Tag Archives: weight loss

The amazing benefits of fasting..

Hey Warriors.
Happy Monday! I hope you all enjoyed last blog’s excerpt all about alkalized water and cellular hydration!  If you missed it, don’t worry it’s still on my website, and you can learn more here:  http://drrachelhamel.kangendemo.com/
If you would like to attend the free class and get two week’s free water(local), to learn more text ZOOM to 858-208-8151 for the next upcoming class! I can’t tell you ENOUGH about this amazing water, but we are moving onto another topic today…


This week we are going to be talking about fasting!

Fasting has been a part of our spiritual and physical awareness for thousands of years, but one could argue that the need for fasting has never been so great as it is today! Even if your diet is excellent, the food, water, and air you consume is contaminated with chemicals and endocrine disruptors that speed up your body’s rate of injury and disrepair. I know, but it’s true we live in a toxic soup…The toxicity we have produced and what we continue to consume is really why we are seeing such a decline in health.

Fasting allows you to recoup a deeper reservoir of coping mechanisms at the cellular level to inspire detoxification, recovery of the metabolic system, and to repair pathways that are intrinsic to your physical and emotional wellbeing.

In particular we will be talking about something called intermittent fasting. Why intermittent? Well because this effects the brain and nervous system the most!  Let me explain what intermittent means.  It means fasting for subsequent hours such as stopping eating at 8PM and not eating anything again till 12PM.  This is a 16 hour fast.  You then eating in the 8 hour window. When we allow our body to take a break from digesting food for these intermittent times, it allows our body to go through a process of autophagy.  Autophagy is a process we go through naturally in our body that old cells die and are recycled, like our body cleaning house.  When this system is disrupted, it has been shown to create neurodegeneration. Short term fasting has been shown in research to dramatically upregulate neuronal autophagy.  In another mouse study, intermittent fasting was shown to improve cognitive function, brain structure, and neuroplasticity, which is fancy-speak for the brain’s ability to reorganize and rebuild itself.

Fasting has also been shown to help weight loss, reduce inflammation and benefit cancer patients to name a few…

Fasting is defined as consuming only plain water, or black coffee, or unsweetened tea.
Intermittent fasting works best when combined with a low carb-high fat diet of real, whole foods. For some that may have difficulty digesting fats, we need to look into their enzymes and energy pathways to make sure they can break down cholesterol effectively, or else they will get gallbladder pain/stagnation or what they call the “keto flu”. We will need to supplement as needed to make sure increasing good fats is something they can handle. That’s why working with a health professional can be really helpful to know what is personalized for you and what is safe.

The fasting timeline is one that will gradually develop.  At first you may not be able to last past 9AM if you are accustomed to eating breakfast.  This is where having tea/coffee with a good fat source like my MCT oil come in handy!  (link on my website). But, don’t beat yourself up.  If you only made it to 9AM, that is fine!  You will gradually be able to last longer and longer the more your body gets used to fasting and the more good fats you incorporate into your diet for fuel source.  

The reason I mainly talk about intermittent fasting, is because this is generally what I find the most compliance with individuals.  Patients are more cooperative when they have a set schedule and about an 8 hour window to per day to consume their good quality whole foods.  Having someone fast for an entire day can be another feat.

At no point are you starving during a fast. You are mobilizing the average reservoir of 30,000 to 100,000 excess calories that are stored in the fat in your liver, abdominal fat, and peripheral fat – typically in that order. Even if your body is at the lowest end of the normal curve of ideal body weight, the body still holds 15-25% of its weight in central and peripheral fat storage.

On the other side of the fast is a healthier you. During the fast you have the opportunity to experience rest and reset for your immune system, mind, and spirit. This is not always comfortable on your initial attempts. Your gut-brain axis has never rested like this, invasive thoughts, cravings, self-doubt, emotional lability are all common in those first fasts.

The more often you fast there will be less trepidation, and it will be easier to sustain wellness and recognize milestones for each subsequent fast.


Intermittent fasting works the best when you can schedule around the same time every day, so usually week days are better.  You might try with 3 days a week doing a 16 hour fast (or working up to it).  You may stay at this, or switch to doing it everyday like me. 

I do however suggest that some individuals do an actual water fast every now and then.  Why?  Well your small intestine for instance regenerates itself in three days.  Often times if there is a lot of inflammation, then fasting can really help this person’s ability to get rid of dead old tissue and regenerate new. 

