Tag Archives: detox

Low Back/Groin Pain and your Kidneys?

Hey Warriors!
Guess what?!  Blogging is back!!
I’ve finished my new and upcoming book (thank you Jesus), and so I can slowly begin to get back into the blogging you all love!  It’s not out yet, you didn’t miss it, its still in development, but thankfully my part is finished:)

Between blogs I will be uploading an email on the upcoming podcasts, but I will leave those as separate topics.  If you haven’t subscribed to my podcast please do!  Unfiltered Healing is available on YouTube, Spotify and iTunes.


Low back pain or stiffness is a pretty common complaint. About 80% of people experience it at one point in their life, and some people chronically.

If you’re new here to my blogs, welcome.  If you’re not new, you know that I talk pretty extensively about the location of pain is rarely every where the problem is.  Why?  Pain is a signal from the brain. That’s it.  It doesn’t tell us where the pain is originating from, it just tells us “hey something is not in balance”.

There can be various difference reasons for pain to manifest in the low back region.  Too much sitting and not enough movement is really common, weakness in the core/abdominal muscles and backside (glute) muscles ( also really common), too much cranial tension (in the skull bones) causing the low back to compensate, unstable pelvic joint, toes are crammed together……  These are all examples of mechanical reasons for the pain in the back.  It could be upstream or downstream that’s the issue, but something in the structure of the body and subsequently how the nervous system is working is causing the issue.

However, lower back pain can also be related to certain organ’s needing attention.  What do you mean?

Something occurs called viscerosomatic pain referral patterns.  In other words, your organs have specific channels and pain patterns that can mimic as a mechanical problem.  For instance, if someone is having a heart attack they can feel pain down the left arm.  This is that referral pattern.

The lower back region in particular has a relationship with several different organs. The upper region of the low back is the kidneys, next in line is the ascending colon, reproductive organs are next, descending colon and finally the uterus/prostate at last lumbar region.

Depending on which organ is either inflamed or just not functioning properly, determines where in the low back you may feel it.  How does that work? The referral patterns.  The one I see most commonly in this region is the kidneys.  Now, we are taught in the education system that when the kidneys are malfunctioning you may feel something like “flank pain”, which is pain felt around the lower part of your ribs on your backside.
However, this most often only occurs with stone formation and kidney infection.  

The kidneys are our filtration system, and when that filter gets either overburdened or doesn’t have the right hydration/mineral balance, the organ starts to malfunction.  It’s very similar to when the liver, which is our biggest toxin filter gets too clogged up we can get a host of problems.

The kidneys biggest function is to remove waste from the blood. Every day the kidneys process about 200 quarts (190 liters) of blood and filters out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water.
Waste could be a chemical that the body cannot use at all, or even if the body can use it, if it is present in excess of what the body needs then the excess is classified as waste. If wastes accumulate in the body, the results can be deadly, so waste needs to be removed quickly. Other functions of the kidneys include:

  • Urine formation
  • regulating water volume
  • regulate salt content
  • regulate blood pressure
  • produce hormones- erythropoietin, triggers the release of red blood cells
  • regulate the pH of our body
  • process vitamin D into an active form
Just like any organ we have been designed with, the kidneys are important. Typically, the most common occurrence that happens in my practice is dehydration.  Many many individuals are dehydrated, not only because they don’t drink enough water, but because the type of water they consume and the lack of minerals in their diet create dehydration. This is why I’m a huge proponent of food based minerals, and clean hydrating water like Kangan water.  If you want to know more about Kangan just email me and I’ll include you in the next live class.

Second, the kidneys get backed up in what is called the CBS pathways in methylation.  You can think of it similarly to detoxification.  When the biochemical pathways do not have sufficient vitamins/minerals either because of toxins, pathogens, not enough in the diet or genetic variations, this pathway in particular causes some damage to the kidneys.  Like I mentioned a moment ago, the kidney filters waste and a lot of that waste is chemicals we either breathe, eat or for some inject.  If the burden is too high the kidneys can’t keep up and it causes damage. Often times someone will not “feel” pain in the kidney, or might not even have abnormality in their laboratory work, but the organ isn’t functioning at its best.  How do we know?  The referral pattern.

