Tag Archives: cranial

Review of the Literature: Vagus Nerve and Treatment of Gastrointestinal and Psychiatric Disorders

Happy Monday Tribe!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and amazing Fourth of July!  Last week I mentioned that I am switching to ONE office starting in August.  I won’t be in mission valley after that, so please schedule accordingly:)


I came across a very interesting article this weekend, as you know i’m always nerding out to more science!
Some of this I already know, but I found it interesting enough to write about for all of you guys to learn about!

The article came out of a psychiatry journal, but the physical and emotional are so interconnected, it’s no wonder they are finding the two so intertwined!

You’ve heard me talk extensively about the vagus nerve.  One of the 12 cranial nerves that exits out of the skull.  One of our best calming nerves we got!  It starts up in the head, but continues down into the abdomen.

(not my image)

It is part of what’s called the parasympathetic nervous system.  This system overseas a numerous amount of bodily functions, mood control, immunity, digestion, heart rate.

This nerve connects the brain and the GI tract by sending information to the brain about how the inner organs are doing.  Stimulating this nerve influences the brain stem to play crucial roles in mood and anxiety disorders (called monoaminergic brain systems).
What else?  There’s also evidence that gut bacteria have an effect of mood, by affecting the vagus nerve.

Let’s talk about the GUT brain axis for a minute.  The gut has its own nervous system, called the enteric nervous system.  It produces more than 30 neurotransmitters and has more neurons than the spine!  Why aren’t we addressing the gut more?! (well, i do, but just saying)…….

Hormones that are released from this system cross the blood brain barrier and work together with the vagus nerve.  The gut is also a huge important factor in controlling the immune system, but also the vagus nerve has immune modulating properties to work with it.
So this little (or big) nerve has a role with the gut, brain and inflammation.

How is the vagus nerve linked between our main (central) nervous system, and this enteric nervous system??

The gut brain axis includes the brain, spinal cord, autonomic NS, HPA axis.  The vagus nerve sends signals from the brain to the gut which account for 10-20% and then transports signals from the gut wall to the brain which accounting for 80-90% of all the fibers.  

This nerve also regulates the HPA axis, which releases hormones from the hypothalamus in the brain.  It leads to cortisol release, a stress hormone .  Which we all know stress hormones affect us all around. The vagus nerve also has lines of communications to influence intestinal function, which are under the influence of the gut microbes.

How is the vagus linked to the immune system?

The GI tract is faced all the time with food antigens, pathogens, microbiotica that may cause intestinal inflammation.  This is HIGHLY innervated by the vagus nerve. It has many anti-inflammatory capacities ( i won’t go into them all ). For those that want to nerd out  you know who you are, I’ll copy it here:

“The anti-inflammatory capacities of the vagus nerve are mediated through three different pathways (18). The first pathway is the HPA axis, which has been described above. The second pathway is the splenic sympathetic anti-inflammatory pathway, where the vagus nerve stimulates the splenic sympathetic nerve. Norepinephrine (NE) (noradrenaline) released at the distal end of the splenic nerve links to the β2 adrenergic receptor of splenic lymphocytes that release ACh. Finally, ACh inhibits the release of TNF-α by spleen macrophages through α-7-nicotinic ACh receptors. The last pathway, called the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAIP), is mediated through vagal efferent fibers that synapse onto enteric neurons, which in turn release ACh at the synaptic junction with macrophages (18). ACh binds to α-7-nicotinic ACh receptors of those macrophages to inhibit the TNF-α (69). Compared to the HPA axis, the CAIP has some unique properties, such as a high speed of neural conductance, which enables an immediate modulatory input to the affected region of inflammation (70). Therefore, the CAIP plays a crucial role in the intestinal immune response and homeostasis, and presents a highly interesting target for the development of novel treatments for inflammatory diseases related to the gut immune system (618).”

What about the vagus for mood and PTSD?

Stimulating the vagus nerve decreases hippocampal activity in the brain through a neurotransmitter called GABA.  The hippocampus is pretty critical in the fear circuit.  When we decrease this activity, we calm the body. It’s been shown in numerous studies to decrease anxiety.  

