Tag Archives: chiropractic

What 3 our of 5 top reasons for death in the US have in common. 

Happy Monday Warriors!
I hope you all had a wonderful October, since it’s now NOVEMBER!
I can’t believe we are coming into holiday season already!  I also want to remind you that I do offer gift receipts which make great gifts! Giving the gift of health:)

A little housekeeping before we begin this month’s topic. 
I am so very thankful for each and every one of you, and so appreciate your referrals and reviews! They make my business run! Part of business is that price changes do occur due to real estate and other changes increasing. Starting December 1st I will be increasing my pricing for adults.
Pricing for pediatric patients will remain the same, depending on the time and case difficulty.
I’m sure you all understand and truly value the amount of heart/time I put into my care <3
If you have any further questions please let me know!


I know it’s rather a downer subject this month, but the truth is that a little light needs to be shed on some of these things because they are preventable!  And really, proper diagnosis and care is key. 

When you search for the primary reasons that kill us in the US you will find these top 5.

1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Accidents
5. Stroke

Well, cancer is a mixed bag as far as diagnosis (although we know alternative options), and we can’t necessarily control unintentional injuries, although properly prescribed medications are a HUGE cause of death in the US.

The other 3 out of the 5 have something in common.  They all involve something, and all can be traced back to it.  Do you know what it is??!

Low Oxygen States.

Hypertension, COPD and stroke all are traced back to low oxygen states. 

In turn, theres two factors for longevity in life (physically).

1. Can you breathe/Vital Capacity Oxygen
2. Can you stand in a field of gravity (balance/proprioception)

And in reality, nothing supersedes oxygen.  Nothing in the body supersedes oxygen.  It’s the first thing we do when we enter the world and the last thing when we leave it. We can live without food and water for days and weeks, but only 4 minutes without oxygen.

The national commission on sleep disorders research states that 38,000 deaths occur on an annual basis that relate to cardiovascular problems connected to sleep apnea.  This includes high blood pressure, hypertension and stroke.  6 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea that is moderate to severe and may necessitate a late night visit to the ER. 1/2 of all hospital patients have hypertension.  MANY DO NOT REALIZE THEY SUFFER FROM SLEEP APNEA.

40% of the population has airway problems, meaning 1 out of 4 people!  In fact, anyone who needs braces is an airway case. Snoring is a major indicator of sleep apnea, as well as belly sleepers, chronic sinusitis cases, clencher/grinding of teeth, fatigue,TMJ, craniofascial pain and sleep disorders.

In heart disease and stroke, there is not enough oxygen pumping through the arterial system.
What carries oxygen around in the body?  The blood and circulatory system. And a nutrient called iron carries oxygen around. 

20% of our blood supply is in the brain
13% is in the liver
20% in the kidneys
47% rest of the body.

Although the brain utilizes a lot, it has to share the throne with other organs, meaning they must all get sufficient supply for the body to work in balance.

Here are some signs of low oxygen syndrome:
  • apnea
  • headaches
  • heart conditions
  • stroke
  • dizziness
  • body aches and pains
  • infections
  • tongue tie
  • clenching
  • bruxism
  • worm teeth
  • tooth loss
  • limited jaw opening
  • awake fatigued
  • pain medications
  • stuff/blocked nose.

The body is intelligent.  It is always trying to self preserve.  It will always defend itself by producing symptoms to signal to us that something is wrong. 

Unfortunately some of us don’t listen to those, or mask those signals with medications/supplements instead of figuring out the root cause.  And for many oxygen depletion is the key.

Another way to tell is by utilizing a pulse oximeter.  Any result less than 97-98% means that your body is hypoxic. You will also find a low body temperature, because the thyroid starts to combust energy and usually hypothyroid issues will ensue. 

So getting proper oxygen is so KEY!!
Since sleep apnea is so prevalent, and it puts a huge stress to the nervous system and cardiovascular system, it should be highlighted so much more than it is.
Because the only real option is a CPAP machine, many live with the ramifications of sleep apnea, and some better yet have no idea they have airway issues because they don’t’ really have sleep apnea symptoms.

Sometimes it isn’t always just an airway issue. Sometimes there’s issue with oxygen biochemistry wise with iron absorption and things of that nature to be able to carry the oxygen.  So you really do have to look at the entire picture, but most of what I see starts with airway.

