Tag Archives: vaccines

The impact of genes and heavy metals + Melissa Oil Benefits

The Impact of Genes and Heavy Metals

Hey Warriors!

It’s yet again another week, and it was definitely a hot one this week, whew.  Speaking of hot, I HIGHLY recommend if you haven’t watched the FULL documentary of Plandemic, do so!  It just released this last week and it is a good one.  You won’t find it on normal media sights, because they ban it everytime! The only way you can watch the full video is through the platform londonreal that releases all information without censoring. If you haven’t heard of it, it is the most revelatory film on what is driving the vaccine agenda, the various roles of the WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Anthony Fauci and more.
Going deep into what is really happening with mainstream media, Silicon Valley tech giants, big pharma and our health protection agencies.
This film will fundamentally shift the discourse around Coronavirus, the lockdown and the vested interests involved.

Watch and share here: https://freedomplatform.tv/plandemic-indoctornation-world-premiere/?vgo_ee=34rkaMLCzotHF719fPIhaQA3SuMkJhmkGexv49sZvNU%3D


I honestly find if hard to talk about health topics, when so much is going on around us, but there is a lot of good happening too.  So be encouraged.  A lot is getting blasted open, people are healing and getting restored.  Remember to keep joy in your life at all costs.  Take breaks from information like this and enjoy the ones around you. Get outside, smile and be around people.


Okay, on to this week’s topic :  Genetics and Heavy Metals. 

Last time we talked about Leaky Brain, which was a pretty big hit!  A lot of people had no idea about this concept or what causes it.  Cause #2 for leaky brain is TOXINS.. As as we know toxins are quite literally everywhere.  Food, Air, Water, Dental Materials, Cleaning/beauty products, EMF’s, and injections to name a few!

Part of that list includes heavy metals.  Although, slight amounts of some heavy metals, such as iron,, zinc  and copper, are essential for enzymatic activities in our body, other metals like lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury, are toxic for humans. Here is a list of where they are found and what they do.  This isn’t an all extensive list, but is a good start. 

Since we are exposed to these metals on a pretty regular basis, how are body responds to them depend on different internal and external environments. 
It also of course depends on the amount of the exposure and how the exposure was administered.  For instance, in a vaccination, the heavy metals are injected and bypass our internal detoxification organs(because we aren’t ingesting them) for breakdown, so this is a much higher and detrimental amount. 

We know now some of the serious side effects of heavy metal toxicity such as :  Loss of bones, kidney destruction, vascular disorders, developmental dysfunction and cancer are some of the well-known health problems triggered by heavy metals.  

Genetics and genetic variations are considered an internal contributing factor, and as the world of genetics is ever expanding, they are considered as novel and important contributors in heavy metal body retention and metabolism.  
I very often see heavy metals affecting a person’s mood (depression or anxiety), gut dysfunction, headaches, increasing infection load like candida and neurological dysfunction.  Another common finding is skin rashes and irritations. 

There are certain genetic variants such as MTHFR, PON1, DMT1, GSH which are proteins that are either directly or indirectly involved in how we process and break down heavy metals.  This shows that heavy metal metabolism plays a huge role in a person’s sensitivity and severity of health effects.
This is HUGE news!

This is part why I got so interested in looking into genetics and why certain people handle substances well and others not.  Or why one patient got well with something and the next didn’t.  Genetics are like our own blueprint, and can give us so much insight into how to know how each of our bodies uniquely work!  The more you know about it, the more you can help your body by enhancing it.  It might I add also save a TON of $ knowing what is optimal for you and what isn’t….

 So again… Just to recap, certain variations in genes make it hard for that person to detoxify against heavy metals.  That means that all those “heavy metal” detoxes and protocols out there, could possibly be doing someone major harm for certain individuals if they can’t metabolize it!  

The purpose of most heavy metal detox programs is to utilize something to attract the metal to it.  The most utilized one now is called zeolites, which are made from volcanic ash.  Before diving into genetics I used to use these remedies all the time. As the metals attach to it, your body is then supposed to eliminate it.  However, many had very severe symptoms like fatigue and headaches even though zeolites are typically very safe.  My instincts are that certain individuals because of these genes have a VERY hard time eliminating them.  

