  So that’s the first area you want to unwind the tissue from, because head tension can cause even leg tension!


Another favorite is the herb Gotu Kola.  This herb I love and with the quality of the herb I use a lot of women have said it’s like a facelift in a bottle!  Thats because of its influence on the fascia, blood circulation and skin tissue.
Theres also an amazing Essential oil botanical blend you can read on below that is wonderful for circulation and the skin!

More nutrition Tips will be given later this month!

Also Clean beauty products for your skin is always a MUST.  One of my favorite companies is Beauty Counter for makeup, and DoTerra for skin care.

You can get some here: https://www.beautycounter.com/anneliesewells


Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Yarrow/Pom Oil.

Yarrow|Pom is a one-of-a-kind expertly crafted proprietary blend of Yarrow essential oil and cold-pressed Pomegranate seed oil, offering powerful benefits to both the skin and the body.

Primary Benefits

  • Provides powerful antioxidant support*
  • Promotes cellular, immune, and nervous system health*
  • Supports healthy metabolic function*
  • Calms the body and mind*
  • Soothing to the skin

Yarrow|Pom is an expertly crafted proprietary blend of Yarrow essential oil and cold-pressed Pomegranate seed oil designed to be your go-to for a true inside-out approach to aging, vitality, overall wellness, and, quite frankly, how to get that glow. This synergistic and first-of-its-kind blend naturally up-regulates the body’s protective transcription factors while activating skin-protecting proteins (inhibiting the enzymes that breakdown elasticity and collagen) with the added benefit of promoting collagen production.* Additionally, this active botanical powerhouse can be applied topically to revitalize aging skin and taken internally to support a healthy inflammatory response at the source and promotes healthy metabolic function.* With main chemical components punicic acid (an omega 5), antioxidants, β-caryophyllene, and chamazulene, this vegan-friendly active botanical duo supports cellular, immune, and nervous system function and rejuvenation when taken internally.*


  • Consume one to two drops morning and night to promote a healthy metabolism.*
  • To promote a healthy immune response, take one to two drops of Yarrow|Pom daily.*
  • As part of your skin care routine, apply Yarrow|Pom to help promote the look of young and healthy skin, or to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.
  • Create a soothing massage experience with a few drops of Yarrow|Pom to help soothe tension.



Collagen production.
Boost collagen production with Vitamin C:: This is a biggie for producing collagen and repairing skin cells. Find it in dark leafy greens, broccoli, strawberries, peppers, and oranges.

  • ½ cup fresh or wild frozen blueberries
  • 1/4 c fresh strawberries
  • ¼ cup pineapple
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds


  1. Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend it until nice and smooth.



That is all for now,


Have a happy and healthy week.


Dr. Hamel


Insane in the Membrane.. Detoxing your Brain.

Happy Monday everyone!  And happy new year!  We chatted last week about the 4 detox pathways!  This week we continue onward talking about specific areas that are important to detox such as the brain!

We talked last week about the lymphatic system and it’s importance in keeping it flowing.  We have a similar system in our brain it’s called the glymphatic system, or the “brain drain”.

This system was only recently discovered in 2012. It’s uses the cell’s mitochondria (energy system) to remove cellular waste from the brain.  The cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) in the brain is what is responsible for draining toxins from brain.  The brain has no lymphatic system, just the CSF fluid.

The kicker here, is this system is especially active during sleep!  That being said if you enhance the mitochondria’s ability during sleep, you will turbocharge this maintenance system and get more cleanup in less time.

In 2013 as well, researchers found that something called “autophagy” is required for healthy brain cell mitochondria.  This is a natural process called autophagy (literally “self-eating”), and it’s the bodies system of cleaning house: Your cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip ’em for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts.

It’s like an internal recycling program.  We get rid of faulty parts, stop growths, ect.  When the scientists monitored rat specimens who had difficulty with autophagy, they were fatter, sleepier, had higher cholesterol and impaired brains.