The referral pattern for the kidneys for some starts in the lower back and wraps around the front of the pelvis into the groin region.  This is a pretty significant bull’s eye in my practice that I know the kidneys are at play.  It is important to rule out the mechanical issues first as well, because pelvic instability looks similar.  However, chronic pain here is a clue to the kidneys.

Remember, traditional medicine may have zero clue here.  If your labs and urine look “normal”, everything is perfect in their eyes. However, hidden toxins and hidden pathogens like parasites and mold toxins don’t show up in these tests.  These, in combination with other chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, air pollution, adjuvants in v@CCinations, to name a few really put a big stress on the kidneys, and sometimes the only way to let you know is through this referral pattern.

Here’s my tips:

1. Start with hydration.  You need CLEAN water, not tap or refrigerator, or bottled…those are mostly toxic..Get highly filtered water and then add minerals in to help you absorb it.  Better yet, get kangan!

2. start taking a toxin inventory….. Is your food organic and non gmo?  Cleaning products and beauty products organic and clean by EWG standard?  use of fertilizers, pesticides, weed killers…. Aromatic things like febreeze, fragrances and perfumes…5G towers near you, or EMF protection(radiation is toxic), need your nails done all the time, use plastic bottles, mold is in your home, you’ve done many v@CCinations, you take pharmaceuticals….. this isn’t an exhaustive list but you get the picture.  Start taking inventory and begin to change out things that you can one at a time.

3. Get a customized nutritional plan to make sure that CBS pathway and others are working effectively to get out the toxins, and also to screen for mold and other pathogens that might be lurking around.  It doesn’t take a lot, but a few key vitamins and minerals can help tremendously here. Unfortunately, our food even if clean just isn’t enough anymore because our soil is void of minerals.  Most everyone needs supplementation now.

4. Sauna and infrared light are also great tools to help take the toxin burden off, by getting toxins out through the sweat.

5. Eat organ meat.  The best way I’ve found to build organs is to utilize organ meats.  They’ve been around a long time and for good reason.  If you don’t particularly love eating organ meats  ( need to be grass fed), like myself I recommend the brand heart and soil as they are in capsule form which is easier on the palate.


That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Rachel

The dangers of mycotoxins and what to do about them!

The dangers of mycotoxins and what to do about them!

Happy Monday Tribe!

Sorry I didn’t give you guys a health tip last week!  I have been BUSY! I wanted to let you know that I will be cutting down on my blogs so that I can reach my deadline and finish writing my book!

I’m thinking either one every other week or once a month.  I will let you know as soon as I know!!


Back to this week’s topic. Myocotoxins.

What are mycotoxins and why do we care in the health field?!
Mycotoxins are toxic compounds that are naturally produced by certain types of molds. Molds that can produce mycotoxins grow on numerous foods such as cereals, dried fruits, nuts and spices. Mold growth can occur either before harvest or after harvest, during storage, on/in the food itself often under warm, damp and humid conditions. Most mycotoxins are chemically stable and survive food processing.
Several hundred different mycotoxins have been identified, but the most commonly observed mycotoxins that present a concern to human health and livestock include aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin, fumonisins, zearalenone and nivalenol/deoxynivalenol. Mycotoxins appear in the food chain as a result of mold infection of crops both before and after harvest. Exposure to mycotoxins can happen either directly by eating infected food or indirectly from animals that are fed contaminated feed, in particular from milk.

Mycotoxins are capable of causing mycotoxicosis (disease and death) in humans and animals.  These toxins cause disturbance in the gut, particularly in the intestinal epithelial.  However, research exists to show that the gut microbiota is capable of eliminating mycotoxin from the host naturally, provided that the host is healthy with a balanced gut microbiota.

It has been estimated that 25% of the world’s crops such as nuts, cereals and rice are contaminated by mold and fungal growth (WHO).  The exposure is mostly by ingestion. Some people are more susceptible to getting mycotoxicosis than others, and this is due the the pharmocogenetic variability where gene mutations such as CYP 450 could increase or decrease the metabolic activity of getting rid of them.
It tends to still be ignored by the medical field though unfortunately.

Mycotoxins can induce diverse and powerful toxic effects in that some are carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, estrogenic, hemorrhagic, immunotoxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, dermatoxic and neurotoxic.
They are finding that the ever changing climate changes (warming) are having increases in contamination.  

What happens to the gut?!