Keep in mind, actual increased exposure to these metals can also shut down certain genetic enzymes as well, so we must get them out, but we must get them out safely. 

Let’s talk for a minute about what each of these Genes Do. 

1. Metallothionein 2 A (MT2 A).This gene is a cysteine rich protein located in cytoplasm of cells.  These proteins are involved in body responses to both xenobiotic heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic. MTs are able to bind to heavy metals via their thiol groups and provide a protection against these materials in the body. 

2. Metallothionein 1 A (MT1 A). While the expression of MT2 A is induced by the presence of several metals, such as copper, zinc and cadmium, the expression of MT1 A was shown to be merely cadmium.  So this one is particularly important when those with high levels of this metal show up!

3. Divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1). DMT1 transports not only iron, but also other metals like cadmium and lead. Other investigations also demonstrated an association between iron levels and the expression rate of DMT1 in the intestine. Accordingly, lower body iron levels can lead to higher rate of DMT1 expression and increasing the uptake and recovery of iron. However, over expression of this transporter can cause duodenal absorption of other biochemically similar metals, such as cadmium and lead.

4 .Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).  A LOT of people have heard of this gene by now.  It does a LOT of things including: being a crucial enzyme in amino acid metabolism, is responsible for catalyzing the conversion of 5,10- methylene tetra hydro folate to 5- methylene tetra hydro folate, which is a co-substrate for re-methylation of homocysteine to methionine. Deficiency of MTHFR can cause homocysteinemia and some disruptions in metabolism of folate.
Genetic variations in MTHFR gene were shown to be associated with different conditions, such as depression, schizophrenia, inflammatory bowel diseases, and hyperhomocysteinemia.  TT homozygotes were suggested to be more sensitive to heavy metals and other environmental toxins.

5.Paraoxanase 1 (PON1). Paraoxonase 1 (PON1), (also known as A esterase), is a liver secreted glycoprotein, is responsible for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant defenses after its association with high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in bloodstream. So far, associations between PON1 genetic variations and different conditions, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, depressive and bipolar disorders, gestational diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance, have been shown by different research. 

6.Glutathione (GSH) related genes. Have you heard of glutathione before?  We naturally make it. Ligandins or glutathione s-transferases (GSTs), are a group of enzymes able to conjugate the reduced form of glutathione (GSH) to xenobiotic substrates. This process finally leads to water solubility of these substrates and their easy detoxification.
Individuals with these genetic variants do really well with adding in glutathione to chelate heavy metals, since they don’t produce glutathione as well.  

Sorry for the chemistry lesson there, but it’s sometimes interesting to know what these genes are actually doing.

Having this information is extremely helpful in knowing that individuals limitations.  We can then give specific nutrients and recommendations to help safely and easily detoxify heavy metals if they are present.  Again, we don’t want to just go and do heavy metal clearings on everyone. It’s not safe, and can cause some real mitochondrial damage. If you have those silver amalgum fillings, we must get those out before doing a bunch of heavy metal clearing.  Going with a safe biological dentist is key for safety here. 

Heavy Metals and Sensitivity…
When you have heavy metal toxicity you can become very sensitive to many things.  One is EMF’s or electromagnetic frequencies.  This is because heavy metals act like an antennae for these frequencies pulling them into the skin and tissue through the sweat glands.  
If you’ve been with me for a little while you KNOW, that EMF’s are bad news.  A huge portion of coronavirus is the increased radiation of 5G causing toxic load. 

So, if you know that you have amalgam fillings for instance, or lots of heavy metal toxicity from vaccinations or other means, then it is WISE to keep your distance from Wifi, bluetooth and other forms of EMF’s.  

For more information about your genes, make sure you schedule a genetic nutrition session and we’ll go over the ones for you that are at play. 

