Disease doesn’t end health, it’s the collapse of health that welcomes in disease.
Happy Monday! I know I just did a blog last week, but I will be gone next weekend so I thought I’d do 2 in a row! Also… We’ve got an awesome topic today. It’s been a difficult 2020, hasn’t it?
Although we seemed to be out of the hole as far as re-opening up California, it seems as though another “wind” of cases has “emerged”, and we are looking at going back again. If you just started following me, welcome, if you have been with me then you know this is and has never been about a virus, but a matter of control. The numbers are not providing ANY information to close down again, but here we are feeling powerless.
Some of you as well, have trouble speaking to other people or family members about what is really going on here, and have just given up.
I get it, and I don’t blame you. You see, the way the medical system is set up and has been taught has been totally backwards. And for them to even catch up to current medical researched science is going to take many years. But, don’t just take it from me. I watched an interview this week that was extremely fitting and basically said all that I would have said from a medical doctor named Zach Bush. He was a guest speaker on the show LondonReal, which is an awesome source for non media tampering information.
The video was rather long, and I have a feeling that most will never take the time to watch a two hour episode, even though it could change our planet. If you watched it, amazing! If not, I’m going to summarize some main points here because I really believe that everyone should know.
And again, this is not from me, it’s from a well known triple board certified doctor. His information is why many turn to us chiropractors for help, because our medical system is just not correct. Despite ridicule and harshness, we’ve had to help fill that gap where medical doctors either couldn’t or weren’t willing. Thankfully, more are rising..
So let’s dive in.
The interview first begins with Dr. Bush describing why the world is in the state that it is because we have biologically lost the capability to produce life, as he related it to the old Star Trek Movies. You’ve got captain Kirk landing on these distant planets and they’re trying to decide if this is habitable to life. It’s a perfectly set up planet with carbon soil and microbe species. We see the underpinnings of that collapse and it is because we are disrupting the carbon soil systems, the water and the air that we breathe and on this trajectory captain Kirk lands a few 100 years and finds a planet that’s no longer habitable by not just humans but any large biology. I think that that we have a hard time imagining what it looks like to get from now to that point of complete collapse(like captain kirk witnessed) and this pandemic is a very minor ripple effect like a little early tremor in the collapse of the species. A collapse in the ability to produce life because of our environment…
Dr. Bush is on the forefront of microbiome (a mass amount of colonies of fungi, bacteria in your gut) genomics, and has been for the past ten years. He does state additionally, this research is not just himself but a huge list of researchers and scientists that back him up. Before ten years ago, the mentality of the science community including himself at that time was that we are here to stamp out disease, but the idea of healthy living is remote and feels new-agey or somehow like fake science and so that’s an extraordinary mistake we made in medical education over the last 100 years was to get the opportunity to create such resilient health that we would be resistant to disease. ( THIS IS MY GOAL Y’ALL! -Dr Hamel)
Instead we focused all of our trillions of dollars on research and development, trillions of hours of manpower research and ingenuity and intuition on disease management instead of health, and so the result is what you see around you. The reason the dialogue looks like it is in the government for The Who and CDC you is part of this big machine of fear that we created as physicians as well, and so as physicians and scientists we have created in the fight against cancer and the fear of bacterial infections, the fear of viral infections when in fact none of that’s really underpinned by the current science!
Science has radically changed in the last 20 years and it hasn’t trickled down into the mindset of physicians scientists and especially the clinicians yet and so generally we expect that take 20 to 30 years to make a transition. This has been such a radical shift that’s come through our understanding of genomics in our ability to look at genomic sequencing of nature that we’re starting to realize we’re wrong and not as the center of the universe.
The speaker then asked well why China?
You will not find a disruption of soil, water and air anywhere faster than central China. China has managed to adopt western farming practices that has accelerated the death of soil worse than anywhere else. Beijing and all of its energy and transportation has pushed enormous amounts of air pollution down and you have this perfect toxic stew with the largest pork antibiotic production system in the world. When you do this, the response is adaptation, and biology goes into an explosive effort to find loopholes to find alternative biologic pathways to avoid toxicity to try not to go extinct and so in an execution of and you’re going to see an explosion of genetic intelligence variance coming out of all niches of biology to create adaptation for resilient recovery from an extinction event. That’s what we’ve seen 5 big extinction events on the planet in the past and every time they happen we come back as a planet more diverse more biologically intelligent because of the viral explosion of intelligence that happens around us in extinction of that and so this coronavirus and any naturally occurring virus is actually an adaptation event towards the next opportunity for explosion of life on earth.