Some mycotoxins have been found to exert their detrimental effects in the GI tract by altering the normal intestinal functions such as barrier function and nutrient absorption.  
And as we know, the occurrence of disease has often been linked to dysbiosis of the gut! EVERY autoimmune disease has a gut dysbiosis cause.  We also know through research that the mycotoxins also are capable of altering the microbial balance of the intestine further causing oxidative stress.

Usually mycotoxicosis results from a high dosage of mycotoxin contamination, and involves regulation of DNA methylation and alteration of gene expression. 
Gut microbes varies from person to person, so different reactions toward mycotoxins are observed.

So how do we treat it?!!

I’m So glad you asked!!

I treat it two different ways.

1. Clear the mycotoxins through craniobiotic technique.  When I find the mold aspergillus in an individual through CBT, mycotoxins can also be present.  Alerting the brain of the mycotoxins can allow them to clear it out.

2. Methylation Genetic work!  Work on the genetic variations that are making people react to the mycotoxins in the first place!   Fixing that gut microbiotia always involves methylation support!

Be aware of molds!! They are silent killers and wreak havok on the immune system.  They are found in foods as mentioned here, but also in homes, bathrooms, garages, basements, ect.   Don’t leave mold!  It a serious health threat.


That is all for now.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week.

Dr. Hamel


If your interested in attending an essential oils class either virtually through zoom or in person let her know.

She will be teaching various classes soon in her PB office, but can do weekend virtual EO classes.

Email her!

Hormonally Charged Skin


Happy Monday Everyone! We’ve covered a lot this month all regarding the skin!  The brain connection, liver, gut…  Before we close out the Month of February (Time Flies), there’s one last topic we have yet to cover and that is hormones!

Now, I will say.. All of the above topics mentioned all need to be addressed when looking into the hormonal portion, and all I would look into FIRST since they are all inter-related.  

But, once you’ve addressed these, and there are still skin issues persisting, regulating the hormones is the next step. 


When we think of hormones and their relationship to the skin, we often think about a certain age when this is pretty visible.  The teenage years?  Am I right?  Throughout adolescence there is a big shift in our hormones and many ups and downs that take take place until we reach an age of maturity in this system. 

For instance, for females did you know that the female hormones cycle does not completely mature until around the age of 25?!  That means there will be a lot of fluctuations in this system as maturation is occurring.  Now, we know from our previous talks there there are also A LOT of hormones within our environment, products and food that can completely disrupt our hormonal systems, so we need to do as previously mentioned and clean out the liver. 

But, who uses those smelly products, lotions and potions the most? Who also is exposed to sugar, processed foods and hormone foods more? Yep teenagers.  They are exposed A LOT to hormones in their environment, and in the midst of trying to calibrate their own hormonal system in the process is difficult. 

So, first and foremost if you want to start balancing the hormones you got to do the above and get rid of hormones in the environment and clean up their diet.

It’s also ‘normal” in the US for girls to start their period between 6 to 8 years old! WHAT?!  Yes… it keeps getting younger and younger because of hormones in the environment.

But also, many teenage girls are given other options for literally any symptom they have with their cycles.  Cramps, moodiness, acne, heavy bleeding, bloating, headaches.  All given the magic pill,  birth control…. Well.. i mentioned it takes a WHILE to actually mature the hormone cycle.  So does birth control really help it along?  I’m sure you know the answer is NO.

Rather than give exogenous hormones, which they are already exposed too much to, what these girls really need is support to help as they mature through this phase of their life… Did you know cramping, bloating, mood swings, ect. are NOT normal?  Yep, these aren’t “normal” variants, despite what we’ve been told from generations down the line.  

When women, and let’s start with teens get these symptoms these are signs that the system is not balanced.  For teens again it takes many years, and they need support going through those fluctuations so these symptoms are less harsh or non existant.

For adult women, you need some serious balancing.  Clean out the liver, clean out the exogenous hormones and support the female organs. 

Birth control sets you up for failure. …..

If birth control is taken for the sole purpose to try and balance a menstrual cycle which is the majority of cases, it sets women up for future failure with their hormone regulation.  The longer you are on it, the more damaging it becomes.  But,  especially for our young girls, it is very damaging for their brains to confuse it with hormones.

Birth control has created a HUGE problem for fertility.  The pill hides problems that we don’t want to deal with.  And when you take hormones, the actual organs that were producing the hormones go on vacation, because they no longer have to produce them.  The longer you’re on birth control the harder it will be to conceive.