For more information about this, you can read about the research here:


This week we are talking about Melissa OIL.  This is the QUEEN of all oils….Lemon balm – also called melissa essential oil, short for its Latin name Melissa officinalis – is distilled from the leaves, which are quite easy to grow and replenish. Lemon balm comes from the same family as peppermint, which is typically known for being prolific and even invasive.

In spite of easy-growing techniques, the leaves themselves yield very little essential oil. So it isn’t a question of how quickly the plant produces but how much it must produce in order to yield a true, pure essential oil.

Within my protocols and recommendations, lemon balm stands out as absolutely valuable due to its cancer prevention potential. As researchers uncover more and more about the mysteries of cancer and the potential that God-given substances have to erase it, I grow more excited about our work with essential oils.

Lemon balm (melissa essential oil), for example, went through an extensive study in 2014, testing its ability to mitigate brain cancer cells. The results taught scientists much about the way the composition of lemon balm interacts with brain cancer cells. In the end, they found that a major part of lemon balm – citral – had numerous effects on the process and behavior of brain cancer and “may be of potential interest for the treatment” of this particular kind of cancer. (1)

Until we know just how to maximize lemon balm (melissa essential oil) as a cancer prevention and even treatment, lemon balm can benefit our lives in many ways, from daily comforts to long-term effects.

Diabetes affects more and more people every day, from type 1 lack of insulin production to type 2 lack of insulin sensitivity. For type 2 diabetes, diet and lifestyle changes are a huge component of treatment.

Where diet and lifestyle are indicated, you are likely to find an essential oil to help as well. Such is the case with lemon balm, which has been tested as an anti-diabetic essential oil. Mouse studies suggest that even small amounts of lemon balm essential oil can help to curb type 2 diabetes. (2)

It’s important to know your diabetes diagnosis well before looking toward additional nutritive treatment like essential oils. Once you understand what your body needs, you can look to oils like lemon balm to assist treatment.

Application: Use lemon balm essential oil as part of your shift toward healthy mind and body lifestyle decisions to combat diabetes. See some of our other favorite essential oils for diabetes here.

Not only are cold sores uncomfortable and unsightly, they are a virus that can be transmitted. In fact, cold sores fall under the umbrella of herpes – the herpes simplex virus. So if you are struggling against cold sores, it’s not just a soothing reprieve you need. You need an antiviral!

Many essential oils are antivirals and could be used against cold sores. Lemon balm, though, appears to be directly effective against the herpes simplex virus. (3) As part of a soothing lip balm, you can address both the need to sooth painful sores and attack the virus at its root.

Application: Include a few drops of lemon balm in a melted mixture of a bit of coconut oil and beeswax. Pour into a small tin and let set up. Remember not to share this lip balm – it’s a source of healing and you don’t want to share your cold sore, as well!

Lemon balm is traditionally used for its calming effects. Essential oils are perfectly suited for this purpose, with easy application (just breathe deep!) and relaxation promotion. Lemon balm may do much more than just relax you, though.

For example, one study published in 2012 demonstrated the ability that lemon balm has to directly affect the brain and neurotransmitters. The specific action studied actually has implications for improving cognitive function and even reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. (4)

Such direct effects on the brain show us how deeply essential oils work in our bodies. Simply inhaling an oil like lemon balm is not just relaxing us because we like the scent, but it’s actually helping to change things deep within ourselves!

Application: Use a drop or two of lemon balm in calming and cognitive-enhancing blends. Diffuse for room-wide calming benefits or inhale directly for more targeted and specific results.

You’ve probably noticed by this point that bug repellent effects are a repeated benefit of many essential oils. It’s not universal for all essential oils, but many have shared components that are effective against mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests. With Lyme disease on the rise, this is more important than ever. For lemon balm, the shared component is citronellol and citral, shared with the popular bug repelling oil citronella.

Sometimes, these natural components are much more effective than synthetic alternatives. As one study noted of essential oils, “these natural products have the potential to provide efficient, and safer repellents for humans and the environment.”

That is all for now.
Have a happy and healthy week.
Dr. Hamel

What you need to know about SB 276, your rights are at stake!


Most of you know that I have taught vaccine safety/education classes for. For those of you who have yet to engage me in the conversation, know that you can at any moment, in a completely non-judgemental and unemotional way.

