Tag Archives: inflammation

Triggers for Disease and Injury


Happy Monday Everyone!  I hope you enjoyed last week’s topic about surviving allergy season!

This week we will be talking about Triggers for Disease and Injury- The all important topic of INFLAMMATION.  

What you NEED to know though is THIS:



In 2014, American’s spent 4.4 billion on OTC pain relievers (Including anti-inflammatories) on several primary medications: aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Currently, 46,000,000 adults in the US have physician diagnosed arthritis, in one form or another and that is projected to reach 76,000,000 by 2030.

It’s time to RETHINK inflammation!

If you chase inflammation or just give anti-inflammatories, even the NATURAL form, you are just putting a bandaid on the situation. 

Here is the problem with NSAIDs.  They actually don’t allow healing ( and harm the kidney over time).  Let me set the stage:

-When there is an injury to a joint, muscle whatever it is.  The inflammation of that area actually stimulates healing and new tissue formation.  But what happens when you take an NSAID is the pain is gone, but the inflammation is also down meaning that actual cellular repair never happens.  When you interrupt or block inflammation, healing is also blocked.

This is why people live off of anti-inflammatories, because the pain WILL come back because the tissue has not been healed. 

Here are all the different feeder mechanisms to inflammation:

  • Toxicity
  • Obesity
  • Pathogenic Gut Bacteria
  • Ulcerative Bowl Disorders
  • Dental Issues
  • Stealth Pathogens
  • Nervous System Dysfunction
  • Long Term Intense Exercise
  • Emotional wounds
  • EMF’s
These mechanisms must be addressed in order to bring you back to a state of true health. 

All too often, even in the natural field I am in, inflammation is treated as a disease, in and of itself and therapy is short-sided and focuses only on inflammation reduction. 

If we merely just prescribe natural anti-inflammatories instead of pharmaceutical ones, what great things have we done??

We have to address those TRIGGERS!

For example, address the root cause of inflammation for one patient can look like this:
You find the root cause is gut inflammation caused by pathogenic bacteria.
-Why is the bacteria there in the first place?
-How do you resolve the bacterial presence?
-How do you resolve damage to gut epithelial tissue?

4 months later their digestion is better, gut pain is gone, elimination and stool form is back to normal, but still residual pain in the musculoskeletal tissue.  WHY?  Well, we have only addressed initiation or the cause, now we  MUST address resolution.

Ways you get ride of waste and toxins are lymph, liver, kidney, skin, lungs GI, tongue and fat.  If they don’t work well neither do you.  YOU CAN’T REGENERATE, IF YOU CAN’T ELIMINATE..


Let’s talk resolvers (return to original state).  Well depending on what the TRIGGER is, after addressing it through initiation, resolution means then giving nutrients that heal the aftermath.  These nutrients can come in the form of actual physical modalities to get blood flow, ect back to the area, or actual nutrients.

Physical modalities:
-Your body doesn’t just stay sick for no reason, it wants to heal.  What happens to all the cellular waste from the old cells when you make new ones?  If they can’t get out they stay inside you.  Hence no resolution of inflammation.
-Craniopathy care
-lymphatic work
-colon therapies

Nutrients like essential fatty acids are not anti or pro inflammatory per say.  Rather, they either up or down regulate the production of pro-inflammatory mediators, balancing inflammatory processes so that healing can occur with undue damage to surround tissues.  They contain something called a pro-resolvin, which brings the inflammatory process to an end.

Most western diets have an overabundance of omega 6 fatty acids and include insufficient amounts of omega 3s and 9s.  High omega 6  and low omega 3,9 intake tip this system out of balance.
Our endocannibioid system in our body also runs off of fats.  So we must intake good fats for cellular repair.

So utilizing high grade omegas are one way of resolution, but there are many others such as hemp oil which turn on cellular repair mechanisms.

My favorite ones for cellular healing are from Standard Process:
Hemp Oil complex- includes calamari oil (omegas, pro dissolving mediators), broccoli (cellular repair, NRF2, Heat shock proteins), hemp(endocannibinoid activator).   Combining this with their Tumeric Forte (turns off the inflammatory master switch).  