What about inflammatory bowel diseases?

Vagus nerve stimulation gives an inflammatory response to endotoxins.  It also stimulates the spleen through its connection to the splenic nerve.  It’s been shown to calm down ulcerative colitis, crohns disease and also rheumatoid arthritis. 


The vagus nerve is an essential part of the brain–gut axis and plays an important role in the modulation of inflammation, the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, and the regulation of food intake, satiety, and energy homeostasis. An interaction between nutrition and the vagus nerve is well known, and vagal tone can influence food intake and weight gain.

The vagus nerve plays an important role in the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders, obesity as well as other stress-induced and inflammatory diseases.



So that’s all great right, but how do we stimulate that vagus nerve for our health?  In the article they stimulate it through electrodes, but we like other means .

1. Breathing.  Breathing properly is HUGE for activating the vagus nerve. It runs through the diaphragm, so many bowel problems come from improper movement of the diaphragm.

2. Craniopathy.  Of course!  Directly taking pressure off the vagus nerve where it’s entrapped has a huge impact on it’s ability.  Its the BEST way in my opinion.

3. Quantum neurology.  Once the pressure is taken off the nerve you can also directly affect its activation through neurological testing and light therapy.

4.  Exercise.  Some say yoga and meditation has a big effect on the vagus nerve, but i’m not huge into yoga, so I say proper breathing and stretching techniques are your best bet.

Many patients experience extreme calmness after an adjustment and this is why!  We are stimulating that vagus nerve!  Mood will change, guts will changes, and inflammation will change!

I mean look at the circuit of it’s path!!!

(not my image)


Division of Molecular Psychiatry, Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland




ON the spotlight this week is Do Terra Patchouli.   What better way to stimulate the vagus nerve than through aromatherapy.  That’s in the research too!

Patchouli is a bushy herb from the mint family with stems reaching two or three feet in height and bearing small, pink-white flowers. Easily recognized for its rich, musky-sweet fragrance, Patchouli is regularly used in the perfume industry as well as in scented products such as laundry detergents and air fresheners. Patchouli is beneficial to the skin in many ways. It is often topically used to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and minor skin imperfections and to promote a smooth, glowing complexion. The fragrance of Patchouli provides a grounding, balancing effect on emotions.


  • Combine with Peppermint and apply to the forehead, temples, or back of the neck after a long day of work.
  • Apply one to two drops to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, or problem skin areas, or add to your favorite moisturizer.
  • Combine with Vetiver and apply to the bottoms of feet to help calm emotions.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.



Have a happy and healthy week,


Dr Rachel hamel


Mommy Brain, it exists and it’s a super power!

Happy Monday Tribe!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!.  Last week we talked about the importance of the tongue and it’s mobility effecting the brain.  If you missed it, don’t forget to catch the replay here:



This week we are going to be talking about MOMMY BRAIN.

First of all, it’s probably best to chat about what mommy brain is, and if it exists right?

Many women who are pregnant claim that they feel like there are lots of things happening in their brains that they don’t understand.  Their memories get foggy so it’s hard to carry on a conversation or remember whether or not they put the an ingredient in the recipe.

Some researchers say there is no such thing as mommy brain, but still there are others and many women that would say otherwise.  The American Psychological Association concluded that 50-80% of women reported decreased concentration and memory while being pregnant.

However, we have learned that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Some researchers are saying that these symptoms actually are changes in the brain that may end up making the woman smarter and better equipped to keep her child healthy and safe. WHAT?!
This flood of reproductive hormones may actually prepare the brain for demands of being a mother.
This makes her more sensitive and a more effective caregiver, less irritated by stress and more in tune with the needs of a newborn.

Another doctor says this is why mothers can hear the babies stir, while the fathers are fast asleep. Also, when the fetus moves inside the womb of the mother, it can raise her heart rate and skin conductivity, all signs of an emotional response.  Meaning the mother will be better able to bond with her infant even before its born!