We also know that spiritually: fasting improves our mental clarity.  When you control your mind over food, you control your flesh so to speak. Fasting allows us to develop silent moments  to hear from our intrinsic intelligence. Researchers have linked fasting to an increased level of vigilance and mood improvement, sometimes euphoria.  Fasting mice have found to produce as much as 5 times the amount of endogenous opiates in just 24 to 48 hours of fasting!  Intermittent fasting also causes an increase in a molecule known as BDNF (brain-derivated neurotrophic factor) which plays a role in important aspects of brain function relating to mood and cognitive function such as regulating serotonin metabolism, improving synaptic plasticity, and increasing the brain’s ability to resist aging.

Another thought is that since fasting puts the body into a state of ketosis — in which the body is burning molecules known as ketone bodies rather than glucose — the ketone bodies themselves may play a role in improving mental clarity and mood, decreasing pain, and promoting neuronal protection against hypoglycemia and different types of brain damage.

After you are finished with your fast, it is best to break your fast (breakfast ;))  with a good source of fat or whole food.  If you break it straight with a carbohydrate you may not see as great of a benefit than if you continue with ketosis while consuming more good fats.  This doesn’t mean eating a bunch of dairy.. I’m really not on board with the amount of dairy most “keto” people consume.  There are other great sources of good fats like organic nuts, kefir, eggs, Coconut oil, grass fed meats and others.

Please note: If you are new to fasting, have pre existing medical conditions or are on medications, you should consult your personal healthcare provider before you begin multi-day fasting. IT is not recommended for children, for some people with diabetes or other issues with blood sugar, or for pregnant women.


Unlike long chain triglycerides, which must first bond with bile and cholesterol prior to being utilized as an energy source by the body, the medium chain triglycerides found in coconut oil can be metabolized directly by the liver into the very highest quality units of cellular energy available, called alpha-keto acids.

The byproduct of this process results in the formation of another compound, called a 1-monoglyceride. Depending on the specific medium chain triglyceride being metabolized, the resulting 1-monoglyceride will exert a varying degree of antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, or antibacterial influence in the body.

Although it is well suited for cellular energy applications, the fatty acid profile of coconut oil leaves some “room for improvement” in regard to the 1-monoglyceride byproducts that it creates.

To address this need, Dr Hamel’s MCT Super Blend was developed. With over 4 times as much capric acid, and over 3 times as much caprylic and caproic acid as would be found in virgin coconut oil, Dr. Hamel’s Super Blend is vastly superior in regard to antifungal and antiviral applications. With almost 20% lauric acid, there will be ample quantities of monolaurin to exert its antibacterial influence.

Although this oil is not indicated for use as a cooking oil, it does happen to be perfect for adding to hot foods or beverages, or into cold foods as well, such as smoothies or salad dressings. It can be taken with food, or on an empty stomach, and though a person cannot eat too many medium chain triglycerides, a person can
eat too many too quickly. This will cause a sensation of transient nausea, or perhaps even diarrhea. If this should occur, reduce the amount being taken at one time and spread the target dose out over the course of the day. A nice starting point might be three Tablespoons a day (one Tbsp applied to each meal).

Get yours here:


THat is all for now.


Have a happy and healthy week.



Dr. Hamel


Its Not You, Its Your Hormones….

Happy Monday Tribe!

I hope you all enjoyed last week’s topic about vitamin D and genetics, which was really fitting for the gorgeous weekend we had!

This week, I was to expand a little on genetics, hormone production and weight gain.
Obesity is a leading cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children.
•In 2014, 600 million adults (13%) and 42 million children under the age of five were obese.
•From 1971 to 2000, obesity rates in the United States increased from 14.5% to 30.9%.
•More common in women than men.
This is one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.

What are the contributors to the recent increase in obesity? 
•Insufficient sleep, increased stress
•Endocrine disruptors, GMO’s
•Increased high fructose corn syrup and sugar consumption
•Sugar substitutes damaging pancreas
•Increased use of medications that can cause weight gain (e.g., atypical antipsychotics)
•Mitochondrial Damage
•Genetic and epigenetic risk factors

SUPER TIP: Where that person stores fat, will determine which hormone/pathway is out of balance: Cortisol directs fat deep in your midsection whereas estrogen directs fat superficially around your hips and thighs (called cellulite).

Let’s talk about 4 particular hormones and their role in our weight:

1. Leptin- produced in fat tissue, it suppresses appetite as its level increases.

2. Ghrelin- secreted by the stomach wall, it triggers feelings of hunger as mealtimes approach. If “dieters” how lose weight, ghrelin increases which may be one reason it’s so hard to stay on a diet.

3. PYY- secreted by the small intestine after meals, acts as an appetite suppressant

4. Insulin– a rise in blood sugar levels after a meal stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin, which suppresses appetite.