So what do we do?

You need to get assessed for proper airway.  Airway issues can come from cranial problems (narrowness), tonsils/adenoids and narrow sinuses which usually track back to cranial problems.

Although I work closely with ENT’s, it’s not always the best option to go right ahead with a sinus surgery.
Most have a cranial problem and need help getting blood flow and oxygen into the brain in the first place.  They might have a tongue tie and a narrow palate which means again, not creating oxygen. Usually most are mouth breathers and need to retrain this pattern.

Usually it’s a team effort between myself, an orthodontist or dentist, myofunctional therapy and sometimes an ENT.

However, my care addresses both 1 and 2 of the factors for longevity.  Increases oxygen, and increases balance in the entire body.  2 for 1!

Case after case I will see in my practice their breathing improve through craniopathy care. When you open up the head it makes sense breathing will become better because their is an increase in blood flow.
This is why I always start with this care.  We need to get oxygen back into your brain quickly, back into your liver your kidneys and finally the rest of the body.

With sleep apnea cases, it’s always a team effort.  I have many case studies with sleep studies showing a decrease dramatically just with cranial care, but often times their is a huge bite problem that needs to be fixed in order for their airway to fix. 
Most just aren’t complaint with a CPAP, but they do help tremendously.

Kids can have sleep apnea as well!  Many children suffer from sleep apnea and oxygen depletion conditions.  Why?  Because of birth traumas, not breastfeeding long enough, using pacifiers and bottles which push the tongue down and don’t extend the palate.
You don’t want children growing without proper brain oxygen, and putting extra stress on their heart and cardiovascular system.

Bring them in.  We can assess it.

I hope this was helpful to you this month!
I will say most I tell have an airway issue have ZERO clue, and also have ZERO clue that the oxygen depletion is causing most of their symptoms.

Fix this, and you will be on such an amazing healthy road!

Two Main Nutrients needed for the Brain.

Happy Monday Warriors!

I hope you all have had a wonderful October so far. It’s hard to believe it’s already 3/4 through the month!

Last month we talked about viruses that affect the function of the brain.  If you missed it, make sure you catch up, since viruses seem to be the hot topic this time of year!


This week I wanted to talk with you guys about certain nutrients that are needed for your brain to function at its best.  If you’ve been following me for awhile, you might already know them and if not then WELCOME!  You will learn quite a bit about the brain if you stick around.

Today I want to not only talk about these nutrients, but talk about them in two different ways through Craniopathy Chiropractic and through Genetic Based Nutrition, because those are what I believe are the BEST ways to get these nutrients effectively.

Nutrient #1. OXYGEN. 

The brain uses three times as much oxygen as the muscles of the body do. It requires about 20% of the human bodies oxygen.  We know that oxygen is VITAL of course, but for the brain it allows for growth and healing to occur.  Our blood carries oxygen to the brain and is reliant on sufficient nitric oxide to do so. Oxygen comes from the lungs, in particular the lower part of the lugs that hold the most red blood cells to accept more oxygen.

The BEST way to get the most amount of oxygen is to breathe through your nose and fully expand your diaphragm. This will actually enable you to get that lower part of your lungs so the blood can carry it back up into the brain. 
Oxygen depletion is the #1 thing that I focus on in my practice.  This being because if your brain doesn’t have enough oxygen, you will constantly be chasing what is going on in your body.  Whether pain, infections, or proper nutrition.  It doesn’t matter how much good nutrition tips you get, how much water you drink or how much you exercise, if you aren’t getting oxygen up there… You won’t heal.

Through the cranial system of course!  There is a specific rhythm that the bones of the head go through.  This rhythm is super important for blood to flow in and out of your brain, and oxygen to enter.  When there is tension in this system, this means that this rhythm will be disrupted.  Tension is this system also means a difficult time breathing correctly in and out of the nose.  Some individuals find it hard at all to nasal breath, and when that is the case, there is severe tension within the head impacting the sinuses.  Don’t just go running to the ENT, most of what I find is that the cranial system as A whole is the problem, not the sinuses.
Remember, the only way to access that nitric oxide is to nasal breathe!  Time and time again, patient after patient will leave my office saying OMG I can BREATHE!  It’s amazing how much your mood even changes when you are properly oxygenated. 
This is why children and adults have temper and mood issues when they have sleep apnea or are mouth breathers.  It affects how your brain functions! 