The placenta is a sac like membrane that is created to help feed and nourish the growing baby from the mother.  But fetal cells can also enter the mother’s bloodstream through the same means.  This could influence the changing of the brain preparing her for the needs and love of the infant. 

What about the actual brain size?

They have found through MRI scans that a woman’s brain may physically shrink 3-5% during the third trimester of pregnancy! 
BUT, the shrinking is not just a loss of brain cells as we might think, it’s actual do to changes in cellular metabolism that happen.  Brain circuits are being restructured to prepare for more connections that will be needed.  And some areas of the brain even grow larger when others are smaller.

After about 6 months postpartum, the brain goes back to its original size (the body is so cool), but with a better circuit system.  Women who’ve never had children don’t have this, meaning they aren’t as resistant to stress or enhanced memory and cognition (stinks for me).

But to the mother going through that change, that’s where the fogginess comes from .  It’s like a construction zone.  But once the infant is born, and those changes start to become organized, the brain is actually MORE efficient and focused.  


Here’s another interesting change in the brain.  When a woman is early in her pregnancy, her sense of smell changes right?  She’s more aware of odors.  This is because it is a protective mechanism.  It makes her more sensitive to the smell of food that may be bad for her and her child.  It also makes her actually like the smells given off by her baby, part of the bonding process guided by the brain.

Other areas of the brain also change and grow after motherhood.  The hypothalamus, PFC and amygdala, the motivation and reward centers grow.  This highly motivates the mother to care for her child and makes her feel that sense of reward with interactions from the child. These areas of the brain are also crucial for planning and foresight, something that’s needed to anticipate the child’s needs “maternal instinct”.

The brain fog can also come from the fact that the brain is changing priorities.  Mother’s have better memories about things related to their infant.  Its important for them to remember what is really important and needed for them to remember at that time.

In the workplace this could also be a benefit!  More efficient, perceptive, motivated and empathetic.  No wonder there are so many mom entrepreneurs, as we know a lot of trade jobs are actually going out and will go out in the coming years.

So that being said, it seems there IS such thing as a mommy brain.  But it actually happens for a reason as we’ve seen and actually makes them more of a SUPERHERO!, benefitting her for her entire life.  A little fogginess may results in a new level of focus and attention.

Since the need is GREAT for your brain during this time in particular, it’s important that your brain is healthy to be able to create these new circuits. 

This means women should think BEFORE going into pregnancy different, and take care of themselves differently as well as during and post partum.  The demand is high for brain use, this means more focus needs to be put on enhancing it.  Just like how I talk about in children the biggest growth of their brain is 0-2 years old so we need to make sure we allow it to grow most effectively.

How do I prepare, or what should I do to enhance my brain for mommy brain?

1.  Get cranial care.  If there’s pressure on the brain, it will be less likely to be able to process new information when it can’t even handle it’s current load. We said the hypothalamus, PFC and amygdala all grow, so we need to be able to give them that space to do so. Craniopathy care helps dramatically take the stress off the brain, decrease inflammation and allow WAY less fogginess.

2. Proper nutrition.  Since your using a LOT of brain power you need to feed the brain.  Lots of good fats are needed, and supplementation is critical.  Supplement with a high grade OMEGA supplement is always warranted pre during and post partum.(not all supplements are created equal remember, some could be TOXIC, so please consult me before taking if you haven’t already).  Additionally, looking at the exact vitamin and mineral needs are also important.  This requires specific testing, as a one size fits all prenatal vitamin just doesn’t cut it anymore.

3.  Exercise.  Exercise helps the brain make more NRF2.  This enhances the brain function, reduces stress, builds stamina.  Just don’t get exhausted or breathless as that depletes oxygen from you and baby. Lots of hydration.  Being pregnant isn’t an illness, you can still exercise and need to.  Just don’t overdue it.

4. Watch cell phone use.  Exposing fetuses to cell phone radiation does in fact affect their behavior as adults, and changes brain structure for both.

5. Get plenty of rest.  Can’t sleep?  Thats what I’m here for!  Cranial care helps tremendously with sleep, and taking away the aches and pains that come with a growing child.