With our teens, it really short wires the brain giving birth control, and causes them to grow into that bad brain signaling pattern.  It also depletes the body of B vitamins and lowers the immune system.  A lack of these, you will also have skin problems.

So, if there are symptoms in a female because of hormone issues like acne (since we are talking about the skin), DON’T give them birth control, support the brain as its maturing to handle the ups and downs instead.

Many skin related hormonal issues can he helped a ton through brain support, liver support, taking out all the sugar and giving craniopathy care. 

Now, this isn’t for just teens.  Ladies if you have skin problems associated with your hormones, you need to clean out your body and start regulating that brain signal.  Patterns can be changed, epigenetics can be changed, and you can change those hormonal patterns even in your children. Genetics do play a role in the clearing of the estrogen load we place our bodies in, but they can be helped and changed. 

For men…
Yes hormonal changes are not just for women.  In fact, you can actually transfer hormones through the skin.  So if your women is taking birth control and you nuzzle up to her, you can become estrogen dominant as well.  All hormones transfer through the skin. Women, if your man is taking testosterone supplementation, that means you’ll get more than you need as well.

If you have skin related problems, the same goes for you.  You need to clean out the estrogen and toxins, and help support the male hormone pathways through specific nutrients needed.  For instance, men need a good amount of Zinc for sperm production and other hormonal balancing.  But most men are depleted in it.  Stop spraying the axe body sprays and deodorants.  You’re messing up your hormones and your future kids hormones.  Also your skin will be no bueno.

When you balance the liver, gut, brain and hormones, you will have to choice but to have radiant skin!  But remember, always look to the sources.  Giving things to cover symptoms will help for awhile but can cause further problems later on such as fertility, low libido and others, not to mention increased aging in your skin. 

Good hormone balancing means great supple flawless skin!

Oil of the WEEK.

The oil of the week this week is Immortelle.Powerfully renewing, this proprietary blend combines rare essential oils that have been use throughout history for their beautifying benefits. Immortelle Anti-Aging Blend is formulated to support and nourish the skin while helping to reduce contributing factors to the appearance of aging skin. These unique essential oils were expertly selected to help sustain smoother, more radiant, and youthful-looking skin. Immortelle easily absorbs into the skin and can be used on the face, neck, and décolletage to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and aging skin.


Apply a thin layer of Immortelle to the face, neck, and decolletage, then repeat application to targeted areas. Follow with the doTERRA moisturizer of your choice.

Apply to reduce the appearance of blemishes.




Thats all for now..


Have a happy and healthy week!


Dr. Hamel

Skin Reactions, Allergies & A Sick Liver


Happy Monday Everyone!  Last week’s topic was about the Skin and the Brain. It’s always vital for us to make sure our brain:our number one asset to always be addressed first and foremost. If you missed it, make sure you go check in out here:

The Skin/Brain Connection

This week, we will continue talking about the skin and dive a little into allergies and their relationship to a big organ: Your Liver. 

We are hearing and seeing more and more each day of children AND adults with sensitive skin, skin reactions, rashes and allergies, allergies, allergies. 

Why is that? 

Well, if we look to the liver we might get some insight… 

Unfortunately, we are fire hosed with things surrounding us all the time.  We are literally attacked from all angles.  Our environment, polluted food and soil, the products we use, and to top it all off we are asked literally every time we even step foot into a medical facility if we’ve had “a vaccine”.

Frustrating!  No, I’d like to keep my immune system thanks, and keep your agendas away!

Note here: * Vaccines in themselves can also create allergies to form because of the mix of proteins mixed with the chemicals together.  It creates an immune response in your body to attack it.  For instance, many are cultivated in egg or nut, and when mixed with harsh adjuvants such as polysorbate, formaldehyde or aluminum, it makes our immune system go beserck, making it compromised and WHAM, hello allergies.
(Yes, these are actual ingredients in vaccines, always make sure you read their labels!)  They cannot create immunity!  Nothing that injects chemicals in you can ever be for good.

Point is, Toxins are EVERYWHERE.  This is why it is super important to educate about our future generations.  Not only for the topic we are diving into today, but a sick liver can also can cause mood problems, gut dysfunction,  and more.

So what happens with the liver?