Let’s dive a little deeper……………


LEPTIN (hormone)
•Promotes Satiety, thermogenesis, reduces weight
•Reduced by sleep deprivation
•Reduced at night naturally suppressing appetite
•Primarily produced by fat cells
•Increased by emotional stress
•Low calorie diets lower leptin
•LEPR variants can lead to Leptin resistance
•Increases T3 levels

Decrease Leptin:
•Fructose (Esp. HFCS) inhibits Leptin
•Simple Carbs inhibit leptin (through increasing insulin)
•Strict low carb diets inhibit leptin production (need carb loading days)
•Lectins bind leptin receptors (cereals etc)

•Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Increase sensitivity)
•Increase fiber (peas, beans, lentils, almonds, raspberries, broccoli, and oats)
•Increase Zinc (spinach, beef, lamb, seafood, nuts, cocoa, beans, mushrooms, and pumpkin)
•Lower Cortisol levels (NET stress work) Or clearing COMT, CBS (genetic pathways)
•Get regular sleep
•Moderate exercise
•Caffeine Improves leptin signaling and receptor activity

•Synthesized in the gastric mucosa, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, hippocampus, brain cortex, adrenal gland, intestine, pancreas, and many other human tissues.
•Regulates Energy and increases appetite
•Releases growth hormone
•Circulating ghrelin concentration rises before meal and falls after meal. Total ghrelin level increases in night and decreases after breakfast in humans.
•Serum ghrelin increases steadily during long term of fasting and returns to normal after eating.

•Insulin-induced hypoglycemia
•Excitation of the vagus nerve can stimulate ghrelin secretion

•Glucose and insulin
•Long chain triglycerides (Essential fatty acids, butter)

Another factor for weight: ADIPONECTIN>

•Adiponectin is a protein which in humans is encoded by the ADIPOQ gene.
•Involved in regulating glucose levels as well as fatty acid breakdown.
•Secreted by adipose tissue
•Increased in calorie restriction, exercise
•Similar to leptin (synergistic)
•Low levels associated with Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis
•High levels seen in RA

SO we know that for weight and hormone regulation that diet and lifestyle are of course big players.  But what about the genetic role?

According to a study by the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 

“Alterations of the normal DNA methylation pattern can contribute to the development of endocrine and metabolic diseases.

Although DNA methylation and demethylation are active processes, epigenetic changes produced during development can impact adult processes, establishing the idea that endocrine function can be persistently affected by events occurring in early life.”


Numerous studies indicate that hereditary factors contribute to most of a population’s weight variation, and underscore the statistical difficulties when studying environmental and nutritional effects on body weight.

Here are big gene players with weight:


FTO for example:
•People with a variation of the FTO gene that affects one in six of the population are 70 per cent more likely to become obese
•People with the obesity-risk FTO variant have higher circulating levels of the ‘hunger hormone’, ghrelin
•Individuals with two copies of the obesity-risk FTO variant are biologically programmed to eat more .

What about other hormones and their relation?
We know that thyroid conditions for instance can directly affect weight loss/gain.
These genes:
•DIO-Converts T4-T3
•TPO-Activates thyroid hormone production
•COMT-Helps breakdown excess cortisol and estrogen that can interfere with thyroid hormone production

All contribute to thyroid up and down regulation, meaning they must be looked at to fully get thyroid conditions in remission.

I won’t bore you with any more genetic information and science words.  What I’m trying to get at with this blog is that there are many factors that can be associated with hormone dys-regulation.

As I mentioned diet, lifestyle and hormone disruptors(below) all play a part.

But, from what we know now, we also have to look into the genetic pathways.  How well can we actually detox these disruptors out?  That lies in your genes. Some of these genes make a person more inclined to lose or gain weight.


How do we put it all together:

1.  Watch out for those hormone disruptors. Even your hand soap and hand sanitizers have tricolosan.. read labels.

2. Phase 1 and 2 pathways in the genetic methylation cycles need to be balanced for hormone regulation.

3. Stress modulation– balance the chemistry in the body, and emotional factors

4. Diet and lifestyle OF COURSE.  No gmo non organic foods, processed foods, sugar ect.

Its not always just diet and exercise for people, and as we can see, some people are wired differently than others, and that’s why “universal diets” don’t work well…
Know you’re own body chemistry and you’ll be able to balance those hormones.

Need help?

I’d LOVE to help you with your genetic nutritional help.

Just book an initial nutrition appointment through my website and we will go through it all!