Speaker: How can the coronavirus just become present?
First, we need a little bit of background what is a virus? First, a virus is not a living organism and so we have severely miscategorized viruses as physicians and scientists as part of the microbiome. This microscopic life is an extraordinary universe, 5 million species of just fungi it’s just like this extraordinary explosion of adaptation within the fungal Kingdom alone. The viruses are not alive and therefore should not be categorized as far as I’m concerned in the microbiome because they’re not living organisms they are a secretion of bacteria and are multi cellular organisms and so if they come from bacteria we call them bacteriophages but it’s just a virus. Coming out of a human system for example or another mammal we call them viruses but these are genetic secretions of living cells that don’t pass any life capacity within that package of information it’s literally a communication tool for the genome to proliferate to create adaptation and biodiversity and so it is the device it is the tool for life to quickly adapt and shift into a more intelligent life form and so a virus is a package of genetic information that’s targeted. This is the really fascinating thing, this isn’t like just like using genetic information, it’s wrapped up just like a smart bomb to deliver the information right to the right place where it’s most needed and in the case of coronavirus which has been around with us for documented for over 740 years, it’s a very common part of the human experience causing many of the common colds we experience.
When an organism in great stress has the need for an adaptation it can take something like a coronavirus and can misspell the genetic information within that and the misspelling will accelerate as the stress increases and so it does this by actually intentionally having slightly sloppy machinery or repeating the genetic information within the viral genome. The virome has this extensive genomic collection of information starts to misspell many of those will be irrelevant just misspellings and will go on to do nothing. Occasionally you’ll see an up regulation of function or an important structural adaptation represented in that genomic information and therefore when it is enters an organism like a human we take it into our genomics and we start to proliferate it out there to expand that information screen. As we saw with RONA, the vast majority of viruses stay asymptomatic with almost all individuals that get it and then a very small section of people will develop severe symptoms and diseases.
Many scientists think of viruses like Trojan horses that come in and take over the mechanisms of our human cells to proliferate. It’s nowhere near that reality, if that was true we would have never existed because there are 10000000000000000000000000000000 viruses in the air that we breathe (visual 10,000,000 times more viruses in the air than our stars in the entire universe) and so then we look into the soils and we find another 10 to the 31 viruses there and then we look into the ocean water and we find another 10 to 31 viruses there! We are so surrounded by this genetic information that if it actually behaved such that every time it touched us it would take over our machinery and just for its own good start to proliferate, we would never exist. We are the result of viruses we are not being attacked by viruses and when I say that that’s quite literal.
When you look at the recent genomic sequencing we’re now getting good at understanding which parts of our DNA were inserted directly by viruses and we are now have counted up to more than 50% of the human genes resulting from direct viral updates, and at least 10% of our genes are direct viral updates from retroviruses like HIV. Over the last 100 years we have demonized the very mechanisms by which we have become real and that’s a terrifying mistake to make as when your paradigm is so reversed as a scientist that you were taught to fear an attack the very things that built you, you are now going to engineer your extinction!
We have done that through the advent of antimicrobials, antivirals, anti-fungals and the like.
He then said: There’s many doctors listening right now who are saying well that’s that’s gotta be BS because I see patients dying of pneumonia and if I give them an antibiotic they improve. This is where we again fail to see the big picture and we start to measure outcomes by two weeks instead of two years or 20 years in these individuals. We now know that a single course of antibiotics undermines human biology immediately as we destroy the fabric of the organic soil of our microbiome a single course of antibiotics is now been documented to increase your risk of major depression in the next 12 months by 17% your risk of major anxiety disorder by 24% if you get 2 courses of antibiotics in the next year over a 12 month period your risk of major depression event is now 44% your risk of a massive anxiety disorder is 52%. It’s this radical undermining of our brain and our neurologic function when we just take an antibiotic but more terrifyingly if you look at the United States you can look at the antibiotic prescription rate per state within the United States and show a perfect correlation to the risk of death from cancer in those states so the higher the rate of antibiotic prescription the more likely you die from cancer.
The soil within our gut is actually the mechanism by which we produce health and when we undermine the soil the plant life dies and in this case that happens to be us.
If you look at your stool, that is the ultimate compost within you. When you flush the toilette, you just ate a few hours ago, and now it looks like soil. You are a composting machine for the microbial intelligence within you. Just as you put compost into your garden to make it more abundant we forget about our own, and are just given medication and supplements to manage diseases that are manifesting from a lack of soil health. And we destroy the soils of the earth which causes our soils to be lacking through chemicals and pesticides.