The oxygen level also impacts the health of your lymphatic system in your brain, so if you aren’t properly oxygenated, you can have toxins build up in your brain and cause severe inflammation.  


You can also enhance your oxygen levels by enhancing the nitric oxide cycle through nutrition. Nitric oxide helps vasodilate (meaning expand) blood vessels to allow for more oxygen.  However, for some, their genetic profiles don’t allow nitric oxide to be formulated effectively.  Because of specific mutations and because this pathway is extremely sensitive to radiation and free radical damage, the cycle can get compromised, meaning less oxygen available.  Not having enough nitric oxide can be very damaging neurologically to the body as well.  You see, just like your brain, your nerves also need oxygen.  Without it, they don’t function as well.
Finding out if your nitric oxide cycle is compromised can be found through specific kinesiology genetic testing (which I do).  When we know that this is a player, the customized nutrition will help to overcome this obstacle and allow you to get more oxygen!  Pretty cool right?

Nutrient #2.  Energy (glucose & ATP). 

Energy. The brain utilizes more energy than ANY other organ.  I mean think about all that is has to do right?
The brain and body need actual ENERGY made from within called ATP.  This is needed for every single cell of our body to do what it needs to do.  If we don’t have enough ATP, our brain and body will be depleted.  WE also get energy from another source: glucose.  What’s the big organ for glucose production? The Liver. 
The liver supplies sugar or glucose by turning stored glucose (glycogen) into glucose! It can also make glucose by harvesting amino acids, waste products and fat by products! Another reason to love that liver!

So we must have a robust and healthy liver to actually supply the energy (glucose) needed to our brain. Yet another organ our brain relies upon.  The first if you remember were the lungs.

Body wise, we need make sure the liver is moving... All organs MOVE, and need movement to do what they need to do.  So just like the brain needed to have proper movement for blood flow to happen, the other organs as well need proper flow and mobility.

Through body work!  Working on the nerves that control the liver are key to make sure it knows what to do!  So enhancing the spinal areas related to the liver are key through chiropractic manipulation.  Also doing reflex techniques to get the liver and gallbladder working more affectively through abdominal work is really helpful to get them moving!
Lastly, the liver is a big source of emotional stress, so if this is the case, you must uncover and start to heal from those emotional wounds so that the liver can do what it needs to!  Emotional wounds cause physical problems too!


This is one of the FIRST and biggest impact pathways we focus on first with genetic nutrition.  This being because if you don’t have enough energy, you can’t even begin to work on other genetic factors like MTHFR and others(HUGE mistake made by many who do genetic testing).  Getting your body to make more ATP and to make and enhance your liver and glucose is really impactful!  Many on my genetic protocols will say even after a week that their energy is amazing!  We don’t have to give them extra energy help or adrenal supports, their own bodies make the energy they need!
Any why are they happier?
Because their brain is happier.  It has the energy it needs to do what it needs to!
And, your liver is happier too.  Which means detox pathways, hormones and other systems will work more efficiently!
A couple genetic variants I see when this is really impacted is the NDUFS gene and the ACAT gene mutations.  Take care of those and the rest of the energy pathway will clear and be happy:)

So there you have it folks.  Oxygen and Energy.  If you give your brain these two, it will work for you the way you need it to and in a much HEALTHIER more EFFICIENT way.

Ask Away!

That is all for now.

Dr. Hamel DC.

How infections affect the HPA axis.

Happy Monday Tribe!

I hope you all have had a wonderful past couple of weeks.  As we move into October, sickness is in full swing already due to many factors.  As we know a big culprit is lower vitamin D levels as well as enclosed spaces with lots of shedding viruses! 
However, even not in “flu season”, there are many viruses and bacteria that can affect the way your brain can function.
I came across some research lately, that isn’t that new but was very interesting when I dove deeper into it.
It’s research done from the society for endocrinology in Maryland. ( If you want the article just let me know).

