Tag Archives: infections

How infections affect the HPA axis.

Happy Monday Tribe!

I hope you all have had a wonderful past couple of weeks.  As we move into October, sickness is in full swing already due to many factors.  As we know a big culprit is lower vitamin D levels as well as enclosed spaces with lots of shedding viruses! 
However, even not in “flu season”, there are many viruses and bacteria that can affect the way your brain can function.
I came across some research lately, that isn’t that new but was very interesting when I dove deeper into it.
It’s research done from the society for endocrinology in Maryland. ( If you want the article just let me know).

Before I begin, I should probably explain what HPA means.  HPA stands for hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are in your brain, and your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys.  This is basically a signaling system.  The just HP axis, is a signaling system from your brain for many different hormones to be secreted, and organs to function.  You NEED that brain signal working first and foremost to be able to tell the organs what to do!

(not my image)

We know that for instance STRESS can make our immune system go down right?  Well, that is because of this pathway.  Stress activates the HPA axis and allows the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol (a stress hormone).  Cortisone controls the body’s blood sugar levels and thus regulating metabolism, acting as an anti-inflammatory, influencing memory formation, controlling salt and water balance, influencing blood pressure and helping development of the foetus. But chronic stress, means chronic cortisol being secreted and lots of problems.

The release of cortisol has many effects on bacterial and viral infections and on the immunity induced by these infectious agents. This study showed that HPA axis activation enhanced Mycobacterium growth in susceptible mice, and increased susceptibility to viral disease.  It also enhances the replication of some viruses.

This talk today though won’t be about that direction, because we know stress causes many problems.  Today we want to talk about the opposite direction: how these infections effect the HPA axis.

The HPA axis is a bidirectional communication between the brain and immune system.  The immune system will signal to the brain via something called cytokines, then the brain will respond by regulating the immune system in part through the action of the HPA axis.  It’s a feedback loop.

How do bacterial and viral infections activate this axis?!

The activation of this axis is probably the result of the action of inflammatory mediators (cytokines).  However, also possible that infections can get into the brain, and have a direct impact on how the HPA axis functions.

These are the infections they studied:
-Endotoxins like salmonella
-Clostridium difficile
-Staph Aureus
-cytomegala virus
-Herpes type 1
-newcastle disease

They also found that the release of cortisol during cytomegala virus infection, wasn’t mediated only through the HPA axis, but can be released from the adrenals directly by the immune system.  

The HPA axis release following a viral or bacterial infection is advantageous to the invading organisms, as it serves to minimize the host’s immune response, enhancing the organisms ability to survive. 

An intact and HEALTHY HPA axis and cortisol response are necessary for host survival after exposure to an infectious agent as well. The lethal level of a pathogen depends on a complex interplay between the specific organism’s induction of an appropriate level of the host’s HPA axis response, the health of that response and pathogen interactions at the level of the cortisol receptor. 

ok ok enough research..

Basically Infections cause problems with how our brain functions and signals… Some infections can even affect the brain directly by being IN the brain, but don’t have to be.  They can have an effect on the brain through this axis not being regulated properly because of an infection!

As I mentioned previously, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland have MANY functions, and so we really need this signal to work well.  But, the research shows in the presence of infections it can’t work well.

Where does that leave us?


WE know that first the HPA axis needs to be supported and healthy so that the immune system doesn’t allow infections to arise. 

But additionally, infections NEED to be cleared in order for this axis to work effectively as well.

How do we achieve this?!

Well we look for both!

In my practice, we can support the HPA axis through enhancing how the brain is functioning through craniopathy and chiropractic care.  If anything is putting pressure or creating tension directly on the brain or directly on these glands, it has to be released in oder for the intact HP axis. 
Nutrition can also be given to help heal and nourish the brain if there has been any previous damage to the hypothalamus and pituitary either from trauma, stress or hormone dysregulation.


WE must attack those infections!

I love using craniobiotic technique (CBT) in my practice to clear infections energetically.  More information is found on my website about this amazing technique.
We also use herbals and remedies if needed to kill the infections, but usually CBT will do the trick.

Lyme Disease Brain is a very real thing and needs MORE complex care, but infections in the brain like lyme disease and many other related viruses cause HUGE problems in brain function.

We then utilize genetic based nutrition to make sure that there are no cracks where infections can creep back in.  No detox pathways that are clogged, no blood brain barriers open, vitamin D is being absorbed (huge for infections) no hormone pathways blocked.


Utilizing these methods, we can heal the brain and regain that HPA axis health that we need!