I love teaching about this very divisive topic. If it wasn’t for the media, we would not be so divisive.

Trust that this is NOT an anti-vaccine email. I write this email with as much humility and love for humanity as I can.

For those of you who have been to one of my classes or have talked to me about it, you know I view this subject with a lot of logic, science, forethought and consciousness.

I’ve studied this topic and I have been driven to do so because of my own personal experience with my patients to which I was never given answers by our medical systems.  Seeing patients lives changed before my eyes and more importantly lives of children.

Having had family in the medical field, and having a bad experience with my own personal health in the medical system I knew that I needed to research real facts.

For those of you who do not know about the recent history of vaccination legislation in California please read on. This is a very abbreviated list.

In 2012, AB2109 was passed which required parents to obtain their doctor’s signature on a government form prior to enrollment in public school if they wish to skip one or more vaccines for their child. The bill required all parents exercising their right to choose their own vaccination schedule for their children to sit down with a medical provider and have a government document signed showing they know the risks of the decision. Prior to this, parents could freely submit their own documents – legislators primarily wanted parents educated about the risks of disease.

In 2015, with SB277 the California State Legislature took away personal belief and religious exemptions for vaccinations. This left parents who were looking to educate themselves on other options regarding the vaccine schedule and do something different than what the CDC mandates to find a pediatrician who would be open-minded about the parents’ right to choose. A big change with SB277 was the medical exemption became necessary for both public and private school systems. The pediatrician now had full control over this medical intervention and legislators promised the doctor-patient relationship was of the utmost importance.

This year, with SB276, it is different. They are removing your pediatrician’s ability to make a clinical determination regarding your child’s ability to be vaccinated or qualify for a medical exemption if necessary. We can clearly see how slowly yet pervasively our rights surrounding vaccines are being stripped. You doctor will no longer by law be able to do anything outside of the CDC mandated schedule. Even some severe reactions following vaccines may not qualify for an exemption. Family history, genetic testing, etc will no longer qualify for exemption. Your only option is homeschooling if you want anything other than the CDC mandates schedule for vaccines for your children. The power now lies solely with the state. A public health official who has never met your child now has full control as to whether they should or should not be vaccinated.

What you need to know is:

  • There are only 0.7% of children with medical exemptions in California.  Even with the small increase in medical exemptions (because personal belief exemptions got taken out), there has been a net DECREASE of over 10,5000 exemptions since 2015.
  • The CA medical board has already dismissed the majority of investigated complaints with NO VIOLATIONS FOUND.  Additionally , health officers discovered few or no problematic medical exemptions according to a recent study.
  • If a handful of invalid exemptions exist, the CA Medical Board should address them individually without punishing all the medically fragile children in California with legitimate exemptions written by doctors who followed the law.
  • Vaccine injured children, genetically susceptible children, and their at risk siblings need to be protected with medical exemptions, and licensed physicians are the only ones qualified to write them.

  • There are NO long term inert placebo controlled trials to prove safety for ANY vaccines. NONE.

  • Since 1986, a law was passed making vaccine companies (pharmaceutical companies), doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. untouchable– they can not be held liable for any vaccine injuries.

  • Nearly $5 billion have been paid out from your tax dollars for damages, injuries and death from vaccines.

  • In 1986, there were 11 required doses of childhood vaccines and as of next year (2020), there will be 75 required doses of childhood vaccines.  By the age of 18. This schedule has never been tested for safety and it has been clearly shown the multiple doses on one day leads to injury.

  • In 2016, 59,117 injuries were reported to VAERS (CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) including 432 deaths, 1091 permanent disabilities, 4132 hospitalizations, 10,284 emergency room visits. AND the Department of Health and Human Services has determined that fewer than 1% of adverse events are ever reported. (~5.9 million injuries in 2016).

  • This is about campaign contributions, not health. Pharmaceutical companies have donated millions to lawmakers who push mandatory vaccination and attack exemptions.

In the end, please do your own research. I don’t claim to know everything, but what I know for sure is the importance of following your intuition to make a mindful decision.