Before I begin, I should probably explain what HPA means.  HPA stands for hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are in your brain, and your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys.  This is basically a signaling system.  The just HP axis, is a signaling system from your brain for many different hormones to be secreted, and organs to function.  You NEED that brain signal working first and foremost to be able to tell the organs what to do!

(not my image)

We know that for instance STRESS can make our immune system go down right?  Well, that is because of this pathway.  Stress activates the HPA axis and allows the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol (a stress hormone).  Cortisone controls the body’s blood sugar levels and thus regulating metabolism, acting as an anti-inflammatory, influencing memory formation, controlling salt and water balance, influencing blood pressure and helping development of the foetus. But chronic stress, means chronic cortisol being secreted and lots of problems.

The release of cortisol has many effects on bacterial and viral infections and on the immunity induced by these infectious agents. This study showed that HPA axis activation enhanced Mycobacterium growth in susceptible mice, and increased susceptibility to viral disease.  It also enhances the replication of some viruses.

This talk today though won’t be about that direction, because we know stress causes many problems.  Today we want to talk about the opposite direction: how these infections effect the HPA axis.

The HPA axis is a bidirectional communication between the brain and immune system.  The immune system will signal to the brain via something called cytokines, then the brain will respond by regulating the immune system in part through the action of the HPA axis.  It’s a feedback loop.

How do bacterial and viral infections activate this axis?!

The activation of this axis is probably the result of the action of inflammatory mediators (cytokines).  However, also possible that infections can get into the brain, and have a direct impact on how the HPA axis functions.

These are the infections they studied:
-Endotoxins like salmonella
-Clostridium difficile
-Staph Aureus
-cytomegala virus
-Herpes type 1
-newcastle disease

They also found that the release of cortisol during cytomegala virus infection, wasn’t mediated only through the HPA axis, but can be released from the adrenals directly by the immune system.  

The HPA axis release following a viral or bacterial infection is advantageous to the invading organisms, as it serves to minimize the host’s immune response, enhancing the organisms ability to survive. 

An intact and HEALTHY HPA axis and cortisol response are necessary for host survival after exposure to an infectious agent as well. The lethal level of a pathogen depends on a complex interplay between the specific organism’s induction of an appropriate level of the host’s HPA axis response, the health of that response and pathogen interactions at the level of the cortisol receptor. 

ok ok enough research..

Basically Infections cause problems with how our brain functions and signals… Some infections can even affect the brain directly by being IN the brain, but don’t have to be.  They can have an effect on the brain through this axis not being regulated properly because of an infection!

As I mentioned previously, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland have MANY functions, and so we really need this signal to work well.  But, the research shows in the presence of infections it can’t work well.

Where does that leave us?


WE know that first the HPA axis needs to be supported and healthy so that the immune system doesn’t allow infections to arise. 

But additionally, infections NEED to be cleared in order for this axis to work effectively as well.

How do we achieve this?!

Well we look for both!

In my practice, we can support the HPA axis through enhancing how the brain is functioning through craniopathy and chiropractic care.  If anything is putting pressure or creating tension directly on the brain or directly on these glands, it has to be released in oder for the intact HP axis. 
Nutrition can also be given to help heal and nourish the brain if there has been any previous damage to the hypothalamus and pituitary either from trauma, stress or hormone dysregulation.


WE must attack those infections!

I love using craniobiotic technique (CBT) in my practice to clear infections energetically.  More information is found on my website about this amazing technique.
We also use herbals and remedies if needed to kill the infections, but usually CBT will do the trick.

Lyme Disease Brain is a very real thing and needs MORE complex care, but infections in the brain like lyme disease and many other related viruses cause HUGE problems in brain function.

We then utilize genetic based nutrition to make sure that there are no cracks where infections can creep back in.  No detox pathways that are clogged, no blood brain barriers open, vitamin D is being absorbed (huge for infections) no hormone pathways blocked.


Utilizing these methods, we can heal the brain and regain that HPA axis health that we need!

That is all for now.
Wishing you a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel

The Meningeal Lymphatic System. Keeping this well, to keep YOU well!

The Meningeal Lymphatic System.  Keeping this well, to keep YOU well!

Happy Monday Tribe!