Oil of the Week.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Slim & Sassy 

The Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend was specifically designed as a natural way to manage hunger cravings, calm the stomach, and uplift mood.* When used as part of a healthy weight management program and combined with a healthy diet and exercise, the Slim & Sassy oil blend can help boost metabolism and curb hunger cravings.*

Where to Buy Slim & Sassy
If you are pursuing weight loss goals, Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend can help. Visit our Slim & Sassy oil product page to buy your own today. Along with the Slim & Sassy proprietary blend, doTERRA offers several other Slim & Sassy products, including Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend SoftgelsSlim & Sassy Control™ Bars and Instant MixSlim & Sassy V Shake, and Slim & Sassy TrimShake. Any of these products can help you on your journey as you strive to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Slim & Sassy Uses and Benefits

  1. When you are working toward a weight loss goal, it can be tough to change your habits and take control of your appetite. Overeating can set you back in your goals for weight management if you aren’t careful, but the Slim & Sassy blend can help control your appetite and keep you from overeating.* Take Slim & Sassy oil internally before meals in order to reduce the likelihood of overeating and to help control your appetite.*
  2. A major benefit of the Slim & Sassy oil blend is its ability to help promote a healthy metabolism.* Those who use the Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend can rest easy knowing that this proprietary blend is diuretic, stimulant, and calorie-free*—characteristics that can be difficult to find in a weight management product.
  3. A good workout is an important part of any weight loss plan. However, sometimes we lack energy and enthusiasm when we think about working out. Consider adding a few drops of the Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend to your water or tea before you work out to give yourself a revitalizing energy boost.* The herbal, spicy properties of Slim & Sassy oil will help you perk up and get ready for a successful workout.
  4. The Slim & Sassy blend can be helpful during a weight loss program because it helps the user manage hunger cravings throughout the day.* If you tend to give in to temptation when your body feels a craving sensation, the Slim & Sassy oil blend can help you manage these cravings as they come throughout the day.*
  5. While Slim & Sassy oil was designed to boost metabolism and control cravings, it can also be helpful when you need to calm your stomach* or uplift your mood. As you carry out a weight management plan, you might be changing your diet, which could cause the occasional stomach distress. As you change your diet, exercise plan, and daily routine, you are also bound to feel discouraged or overwhelmed at times. With all of these emotional and physical changes happening, take Slim & Sassy to help calm your stomach troubles* and uplift your mood.
  6. The Slim & Sassy blend can easily be combined with other Slim & Sassy products to help you on your weight loss journey. Consider adding a few drops of Slim & Sassy oil to a Slim & Sassy TrimShake or V Shake. You can blend a single scoop of chocolate or vanilla TrimShake in water, nonfat dairy, almond, rice, or soy milk, and add one drop of Slim & Sassy oil to the mixture for added benefits. If you are using the Slim & Sassy V Shake as part of your weight loss plan, consider adding one drop of Slim & Sassy oil to your morning shake for extra flavor and to help boost your metabolism.*
  7. Because of its vibrant, spicy scent, Slim & Sassy oil can help give you the positive mood you need during a vigorous workout, when used aromatically. Consider diffusing the Slim & Sassy oil blend during your workout to help uplift your mood and give you the positivity you need to keep going. With an invigorating scent nearby, you’ll have the mental and physical strength to make it through your workout.
  8. Slim & Sassy oil can help you manage hunger and control your appetite*, but you may be wondering, “How can I experience these benefits?” To yield the hunger management benefits of the Slim & Sassy blend, try adding eight drops of the oil to 16 ounces of water. When you want help with appetite control, put a few drops of the Slim & Sassy blend in a doTERRA Veggie Capsule and swallow.*


  • Grapefruit Peel
  • Lemon Peel
  • Peppermint Plant
  • Ginger Root
  • Cinnamon Bark


That is all for now,

Have a happy and healthy week!

Dr. Hamel


Connecting Detox and Weight Loss

Connecting Detoxing and Weight Loss

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you’ve enjoyed the topics this month all around detoxing.  We’ve talked about the 4 pathways of elimination and detoxing your brain so far.  Today we will continue on with detoxing’s influence of healthy weight management.First I want to start off with a topic called “Endocrine Fallout”

This term basically means that your endocrine (hormone) system within your body is not working efficiently.  That might manifest for you as fatigue, weight gain, mood disruption, sleep disruption, irregular menses, hot flashes, ect.If you are like many people with endocrine fallout, it may seem like your body is hanging on to an additional 5, 10 or even 20 pounds for dear life.  No matter how little you eat and how much you move, those excess pounds refuse to budge!  Well, you may be relieved to learn that there’s a physiological reason for this.

The root of the problem lies in your liver…..