If you neglect these practices, you might find that you may be more foggy, or not recuperate as quickly after baby.  Your brain can only do what it can do!  If you enhance it, think of how amazing it would be after?!


ON the spotlight this week is Balance!  Because what mom doesn’t need more of that?!

Created with the purpose of grounding emotions, doTERRA Balance is formulated with emotionally beneficial essential oils that work together to create a sense of calmness and well-being. doTERRA Balance essential oil blend has a variety of uses and benefits that can be obtained both aromatically and topically. When applied to the skin or diffused, doTERRA Balance can ease anxious feelings and create a soothing and calming environment—encouraging strong relaxation. The aroma of doTERRA Balance is sweet and woody and is the perfect fragrance for promoting feelings of balance and tranquility. Infused with Spruce, Ho Wood, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Frankincense essential oils, doTERRA Balance is the perfect blend for stabilizing emotions.

doTERRA Balance Uses and Benefits

  1. Relaxing your body begins with the mind. Help your body relax by focusing on your emotions first. Use doTERRA Balance essential oil blend to help ground your emotions so that your whole body can feel completely at ease when you need it most. This emotionally balancing blend is a great oil to use during meditation or yoga practices.
  2. Start your day off right by putting a little doTERRA Balance into your step. After you wake up, apply one to two drops of doTERRA Balance to the bottom of your feet. This will help promote feelings of calmness and tranquility throughout the day. doTERRA Balance can also be applied to your feet throughout the day to help lessen feelings of stress.
  3. If a road trip is in your future, make sure to bring some doTERRA Balance. For those long hours of driving in a full car, diffusing doTERRA Balance will help create a calming and soothing environment. Once you experience the serene feelings of doTERRA Balance, you’ll wonder how you ever took long road trips without it.
  4. doTERRA Balance is one of the essential oils used in the AromaTouch® technique. doTERRA Balance essential oil blend is important to the AromaTouch experience because it helps produce emotional harmony and relaxation. Experience the enriching benefits of doTERRA Balance during an AromaTouch Hand Massage by either applying it to your own hands or having someone else perform the hand massage. The AromaTouch Hand Massage can also be performed on a grandparent to help them feel relaxed and calm.
  5. If you experience occasional feelings of anxiousness, apply doTERRA Balance to your wrists and neck. The topical application of doTERRA Balance essential oil blend will help ease anxious feelings when they arise.
  6. One of the main benefits of doTERRA Balance is its ability to evoke feelings of tranquility. When you feel overwhelmed emotionally, take a step back and give yourself the peace your mind needs. Diffuse doTERRA Balance or apply doTERRA Balance topically to create an environment of tranquility so that you can press forward feeling emotionally balanced and ready to take on the tasks ahead of you.
  7. Do you find yourself with little time to sit back and let your mind relax? For an emotionally grounding experience in a short amount of time, apply one or two drops of doTERRA Balance to your hands and cup them over your nose, breathing in deeply. The same results can be felt by simply uncapping the doTERRA Balance essential oil blend bottle and breathing deeply with the bottle of doTERRA Balance held a couple of inches from the nose.
  8. Before you go to bed, apply doTERRA Balance to the bottoms of your feet. This calming and soothing blend will encourage a restful night’s sleep.
  9. Promote a whole body relaxation by including doTERRA Balance in your bath. doTERRA Balance will help relax the body and provide a comforting and soothing experience. For those moments when you just need time to relax and recharge, add a couple drops of doTERRA Balance with some Epsom salts to your bath water. You will love how easily it evokes feelings of balance and tranquility.
  10. doTERRA Balance is a powerful blend of CPTG® oils designed to promote harmony in the mind and body and help balance emotions. When you have stressful events or meetings, make sure to use doTERRA Balance so that you can experience a sense of stability and relaxation during situations that are prone to anxious and stressful feelings.
  • Spruce Leaf
  • Ho Wood Leaf
  • Frankincense Resin
  • Blue Tansy Flower
  • Blue Chamomile Flower
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil

That is all for now,


Have a happy and healthy Week!!