Okay guys, that was just the first 25 minutes!!!
I’m just going to post a little bit more here because this next points were also SO GOOD!
The power has definitely been taken away from the individual to pursue health! PREACH!
Marbled halls and white coats and stethoscopes and all the fancy trappings of MRI machines and CT scans and billions of dollars of laboratories we give the impression we know what is going on and the reality is we have no clue because we have been going down this long wrong path and believing that the human system is this isolated system that has to fight off infections and most importantly it needs an immune system to kill all microorganisms around it so that it doesn’t die.
We don’t need infections, that is the mentality that is out there both in the position of the scientists and the public still and yet we know as of 30 years ago so that humans can’t survive unless microorganisms within it are providing massive biodiversity. In the last 15 years it’s been mind blowing to realize that’s not isolated to our gut, in fact we have bacteria/fungi/viruses teaming in every single organ of our body to produce health.
When we start to slip into disease, the microbiome goes into an adaptation stress response system to try to recover our health! Alzheimer’s brains when you section those and you look, the most damaged part of the brain what has come to help is a yeast form of candida glabrata that has now shifted to a mycelial like fungal hyphae form that is built a network of mycelial like root system around the damaged portion of the brain to try to bring nutrients and fuel resource the damaged area brain. We have feared yeast that we are terrified in hospital systems trying to eradicate all, then finding out that that’s actually was trying to help recover the brain of this Alzheimer’s patient as they start to decline.
We’ve now seen that in breast cancer the bacteria that shows up to try to recover the health of the breast cancer is mycobacterium radio tolerance and that species of bacteria is able to thrive in the acidic environment around the breast cancer and it’s able to try to bring again nutrients and fuel production and communication into that space. We now know that the more sterile you make that patient, the faster that woman will have metastatic cancer and so as you undermined not just the guts soils but the soils that are within us.
We keep seeing in the hospital for example, examples of here’s an infection if I don’t treat that infection this patient is going to die and so we forget then to back up and say the reason that patient has an infection is because we so damaged the soil system but there’s now a weed like growth of a couple of organisms and we’re going to go in and try to wipe out the weeds. This response is going to make more and more aggressive weeds and more and more drug resistant weeds and that’s of course exactly what I see now when I’m working with farmers. Their soil systems when I go out into a farm on a conventional landscape it’s not unusual for us to see is roundup resistant weeds that are taking over farms, they can be the size of Christmas trees these weeds with a trunk, they’ve been so forced into this extreme effort to recover the biology of this dying soil system as soon as you stop trying to kill them one year later that soil no longer has that weed present, the need for that weed went away because the soil began to recover its ecosystem. If in our damage control we need a moment of antibiotics we need to instead of saying now you’re better from your pneumonia we need to say we just made things worse and you’re going to come back next year or in a few months with something much worse and unfortunately that answer is we just wiped out your microbiome again and so right now as you leave the hospital we are going to put you on that three month journey into microbiome diversification so we would like you to change and modify your daily behavior so that the nature is starting to bring more and more microbial diversity into your life everyday. (WOW WOULDN’T THAT BE THE DAY!)
If that was the discharge instructions from the hospital we would stop the recidivism that we see in medicine, the same way we see it in prisons because we don’t fix the underlying cause of socio economic collapse, lack of education and all of this that would yield a better prison system. Hospital work is such a burnout career to be a hospitalist and so as an internal medicine doctor I’d spent so many years in hospitals in ICU’s and when you are admitting the same patient for the same condition for the fourth time in a single month you start to really give up hope, and as we see you know cancer now reaching 1 or two males in the united states will now be diagnosed with cancer that’s mind boggling like that’s a doubling of our cancer rate just in the last 30 years!
Alzheimer’s certainly Parkinson’s, and down into our children with attention deficit, hyperactivity, autism and the like our population is failing to build healthy brains and so the anti depressants, that anti anxieties, the sleep medicines, the sexual disorders all of this explosion of this function of the brain is because the organism is losing the soil system and so we need to radically change our viewpoint from oh we just fixed the pneumonia to we just did a whack amole situation.
If you look at the recent Netflix release on Bill Gates and feel good story about the Gates Foundation (SO CORRUPT) on what they’re trying to do to eradicate polio and these viral infections by these very intensive almost military efforts of vaccination. What you see is they stamp it out and one thing in there he’s showing that, hey we eradicated here but then it pops up of here, and we implement our system over here in this county and we eradicated, but it popped up back over here so they’re doing the whack a mole game not just in a single city but in the whole populations where they can’t suppress the infection because they’re not realizing that they’re playing on a 2 dimensional test board when in fact biology is 3 dimensional and the micro organisms are through the soil water and air systems.