Resolving inflammation means you must find the initiator and heal the aftermath, but the quality of nutrients and right balance is needed.  

If you are just also chasing inflammation with your providers, it’s time to take a different look.  Look at where it’s actually coming from, fix those methods through alternative modalities and heal the brain, then come in with tissue healing protocols.

That’s all for now rockstars.


HAPPENING TODAY!!! Please RSVP!!! We NEED to STOP THIS!  They are trying to dismantle taking away even medical exemptions.  Soon, this will be mandated for adults too.



That is all for now,


Wishing you a happy and healthy week.


Dr. Hamel





  • 2 lemons
  • 2.5 inches fresh turmeric
  • 3 inches fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp spirulina
  1. Juice lemons, turmeric and ginger in a juicer.

  2. Combine juice and spirulina in a drink or protein shaker, shake well.

  3. Pour into serving glasses, drink immediately & enjoy!

Recipe Notes

This shot is sour – if you’re looking to sweeten it, add an apple to the juicer or honey to the shaker!

If you don’t have a juicer, add 1/2 cup water, blend and use a mesh cloth to strain.


Fish oils may not be as good as we thought

This week I wanted to chat a little bit about some research I’ve been looking into, and getting all your comments as to what you think!

I know its confusing in the health world, first coffee was bad for us, then it was good, fat was bad and now its good, salt was bad and now its good, ect… You have to know the science, because our health field is always changing.. This is how you determine quality is real scientific studies.

In the nutrition world, and natural healing world, we have been taught to use fish oils Omega 3 (mainly), 6, 9 for decreasing inflammation and increasing good fats for cellular membranes, hormone production ect.
In my practice I use omegas for hormone work, any chronic injuries with inflammation, and other ailments.  Most everyone goes on a fish oil for a great foundation along with a whole food based multivitamin, because our food sources and soil are so nutrient deficient.

However, there has been more and more research coming out, that fish oils really aren’t all that “fishy”… or great for us because of the type of oil called “adulterated” oils. 

You have 100 trillion cells in your body and all of them have a cell membrane — and over 30% of the “material” from which those membranes are made are polyunsaturated fatty acids (i.e. oils).

There is a superiority of plant based oils.  Parent EFAs (essential fatty acid) which come from seeds, was coined by Dr. Brain Peskin because so many people use EFA incorrectly as a derivative.  There are two types of  essential fatty acids: Omega 3 and omega 6, and they HAVE to come from food, meaning we do NOT make them.Omega-9 fatty acids are from a family of unsaturated fats that are commonly found in vegetable and animal fats. These fatty acids are also known as oleic acid, or monounsaturated fats, and unlike omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, omega-9 fatty acids can be produced by the body, which means the need to supplement is not as important.

50% of the 100 trillion cells we have are made of FAT. 25-33% consist of parent oils, it is the structure of every cell we have.  It is also the mitochondria that makes our energy.

Parent essential oils are essential meaning we cannot make them, and are termed LA and ELA( Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid). Fish oil has compounds called DHA and EPA which are DERIVATIVES, meaning they come from the parents.  So, if you have the parents, your body makes derivatives as needed.

What the medical field didn’t know till recently, is that 99% of the parents stay as parents in the cell, they thought prior that they go to derivatives, they had it backwards.. The parents stay as parents, so unfortunately we have an overdose of fish oils, because they are not the parents, they are derivatives.

PEO’s support appetite, beauty, anti-inflammation ect, they make the cell.  You can be overweight and not diabetic, and vice versa, which has everything to do with the cell membrane.  The cell membrane allows insulin and any hormone to go back and forth.  If you have a compromised cell membrane, then oxygen, hormones ect are impaired.

Why is this?

The answer is oxygen.

But, where in the body does that oxygen need to go to sustain life?

  1. The lungs?
  2. The bloodstream?
  3. The cells?

The answer is that oxygen must ultimately go into each cell of the body by going through the lungs, through the bloodstream and through the cell membrane of each cell into each cell’s cytoplasm. And, there may be barriers that hinder this.

  1. Lung problems (asthma, COPD, etc.) can be a barrier to oxygen reaching the bloodstream.
  2. Hemoglobin problems (anemia, not enough iron) can be a barrier for oxygen reaching the cells.
  3. And cell membrane problems (membranes constructed from adulterated fatty acids) can be a barrier for oxygen reaching the cell’s interior.