Dr. Hamel

Brain Injury… Connecting your Bite to your Brain

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed last week’s topic about head/brain trauma and how it’s found in everyday life, NOT just sports

This week we will be continuing on with topics around brain injury and spend a little time talking this week about the effects that brain trauma can have on an individual’s bite, and vice versa.  Next week we will be talking about how PTSD and emotional disorders are related/caused from head trauma so stay tuned!

So, we know from last week’s talk, that head trauma can come from anywhere, and our first experience in this world is our most important one to look at in regards to body function.

What do I mean by this?  Well, there’s a reason I ask ALL my patients young and old how their birth was.  This is because this is our first instance in our life where we are exposed to some sort of physical trauma.  Birth IS trauma.  Doesn’t matter the type, although more are far more traumatic that others.  But, it IS important to know all that happened.

If you’ve seen a birth or seen a child after a birth, you will notice the shape of their head is pretty misshapen.  Often a cone head or some other similar shape can occur. 
Now, although body is pretty amazing at healing itself, these misshapen bones don’t always go into their correct position.  I like to give the analog of dislocating your elbow for instance.  Will the joint just fall back into place?  No.  It needs to be guided back in.

That is why is it so IMPORTANT to see children right after birth to ensure that these bones and the joints in their spine are in the proper place and grow into the proper place. 

Why is that “proper place” important?  Because it holds the “all important organ” THE BRAIN!.  Since the brain is extremely sensitive to any little change in it’s environment, any slight little pressure on it can cause HUGE effects.  For a child, growth and development, pain, brain function, vision, digestion, hormones, ect… 

Well, what happens if they don’t get Craniopathy care? 
Since I don’t strictly see children in my practice, we as adults unless we’ve had Craniopathy care as an infant, grow into those dysfunctional patterns unfortunately. 

You many not be able to see from the outside these changes, unless dramatic.  But we all to some extent has some cranial dysfunction from birth.

So why is this important to the bite?

Well, the TEETH are just an extension of bone.  That’s all they are.  And we aren’t born with teeth right? The teeth actually extend down and grow in the way they do because of how the bones of the head are moving. If there is improper motion, or narrowing of the palate from birth for example, the teeth will grow into abnormal directions.  This is why individuals get braces

But that brings me to another issue.   If we get braces as a youth or an adult, and try to straighten or fix the bite, without addressing the head first and making sure the motion is balanced, we literally fix the teeth in a dysfunctional pattern.  We straighten the teeth, but don’t fix the headThis is very confusing for the brain.   What happens when the brain is confused?  Well, usually pain or problems in the body.

So, for this first point.  The teeth position or our “bite”, is HUGE.  A lot of individuals bite in the front of their teeth, which creates huge problems for symmetry in the body.  If they’ve had braces, it doesn’t mean that their bite is necessary balanced.  I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen that had braces and have terrible bites and thus terrible symptoms.  But the important thing to note here is that you NEED to balance the head to the bite.  

If there is any sort of shift in the bones of the head through any form of brain injury: birth, concussion, whiplash, ect., the bite will follow.  

This is why many individuals begin “clenching” after a brain injury.  It’s a sign of cranial stress!.  They also will most likely later on down the line start getting TMJ symptoms. If you just put a night guard on, you aren’t fixing any problems if you don’t address the head. Some mouth guards and appliances can actually make things worse, because they are just trying to focus on the teeth and the TMJ, without looking at all to the other bones of the head.  

Let’s give an example to make this a little clearer. 

Say I’m driving along, and I get rear ended and end up with whiplash, and hit my head on the back of the car seat. 

This trauma causes the brain to hit the bones of the end, and the tissue inside the head to torque, thus causing the bones of the head to shift.  Because of the shifting, certain muscles start tightening causing my right jaw joint to tighten up.  Because the right side is tighter, I start chewing more on the left side (subconsciously).  Chewing just on the left side then causes a pattern of tissue tightness down the whole left side of my body into the neck and down to the legs.  See the connection?