That is all for now.
Wishing you a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel

Skin Reactions, Allergies & A Sick Liver


Happy Monday Everyone!  Last week’s topic was about the Skin and the Brain. It’s always vital for us to make sure our brain:our number one asset to always be addressed first and foremost. If you missed it, make sure you go check in out here:

The Skin/Brain Connection

This week, we will continue talking about the skin and dive a little into allergies and their relationship to a big organ: Your Liver. 

We are hearing and seeing more and more each day of children AND adults with sensitive skin, skin reactions, rashes and allergies, allergies, allergies. 

Why is that? 

Well, if we look to the liver we might get some insight… 

Unfortunately, we are fire hosed with things surrounding us all the time.  We are literally attacked from all angles.  Our environment, polluted food and soil, the products we use, and to top it all off we are asked literally every time we even step foot into a medical facility if we’ve had “a vaccine”.

Frustrating!  No, I’d like to keep my immune system thanks, and keep your agendas away!

Note here: * Vaccines in themselves can also create allergies to form because of the mix of proteins mixed with the chemicals together.  It creates an immune response in your body to attack it.  For instance, many are cultivated in egg or nut, and when mixed with harsh adjuvants such as polysorbate, formaldehyde or aluminum, it makes our immune system go beserck, making it compromised and WHAM, hello allergies.
(Yes, these are actual ingredients in vaccines, always make sure you read their labels!)  They cannot create immunity!  Nothing that injects chemicals in you can ever be for good.

Point is, Toxins are EVERYWHERE.  This is why it is super important to educate about our future generations.  Not only for the topic we are diving into today, but a sick liver can also can cause mood problems, gut dysfunction,  and more.

So what happens with the liver?

Let’s talk about what the liver does for starters and then we can go from there.  The liver is our filter system.  It’s big job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, and direct it to the rest of the body.  Additionally, it detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes medications.  Finally, it is the creator of a substance called bile, which is vital for us to digest the fats we consume, but also to metabolize proteins and carbs.

Additionally, it is a storage center for the fat soluble vitamins and carbs meaning it stores energy, and then delivers it to our body when we need it.

It has quite a few roles right?

What really HAPPENS, with these conditions though is that the liver kind of gets overwhelmed.  Not only does it have to do its roles mentioned above, but also it gets gummed up so to speak with all the toxins we are exposed to.  And because it is a big digestion metabolizer, even it’s role in digesting our foods becomes difficult when it’s pipes are clogged.

How does this relate to the skin? 

I’m so glad you asked!  The skin, our largest organ, is really the expresser of our internal environment.  When the liver, can’t eliminate these toxins well, our skin then has to do it.  Either through the skin or into your gut ( and as we know our gut health is our immune system).

So rashes in general are really signs of how well your liver and gut are functioning.  Rashes, ezcema, psoriasis, dandruff, ect… These organs aren’t working properly.

What really is a “sick liver” though?

Well, when  the liver isn’t working well, which means digestion isn’t working well ( our immune system), we are WAY more susceptible to get infections. 
The more toxins we are exposed to, the more our immune system is down, the more we are susceptible to the bad guys.

The thing additionally about vaccines, is they also bypass our means of our digestive system and immune system and go straight into organs.  Making them weaker and more susceptible.

The Sickness I find consistently in my office that NEVER fails is liver viruses.  This is why we call it a sick liver.  It really is sick, and can’t take on any more than it already is burdened with.  This means more skin reaction, food allergies, and mood problems.

Are you someone or do you know someone with a zillion allergies, or all of a sudden starts becoming allergic to things?  They have a sick liver. 

How do we fix this?  Normal blood testing won’t show a sick liver.  Unless your liver enzymes are high, but usually it goes under the radar.  The only treatment I utilize for effectiveness is craniobiotic technique.  Once we find the suspected virus, our body eliminates it out, then we can do an effective liver cleanse to clean up the toxins and gunk.

What will happen?

Well, you’ll feel better, your skin will get better and you’ll be way less sensitive to things.

Trust me, I used to be one of those million allergies people. 

More about the kidneys, and damaging habits

So last week we went over dehydration, and I can’t tell you enough how everyday in practice I am presented with low back complaints over and over arising from improper kidney function.  Remember.. our kidneys and liver are working CONSTANTLY for us filtering toxins, hormones and chemicals out of our bodies.  And the kidneys are linked to the psoas muscles which attach to the low back.  So, if you have constant tight hip flexors, this could be your reason.

Here are 10 Common Habits that are really damaging our kidneys:

1. Not drinking enough water.   We went over this last week, so look back if you missed it!

2. Too much salt in your diet. Your body needs sodium to work properly. Most people however consume too much salt (and the wrong kind) which may raise blood pressure and put a lot of stress on the kidneys. As a good rule of thumb, no more than 5 grams of salt should be eaten on a daily basis.  If you “crave” salt, most likely your electrolytes are way out of balance.  True dehydration you actually might need sodium, but having too much sodium can throw off the balance of your electrolytes like magnesium, potassium and calcium and can be really hard on your kidneys.  You want a good balance.   Also the quality of salt is important too or else you won’t really be replenishing your sodium stores.