As we have talked about previously, the liver is responsible for removing toxins from your body.  The toxins from your home cleaners, beauty products, foods, plastics, ect.  It does so by turning fat soluble toxins into water solubles ones so they can be excreted through your large intestine, kidneys and skin.  When you already have a hormonal problem however, your liver’s function is compromised (clogged). This mean it doesn’t work as efficiently and unable to remove what we are constantly exposed to as rapidly as they build up.

How does your body handle this??

Well.. It basically sends those fat soluble toxins your fat tissue.  For the short term, this protects your liver because it minimizes it’s load.  The problem is, it becomes more difficult to shed weight. Your fat cells don’t want to let go of these toxins, because your body KNOWS that doing so would pollute your bloodstream and create a toxic environment for your organs, including your heart and your brain.

Let’s talk about what kind of hormones get stuck in the fat tissue…

1. Estrogens–  Usually from exogenous exposure.  This means non organic and GMO foods, non organic cleaners, beauty products, plastics, receipt paper, birth control ect..

2.  Stress hormones–  When there is a constant state of stress, cortisol gets stored in the fat cells as well.  I also see many individuals that burn out there adrenal glands not only on emotional stress but physical stress.  People can train way too hard and do too much excercise wise, that the body can’t keep up with.

3.  Insulin- Keeping your blood sugar stable with every meal, every day enables your pancreas to spit out only the amount of insulin required to move the glucose where it needs to go.  This prevents highs and lows.  A big part in this is actually not always high blood sugar but low blood sugar as well.
We are also more inclined to give into temptation when your blood sugar levels are all over the place.

Hypoglycemia happens with two causes:1. You may be on a ridiculous “diet” of luna bars and coffee and consider that a meal… If you don’t have adequate food intake, your levels will be low.

2.  Overindulging in carbs. This means more than 1/2 cup! Your pancreas pumps out a flood of insulin to bring your blood sugar back down, but it often miscalculates the amount which gobbles up too much glucose, and leaves you with low blood sugar, although you just stuffed your face.  This is where many people get frustrated and think you have no willpower, head to the pantry to refuel on peanut butter M&Ms even though you just ate less than an hour ago.

Fortunately, there is ways to get your body to release it’s grip on the fat tissue.  This is by upping your dietary and supplemental forms of certain nutrients.  Vitamin A, B, C, glutathione and other antioxidants and herbs.  These help your liver do its job.  I recommend a 21 day cleanse with a company I use using whole food nutrition to effectively clean your liver out entirely and gently.  I haven’t found anything else like it out there, and I myself do one every year, sometimes twice a year.  Its preventative and also mandatory I find.Meal wise:
– Fill your diet with plenty of veggies, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, beets
-Lemon and oranges (Essential oils are better).  Put a drop in your water every day
-Caraway and dill seeds

……For those women who are pre-menopausal or menopausal… You know what I’m talking about the dreaded “pooch”.  For this case, it works a little differently, but the same concept.

When you go through menopause, or are prepping for it, the ovaries begin tostop producing estrogen and progesterone.  However, we still need these hormones for many functions.  The natural version of these hormones….  So, our adrenal glands start taking over the job of producing the hormones in small amounts.

The problem is, most women go into menopause with already compromised adrenal glands ( which pump out different hormones, the most important being stress hormone cortisol) because of stress and toxins, so the adrenals can’t cope with the job.  Here comes hot flashes, weight gain, ect.  So, the body starts building fat cells to begin to make and store the hormones.  Because as I mentioned previously fat loves hormones!

That is why during this time it is almost impossible for menopausal women to lose this region.  It is their “source” of hormone production.  I’ve worked with several patients through this time, and you can significantly decrease the symptoms naturally, NOT USING SYNTHETIC or BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES I will say.. Those are a big no no in my book.  Sometimes we do get the weight down, other times because it is the source of production, some women will actually need natural forms of fat elimination like laser or light liposuction or fascia blasting to eliminate them.

Make sense??? The liver is HUGE for weight Loss/Gain.  And since we are bombarded with hormones all the time, and live stressful lives, it’s an ever increasing problem.  Fortunately we have safe and natural options.

Ensuring the Liver is functioning well through nutrition, Stress relief techniques I use in my office, and organ and nervous system relaxation I have great success efficiently detoxing the body and getting you toward your healthy weight.

Interested in the cleanse??  Ask me how you can start your healing journey!

What’s also very interesting and pertinent is that most all cases of women with their gallbladder’s removed will eventually get a hysterectomy.  Why?  The gallbladder has a huge connection with the hormone system.

Women comment that their body was thrown out of balance or that “things have just not been the same since” as well as “weight gain that I’ve never had an issue with before the surgery.”

The liver and gallbladder are so closely interconnected, so digestion and detoxing are huge for weight loss!



Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Slim & Sassy.

