Hormonally Charged Skin


Happy Monday Everyone! We’ve covered a lot this month all regarding the skin!  The brain connection, liver, gut…  Before we close out the Month of February (Time Flies), there’s one last topic we have yet to cover and that is hormones!

Now, I will say.. All of the above topics mentioned all need to be addressed when looking into the hormonal portion, and all I would look into FIRST since they are all inter-related.  

But, once you’ve addressed these, and there are still skin issues persisting, regulating the hormones is the next step. 


When we think of hormones and their relationship to the skin, we often think about a certain age when this is pretty visible.  The teenage years?  Am I right?  Throughout adolescence there is a big shift in our hormones and many ups and downs that take take place until we reach an age of maturity in this system. 

For instance, for females did you know that the female hormones cycle does not completely mature until around the age of 25?!  That means there will be a lot of fluctuations in this system as maturation is occurring.  Now, we know from our previous talks there there are also A LOT of hormones within our environment, products and food that can completely disrupt our hormonal systems, so we need to do as previously mentioned and clean out the liver. 

But, who uses those smelly products, lotions and potions the most? Who also is exposed to sugar, processed foods and hormone foods more? Yep teenagers.  They are exposed A LOT to hormones in their environment, and in the midst of trying to calibrate their own hormonal system in the process is difficult. 

So, first and foremost if you want to start balancing the hormones you got to do the above and get rid of hormones in the environment and clean up their diet.

It’s also ‘normal” in the US for girls to start their period between 6 to 8 years old! WHAT?!  Yes… it keeps getting younger and younger because of hormones in the environment.

But also, many teenage girls are given other options for literally any symptom they have with their cycles.  Cramps, moodiness, acne, heavy bleeding, bloating, headaches.  All given the magic pill,  birth control…. Well.. i mentioned it takes a WHILE to actually mature the hormone cycle.  So does birth control really help it along?  I’m sure you know the answer is NO.

Rather than give exogenous hormones, which they are already exposed too much to, what these girls really need is support to help as they mature through this phase of their life… Did you know cramping, bloating, mood swings, ect. are NOT normal?  Yep, these aren’t “normal” variants, despite what we’ve been told from generations down the line.  

When women, and let’s start with teens get these symptoms these are signs that the system is not balanced.  For teens again it takes many years, and they need support going through those fluctuations so these symptoms are less harsh or non existant.

For adult women, you need some serious balancing.  Clean out the liver, clean out the exogenous hormones and support the female organs. 

Birth control sets you up for failure. …..

If birth control is taken for the sole purpose to try and balance a menstrual cycle which is the majority of cases, it sets women up for future failure with their hormone regulation.  The longer you are on it, the more damaging it becomes.  But,  especially for our young girls, it is very damaging for their brains to confuse it with hormones.

Birth control has created a HUGE problem for fertility.  The pill hides problems that we don’t want to deal with.  And when you take hormones, the actual organs that were producing the hormones go on vacation, because they no longer have to produce them.  The longer you’re on birth control the harder it will be to conceive.

With our teens, it really short wires the brain giving birth control, and causes them to grow into that bad brain signaling pattern.  It also depletes the body of B vitamins and lowers the immune system.  A lack of these, you will also have skin problems.

So, if there are symptoms in a female because of hormone issues like acne (since we are talking about the skin), DON’T give them birth control, support the brain as its maturing to handle the ups and downs instead.

Many skin related hormonal issues can he helped a ton through brain support, liver support, taking out all the sugar and giving craniopathy care. 

Now, this isn’t for just teens.  Ladies if you have skin problems associated with your hormones, you need to clean out your body and start regulating that brain signal.  Patterns can be changed, epigenetics can be changed, and you can change those hormonal patterns even in your children. Genetics do play a role in the clearing of the estrogen load we place our bodies in, but they can be helped and changed. 

For men…
Yes hormonal changes are not just for women.  In fact, you can actually transfer hormones through the skin.  So if your women is taking birth control and you nuzzle up to her, you can become estrogen dominant as well.  All hormones transfer through the skin. Women, if your man is taking testosterone supplementation, that means you’ll get more than you need as well.

If you have skin related problems, the same goes for you.  You need to clean out the estrogen and toxins, and help support the male hormone pathways through specific nutrients needed.  For instance, men need a good amount of Zinc for sperm production and other hormonal balancing.  But most men are depleted in it.  Stop spraying the axe body sprays and deodorants.  You’re messing up your hormones and your future kids hormones.  Also your skin will be no bueno.

When you balance the liver, gut, brain and hormones, you will have to choice but to have radiant skin!  But remember, always look to the sources.  Giving things to cover symptoms will help for awhile but can cause further problems later on such as fertility, low libido and others, not to mention increased aging in your skin. 

Good hormone balancing means great supple flawless skin!

Oil of the WEEK.

The oil of the week this week is Immortelle.Powerfully renewing, this proprietary blend combines rare essential oils that have been use throughout history for their beautifying benefits. Immortelle Anti-Aging Blend is formulated to support and nourish the skin while helping to reduce contributing factors to the appearance of aging skin. These unique essential oils were expertly selected to help sustain smoother, more radiant, and youthful-looking skin. Immortelle easily absorbs into the skin and can be used on the face, neck, and décolletage to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and aging skin.


Apply a thin layer of Immortelle to the face, neck, and decolletage, then repeat application to targeted areas. Follow with the doTERRA moisturizer of your choice.

Apply to reduce the appearance of blemishes.




Thats all for now..


Have a happy and healthy week!


Dr. Hamel