Let’s talk about what the liver does for starters and then we can go from there.  The liver is our filter system.  It’s big job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, and direct it to the rest of the body.  Additionally, it detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes medications.  Finally, it is the creator of a substance called bile, which is vital for us to digest the fats we consume, but also to metabolize proteins and carbs.

Additionally, it is a storage center for the fat soluble vitamins and carbs meaning it stores energy, and then delivers it to our body when we need it.

It has quite a few roles right?

What really HAPPENS, with these conditions though is that the liver kind of gets overwhelmed.  Not only does it have to do its roles mentioned above, but also it gets gummed up so to speak with all the toxins we are exposed to.  And because it is a big digestion metabolizer, even it’s role in digesting our foods becomes difficult when it’s pipes are clogged.

How does this relate to the skin? 

I’m so glad you asked!  The skin, our largest organ, is really the expresser of our internal environment.  When the liver, can’t eliminate these toxins well, our skin then has to do it.  Either through the skin or into your gut ( and as we know our gut health is our immune system).

So rashes in general are really signs of how well your liver and gut are functioning.  Rashes, ezcema, psoriasis, dandruff, ect… These organs aren’t working properly.

What really is a “sick liver” though?

Well, when  the liver isn’t working well, which means digestion isn’t working well ( our immune system), we are WAY more susceptible to get infections. 
The more toxins we are exposed to, the more our immune system is down, the more we are susceptible to the bad guys.

The thing additionally about vaccines, is they also bypass our means of our digestive system and immune system and go straight into organs.  Making them weaker and more susceptible.

The Sickness I find consistently in my office that NEVER fails is liver viruses.  This is why we call it a sick liver.  It really is sick, and can’t take on any more than it already is burdened with.  This means more skin reaction, food allergies, and mood problems.

Are you someone or do you know someone with a zillion allergies, or all of a sudden starts becoming allergic to things?  They have a sick liver. 

How do we fix this?  Normal blood testing won’t show a sick liver.  Unless your liver enzymes are high, but usually it goes under the radar.  The only treatment I utilize for effectiveness is craniobiotic technique.  Once we find the suspected virus, our body eliminates it out, then we can do an effective liver cleanse to clean up the toxins and gunk.

What will happen?

Well, you’ll feel better, your skin will get better and you’ll be way less sensitive to things.

Trust me, I used to be one of those million allergies people. 

Key Nutrients You Need for a Successful Detox

Key Nutrients You Need for a Successful DETOX

Happy Monday everyone!
We are continuing on this week with topics all about detoxing!  Last week we talked about detoxing and weight loss, so if you missed it head on over to my website!

This week I want to give you some tools of how you can basically armor your body to be able to detox everyday, and things that need to be foundational and present in order for you to effectively detox.

1. Oil Pulling.
This is something that is SO easy, and something EVERYONE can do every single day to help detox your mouth and overall body.  80% of chronic conditions arise from poor oral health!
Oil Pulling has been around for thousands of years in aryuvedic medicine.  It is a simple practice of using cold pressed coconut oil, and I like to add essential oils.  There is a link to how to do it on my website:

Switch from toxic toothpaste and mouthwash to oil pulling!

2.  Minerals. If you have poor oral health, and heavy metal or chemical toxicity in your body, you are almost 100% mineral deficient.  You see, we need minerals to be able to bind these toxins to eliminate them out of the body through our excretion pathways.  These are key elements the body uses to defend itself.

Here are the top 3 minerals that you will be deficient in if you have poor oral health.   And, just so you know about 1 in 30 americans have periodontal disease, and 100% of all root canals are still infected.

1.  Selenium-

  • The form is important.  200 mcg whole food form every day is a baseline.  Nail health, losing of hair?  Your deficient in selenium.   We cannot bind mercury, or produce glutathione without this mineral.  Brazil nuts contain the most food form, but 3 brazil nuts a day often doesn’t contain enough.   You can purchase a high quality selenium whole food supplement from my online pharmacy on my website:

2. Silica. We are silica based life forms.  Our connective tissue is dependent on silica.  It is critical for skeletal integrity of the teeth and gums,  mucosal layer, regenerating the mucus membranes, ligaments and tendons.  I recommend a whole food form.  5000 mg daily loading phase.   Alta silica X is the best brand.  3 tabs 4/ day over 2-4 weeks then reduce as connective tissue integrity is restored, with trace minerals.
You can also order a similar product on my online pharmacy:

3. Trace Minerals.  These include
Magnesium, Chloride, Sodium, Potassium , Calcium, Sulfate  and Boron.

These are vital minerals that are best taken in food forms.  Everyone is deficient in magnesium. Some of you use filtered water, or reverse osmosis water, which depletes your water of minerals, so you must replenish your water with minerals.  I like this company:

Which leads me into point number 3.

