The importance of healthy fat in your diet

The Importance of Fat in your Diet
Happy Monday everyone.  I wanted to let you all know that I will be heading out of town next week to present my paper in Washington DC!  So, there will be no newsletter next week.  I hope to report back with some awesome pictures!  And, as always… if you have topics you’d like to learn more about please let me know!

This week I just wanted to talk briefly about diet.  One thing in particular that is EXTREMELY important, and that has gotten a bad rap in the past.  I’m talking about FAT.

Everywhere you look the trend used to be low fat everything because the “media” told us that FAT=BAD.  Time magazine came out and told us that eggs and cholesterol were BAD.  Which is so False.  Eggs are rich in soo many vital nutrients, we should all eat eggs every day.

The perception was that you don’t want to eat Fat, because that will make you GAIN more weight(fat).  The myth is also that fat, especially saturated fat, is THE WORST.  So you must eat the trans fats.  Also, WRONG.  Thats when they came out with all the butter alternatives…

Those trans fats are terrible… They are processed and not true products.. foreign to our bodies.

Time magazine also came out with an article a couple years later, that basically said OOPS, sorry butter is actually not BAD, it’s GOOD, and saturated fat is not bad…..

This is why.  Fat is needed for a myriad of different functions within our body.  Cholesterol in general is VITAL and is needed to regulate hormones, maintains our cell membranes, converts sunshine to vitamin D, metabolizes fat soluble vitamins, insulates nerves, decreases inflammation and much more.

This is why saturated fat is not BAD… If cholesterol is within our cell membrane, how can eating it be bad?
Short answer, it can’t.  We need it!

Guess what, you can’t gain weight by eating saturated fat!   You can’t gain that which you make.  What DOES make you gain weight is dead carbs and sugar.   Dead carbs are things such as grains, breads, pasta, ect.  Anything processed is dead carbs, meaning it doesn’t nourish you.. just adds the pounds.  Good carbs are those from veggies and fruits.

We actually have a cholesterol deficiency in our society, because not enough people eat good saturated fats, and eat processed foods grains, sugar and dairy.  A lot of primary MD’s are also not willing to get out of the wrong mindset and still tell their patients that their cholesterol is too high or causing heart problems, ect.  You actually want your blood cholesterol to be between 180-220.  

This allows adequate fat for all those processes mentioned above.  Now, if you have above this level it means one of two things:

1. Your liver needs cleaning.  
Your liver/gallbladder is where you Break Down Fat.  If you have difficulty eating fatty foods, then your liver and gallbladder need some help.  That doesn’t mean you AVOID fats.  That means you work on clearing them out, un-spasming them so that they can do their job.

* If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, you will need to take a supplement to help break down fats for life.  It is VITAL, or else you won’t properly break down your fats, which you NEED.

2.  There is a fire somewhere.  What I mean by this is cholesterol rushes to areas of inflammation.  That’s why often times it goes to blood vessels that have been damaged.  It’s not the cholesterol thats the problem.  Cholesterol goes and patches stuff up…it’s whatever is causing the inflammation is the problem.
So, you need to find the FIRE.  Where is the inflammation in your body?  The gut is usually a good place to start.

You can also just genetically have a higher level of cholesterol, and that is OK.  That means your body just needs more!  There are safe ways to lower it if it gets too high, but in general the cholesterol is not the bad guy.


Now some people will say…. But I just Loveeee Carbs, and I can’t go without them!  And I can’t function without.
Many people with unresolved hypoglycemia feel that way. People that have to be eating carbs 4-6 times a day is a big indicator of blood sugar dys-regulation, and eating like that is a big stress on the hormones.

Carbs burn off like kindling on a fire. Switching your metabolism to set FAT on fire for energy that burns like coal, for hours on end!

I’m not saying don’t eat any carbs… Carbs from veggies and fruit and brown rice (couple times a week) are all VITAL.  But, in general we want to eat a low carb, and adequate fat and protein diet.

There are so manyyyy hormone dys-regulations in females and males because of not enough fat in their diets… remember saturated fat (avocados, butter, coconut oil) *All Organic.. are all good sources of fat.
Anything fried or processed are not actual good fats….

I hope this was helpful to you this week!  Remember eating fat does not equal gaining fat.  It is quite the opposite.  Eating more good fats allow you to burn more for longer periods.