Tag Archives: wellness

How Chiropractic BOOSTS Fertility (Men & Women)

How Chiropractic Boosts Fertility ( Men & Women)

Happy Monday Everyone!  Continuing on this week about Fertility, We are going to be diving in to each section of last week’s blog.  Natural options as to how we can BOOST fertility in men AND women.

In last week’s blog, we chatted about how Nervous System Health can boost fertility, and why it is part of my 120 day Fertility Program.But why is this so important, and how does Chiropractic help with this?!

I’m SOO Glad you asked! 🙂

Let’s do a little anatomy review here first:

The brain controls every function of our body.  It does so by sending “signals” to the rest of your body to control functions.  
Here is an example:
Your brain sends signals through nerves that go specifically to your heart, to signal it to beat.The same thing happens in your hormone regulation.

There is a gland in your brain called the pituitary gland….

(not my picture)

This gland sends signals to: for women, the ovaries, and men the testes.  (It also sends signals to other organs, but for the sake of this topic we will talk about this).

This gland sits in a bone in the head called the sphenoid bone.  Its like a little saddle that holds this gland in place.

However, this bone, the sphenoid is pretty much the center of all cranial bone movement.

This is a view from the inside of the skull (looking in)

(not my picture)


Because of it’s location, any slight disruption in the movement can cause pressure into the pituitary gland.

What disrupts it?

A few things can cause disruption within the movement of this bone:

1. Birth.  The birth process itself can put pressure on certain areas of the head, that aren’t “normal” .  Sometimes the body is able to adapt, and the bones will naturally move into their correct place, other times (for most of us), they need guiding to get back into their original position.  This is where craniopathy care comes in.

2.  Any head trauma.  Hitting your head as a child, concussions, even just rocking the head back and forth disrupts the movement.

3.  Clenching of the teeth.  Do you clench your teeth?  DO you know you clench your teeth?  A good majority of my patients had NO idea they were clenchers.  Even their dentists never told them or didn’t know.  Clenching is a sign that there is dysfunction in the cranial system and inflammation.  The more you clench the more stress on the cranial system and on that delicate pituitary gland.

4.  Emotional trauma.  This can cause disruption within the flow of these bones as well.  The cranial system is intricately connected to the emotional system.  Usually one affects the other.

5. Low back/pelvis injuries.  Since the body is connected low back injuries affect the upper regions as well and can make the body going into compensatory patterns, which put the cranial bones in abnormal positions.

So… If there is disruption, then the SIGNAL from the pituitary won’t get effectively to the sex organs, because the connection is poor.  It’s like someone tripped the breaker switch.

The same goes for nerves that actually stimulate the sex organs.  

The lumbar spine, which is your LOW BACK, has nerves that come directly out of the discs and canals in the vertebrae.  These nerves control the function of the organs.

(not my picture)


So if the nerve coming out of that vertebrae in the low back is not functioning properly, the organs that are innervated by that region will not function well either. 

How do the nerves in the low back get compromised?

In chiropractic we call it a “subluxation”, meaning the movement within that joint is not proper, which then affects the nerves. The abnormal movement makes the signaling compromised.
Some examples of how they get compromised:

-improper postures
-sitting too much
-daily activities
-pelvic floor dysfunction

These are all examples of what makes that low back area get dysfunctional.

In my practice, I have seen hormone cases where they have taken everything in the book for fertility.  And it’s just as simple as actually getting the nerves functioning through craniopathy specific chiropractic that makes the difference.

You see, you can give all the supplements in the world, but if the nerve signal isn’t getting to the organ, or your brain is inflamed, fertility will not be optimal.  The supplements you take probably won’t be as affective either.

Get the nervous system functioning first, and then fill in the gaps nutritionally and emotionally.

This is why chiropractic is #1 in my 120 day fertility program.

Heal the brain and nervous system, and see what the body can do!

This goes for men too.  When signaling isn’t proper, your sex organs and hormone regulation won’t be as great either, which means the genetics you are making for your child won’t be optimal either…

You didn’t know you can change your genes to create the healthiest baby?!  That’s for another day….

That is all for now.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.
Dr. Hamel