3. Delaying “when nature calls”.   Many of us ignore the urge to go because you are too busy or want to avoid public bathrooms. Retaining urine on a regular basis increases urine pressure and can lead to kidney failure, kidney stones, and incontinence. So listen to your body when nature calls.

4. That sugar addiction. Scientific studies show that people who consume 2 or more sugary drinks a day are more likely to have protein in their urine. Having protein in your urine is an early sign your kidneys are not doing their job as they should.

5. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiences. Eating a clean, whole food diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits is important for your overall health and a good kidney function. Many deficiencies can increase the risk of kidney stones or kidney failure. Vitamin B6 and magnesium, for instance, are super important to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

An estimated 70 to 80 percent of Americans isn’t getting enough magnesium, so there may be a good chance that you are one of them.  Those of my patients with Candida, Lyme are also supperrr magnesium deficient as they eat up our stores.  BUt in general, most individuals are deficient in magnesium.

This is another reason for electrolyte imbalance is hidden infections. There can be underlying hidden infections in the kidneys and bladder that can cause disruption in their function. This is where CBT Technique comes in handy decifering if this is going on.

6. Too much protein.  Over consumption of protein, especially red meat, increases the metabolic load on your kidneys. So more protein in your diet means your kidneys have to work harder and this can lead to kidney damage or dysfunction over time.  You need to make sure you are adequately breaking down your protein as well, which a good majority of people aren’t.  Low stomach acid is the culprit and is sooo common, I could probably safely say 99.9 % of my patients have low stomach acid.  We need good amounts of protein, but the quality of protein matters, as well as the amount.  This is why many body builders end up having kidney issues because they over consume protein and the quality is terrible, which puts severe stress on the kidneys

You can also get a type of dysbiosis caused by higher meat and low fiber diet.  It reduces the bifidobacteria species in our gut, deconjugates estrogens which elevates blood levels, and is linked to breast and colon cancer. **

So, if you eat meat like myself, you must make sure digestion, quality of meat, and adequate fiber is also consumed.

7.  Sleep Sleep what sleep?
We have all heard how important it is to get a good night’s rest. Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to many diseases and kidney diseases are also on the list. During the night your body repairs damaged kidney tissue, so give your body the time to heal and repair itself.

8.  Sorry in advance coffee lovers.   You know my motto is everything in moderation . Just as salt, caffeine can raise blood pressure and put extra stress on your kidneys. Over time excessive consumption of coffee can cause damage to your kidneys, if you are not replenishing the dehydration.  1 cup of coffee needs 32 ounces of water to replenish!

9. Painkillers. Way too many people take painkillers for their small aches and pains, while there are many all-natural, safe remedies available, not to mention chiropractic care! Excessive use or painkiller abuse can lead to severe damage of liver and kidneys.

10. Alcohol.  Although there is nothing wrong with enjoying a glass of wine or having a beer once in a while, most of us don’t stop after just one drink. Alcohol is actually a legal toxin that puts a lot of stress on our kidneys and liver.

To stay healthy and avoid kidney issues it is important to eat lots of fresh, whole foods and if you keep the above information in mind and avoid these common habits as much as possible, your kidneys will not be under constant stress and your body will thank you for that!  As always, with the new year I recommend doing a 21 day purification cleanse.  I guarantee with my program you will feel higher energy, less pain and sleep better!  The level of toxins around us is astonishing, so make sure your kidneys are up for the constant challenge.

If you have chronic back pain, this could be the reason.  So fix your kidneys, and you might notice less pain!

A patient case study I had this last year. The patient was symptom free low back wise, but each treatment I kept getting kidney reflexes showing up every treatment.  I suggested the patient get blood work. They patient went in for routine blood work, and ultimately found that levels were out of balance.  This led to further testing, and the patient ended up having multiple tumors in their kidneys.  This was without any symptoms, the patient was extremely active! So, these tumor could have actually spread, but we caught it early.  Thats the importance of preventative care as well.  The kidneys are huge or many complaints!

My new office location is open this week!!! Book online today for those in the Southern California Area!!

That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel


On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Cassia.