Now, if I think I just have TMJ, disregard the whole brain injury, then most likely I will get put in an appliance because I clench my teeth (sign of brain trauma).  Well the appliance will protect my teeth from the clenching, but will it actually fix anything?  Nope.  Some appliances are better than others, but they ALWAYS work best when the head dysfunction is addressed FIRST. 

make sense? 

Clenching and grinding in children is also a sign of head stress.  Most likely from birth trauma or another brain injury.  

Get them in.  We can change their outcome. 
Waiting it out with these things is not wise.  
Their brains depends on it. 

So to catch up. 

  • Head injuries causes the teeth to grow in an improper way.
  • Head injuries after the teeth have grown in also change bite position because of shifting the system and muscles tightening.  
  • This improper bite then causes further stress back up into the head and body because it’s not balanced. 

Back and forth it can go. 

BUT, there’s answers!

Fix the dysfunction….. Then work with the bite as needed from some functional dentists ( I know several), and you can get brain freedom and a balanced bite.

And mom’s.  Get your kids in after birth!  We can avoid problems later in life caused by these traumas.

Oil of the WEEK.

The oil of the week this week is DDR PRIME!
DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of essential oils that supports healthy cellular integrity.* Great for the brain!! Protective against oxidative stress, Clove, Thyme, Litsea, and Wild Orange are prominent components of DDR Prime and provide powerful antioxidants. The Cellular Complex blend also includes essential oils from Frankincense, Lemongrass, Summer Savory, and Niaouli, which help support a healthy immune response.* In addition, DDR Prime is calming to the nervous system.* Soothe the body and the mind by taking a drop internally or combine with a carrier oil and massage into the skin. Supportive to the health of the brain and nervous system, use DDR Prime as daily overall wellness support.*


  • Add 1–2 drops to citrus drinks, teas, or water and consume daily to protect the body and cells from oxidative stress.*
  • Combine with a carrier oil for a soothing topical massage.
  • Add DDR Prime to your daily supplement routine to support brain and nervous system health.*
  • When needed most or as a daily boost, take 1-2 drops of DDR Prime to promote a healthy immune response.*



That is all for now.



have a happy and healthy week!


Dr. Hamel





What does detoxing your brain look like?

Happy Monday!  Last week we talked about the four pathways of elimination that need to be working efficiently for us everyday. If they aren’t, then we get inflammation and chronic conditions like hormone dysfunction, fatigue, skin conditions, ect.  I hope you are all enjoying this month, and as always, if you have topics you want more information on, let me know!

This week we will briefly talk about how your brain detoxes and why this is so important for our health.  As well as tips to increase it’s productivity so that we can optimize our brain function and detox pathways.

We talked last week about the lymphatic system and it’s importance in keeping it flowing.  We have a similar system in our brain it’s called the glymphatic system, or the “brain drain”.

This system was only recently discovered in 2012. It’s uses the cell’s mitochondria (energy system) to remove cellular waste from the brain.  The cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) in the brain is what is responsible for draining toxins from brain.  The brain has no lymphatic system, just the CSF fluid.

The kicker here, is this system is especially active during sleep!  That being said if you enhance the mitochondria’s ability during sleep, you will turbocharge this maintenance system and get more cleanup in less time.

In 2013 as well, researchers found that something called “autophagy” is required for healthy brain cell mitochondria.  This is a natural process called autophagy (literally “self-eating”), and it’s the bodies system of cleaning house: Your cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip ’em for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts.

It’s like an internal recycling program.  We get rid of faulty parts, stop growths, ect.  When the scientists monitored rat specimens who had difficulty with autophagy, they were fatter, sleepier, had higher cholesterol and impaired brains.

How to increase autophagy to boost the cell’s mitochondrial function:

1. Exercise.  “Regular exercise is the most popular way that people unintentionally help their body to cleanse.”

2. Fasting.  Although I don’t usually recommend skipping meals, occasional fasting is actually beneficial. Practitioners usually forgo food for anywhere from 12 to 36 hours at a time, making sure to drink plenty of water. (You might also want to limit activity to gentle yoga or stretching.)