Slim & Sassy, our proprietary metabolic blend, combines powerful essential oils known to promote a healthy metabolism when ingested.* The flavorful blend of Slim & Sassy helps manage hunger throughout the day while supporting healthy metabolism and promoting a positive mood.* Slim & Sassy contains Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon. When taken with a healthy eating and exercise plan, Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend can help you reach your weight management goals.*


  • Add to water or tea and drink before working out for a revitalizing energy boost.*
  • Consume before meals to help control appetite and overeating.*
  • Take internally as a part of a healthy weight management program.*
  • Add a few drops to Slim & Sassy TrimShake or V Shake.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute four drops in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.




Try these great recipes to help clear your liver daily!

Cucumber Lemon Water


1/2 cucumber
1 lemon
A few sprigs of mint


Wash and slice the cucumber and lemon, and rinse the mint. Place cucumber and lemon into a water jug.

Fill the jug with water, mix, and leave to steep overnight in the fridge. You can keep topping off the jug with more water for a few days until you need to change the fruits/herbs.

What does it do?

Nutritionist Meryl Pritchard of Kore Kitchen says that lemons help to kick-start digestion while flushing out toxins. The vitamin C will also brighten up your skin.

Recipe courtesy of Nichola Whitehead, RD.

Strawberry Basil Water


10 fresh whole strawberries
2 lemon wedges
Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 lemon
Handful of fresh basil leaves


Start with 1 gallon of purified water (room temperature is fine). Combine the other ingredients in a glass container, stir gently with a wooden spoon, and refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours to allow all ingredients to mingle. Serve and enjoy.

What does it do?

Strawberries are high in antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C and many other nutrients. Basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Edward Group, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM.

Ginger Mint Water


1 cucumber, thinly sliced
2 inches fresh, peeled ginger root
2 lemon/lime wedges
10 to 12 fresh mint leaves
Pinch of Himalayan salt
A dash of peppermint essential oil


Same as above.

What does it do?

Ginger can be used to ameliorate a variety of ailments like an upset stomach and a sore throat because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Recipe courtesy of Edward Group.

Mango, Lemon, and Pineapple Water


Pineapple and mango, cubed (enough to fill 1/3 of a glass)
A few lemon slices


Combine all ingredients and serve.

What does it do?

Pineapple is chock-full of bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme. Mangoes help improve digestion to help de-bloat flatten your tummy as well.

Recipe courtesy of Eat This, Not That.




That is all for now.


Wishing you a happy and healthy week!




Detoxing & Weight Gain, What’s the Connection?

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you’ve enjoyed the topics this month all around detoxing.  We’ve talked about household and beauty products, food, 4 pathways of elimination and detoxing your brain so far.  Today we will continue on with detoxing’s influence of healthy weight management.

First I want to start off with a topic called “Endocrine Fallout”

This term basically means that your endocrine (hormone) system within your body is not working efficiently.  That might manifest for you as fatigue, weight gain, mood disruption, sleep disruption, irregular menses, hot flashes, ect.

If you are like many people with endocrine fallout, it may seem like your body is hanging on to an additional 5, 10 or even 20 pounds for dear life.  No matter how little you eat and how much you move, those excess pounds refuse to budge!  Well, you may be relieved to learn that there’s a physiological reason for this.

The root of the problem lies in your liver…..

As we have talked about previously, the liver is responsible for removing toxins from your body.  The toxins from your home cleaners, beauty products, foods, plastics, ect.  It does so by turning fat soluble toxins into water solubles ones so they can be excreted through your large intestine, kidneys and skin.  When you already have a hormonal problem however, your liver’s function is compromised (clogged). This mean it doesn’t work as efficiently and unable to remove what we are constantly exposed to as rapidly as they build up.

How does your body handle this??

Well.. It basically sends those fat soluble toxins your fat tissue.  For the short term, this protects your liver because it minimizes it’s load.  The problem is, it becomes more difficult to shed weight. Your fat cells don’t want to let go of these toxins, because your body KNOWS that doing so would pollute your bloodstream and create a toxic environment for your organs, including your heart and your brain.

Let’s talk about what kind of hormones get stuck in the fat tissue…

1. Estrogens–  Usually from exogenous exposure.  This means non organic and GMO foods, non organic cleaners, beauty products, plastics, receipt paper, birth control ect..

2.  Stress hormones–  When there is a constant state of stress, cortisol gets stored in the fat cells as well.  I also see many individuals that burn out there adrenal glands not only on emotional stress but physical stress.  People can train way too hard and do too much excercise wise, that the body can’t keep up with.