3. Hydration.  What you hydrate with is extremely important!  If you drink chlorinated tap water, you are doing more harm than good.  Additionally, if you drink water from plastic bottles you also are polluting your body.  As I mentioned, if you get filtered water you need to replenish it with minerals.  However what i HIGHLY recommend for everyone in their detox journey is molecular hydrogen water.  Not only is it SUPER hydrating, but also high pH and high antioxidant level, which in itself detoxes .

the Brand I recommend is kangen water:


4.  Food Choices. 
You absolutely need to go organic or grow it yourself.  Get to know your local farmers.  Eating a diet of fast food because of its additives, preservative, ect.  causes damage to your microbiome.  The disruption of good gut by eating fast food is enough to create weight gain.  Eat lots of fermented foods which replenish your gut.
Here is a list of foods you could mix and combine and do a 5 day liver cleanse just with food!
-green apples
-fresh berries
-baby greens
-bok choy
-dark green leafy veggies
-olive oil
-apple cider vinegar
-white fish, salmon (wild)
-brown rice
-green tea
-flaxseed meal
-daikon radish (blood cleaner)
-ginger/tumeric root

I also highly recommend doing my 21 day cleanse at least twice a year.  Not only is this needed for complaints but its also PREVENTATIVE.  It’s anti cancer, anti hormone issues, gut issues, ect.  WE live in a toxic world, so we need to make sure our pathways are ALWAYS clear.  This is the only cleanse I have found to be efficient.

I am halfway through mine for the year and feeling great!! I’ve already had a couple patient testimonials that the cleanse and eating differently have CHANGED their lives!

SUPER TIP: Other key nutrients are foundational vitamins and antioxidants.  If you aren’t on a whole food based supplement, you are deprived, there just isn’t enough in our food sources anymore, even if you are organic.  I would love to get you started with this, as well as natural forms of glutathione and other natural antioxidants like vitamin C, A, and B vitamins necessary for detoxification pathways.

5.  Excretion.  Getting the toxins out is also very important!  Try incorporating a dry sauna or infrared sauna in your weekly routine.  Coffee enemas or colon hydrotherapy a couple of times a month, exercising at least 5 times a week, and just plain moving every single day!

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
This can be extremely helpful increase the overall oxygen in your body to help detox and eliminate aerobic bugs out of your body.

Castor oil is also great for detoxing!  Castor oil packs on the liver and abdomen can flush out stagnated lymphatics.

PEMF therapy!  One of my favs for overall cellular detoxification.  My Idaho location has this therapy and its wonderful!

6.  Essential Oils.  Use essential oils like Doterra Lemon to gently detox every single day!  I just finished up a whole class devoted to detoxing with essential oils!  There are many to choose from.

Don’t have an account ask me to get you started!

7.  Regulate your hormones.  I talked about this in last week’s blog, but it’s super important in order to make sure your detox pathways remain unclogged.

8.  Sleep.  I also wrote about this previously.  Sleep is where we heal and our brain detoxes.  If you aren’t getting adequate sleep, please let me know, I have answers!

Oil of the WEEK.

On the spotlight this week is DoTerra’s Clove Oil.

Clove oil has the HIGHEST amount of antioxidants on EARTH!

Antioxidants are KNOWN detoxifying agents.

It’s also great for teeth and gum health and to use in oil pulling!

A great superfood for cleaning and detoxifying the blood are Daikon Radishes!

Try this Green apple and daikon radish salad:

  • 2 daikon
  • 3 tablespoons avocado oil
  • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons clementine juice
  • 1 granny smith apple
  • 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons pepitas, unsalted
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice


  1. In a bowl, add oil, vinegar, juices, and parsley. Whisk to blend.
  2. Spiralize the daikon and green apple. If you don’t have a spiralizer, feel free to chop it.
  3. Toss the daikon and green apple with the dressing. Allow to sit for 5 minutes so the flavors blend.


That is all for now,


have a happy and healthy week!


Dr. Hamel