The reason they’re there is because we have damaged the system. We didn’t eradicate polio, for example until we changed our water systems and we could chlorinate our pools and sinks. We would have kids still with polio today, if it wasn’t for changing the water, and yet have this story that the polio vaccine made polio go away. No, we changed 1000 things and medical management around the tonsils and adenoids and radiation for acne that was going on at the time and everything else we stopped doing then the children recovered and their immune systems strengthened and we changed their water environment. We’re seeing the inability for that same polio vaccine to eradicate it in India because we’re not fixing the underlying problem which is an abnormal unbalanced terrain of water and soil systems because there’s so much chemical toxicity there. (NOT TO MENTION THE VACCINES MAKE PEOPLE MORE SICK!) Vaccines are all about $ not health.
Corona deaths are all from co-morbidities. Cardiovascular, diabetes and kidney disease are the most common, which none of those have to do with physiology of a virus. Why are those populations? Why not asthma and emphysema? Why? All three are usually categorized into two medications: statins and ACE inhibitors. These meds change the terrain of our lungs, which makes the population prone to a disease event, which has ALL to do with the terrain. The virus is expressing, if we change our terrain (which is what the drugs do), you have problems.
The video goes on to talk about vaccinations, the basis behind them and why having a corona virus vaccine is a terrible idea.
I HIGHLY suggest you watch the rest, if you have the time, which I know you do because we are still in quarantine 😉
I hope while reading from this video that i transcribed, that you see similar themes as to what I try to educate you with as much as I can. I hope and pray more doctors wake up! If you are tired of trying to educate people around you about why this virus isn’t going away and it’s not bad then send them this:) And don’t stop sharing!
Here is the link to the full video:
Here is another great resources of many doctors and health advocates trying to dismantle the “germ theory”
This week we are talking about Cardamom. The oil of POWER!
The chemical makeup of Cardamom essential oil makes it a calming oil—allowing it to provide soothing effects for the digestive system when ingested. Cardamom oil can be used to slow down muscle contractions in the intestines and to ease bowel looseness,* which is why it is commonly taken to aid in digestion.* Consider taking Cardamom oil internally when experiencing occasional feelings of stomach discomfort, or after over-indulging at dinner.* When taken internally, it is best to dilute one drop of Cardamom oil in 4 oz. of liquid.
Just as Cardamom oil can be used to calm the digestive system, its aroma can also be calming and soothing. When using Cardamom essential oil to promote a sense of openness or feelings of mental clarity, consider diffusing the oil in the essential oil diffuser of your choice. Diffusing Cardamom oil helps promote a sense of a clear head, offering an overall soothing and calming feeling.
The calming and soothing properties of Cardamom essential oil can also be experienced when used topically. When you want to soothe or cool your skin, apply Cardamom oil on the skin for a cooling, refreshing sensation. Remember, when applying Cardamom essential oil to the skin, apply one or two drops to the area and dilute the oil with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to help avoid skin irritation or sensitivity.
Freshly ground Cardamom seeds are used widely in the culinary world; you can use Cardamom oil in place of cardamom seeds to enhance the flavor of many recipes. The minty flavor and scent of Cardamom has made it a popular ingredient in traditional Indian sweets and teas. It is also used in curry dishes due to its warm, spicy aroma and flavor. As a companion to coffees, teas, sauces, and pastries, Cardamom is truly “queen of the spices.” Next time you are cooking, consider adding Cardamom oil to breads, smoothies, meats, and salads to enrich food flavor and to aid digestion.*
Another internal benefit of Cardamom essential oil is its ability to promote clear airways and breathing and aid in respiratory health.* It is a key ingredient in the doTERRA Breathe® Respiratory Blend and Respiratory Drops.
Bottle of Cardamom oil next to a dinner plate, fork, and napkin. What does Cardamom oil smell like? Cardamom essential oil has a warm aroma that is both spicy and sweet.
Cardamom essential oil has a unique, pungent aroma that makes it useful around the home when you want an inviting, warm scent to fill the room. Cardamom oil’s spicy, warm, balsamic aroma is the perfect addition to any cozy home—particularly in the fall and winter. If you want to spread the unique fragrance of Cardamom essential oil around your own home, try making your own potpourri with Cardamom oil. You can place it anywhere you want a spicy and warm aroma.