Most of our patients are fully vaccinated. Many do a delayed schedule via Dr Sears or Dr Paul Thomas’s protocols. Both of whom are pro-vaccine, pro-science and pro-informed consent and I frequently recommend their work.

I hope you know by now that I am not anti-vaccine.  Like a growing number of pediatricians, MDs, scientists and lawmakers, I am pro-informed consent, pro-safety and pro-science.  I will have you consider that in a liability-free market (like vaccines are), industry is allowed to run rampant and they have run their course.

Consider the reason you exclusively hear vaccines are only and always “safe and effective” is because the largest lobby in DC is the pharmaceutical companies (by 4 times) and the largest sponsors for all major media sources are pharmaceutical companies.


My call to action is below:

  1. Attend the rally to oppose SB276 on April 24th at the state capitol.

  2. Consider donating to A Voice for Choice. This is our state’s advocacy group and they are looking to hire one more lobbyist for Sacramento. Know that on any given day, the pharmaceutical companies have more lobbyists on capitol hill that we do legislators.

  3. Call your local representative to voice your opinion and protect your doctor-patient relationship and your rights to make conscious choices surrounding childhood vaccines. Below is a script you can use when you call! They need to hear from you!


Thank you for reading this email. Please take action. If this email offends you, I apologize. The purpose of this email is to inform, not to offend. Our freedoms are at stake and this affects the lives of all of us and our children.


Ps. Here is the script:

“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent.  I am calling to ask Senator ____ to OPPOSE S.B. 276, which would severely restrict medical exemptions to vaccination.

Medical exemptions are already very difficult to obtain. This bill is trying to make the process even more arduous.

The doctor-patient relationship must be protected.  Only a doctor should be able to determine whether or not a child is medically contracted to vaccination.

An appointed official who has never examined my child should not be making medical decisions that carry the risk of serious injury and death.  Adverse reactions are clearly listed on all vaccine manufacturer package inserts.

This bill also requires that medical exemptions be tracked in a government database, which creates potential HIPAA and FERPA privacy issues.

I urge Senator _____ to oppose S.B. 276.”

If you need anymore information or research I will have printable documents at each office.   The only way to get this to not pass is we HAVE to show up.  Posting on facebook will no longer work.  We have to be active and show up to our legislators.  If this gets passed, it will be the end to any human rights, and homeschooled children won’t be safe either.

Please pass this on.

With love.


Dr. Hamel



How Toxic Loads Lead to Auto-Immunity

How Toxic Loads leads to Auto-immunity

Happy Monday Everyone.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great thanksgiving weekend.  I am so very thankful for you all and how easy it has been this year to transition to San Diego.

This month we have been focusing all our discussions about Autoimmunity.  The first week we talked about how brain inflammation from improper movement in the bones of the head can lead to autoimmunity, the second week was about nutrition and our food sources, last week was about emotional traumas.  Finally, this week we will finish out this month with information about toxic loads and how those can lead into autoimmunity.

What do I mean by Toxins?

Well, we’ve previously talked in week two about food toxins, as in if your food source is GMO or non-organic, then it is loaded with toxins.  Basically, you are eating round up and materials that are foreign to our body and ones we cannot digest.

Other than food sources, what are other ways we can get toxins?

1.  Beauty Products, air fresheners, cleaning supplies.  Any product you put in the air or on your skin that is not organic or has parabens, fragrance or chemicals is going to be a huge source of toxic load for you. Beauty products like toothpaste, lotion, youth creams, soap, shampoo, conditioner, perfumes and makeup are full of toxic chemicals.  Laundry detergent and sheets are even worse.  Anything with “fragrance” label has over 10,000 chemicals in it.