3.  Insulin- Keeping your blood sugar stable with every meal, every day enables your pancreas to spit out only the amount of insulin required to move the glucose where it needs to go.  This prevents highs and lows.  A big part in this is actually not always high blood sugar but low blood sugar as well.
We are also more inclined to give into temptation when your blood sugar levels are all over the place.

Hypoglycemia happens with two causes:

1. You may be on a ridiculous “diet” of luna bars and coffee and consider that a meal… If you don’t have adequate food intake, your levels will be low.

2.  Overindulging in carbs. This means more than 1/2 cup! Your pancreas pumps out a flood of insulin to bring your blood sugar back down, but it often miscalculates the amount which gobbles up too much glucose, and leaves you with low blood sugar, although you just stuffed your face.  This is where many people get frustrated and think you have no willpower, head to the pantry to refuel on peanut butter M&Ms even though you just ate less than an hour ago.

Fortunately, there is ways to get your body to release it’s grip on the fat tissue.  This is by upping your dietary and supplemental forms of certain nutrients.  Vitamin A, B, C, glutathione and other antioxidants and herbs.  These help your liver do its job.  I recommend a 21 day cleanse with a company I use using whole food nutrition to effectively clean your liver out entirely and gently.  I haven’t found anything else like it out there, and I myself do one every year, sometimes twice a year.  Its preventative and also mandatory I find.

Meal wise:
– Fill your diet with plenty of veggies, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, beets
-Lemon and oranges (Essential oils are better).  Put a drop in your water every day
-Caraway and dill seeds


For those women who are pre-menopausal or menopausal… You know what I’m talking about the dreaded “pooch”.  For this case, it works a little differently, but the same concept.

When you go through menopause, or are prepping for it, the ovaries begin tostop producing estrogen and progesterone.  However, we still need these hormones for many functions.  The natural version of these hormones….  So, our adrenal glands start taking over the job of producing the hormones in small amounts.

The problem is, most women go into menopause with already compromised adrenal glands ( which pump out different hormones, the most important being stress hormone cortisol) because of stress and toxins, so the adrenals can’t cope with the job.  Here comes hot flashes, weight gain, ect.  So, the body starts building fat cells to begin to make and store the hormones.  Because as I mentioned previously fat loves hormones!

That is why during this time it is almost impossible for menopausal women to lose this region.  It is their “source” of hormone production.  I’ve worked with several patients through this time, and you can significantly decrease the symptoms naturally, NOT USING SYNTHETIC or BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES I will say.. Those are a big no no in my book.  Sometimes we do get the weight down, other times because it is the source of production, some women will actually need natural forms of fat elimination like laser or light liposuction or fasciablasting to eliminate them.

Make sense??? The liver is HUGE for weight Loss/Gain.  And since we are bombarded with hormones all the time, and live stressful lives, it’s an ever increasing problem.  Fortunately we have safe and natural options.

Ensuring the Liver is functioning well through nutrition, Stress relief techniques I use in my office, and organ and nervous system relaxation I have great success efficiently detoxing the body and getting you toward your healthy weight.

Interested in the cleanse??  Ask me how you can start your healing journey!


On the Spotlight this week, is DoTerra’s Slim and Sassy Blend.


Slim & Sassy, our proprietary metabolic blend, combines powerful essential oils known to promote a healthy metabolism when ingested.* The flavorful blend of Slim & Sassy helps manage hunger throughout the day while supporting healthy metabolism and promoting a positive mood.* Slim & Sassy contains Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon. When taken with a healthy eating and exercise plan, Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend can help you reach your weight management goals.*



  • Add to water or tea and drink before working out for a revitalizing energy boost.*
  • Consume before meals to help control appetite and overeating.*
  • Take internally as a part of a healthy weight management program.*
  • Add a few drops to Slim & Sassy TrimShake or V Shake.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute four drops in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

Why you should be incorporating a sauna into your routine

As the new year has arrived, it tends to drive individuals to make new goals for the year.  For myself, I think goals are great, but when it comes to your health it really is a lifestyle, and I think that is why many might fall off on the resolutions they set for themselves.  It’s not about being perfect, but it is about doing the best you can at creating the best health environment consistently.

It’s not about taking a million supplements, or doing the most fad diets and exercises.  The most common things that cause disruption within your body are stress, poor diet, not exercising and toxins.

Today, I’m going to touch on one part which is detoxing.  The reason being because most individuals for new year’s resolutions join a gym or say they will be more active as a goal.  And unless you have your own sauna most are located in gyms.

Some of my nutrition patients know the benefits of sauna, but some of you might not know, or know the benefits it can have for you, as well as some tips for safety.
Saunas are a popular attraction in hotels, spas and health clubs around the United States and world. The sauna is traditionally a wooden room infused with dry heat that can get as high as 185° F.  I’m not talking about a steam room.  These are not saunas.