3. Lower your carb intake.Ketosis, is an increasingly popular diet among bodybuilders and anyone seeking a longer lifespan. The idea is to reduce carbohydrates to such low levels that the body has no choice but to use fat as a fuel source instead.

Ketosis is like an autophagy hack. You get a lot of the same metabolic changes and benefits of fasting without actually fasting.
Keto diets are super high fat (good fats): Between 60 and 70 percent of one’s overall calories should come from fat. (Lots of steak, bacon, and peanut butter shakes are a definite bonus for the keto crowd.) Protein makes up 20 to 30 percent of calories, while carbs are kept below 50 grams per day.

So, increasing good fats, moving and intermittent fasting improve this system.  But what about getting it flowing directly at its source?  What about actually changing it in the brain where it flows in and out of?

That’s right! Cranial care!

Craniopathy care has been proven to increase the CSF flow in the brain and in the entire system.  When there is pressure on the brain from the bones of the head, this fluid cannot maintain its flow.

This means the CSF flow is hindered.  Therefore, the detox pathway is hindered.

Additionally, as I mentioned previously, this system is active entirely during your sleep.  So if your sleep is hindered, or you aren’t getting adequate deep sleep you won’t be detoxing your noggin and body very well.

Sleep can be helped in many ways.

1.  Getting cranial care
2.  Supplementation, including minerals and herbs
3. Exercise
4.  Reducing EMF exposure.  No tv or cell phones in the bed room.  Turn off your wifi in your home every night, and make sure there’s no light in your room.  Completely dark room allows your brain to produce melatonin.  EMF exposure actually calcifies the pituitary which releases melatonin.
5.  Essential Oils and CBD. Certain oils can be really helpful for creating calmness and allowing sleep to happen.

What Signifies a Traumatic Brain Injury? What are the ramifications?

I recently attended a heavy metals summit, where I learned quite a bit, but one talk in the mix was about brain health and the ability to detox.
What’s important to mention first is a little anatomy about the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system in our body has many networks and vessels similar to our blood vessels.  However, our lymphatic system doesn’t have a “pump” like a heart to push the lymphatic fluid around. A lot of it is pumped though muscle movement, so this is why we are meant to move! The lymphatic system is extremely important in our body. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. 

What many don’t know is we also have a lymphatic network within our brain.  It’s called the glymphatic system. This system clears waste and toxins from the brain, but is really only active in our sleep.  It’s is pretty inactive during the day.  So, as we know and have mentioned many times, sleep is oh so important and DEEP sleep.
This network travels down into the freely moving lymphatic system. It travels down the tonsils (which if you have tonsil scars this can impede the movement), and into the veins of the neck for flow, and also depends on the vagus nerve.

We know that we live in a toxic soup.  There are toxins and heavy metals all around, it is safe to say we all have some sort of heavy metal toxicity.  From food, to injections, to fillings, to carried through the placenta, to our rainfall, ect.  We need our lymphatic and glymphatic system working and working well for us to be able to detox efficiently.  And for most we need some guidance on getting these toxic things out safely.
* NOTE here.. if you still have amalgam fillings you ABSOLUTELY need them out.  It’s mercury slowly leaking into your blood and brain everyday, and many symptoms will alleviate from their PROPER removal with a biological dentist.

Why have I talked about the glymphatic and lymphatic systems?  Well, in traumatic brain injuries…. Wait, what qualifies a traumatic brain injury?

A traumatic brain injury doesn’t really have to by definition be that traumatic.  Our brain is really delicate, and these systems in the brain like the glymphatic system are very delicate.  So just jolting your head back and forth say in a mild whip lash incident, or if you are a heavy clencher every night, had a lot of pressure on your head from birth, or maybe you had a concussion, or whacked your head on something as a child.  You don’t really need to have a full on head blow, but a lot of individuals shrug off mild car accidents for example.  When in reality, it could really be effecting how your brain is functioning.  