In a study in 2008 individuals who took the the parent omega 3 had less heart disease, while those on fish oils did not have much benefit.

In a study in 2013-men with the highest DHA, EPA levels had the highest prostate cancer, the reason was because of oxidized omega 6.  By bringing in the parent OMEGA 6, this decreases the chances significantly.

In 2009, they reported that they were all wrong about omega 6, Arachidonic acid saying that it is bad.  PARENT omega 6 has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

You need lots of omega 6, the problem is we get too much adulterated omega 6.  When the PEOs become oxidized, oxygen transfer stops.  This can be seen as “age spots” on the skin.  There was a study of monkey’s taking adulterated omegas and getting age spots in their liver.  The cell oxygen transfer stops.

WARNING.  In America, you are having highly processed foods, and lack of fully functional Omega oils, unless you are eating whole food raw vegan diet, which most aren’t. And I don’t recommend as we need the good fats in our meat sources as well.

Unfortunately, in our modern world, most people consume denatured polyunsaturated fatty acids… that is oils that have been changed from oxygen-attracting to oxygen-resisting… in pursuit of long shelf life.

Denatured (cooked or damaged by manufacturing practices that seek to make a long shelf life product) polyunsaturated oils are dangerous to your health. Long term use of denatured polyunsaturated fatty acids ranks with eating sugar as among the world’s worst health habits because denatured polyunsaturated fatty acids will be used in making your cell’s membranes and restrict the flow of oxygen into your cells.

We need a conservative amount of omega 3 but more omega 6.  It has to be cold pressed not adulterated in regards to the research. Even the inside layer of our arteries are omega 6! The key is a supplement with more parent omega 6 than omega 3.

PGE1- the body’s number 1 anti-inflammatory is through the Omega 6 pathway.
Prostacyclin makes platelets not stick to each other or the artery, this is the omega 6 pathway.

PEOs are anti-aging: Because of the arterial flexibility.  In a study, the measured arterial flexibility giving fish oils vs seed oils.  Those taking the fish oils then stopping and going to seed oils after 4 months, looked 11 years younger cardiovascular wise.  This is clinical scientific proof plant oils are anti-aging.

“Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg stated the cause of cancer was inadequate cellular respiration (oxidizing of fuel in the presence of oxygen in the mitochondria to make energy) and how  modern processing of vegetable oils for long shelf-life leads to denatured oils that are resistive to the transfer of oxygen (this is what oil manufacturers want so that oils don’t go rancid). These denatured oils incorporate into our cell membranes and resist the flow of oxygen into the cell, setting the stage for our modern epidemic of cancer.”
What transfers the O2, the cell membrane! The omega 6 in that cell membrane.  If you are having cooking oil, baking, frying it, you are going to increase your chances for cancer.  Inflammation takes all your oxygen.   You can get cancer in any cell that is oxygen deficient!

We know cancer can be caused by many things not just vegetable oils, but it is interesting that this could be a HUGE cause as well, as we know oxygen depleted cells love cancer.

Plant based oils are oxygen magnets, they allow transfer of oxygen into the cell membrane, which is critical and vital for us. 

“Having ample oxygen in the cells of tissue is at the top of “best health insurance practices” anyone can have. And, all it really takes is switching one’s oil consumption from oils that degrade cellular oxygen content (i.e. today’s, grocery-shelf vegetable oils) to oxygen-friendly oils, called Parent Essential Oils (these oils are Alpha-Linolenic and Linoleic fatty acid containing seed oils that are extracted without damaging heat or damaging processing techniques, and protected from oxidation).”

Processing fats is also huge here, which depends on the liver and gallbladder.  Eating a high fat low carb diet is really critical, but you have to be able to process that fat as well, which might require supplementation.

I hope this was eye opening for you, as it was for me, being that I will be switching most of my protocols from fish oil to more plant based parent seed oil.  We should at this point already all know vegetable oils are very bad. But, for those that don’t I hope this spread some light for you.  Be careful when jumping on the fish oil wagon, as with everything science is changing, so we must shed light on the good and the bad.