It’s been a couple of weeks since our last blog, and a lot has changed.  I definitely have been feeling the weight of the recent laws in California regarding vaccinations throughout the week.  Although extremely discouraging, I know that a wave of change has to come.  The fighting won’t cease, and it really has to stop here.  Prayer works!

Since the weather (for some) is changing, it means that immune systems change.  In fact, our immune system is always adapting. Because of all the increase in vaccinations (people shedding viruses), flu shots (which do NOT give immunity), decrease in sunlight, increase in inside time and EMF exposure, we are just exposed ALOT.
Creating a healthy immune system is a FULL TIME JOB!
Let me tell you!

It requires your internal processing working efficiently, and a HUGE player in that is your lymphatic system. 
This is the clear liquid that surrounds the cells of your body.  Except for cartilage, nails and hair your ENTIRE body is bathed in lymph.  Basically we are a big pool of it!
This is why diseases like: chronic pain or illness like Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, etc., you will have a lymphatic problem.  It’s a given.  It was definitely a given for me figuring out my healing journey.

If the body can’t rid of cellular waste during the healing process, the inflammation simply stays in the tissues causing pain. If it can’t get out of the body, you can’t get better.

So, since this liquid is everywhere we need to make sure that everywhere is draining and flowing.  One reason I’m very adamant about not having a sedentary life.  Even when you feel very ill, you must try and keep your body moving.  Unlike our circulatory system that is pumped constantly because our our heart beating, the lymphatic fluid is not.

It flows through movement.  And I mean movement everywhere from the head down to your toes.

It’s extremely important for the fluid surrounding your organs to remain in constant motion.  Why?

Because lymphatic fluid is like the plumbing system in our body.  It removes waste and toxins.  That means if it’s not working, then those substances will remain in your body, remain around those organs.

(not my image)

One area we DO not want this to remain is the BRAIN of course.

There is around 501 and 700 lymph nodes in the body depending on the person.  1/2 of all of those are in the stomach/abdominal cavity, and 1/3 of all the lymph nodes of the body are in your neck!  

For the sake of this week’s post I want to talk about the lymphatic system in the brain called the glymphatic system.  By meningeal I mean BRAIN.

Meningeal lymphatic vessels at the skull base drains cerebrospinal fluid.  We need spinal fluid drainage to flow freely so that our nervous system can work efficiently.  This fluid cushions the brain, and serves as a shock absorber for the central nervous system. CSF also circulates nutrients and chemicals filtered from the blood and removes waste products from the brain.

Impaired lymphatic drainage messes with your brain.  You get accumulated macromolecules in the brain when lymph doesn’t work well.  And that in turn will lead to brain inflammation.  In recent research, protein accumulation and aggregation in the brain, such as found in alzheimer’s brains, was linked to a backup of of lymphatic vessels in the meningeal (brain).

In yet another study, blocking meningeal lymphatic drainage aggravated parkinson’s disease like pathology in a mice study. 

I can give you this research if you want.

But in short, it’s suppper important for this system to work in your brain.  It can affect your memory, the way you process, your immune system (don’t want that waste product) hormone and of course the gut brain axis!


You will get a problem in the gut brain as well.  Cranial brain problems are gut brain problems.
Remember 1/2 of your lymph nodes are in the gut. So, if the majority are in the gut and the brain, makes sense to make sure these two are working at their best right?!!

So… how do we keep this moving to keep up moving out of that toxic zone?!

1.  Make sure you are getting regular cranial chiropractic care. You cannot move this system on your own.  You need someone like myself who is trained to help get your cranial system moving.  If the bones/joint of your head are stuck, this fluid will get back up.  

Remember.  This system moves through motion.  So we must start with your head and work our way down your entire body to make sure there is no tension causing a backup.

2. Another form of body care that’s great is lymphatic massage or electric lymphatic massage.  I will say thought, this DOES not take away from needing #1. Colon hydro-therapy is also helpful to clean out stagnant lymph in the abdomen.

3. Keep moving.  Exercise daily, no matter what it is is so helpful.  Sitting for long periods, computer work, just being in stagnant positions creates a pooling of fluid.