Extracted from the bark of a Cinnamomum cassia plant, Cassia is a warm and spicy essential oil with a myriad of benefits that can help the mind and the body. For centuries, this sister to the cinnamon spice has been used internally to maintain physical health and aromatically to support emotional well-being. One of Cassia oil’s most prominent health benefits is its ability to promote healthy digestion when used internally.* Cassia is also a popular ingredient when making many different entrees, breads, and desserts. This spice is flavorful and can be used to replace cinnamon in a variety of food items. Along with its digestion benefits, Cassia oil can be taken internally to support healthy immune function and to maintain cardiovascular health.* Cassia oil is also a powerful agent when used aromatically. In small doses, its strong and spicy aroma can be used to create an uplifting atmosphere that will promote emotional health. The fragrance emitted from Cassia is recognized anciently in the Old Testament for its powerful scent and calming properties. Due to its caustic nature, Cassia oil should be diluted with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil when applied to the skin and can be very strong when inhaled directly.

  1. If you like citrus blends, you will love the refreshing twist that Cassia will bring. Add one drop of Cassia oil to your favorite citrus blend for a spicy and uplifting aroma. If you are looking for a great essential oil diffuser recipe using citrus oils and Cassia, combine three drops of 3 drops of Wild Orange essential oil with 2 drops of Cassia oil and diffuse. This diffuser recipe will provide you with warm, uplifting feelings.
  2. Because internal use of Cassia oil can help support healthy immune function,* Cassia is a powerful commodity in protecting the body from seasonal threats. To keep your body healthy throughout the year, take one to two drops of Cassia oil in a Veggie Capsule for added immune support when needed.*
  3. Relax and unwind from the day with a massage using Cassia oil. Combine one drop of Cassia oil with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut oil and massage into skin for a warming sensation. When applied topically, Cassia oil has the ability to help soothe the body and its aroma can help to uplift the senses. This massage blend is especially beneficial during the winter months due to its warming properties and spicy scent.
  4. Looking for something delicious to drink that will also provide internal benefits? Look no further. Combine one to two drops of Cassia oil with Lemon oil in a glass of water for a delicious essential oil infused water that can aid in digestion.* This lemon water and Cassia oil drink is also a perfect way to ward off hunger cravings.* Combined with frequent exercise and healthy eating, this drink can be a tasty option to aid in weight loss.*
  5. Exfoliate your skin with this do-it-yourself Festive Fall Sugar Scrub with Cassia oil. This customizable sugar scrub is a wonderful way to soften your skin while also enriching your senses with the fragrances of autumn. In this DIY, you can blend the rich scents of Cassia, Ginger, and Clove essential oils for an uplifting and rejuvenating look and feel your skin will want to thank you for. This sugar scrub is also a great gift for friends, birthdays, baby showers, teacher gifts, or simply showing someone you are thinking of them.
  6. Cassia is a heart-healthy essential oil when used internally. If you are looking for a way to help support your cardiovascular system, use Cassia oil internally. Put one to two drops of Cassia oil in a Veggie Capsule to promote healthy cardiovascular system function.*
  7. Cassia oil can be just as powerful in the kitchen as it is on the body. The spicy, cinnamon taste of Cassia can be used to spruce up a variety of traditional recipes—especially during the holiday season. Cassia oil can be used in pies, breads, and other entrees or deserts. Because Cassia is a close relative to cinnamon, it can replace cinnamon in many different foods.
  8. Along with its uplifting aroma, Cassia oil can also produce feelings of excitement. Get the most out of Cassia by diffusing it for its aromatic benefits. Diffusing Cassia oil can help promote feelings of arousal.
  9. Inspire your senses with this choice doTERRA diffuser blend using Cassia oil. Place 2 drops of Cassia, 4 drops of Wild Orange, and 2 drops of White Fir oil into a diffuser for a refreshing aroma. With White Fir’s calming effect and Wild Orange’s energizing aroma, this diffuser trio is a stabilizing blend you will not want to miss out on.
  10. Are you a lover of the great outdoors? In outdoor activities and especially during hikes, hydration is a crucial element to maintaining health and enjoying your outside adventures. To support hydration, put a drop of Cassia oil in your water for a delicious flavoring to help increase your water intake when hiking or doing extensive outdoor activity.

Cinnamaldehyde, the main chemical constituent of Cinnamon Bark and Cassia essential oils, is well known for its warm, spicy aroma. A study printed in the June 2015 issue of the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry suggests that cinnamaldehyde acts to support healthy molecular function in the kidneys.*

The molecular environment of kidneys is dependent on many biochemical pathways. Biochemical pathways can be thought of as a Rube Goldberg machine. One molecule stimulates another molecule to act on a different set of molecules, and so on, in a chain of events until the desired outcome is achieved. This study showed that cinnamaldehyde inactivated the JAK2-STAT1/STAT3 biochemical pathway in the kidney cells, which may help keep kidney cells healthy.*