When the brain isn’t detoxing properly as well, it can literally make you feel “insane”, or not really yourself.  Toxins can easy get into the blood brain barrier through many means such as EMF’s, vaccines, and other medications.  But, a clogged lymphatic system in the brain, can just build up and create improper function for the brain, so it’s important to keep the FLOW!

How to increase autophagy to boost the cell’s mitochondrial function:

1. Exercise.  “Regular exercise is the most popular way that people unintentionally help their body to cleanse.”

2. Fasting.  Although I don’t usually recommend skipping meals, occasional fasting is actually beneficial. Practitioners usually forgo food for anywhere from 12 to 36 hours at a time, making sure to drink plenty of water. (You might also want to limit activity to gentle yoga or stretching.)

3. Lower your carb intake. Ketosis, is an increasingly popular diet among bodybuilders and anyone seeking a longer lifespan. The idea is to reduce carbohydrates to such low levels that the body has no choice but to use fat as a fuel source instead.

Ketosis is like an autophagy hack. You get a lot of the same metabolic changes and benefits of fasting without actually fasting.
Keto diets are super high fat (good fats): Between 60 and 70 percent of one’s overall calories should come from fat.  Protein makes up 20 to 30 percent of calories, while carbs are kept below 50 grams per day.

So, increasing good fats, moving and intermittent fasting improve this system.  But what about getting it flowing directly at its source?  What about actually changing it in the brain where it flows in and out of?

That’s right! 4. Cranial care!

Craniopathy care has been proven to increase the CSF flow in the brain and in the entire system.  When there is pressure on the brain from tension, this fluid cannot maintain its flow.

This means the CSF flow is hindered.  Therefore, the detox pathway is hindered.

Additionally, as I mentioned previously, this system is active entirely during your sleep.  So if your sleep is hindered, or you aren’t getting adequate deep sleep you won’t be detoxing your noggin and body very well.

Sleep can be helped in many ways.

1.  Getting cranial care!!
2.  Supplementation, including minerals and herbs
3. Exercise
4.  Reducing EMF exposure.  No tv or cell phones in the bed room.  Turn off your wifi in your home every night, and make sure there’s no light in your room.  Completely dark room allows your brain to produce melatonin.  EMF exposure actually calcifies the pituitary which releases melatonin.
5.  Essential Oils and CBD. Certain oils can be really helpful for creating calmness and allowing sleep to happen.
6. Micro Current Neurofeedback.  This helps calm the brain and can help tremendously with sleep and energy!

I also love getting lymphatic drainage massage in combination with my cranial care.  It works really well for detoxification in the head.  I love using electro lymphatic therapy, it’s the most effective I’ve found.  Another great detox is PEMF therapy!  Check it out for providers who carry them!

Sometimes symptoms such as sinus problems, headaches, fatigue, and other’s are just do to improper detoxing of the brain.

Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Rosemary.

Rosemary is a great essential oil for detoxing!  It also helps reduce radiation from EMF’s which is protection and great for brain health!Rosemary Oil Product Description
Though it is famous for its applications in the culinary world, rosemary has uses that reach far beyond cook books or holiday meals. Rosemary oil is a versatile essential oil that proves useful in everyday life for things like promoting healthy-looking hair, creating a relaxing massage, cooking healthy meals, and more. It even supports healthy digestion.* Learn more about Rosemary essential oil and discover the diverse uses for this herbaceous, energizing doTERRA product.