2. Water sources. Most of our water, unless you have your own well in an area where the soil hasn’t been sprayed, isn’t pure.  Tap water is loaded with chlorine that is a neurotoxin and also depletes our body of iodine.  (hence, a lot of thyroid conditions).  Going to plastic water bottles is not a better option either.  Plastic is such a huge toxin, and it’s not just BPA anymore there’s other BP’s out there that are also harmful.  It’s a hormone disrupter and just all out toxin.  Those brita water filters and such are not sufficient enough to clean out all the impurities. Studies have shown that pharmaceuticals, like prescription and over the counter drugs, are being found in tap water. We also shower in chlorine water, swim in it, ect.  It seeps into our skin, and absorbs into it.  Getting shower and tub purifiers can also be really helpful.

The best water i’ve found is Kangan Water.  For more information, check it out here:


3.  Vaccines.  Unfortunately, this has been an ever increasing problem.  I’ve seen many in my office even within the past month with vaccine injuries because of the toxins that are in them.  Please do your research.  I know in California they make it hard for us, but it has to stop here, or else it will be enforced everywhere.  For more information about all the toxins in vaccines and their detrimental effects, and also how they can CAUSE autoimmunity there are many resources.  The Truth About Vaccines documentary series is a wonderful series, or learntherisk.org. 

Vaccines contain adjuvants that can cause autoimmune reactions as well.  Things like aluminum, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, ect. causes the immune system to rev up, which is the point of putting them in the vaccines (to create an immune reaction.  The problem is it also causes abnormal immune system reactions because they are so toxic.

Vaccines DO NOT create immunity.  

4. Infections.  Infections like mold are autoimmune triggers. The mold can even get into the brain, and the immune system can attack the brain.  Toxic mold inhalation and the dried spore coatings can cause autoimmune reactions to take place.  Other chronic infections like protozoa can disrupt the digestion so much, that that immune system gets so irregular and leaky gut occurs.

5.  Look in your mouth. Infections in the mouth can be a huge immune system depletor.  Don’t let infections go on in the mouth.  It can be really harmful.  And root canals aren’t perfect they can leave behind infections.  Consulting with a holistic functional dentist is best.  Many dentists will tell you having mercury fillings is fine, or, your tooth doesn’t look bad even though theres an infection.  Run from these people.  We know through research mercury is completely toxic. Mercury fillings and root canals with metal are still utilized.  Mercury toxicity is huge for creating immune reactions.

The chronic inflammation limits detoxification, the toxins disrupt our immunity, they have a negative affect on our micro biome, and have an irritating effect on the GI tract. It also causes liver and intestinal miscommunication, organ dysregulation, autonomic dysregulation which then extends into autoimmunity. 

I’ve seen many cases change dramatically when the metal is out of there mouth, and it is clear of infections.

6. Cookware.The last thing you want to do with your fresh, healthy ingredients is to cook them in a toxin pan. Non-stick coatings are made with perfluorinated chemicals that not only leach into food but are persistent in your body and the environment – meaning they never go away. It’s not just pots and pans – stay away from non-stick versions of bakeware, rice cookers and other cooking appliances.

Action: Toss out your non-stick cookware and switch to safe, non-toxic cast iron, stainless steel, enamel or ceramic cookware.

7. Mattress. 

Given the fact that we spend 1/3 of our lives in bed, it’s important that it be a healthy place to rest. Sadly, the time you spend in bed each night may be harming your health rather than enhancing it. Toxic flame retardants, formaldehyde and other chemicals used in mattresses, pillows and bedding may be slowly off gassing into the air you are breathing while you sleep.

Action: If you are in the market for a new mattress or bedding, make sure it is flame retardant free and made with natural and organic materials.


8. EMF’s

Electro magnetic frequencies, from cell phones, lap tops, phones, smart meters, ect. have been shown to disrupt our microbiome, and open up the blood brain barrier.  This means our innate immune system is hindered.  Here is a study showing the EMF autoimmune connection.

www.nbci.nlm. nih.gov/pubmed/27412293


These are all sources of toxins that are usually just in our home!! Not to mention what’s in our environment.  The point is to best control what’s in your environment as best as you can .

The key with autoimmunity is changing the biochemistry of your body to a state of health and well being so those improper reactions will no longer flourish.  The body does not just go haywire for no reason.  As we’ve seen this month, there are many causes for the immune system to react in a dysfunctional way, but just depleting the immune system by conventional methods will never fix the problem.