It is the intense dry heat that is said to open your pores and purify your body of toxins while prompting the release of endorphins, your body’s natural pain relievers. This same heat, however, may pose a hidden danger to certain people.

Here are reasons you SHOULD use a sauna:

“There is no question that saunas prompt real changes in your body functions. Within minutes, for instance, your skin temperature can reach about 104° F, and your pulse rate can climb by 30 percent.

This causes your heart to double the amount of blood it pumps each minute. You can also expect to lose at least a pint of sweat during a sauna session.”


1.  A cardio workout for your heart.

As your heart rate increases during your sauna session, this increases your need for oxygen. As a result, your heart gets a workout while it pumps blood around your body. Researchers in Finnish have found that regular use of saunas helps keep your blood vessels more elastic and pliable as a result of the repeated heating and cooling of your body.

2. Increased resistance to illness.

We all know that colds and flus are going around right now with the cold weather, but using a sauna and using a sauna in combination with essential oils is my favorite! (Have to throw in the chiropractic pitch here as it is the strong immune system strengthener).

According to Finnish and German studies, saunas put your body into a “fever state” that stimulates your immune system. As a result, regular sauna users have a 30 percent less chance of getting a cold or the flu!

“I can tell you that with my recent move and change of climate I got sick on Christmas, but using oils, CBT and the sauna it only lasted 2-3 days.”

3. Improves Circulation and Lowers Blood Pressure.
A sauna’s heat causes your blood vessels to dilate and circulation to your extremities to improve. Saunas also cause a temporary decrease in your blood pressure, but, according to the North American Sauna Society, this decrease may last longer with frequent sauna sessions.

4. Kidney Support.

The sweat your release during a sauna session excretes wastes and reduces the load put on your kidneys, hence “detoxing”.

5. Burn more calories.

Due to your increased heart rate and perspiration, a single sauna session can burn up to 300 calories, according to U.S. Army research. However, most weight loss that occurs during a sauna session is water, and will be gained back when you eat and drink:(

6. Relieve stress and sleep better.

A sauna session excellent tool for stress relief and promoting a sense of wellbeing because of the release in endorphins. A sauna before bed may also help you to get a good night’s sleep.

7. Soothes Aches and Pains.

Because saunas increase your circulation, they may help with pain relief.  My favorite is after a workout to stretch in the sauna and to also use my fascia tools to breath up scar tissue.

What about who shouldn’t use a sauna??

Certain groups of people, especially those with heart conditions, need to be cautious.

” … Patients with poorly controlled blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, unstable angina, and advanced heart failure or heart valve disease will probably be advised to stay cool,” says Dr. Simon, who advises that heart patients check with their doctors before using a sauna.”

 “People who should avoid the sauna completely are people running fever or having inflammatory diseases or injuries. Anybody with a contagious disease should bathe only in his own sauna. Also people under the influence of alcohol should not go to the sauna, nor is there any evidence that the sauna would help in a hangover.”

To ensure that your sauna session is a relaxing treat, be sure to follow these tips:

-Avoid alcohol before and after your sauna, as this can impair your sweating and lead to your overheating.

-Limit your session to 15-20 minutes.

-Drink two to four glasses of cool water after your session.  I take a water bottle with me.

-Avoid the sauna if you don’t feel well, and leave immediately during your sauna if you feel ill. ** This is important for my Lyme or infection/detox patients.  Of course detoxing can cause die off symptoms, so if you get dizzy or nauseous you need to leave and build up to being able to stay for 15-20 minutes.  Go slowly, more is not better in this sense.

Harvard Men’s Health Watch
The North American Sauna Society
The Finnish Sauna Society






This is one of my favorite oils to use in the sauna!
Eucalyptus trees are tall, evergreen trees that grow up to 50 feet in height and are sometimes referred to as Gum Trees. The main chemical components of Eucalyptus radiata are eucalyptol and alpha-terpineol, making it an ideal oil to promote feelings of clear breathing and open airways and for creating a soothing massage experience. Eucalyptus has purifying properties that can be beneficial for the skin and for cleansing surfaces and the air. Studies have shown that Eucalyptus is effective in helping lessen tension. Eucalyptus can be found in mouth rinses to freshen breath and promote oral health.



  • Combine with Lemon and Peppermint in a spray bottle and use it to wipe down surfaces in your kitchen or bathroom.
  • Add one drop to moisturizer and apply to skin for revitalizing benefits.
  • While showering, place a few drops in the hands, place over nose, and inhale deeply to invigorate and promote vitality

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.