Hidden reasons for gut dysfunction, and how it can affect pain

Your gut dys-funtion is coming from where?.
You’ve heard me talk many times about the importance of gut health, and it’s role in why autoimmune conditions exist.  Our gut is our  number 1 immunity!  There is so much information about the gut microbiome that is relatively new within the last five years, and it is so complex that research is constantly expanding on the subject.
I have spoken before about hidden bugs, not enough good bacteria, non organic and GMO foods, hormones, and processed foods all contributing to our gut dysfunction.  But what I have no talked about it strictly your brain and nervous system causing gut dysfunction.

This is seen REALLY commonly in children and infants when they have digestion issues because of the strong influence of their nervous system allowing them to grow.

There is one HUGE nerve that controls what we have “rest and digestion” in our body.
Have you heard of it?  It’s called the Vagus Nerve.

There are two nerves one coming from each side of our brain.

If you look at this photo which is the inside of the skull, your brain would be sitting on top, there is a hole where the vagus nerve comes out.

When the occiput bone which is the bone in the back of your head gets compressed, it makes that hole smaller, which pushes on the nerve.  This causes the nerve to not do it’s job, and good “rest and digestion” don’t take place.  Babies are extremely sensitive when this gets compressed through the birth process, and leads to many digestion difficulties.

But, in adults it has the same affect.  AS you know the body is connected, and when that tissue around the brain gets twisted, your whole spine will REACT.  Specifically with your gut, your low back nerves will react as well.  So you may also feel low back pain as well as your gut being dysfunctional.

It’s a two way street.  Your gut being dys-regulated can cause your body( including the bones of your head) to go out of alignment, and your body out of alignment can cause your gut to not work great.

Solution!  Fix both of course!

Cranial Care does not exist in the chiropractic realm very much, we are not taught it in school.  Luckily, extra training allows me to be able to take pressure off of that vagus nerve, and off the entire nervous system.

If this type of chiropractic care alone does not help with your digestion, then most likely you’ve got some hidden bugs, deficiences, allergies, ect.

The GUT is huge for many things, but autoimmunity is soo high and growing, its really an epidemic.  Heal the gut and nervous system, and you can eliminate a good majority of conditions.

This last week, I saw a ton of gut imbalance from a strange virus causing low back pain.  Specifically where the quadratus lumborum muscle is, and into the hips.  This muscle is connected with the large intestine, as well as the temporal bone in your head.  Once I took the pressure off the temporal bone, I noticed the muscle wasn’t fully relaxing. I then had to investigate and found the large intestine being involved with a virus point showing up!.  Bizarre right?  Who knew.  But. the body is ever so complex.