4. Infrared saunas.  Very helpful for increasing circulation and getting that fluid pumping.

5. Nutritional.  There are some genetic components that can back up the lymphatic system.  This was a big factor for me.  It didn’t matter how much body work I got, I got to a certain point where I would plateau.  This being because my natural detox processes in my liver and kidneys weren’t working effectively to clear out what I needed. When I started focusing on this, I needed less massages and lymph clearing as my body was able to do it more efficiently.

When you are fighting infections though, you might need some extra help like those mentioned above even if your internal system isn’t too bad (which it probably is since you got sick!)

This system is really BIG for making sure your immune system is resilient.  So many individuals that come in for regular care are far less sick than those that aren’t.  And they recover more quickly.

Look forward to chatting with you in a couple weeks!!

Dr. Hamel

This hidden chemical that causes a deficiency in your brain

Happy Monday Tribe!
I hope you have all had an amazing past couple of weeks! I know its back to school time, and with school back in action, work in full swing, it’s important to talk about hidden toxins that are lurking!

As you now being a brain doc,  I’m always lurking for more information on how to enhance this vital organ that we possess. 

You see, because our brain controls every function in our body we HAVE to do our best to protect it at all costs.

A huge part in creating that healthy brain is of course making sure that environment is working, that VAGUS nerve.  You can take all the supplements in the world but if that nerve isn’t working, you will not get many results.

But, today i’m not talking about cranial work (for once;)), i’m talking about the gut/brain axis and specifically a chemical and many that disrupt this communication.

There’s actually many toxins in your home and that you utilize that you might not know are disrupting this super important connection.

What do you mean gut brain?.  Well, if you’re new here let me explain, for some of my current patients that have been with me awhile, you can sit back for a moment…

Your gut has been termed your “second brain”.  In fact your gut has its entire new network of nerves called the enteric nervous system, that works similar to your brain.

It connects and controls your digestive system, but also has a huge connection in the neurotransmitters in your brain.  It in fact, talks to your actual brain.  A lot of this resides in the health of our gut bacteria to be able to relay that information. So, really you can’t just heal your brain and neglect the rest of your body.

In fact, all the cells of your body talk to one another. So you can’t think that your liver not working won’t cause pain or dysfunction somewhere else.  The cells talk!!


So what are things that disrupt this connection?

1. Stress
2. Gluten
3. Processed Foods
4. GMO foods
5. Head Traumas
6. Gut dysbiosis
7. Chemicals
8. EMFs

So, let’s talk about one because of a patient story, so you can see the connection.

I am treating a female patient, and she is doing really well on her protocol, great energy, mostly all her symptoms managed.  She went on a camping trip, and upon her return cancelled her followup because she couldn’t get out of bed.  She said she was wiped out for a few days. I assured her to come in to check on her protocol.  After going through the program, it showed up that their was a titanium toxicity, and she was not making intrinsic factor (i’ll explain in a minute).

I asked her if she applied sunscreen during camping, to which she said yes lots all over my legs. She had the bottle in her car, and we read the back which said ” titanium oxide”. This chemical interfered with her intrinsic factor a glycoprotein that is produced in the stomach, which plays a HUGE role in absorbing vitamin B12. When you can’t use intrinsic factor, it results in a condition called pernicious anemia, which makes sense of why she was tired!.

I gave her some kidney and liver support, and she felt better that next day.
There are so many natural ways to prevent sunburn that don’t include chemicals!

This is just one example, but in reality there are many chemicals we are exposed to all the time!

What else has titanium oxide?

  • Food: Candies, chewing gums, powdered doughnuts, frosting, coffee creamer, vanilla pudding, chocolate bars.
  • Personal Care: Toothpaste, sunscreen, lotions.
  • Misc: Paper, paint, markers, and plastics.

What happens to your brain when you have B12 deficiency ( which can also happen when you have certain genetic mutations) ?!

  • loss of memory
  • cognition problems
  • decreased mood
  • decreased energy
  • Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the metabolism of fatty acids essential for the maintenance of myelin in the brain.

Again, this is just to show you that all your cells in your body talk to one another!  So what you continually put IN and ON your body matters and makes changes all the way in your brain. 
When the gut in this case is affected (from the chemicals), it sends a signal to the brain to dysfunction.  They HAVE to coordinate with one another.

There’s also a system called the Heart Brain Connection.  Maybe we’ll talk about that next time… stay tuned!