Rosemary Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. The chemical makeup of Rosemary oil gives it renewing properties that can be both energizing and settling—particularly when you diffuse the oil. When you need to study for a big test, memorize your slides for a presentation at work, or just need to finish a project, diffusing Rosemary oil can be helpful. In the essential oil diffuser of your choice, consider diffusing Rosemary essential oil while studying to help maintain concentration. As the renewing, green aroma of Rosemary oil wafts through the room, you’ll be able to focus on the task at hand.
  2. Possibly the most common application for the rosemary plant is in cooking. Fortunately, Rosemary essential oil can be used as a substitute in your favorite rosemary-infused dishes. If you have a favorite recipe that calls for rosemary, you can easily add one to two drops of Rosemary essential oil to meats or traditional entrees in order to add flavor or to support healthy digestion.* Looking for a hearty Rosemary essential oil recipe? Try this Balsamic Rosemary Marinade to add instant flavor and excitement to any weeknight meal or backyard barbeque. Speaking of summer festivities, these Italian Summer Skewers with Rosemary Balsamic Reduction are the perfect sweet and savory addition to any outdoor get-together. Using mozzarella, salami, cantaloupe, brown sugar, and Rosemary essential oil, these skewers will be a hot item at your next summer bash.
  3. Rosemary essential oil can be taken internally to help reduce occasional fatigue and nervous tension.* You can add a few drops of Rosemary oil to a glass of water or to a doTERRA Veggie Capsule. Rosemary oil can also be taken internally if you are striving to support healthy internal organ function.*
  4. Trying to relax? Let the renewing properties of Rosemary essential oil soothe your body and soul at the end of a long day by creating a relaxing essential oil bath. Adding essential oils to a warm bath can promote a calming, relaxing environment that allows you to take a break—both mentally and physically. Combine Rosemary, Frankincense, and Epsom salt into your bath for a rejuvenating experience when you are in need of a little “me” time.
  5. Like many other essential oils, Rosemary oil can be helpful for promoting full, healthy-looking hair. When you want to promote an abundant-looking head of hair, consider using Rosemary oil when giving yourself a stimulating scalp massage. To improve the scalp massage even further, combine Melaleuca and Rosemary oil together.  Whether you are styling or grooming your lovely locks, it is always a good idea to use Rosemary oil for hair.

    When you want natural-looking beach waves, try this homemade Beach Wave Salt Spray that includes some of the best essential oils for hair—RosemaryLemonFractionated Coconut Oil, and doTERRA Healthy Hold Glaze. This concoction will give you effortless beach waves in just a few minutes, leaving your hair with the sweet, salty fragrance of the ocean. Want to make your own essential oil dry shampoo? This DIY dry shampoo tutorial brings together the sweet scents of LavenderRosemary, and Peppermint essential oil to keep your hair looking and smelling great when you don’t have time to wash it.

  6. Looking for more delicious Rosemary essential oil recipes? You can quickly turn traditional mashed potatoes into a flavor-filled side dish with a little help from doTERRA Rosemary essential oil. Whether you are a prepping for a holiday meal, or just want some comfort food, these Rosemary Mashed Potatoes will leave both your tastebuds and your tummy happy.

    Speaking of happy tummies, this essential oil recipe for Rosemary Zucchini Fettuccini has become a doTERRA favorite because of its healthy ingredients, powerful flavor, and beautiful presentation. Zucchini, butternut squash, and Rosemary oil make this a truly unique dish that will soon become a regular meal at your house.

  7. Because of its rejuvenating scent and renewing properties, Rosemary oil is often used for massage. Consider combining Rosemary oil with a carrier oil like doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and applying it during massage. To create a soothing massage experience, you can also blend Rosemary oil with Wintergreen to cool and relax the skin. When you want a relaxing massage, mix Lavender with Rosemary oil for stress reduction.


Not only are blueberries yummy healthy snacks and very delicious in fruit salads, they are rich in antioxidants, which makes them the number one fruit to include in your diet if you want to boost memory and brain health. Blueberries are high in fiber and low in sugar, which means they are safe for diabetics. Scientists also believe that blueberries are able to help with restoring lost motor and cognitive functions. Wild blueberries are the HIGHEST in antioxidants.

A report that was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that those who drank blueberry juice every day for two months improved their memory significantly.

A study, which was presented at the meeting of the American Chemical Society, reported that berries might help prevent memory loss and mental decline by removing toxic proteins that damage nerves in the brain.

One study presented at the British Science Festival found that just one 200 grams blueberry smoothie increase the power of concentration as much as 20 percent during the day.

  • 1 Cup Coconut milk
  • 0.25 CupWild Blueberries
  • 1 tsp  Vanilla Escense
  • 1 tsp MCT oil
  • 1 Bone broth protein powder (optional)


That is all for now,

Wishing you a happy and healthy week


Dr. Rachel Hamel.


Wireless Wise Kids

Wireless Wise Kids and Back to School

Happy Monday Everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend! I was up in Idaho and it was COLD!  Fall is definitely here.

This month has been all about keeping our kids healthy this school year.  We’ve gone over brain health, nutritional recommendations, and this week we will be talking about health through wireless technology.

I’ve talked in previous blog’s about EMF’s and the danger on our health.  5G is not a good thing people, it will come at a big health cost to all of us.  But, what is SO important about this topic is the health of our future generations this is impacting.


Here is a HUGE point I was you to remember with all of this:

Children absorb double the radiation than an adult brain.  Their bone marrow is 10 TIMES more absorbable than adults!

This is why we just can’t turn a blind eye to the dangers of EMF’s anymore.  We KNOW through research already EMF’s are harmful to us.  But, we also know the addiction factor is huge.

Other countries have actually BANNED cell phone use in children.  Is Israel, they saw a 20% increase in parotid gland cancer, so the Israeli association put out a ban because most that were affected were children.

There have been no studies that have been done if there is a link between autism and cell phones. But a lot in the engineering research are saying it’s definitely possible.  This being because EMF’s actually cause DNA damage. These gene differences can causes problems with generations down the line.

EMF’s also open the blood brain barrier and change our gut micro biome, which both are our immune system!

It’s important to know about what these EMF’s are and safe ways to use mobile and wireless technology.
This information can be found from a great book called : Wireless Wise Kids.

“Mobile phones, cordless phones, laptops, and tablets all send information through the air without using any wires.
This information travels through the air in tiny packets of energy carried by microwave radiation.  Even though you can’t see, hear or smell this radiation, it’s always present when wireless devices are sending or receiving information.

You might hear this information as a voice, or see it as in pictures, but it will reach you in the same way.

Here’s how a cell phone works:

Henry calls sally.  Henry’s mobile phone adds the information from his message to a signal of microwave information.  His phone’s ariel sends this radiation into the air.
The microwave radiation reaches a mobile phone base station which might be on top of a building or on a tall metal tower.

The base station sends the message on until it reaches a base station near sally and this base stations sends it to sally’s phone.

Sally’s phone changes the information carried by the microwave radiation into the sound of henry’s voice.

Cordless phones, tablets and computers also use microwave information.  Microwave radiation travels through solid objects such as walls. This is why you can use a cordless phone in a different room to the base or you can use a laptop in a different room to the modem.

But this means it can also TRAVEL into the BODY.  The amount that is absorbed by a person’s brain is called the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).  Phone’s with higher SAR create more harm for the body.  ”

Think of an actual microwave.  We are pretty much melting our brains!


We have to lessen the amount of exposure as much as possible, and ESPECIALLY for the health of our kids.  I wouldn’t recommend any children to have cell phones personally.  I would say only as teenagers would it be acceptable and only because it’s an independence thing.  Parent’s, try not to let your kids have your phones.


  • When buying a phone, buy one with a low SAR rating.
  • Don’t spend longer than you need to on the device
  • keep your phone turned off as much as possible, if you use them for games with your kids, turn it on airplane mode
  • DON’T hold the mobile phone up to our head.  Text rather than call, use speaker phone, or use a headset (not bluetooth!)
  • DON’T keep your mobile phone near your body.  We are seeing more colorectal cancers in younger age groups, to which we we think is because of holding the phone in the pockets.  INSTEAD:
    • turn phone off when in pocket
    • put in backpack
    • put in purse
  • Don’t use phone in low reception area like your car or an elevator.  In these settings the phone has to work harder and sends out more microwave radiation.  (low bars on the phone)
  • Keep it AWAY from your bed.
  • Don’t use it as an alarm clock (unless airplane mode)
  • don’t charge it next to your bed because the charger makes it more harmful
  • get rid of cordless phones, they give out radiation even when NOT in use.
  • phones with wired connections don’t give out microwave radiation and are much safer
  • don’t spend too long on a wireless computer (super important for many schools that use a lot of ipads and laptops)
  • make sure the modem isn’t near your bed or desk
  • turn off the modem when no one is using the internet
  • don’t work with your laptop on your lap
  • don’t rest your tablet on your body, and always use airplane mode with kids!
  • Get rid of alexa and google smart devices.  HUGE radiation devices that send it out constantly.  I know it’s fun and convenient for kids, but a LOT of radiation.

The best advice is to do your best to control your home.  And be advocates in your schools that use a lot of technology.  We want our children learning, but not actually damaging their brain’s from all the EMF’s.  

I like using protection devices such as HEDRON for all cellphones and wireless devices, also home protectors they make can he really helpful.  They aren’t perfect but help!  The best advice is to decrease your exposure as much as possible.

THE MOST research out there for EMFs right now is on how it affects fertility.  It’s pretty profound, and I think we will keep finding more and more things it is affecting.

Don’t be uniformed, share this information with others, so we can help protect our kiddos.


ON the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s  Rose Oil.

Rose oil is one of the best oils to protect us against EMF damage. OIls serve as adaptogens, having direct and indirect benefits against EMFs.  Rose has the highest Hz at 320.

Other benefits of Rose oil include:
Rose oil is incredibly time consuming and expensive to produce—242,000 hand-picked rose petals make about five ounces of rose oil. However, the benefits Rose oil offers are well worth the effort.
Known for its sweet floral fragrance, doTERRA Rose Touch is a must-have addition to your essential oil collection for skincare, mood, and personal fragrance purposes.

Rose Oil Uses

  1. If you love the sweet floral note in perfumes, Rose oil is the perfect natural fragrance for you. Apply Rose Touch to your neck, behind your ears and to your wrists to enjoy the rose’s romantic and unique scent—free of additives or chemicals.
  2. The scent of Rose oil brings with it the power to uplift your soul and change your mood for the better. For those times when your day seems clouded by stress or worry, ease your emotions by applying doTERRA Rose Touch to your heart and pulse points.
  3. Rose essential oil is known to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and promote healthy-looking, radiant skin. We recommend applying doTERRA Rose Touch directly on skin imperfections both in the morning and at night. Not only will it help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections, it will also promote an even skin tone and healthy complexion.
  4. Need another reason to include Rose Touch in your skin care routine? Your skin needs the appropriate levels of moisture to be able to function properly, which means hydration is key. When you’re dehydrated or your skin care routine removes too much moisture from the skin, your body will react by producing too much oil. Rose oil helps balance the moisture levels in your skin, which will keep your skin looking its best.

Fun Fact
In medieval Persia (now known as Iran), Avicenna (980-1037 AD), a Persian doctor wrote extensively on health and wellness and is credited as the father of aromatherapy as we now know it. He attempted various distillation methods using flowers and was eventually able to isolate the scent of the rose as well as produce rose water.

Wheatgrass Pineapple Smoothie.

An amazing EMF protector for us is Wheat Grass!

  • Barley (wheat) grass is a totally balanced food. It contains all of the nutrients required for life: vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other proteins (amino acids), essential fatty acids and chlorophyll. Barley grass has thousands of living enzymes (a special protein). Enzymes are nature’s biological catalysts that initiate all the chemical transformations in the body. Over 3,000 enzymes have been identified. They are required for every transformation in the body – digestion, cell respiration, bodily movements, thinking processes, detoxification, cancer control, fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, etc.The normal daily amount of barley grass is 1-3 teaspoons (1 tsp = 2 grams). If you choose wheat grass (juice), start with one ounce daily and gradually increase to four or six ounces.


  • 1 teaspoon Wheat grass or 1 ounce juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon Hawaiian spirulina powder
  • 1 1/2 cups raw coconut water or filtered water
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 2 pitted dates
  • 3 cups frozen pineapple