The ramifications of these injuries:
1. The Glymphatic is not working optimally.  This means toxins aren’t being eliminated from our brains, our brains aren’t healing, which can lead to:

A buildup of beta amyloid– which is one of the causes of alzheimers.

3. Decrease in neuroplasticity of the brain  – umbrella term referring to the ability of your brain to reorganize itself, both physically and functionally, throughout your life due to your environment, behavior, thinking, and emotions.

4.  Decrease in blood flow

5. Decrease in cranial nerve, and vagal nerve function.

So, how do we promote the health of this system, and therefore decrease our chances for these side effects?

1. Craniopathy and SOT chiropractic care is the GO TO.  This directly decreases the brain inflammation and increases the brain circulation.  This also decreases the pressure on the important vagus nerve which controls rest and digestion, and can help you get that deep sleep and relaxation to get the glymphatic system moving again.  There is no other way or ability to take pressure off the brain from brain injuries naturally and effectively.

2. Far infrared sauna– decreases the toxic load, increases circulation.
3. Hyperbaric oxygen– Oxygen directly to the brain improves circulation.
4. Lymphatic massage– gets the lymph moving

5. Ionic footbath – decreases the toxic load
6. Exercise.
7. Coffee Enemas – decreases the toxic load internally.
8.  Supplementation and essential oils–  Some supplements like Ginko and others can increase circulation to the brain and increase memory and support healing.

Again, the world is toxic, that is why so many people are sick and getting sicker. Infections LOVE metals.  It creates environments they thrive in, so usually chronic infections and conditions are being caused by heavy metal toxicity.  Our ability to detox is inhibited because there is just so much around us all the time.  It’s really amazing we are all doing as well as we are with what we are exposed to.  Maintain that brain health!

That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel


On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s DDR Prime. This is my go to for brain inflammation, because it repairs DNA.

Cells are the foundation of all living things. Their growth, replication, and death provide the information for the function of all our body’s systems. As we age, cellular function progressively degrades and this process can be expedited by poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress, exposure to toxins, and other lifestyle habits. When cellular function is compromised, the normal process of growth and regeneration is altered, negatively impacting all normal and healthy processes.

DDR Prime Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils combined to support cell health, function, and renewal.* The combination of FrankincenseWild OrangeLemongrassThyme, Summer Savory, Niaouli, and Clove provides powerful antioxidant support for cellular health and vitality.*

A few drops daily, taken in a drink, capsule, or softgel, provide powerful protection against oxidative stress to support normal cellular function.*

What Makes DDR Prime Unique?
DDR Prime is a proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils of FrankincenseWild OrangeLemongrassThyme, Summer Savory, Clove, and Niaouli. DDR Prime combines essential oils shown to have powerful antioxidant properties so that your body can properly address oxidative stress for long-term well-being.*

Each essential oil contained in DDR Prime has a variety of benefits. Frankincense and Wild Orange have both been shown to promote a healthy response to free radicals.* Clove oil provides powerful antioxidant properties.* Niaouli and Thyme essential oils support cellular immunity and overall cellular health.* Summer Savory has been shown to support the body’s natural mechanisms to deal with oxidative stress.* Lastly, Lemongrass oil can protect against environmental threats.*

DDR Prime Uses and Benefits

  1. As mentioned, DDR Prime is designed to support healthy cellular integrity.* Cellular health is the foundation of health; when the normal process of cellular growth, replication, and regeneration is altered, all body systems and functions are affected. A daily serving of DDR Prime provides the antioxidant support we need for lifelong cellular health.*
  2. You can enjoy the benefits of DDR Prime by adding one to two drops to citrus drinks, tea, or water and consume daily to protect the body and cells from oxidative stress.* If you are concerned about receiving proper cellular support, it is as easy as adding a few drops of DDR Prime to a drink in the morning, or a capsule as needed.
  3. DDR Prime can also be used topically. For a soothing topical massage, dilute DDR Prime with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and gently massage into the skin.

How to Take DDR Prime
Add one to two drops of DDR Prime to citrus drinks, teas, or water, and consume daily to protect the body and cells from oxidative stress. This product is safe to consume daily.

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.