A huge part in autoimmunity is cleaning out these toxins and eliminating your exposure as much as possible.  I know it may seem like a daunting task, but in reality it’s something we ALL must do if we want to prevent things and heal from current conditions.

Most importantly, there IS hope.  You do have to do your part as mentioned, but there is freedom from autoimmunity and I see it all the time.  You just really have to find all the fires, eliminate them, clear them out, and then start to rebuild.

Specifically for toxins you need to support those elimination pathways first, and then begin to clear toxins.  You can’t clear toxins when your pathways are all gummed up.  Its not safe and dangerous.

As always I’m here to help.  If you know anyone or you yourself deal with autoimmunity, reach out.  Putting all these factors into care is my specialty.

ON the spotlight this week is  DoTerra’s Rose.  Most know of the amazing smell of Rose, but the benefits of rose in EMF research is promising.  Because it’s such a high resonance, it has been found to help combat the effects of EMF damage.

doTERRA Rose Touch combines Fractionated Coconut Oil with Bulgarian Damask Rose essential oil, one of the world’s most recognized fragrances in both personal care products and perfumes. Rose oil is incredibly time consuming and expensive to produce—242,000 hand-picked rose petals make about five ounces of rose oil. However, the benefits Rose oil offers are well worth the effort. For this reason, Rose oil is the perfect addition to the doTERRA Touch line as it makes this unique oil more widely available to everyone. In addition, dilution actually enhances the effectiveness
of the oil, and the roller ball packaging makes applications and usage options both affordable and convenient.

Known for its sweet floral fragrance, doTERRA Rose Touch is a must-have addition to your essential oil collection for skincare, mood, and personal fragrance purposes.

Rose Oil Uses

  1. If you love the sweet floral note in perfumes, Rose oil is the perfect natural fragrance for you. Apply Rose Touch to your neck, behind your ears and to your wrists to enjoy the rose’s romantic and unique scent—free of additives or chemicals.
  2. The scent of Rose oil brings with it the power to uplift your soul and change your mood for the better. For those times when your day seems clouded by stress or worry, ease your emotions by applying doTERRA Rose Touch to your heart and pulse points.
  3. Rose essential oil is known to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and promote healthy-looking, radiant skin. We recommend applying doTERRA Rose Touch directly on skin imperfections both in the morning and at night. Not only will it help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections, it will also promote an even skin tone and healthy complexion.
  4. Need another reason to include Rose Touch in your skin care routine? Your skin needs the appropriate levels of moisture to be able to function properly, which means hydration is key. When you’re dehydrated or your skin care routine removes too much moisture from the skin, your body will react by producing too much oil. Rose oil helps balance the moisture levels in your skin, which will keep your skin looking its best.

If don’t have an account or are interested let me know!

Ginseng Chicken Soup.

A great way to help reverse EMF damage is the eat foods that help reverse EMF damage.  One herb is ginseng.  This is a wonderful nutrient that can help to reverse EMF damage.

Add some cilantro in and you can help decrease mercury toxicity as well!


  • 2 cornish hens
  • 1/4 cup sweet (glutinous) rice
  • 10 cloves garlic peeled
  • 2 pieces ginseng each 2 inches long
  • 1/2 inch fresh ginger sliced
  • 7 dried jujube dates
  • 6 chestnuts peeled
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 scallion chopped

Sesame Salt

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • a few shakes black pepper
  • a few pinches toasted sesame seeds


  1. Soak sweet rice for one hour in water; drain. Stuff each cornish hen with 3 cloves garlic, 1 piece ginseng, 2 dates and 2 chestnuts. Spoon in soaked sweet rice until full. Gently place in saucepan so cornish hens sit snugly in pan. Add ginger, remaining ginseng, garlic, jujube dates, chestnuts, and salt. Cover with water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer, covered for 1/2 hour. Turn cornish hens over and continue to cook for another 1/2 hour.To serve, break cornish hens apart and serve in bowls, with stuffing and broth. Serve with sesame salt and chopped scallions on the side.





That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel